John Kerry on Gun Control
Jr Senator (MA), Democratic nominee for President
Country less safe-terrorists can now buy assault weapons
Q: You said if Congress would vote to extend the ban on assault weapons, that you'd sign the legislation, but you did nothing to encourage Congress to extend it. BUSH: I did think we ought to extend the assault weapons ban and was told the bill was
never going to move. I believe law-abiding citizens ought to be able to own a gun. I believe in background checks. The best way to protect our citizens from guns is to prosecute those who commit crimes with guns.
KERRY: I am a hunter. I'm a gun owner.
I'm also a former law enforcement officer. I ran one of the largest district attorney's offices in America. I know something about prosecuting. Most of the law enforcement agencies wanted that assault weapons ban. They don't want to go into a drug bust
and be facing an AK-47. Because of the president's decision today, law enforcement officers will walk into a place that will be more dangerous. Terrorists can now come to America, go to a gun show and, without a background check, buy an assault weapon.
Source: [Xref Bush] Third Bush-Kerry debate, in Tempe AZ
, Oct 13, 2004
Supports 2nd Amendment, but wants to ban assault weapons
Let me be clear. I support the Second Amendment. I am a gun owner. I am a hunter. {Kerry justified the ban because no hunter uses assault weapons.} George Bush chose to make the job of terrorists easier, and the job of police officers harder.
Source: Editorial in Washington Times
, Sep 15, 2004
Gun owner & hunter, but rights come with responsibility
John Kerry is a gun owner and hunter, and he believes that law-abiding American adults have the right to own guns. But like all of our rights, gun rights come with responsibilities,
and those rights allow for reasonable restrictions to keep guns out of the wrong hands. John Kerry strongly supports all of the federal gun laws on the books, and he would take steps to ensure that they are vigorously enforced,
cracking down hard on the gun runners, corrupt dealers, straw buyers, and thieves that are putting guns into the hands of criminals in the first place. He will also close the gun show loophole,
which is allowing criminals to get access to guns at gun shows without background checks, fix the background check system, which is in a serious state of disrepair, and require that all handguns be sold with a child safety lock.
Source: 2004 Senate campaign website, JohnKerry.com, "Issues"
, Mar 21, 2004
Democratic Party shouldn't be for the NRA
Q: Do you find it necessary to kill animals for photo-ops? A: I don't think the Democratic Party should be the candidacy of the NRA. And when I was fighting to ban assault weapons in 1992 and 1993, Dean was appealing to the NRA for their endorsement,
and he got it. I believe it's important for us to have somebody who is going to stand up for gun safety in America and make certain that we make our streets safe, our children safe, and not allow people to get assault weapons in America.
Source: CNN "Rock The Vote" Democratic Debate
, Nov 5, 2003
Supports assault weapons ban & Brady Bill
Q: Your views on gun safety.KERRY: There's a story in today's Washington Post that says that Democrats are going to run away from the issue of gun safety.
I don't think that we can get elected nationally if we are not prepared to stand up against powerful special interests. Too many die each year from guns. I am for the assault weapons ban. I'm for the Brady Bill.
Source: Democratic Presidential 2004 Primary Debate in Detroit
, Oct 27, 2003
Prevent unauthorized firearm use with "smart gun" technology.
Kerry signed the manifesto, "A New Agenda for the New Decade":
Make America the Safest Big Country in the World
After climbing relentlessly for three decades, crime rates started to fall in the 1990s. Nonetheless, the public remains deeply concerned about the prevalence of gun violence, especially among juveniles, and Americans still avoid public spaces like downtown retail areas, parks, and even sports facilities.
We need to keep policing smart and community-friendly, prohibiting unjust and counterproductive tactics such as racial profiling; focus on preventing as well as punishing crime; pay attention to what happens to inmates and their families after sentencing; use mandatory testing and treatment to break the cycle of drugs and crime; and enforce and strengthen laws against unsafe or illegal guns. Moreover, we need a renewed commitment to equal justice for all, and we must reject a false choice between justice and safety.
Technology can help in many areas: giving police more information on criminal
suspects so they do not rely on slipshod, random stop-and-search methods; allowing lower-cost supervision of people on probation or parole; and making it possible to disable and/or trace guns used by unauthorized persons.
Above all, we need to remember that public safety is the ultimate goal of crime policy. Until Americans feel safe enough to walk their neighborhood streets, enjoy public spaces, and send their children to school without fear of violence, we have not achieved public safety.
Goals for 2010 - Reduce violent crime rates another 25 percent.
- Cut the rate of repeat offenses in half.
- Develop and require smart gun technology to prevent use of firearms by unauthorized persons and implement sensible gun control measures.
- Ban racial profiling by police but encourage criminal targeting through better information on actual suspects.
- Require in-prison and post-prison drug testing and treatment of all drug offenders.
Source: The Hyde Park Declaration 00-DLC11 on Aug 1, 2000
Rated F by the NRA, indicating a pro-gun control voting record.
Kerry scores F by NRA on pro-gun rights policies
While widely recognized today as a major political force and as America`s foremost defender of Second Amendment rights, the National Rifle Association (NRA) has, since its inception, been the premier firearms education organization in the world. But our successes would not be possible without the tireless efforts and countless hours of service our nearly three million members have given to champion Second Amendment rights and support NRA programs.
The following ratings are based on lifetime voting records on gun issues and the results of a questionaire sent to all Congressional candidates; the NRA assigned a letter grade (with A+ being the highest and F being the lowest).
Source: NRA website 02n-NRA on Dec 31, 2003
Close the Gun Show Loophole; restrict show sales.
Kerry signed H.R.2324& S.843
Makes it unlawful for any person to operate a gun show unless such person: - has attained 21 years of age;
- is not prohibited from transporting, shipping, or receiving firearms and has not violated any federal firearms requirements;
- has registered with the Attorney General as a gun show operator and has provided a photograph and fingerprints;
- has not concealed material information nor made false statements in connection with a gun show operator registration; and
- notifies the Attorney General of the date, time, and duration of a gun show not later than 30 days before the commencement of such show and verifies the identity of each vendor at the gun show.
Imposes recordkeeping requirements on gun show operators and criminal penalties for failure to register as a gun show operator and maintain required records. Increases criminal penalties for serious recordkeeping violations and violations of criminal background check requirements. Authorizes the Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to hire additional investigators to carry out inspections of gun shows.
Source: Gun Show Loophole Closing Act 09-HR2324 on May 7, 2009
Page last updated: Nov 22, 2024; copyright 1999-2022 Jesse Gordon and OnTheIssues.org