1954: Communists understand nothing but massive retaliation
Nixon said that a policy of weakness leads only to war: "The only language the Communists understand is a policy of strength & firmness. We adopted a new military program which provides that when overt aggression occurs, we will place our primary relianc
on our massive mobile retaliatory power to be used at our discretion against the major source of aggression where or whenever it occurs." Harry Truman's foreign policy was "characterized by weakness and surrender of principle at the conference table."
Source: Ike and Dick, by Jeffrey Frank, p. 95
, Nov 5, 2013
Madman theory: fake nuke strike on USSR to end Vietnam War
During Nixon's first year in office, he and his national security advisor, Henry Kissinger, cooked up a plan to end the Vietnam War by pretending to launch a nuclear strike against the Soviet Union. They code-named the operation Giant Lance.
On Oct. 27
1969, a squadron of 18 B-52s "began racing from the western US toward the eastern border of the Soviet Union. The pilots flew for 18 hours without rest. Each plane was loaded with nuclear weapons."
This was one of a bunch of military measures aimed at
putting our nuclear forces on higher state readiness. We had destroyers, cruisers, and aircraft carriers doing all kinds of maneuvers in the Atlantic, Mediterranean, Gulf of Aden, and Sea of Japan. This was all executed secretly but designed to be
detectable--but supposedly not alarming--to the leadership of the Kremlin. And our commanders-in-chief (CINCs) had no idea why Nixon had ordered the "Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) Readiness Test," also to become known as the "madman theory."
OpEd: Panicked on Pentagon Papers because of CIA exposure
In 1971, Daniel Ellsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers to the media, secret policy documents about the Vietnam War buildup, and Nixon went ballistic. That's what first spawned the Plumbers, who mounted a covert "op" to break into the office of
Ellsberg's psychiatrist, with assistance from the CIA's Office of Security. Except, it wasn't only the Pentagon Papers that worried the CIA. "Their concern--indeed what seems to have been their panic," focused around Ellsberg's friendship with Francis
On the night of Nixon's big speech, four College Republicans grabbed a cab to the Convention Center.. But the cabbie drove out of the security zone, [and got] swarmed with tens of thousands of protesters. Some began rocking the taxi. The cabbie panicked,
ordered us out, and hightailed it to safety. Angry, screaming antiwar hippies began spitting at us and pounding the pavement with long bamboo sticks while chanting "guilty, guilty, guilty."
There was tear gas in the air, fired in response to protesters
1972 convention speech marred by antiwar riots & teargas
On the night of Nixon's big speech, four College Republicans grabbed a cab to the Convention Center.. But the cabbie drove out of the security zone, [and got] swarmed with tens of thousands of protesters. Some began rocking the taxi. The cabbie panicked,
ordered us out, and hightailed it to safety. Angry, screaming antiwar hippies began spitting at us and pounding the pavement with long bamboo sticks while chanting "guilty, guilty, guilty."
There was tear gas in the air, fired in response to protesters
who had thrown animal blood at those manning the barricades. With help from riot police who ventured out with bayoneted rifles to gather us up, we made it inside the sally port. We took our seats in an arena filled with delegates, many of whom were
coughing or suffering watery eyes from tear gas. It was a surreal way to arrive at Nixon's opening speech.
The 1972 campaign's final weeks saw McGovern drawing huge crowds of enthusiastic antiwar supporters. But Nixon swept 49 states on Election Day.
1972: Mobbed by anti-war hippies at Nixon convention speech
On the night of Nixon's speech, four College Republicans grabbed a cab to the Convention Center. But the cabbie got lost, and we were swarmed with thousands of protesters. Some began rocking the taxi. The cabbie panicked, ordered us out, and hightailed i
to safety. At first, the angry, screaming antiwar hippies didn't impede out progress toward the Convention Center a few hundred yards away. As we got closer to the gate, however, they grew more aggressive and began spitting at us and pounding the pavemen
with long bamboo sticks while chanting "guilty, guilty, guilty."
There was tear gas in the air. With help from riot police, we made it inside the sally port. It was a surreal way to arrive at President Nixon's opening speech.
The 1972 campaign's fina
weeks saw McGovern drawing huge crowds of enthusiastic antiwar supporters. But Nixon swept 49 states on Election Day. Even among the young, Nixon fared well. Exit polls showed the 18-to-24-year-old vote went 50% for McGovern and 48% for Nixon.
1972: Signed first SALT treaty during visit to Moscow
In 1974 Brezhnev, while professing his wish to end the arms race, for years had been investing Russia's wealth in an ongoing buildup of its armies and their weapons, to an extent that the economy as a whole was stagnating. The USSR and the
US had signed the first Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty (SALT I) when Nixon had visited Moscow two years earlier, but Russia's continued testing of nuclear weapons was a matter of great concern to the US government.
Source: True Compass, by Edward M. Kennedy, p.338
, Sep 14, 2009
1968: Secret plan to end war morphed to secret bombings
The policy of "Vietnamization" soon took hold--in public, at least. There was an increasing perception in the country that Vietnam was no longer "Johnson's war," it was now "Nixon's war" --a scalding rebuke to a president who'd campaigned on the promise
that he had "a secret plan" to end the war. I always doubted Nixon ever had such a plan. But as American casualties mounted in the spring of 1969, he began to improvise secret tactics.
One of them was the bombing of presumed enemy supply lines in neighboring Cambodia. This operation did not remain "secret" for very long.
Nixon's outrage over leaks and supposed leaks escalated his impulse toward surveillance telephone taps, procurement of personal records, and ultimately, the bugging of the Democratic offices at the new Watergate apartment and office complex in Washington
McCain's snap take on events, as captured in his 1970's U.S. News essay, contained plenty of analysis and depictions that went missing in his subsequent statements about Vietnam.
He gave hawkish testament to the "caliber" and "courage" of President Nixon in mining Hanoi Harbor and bombing Cambodia, acts he credited with ending the war. "He has a long background in dealing with these people.
He know how to use the carrot and the stick," he wrote. "We're stronger than the Communists, so they were willing to negotiate. Force is what they understand.
And that's why it is difficult for me to understand now, when everybody knows bombing finally got a cease-fire agreement, why people are still criticizing his foreign policy."
OpEd: Sought only to get out of Vietnam on honorable terms
In Vietnam, reprehensible as well were the timid strategies of President Lyndon Johnson and Secretary of Defense Robert MacNamara--their refusal to bomb the North, allowing sanctuaries for enemy troops, absurd limitations on the bombing of enemy missile
sites, even in the South; and generally fighting a half-hearted war. But Tin said that Hanoi could not have won if Johnson had approved General William Westmoreland's requests to enter Laos and block the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Instead, our political
leadership ensured that the war could not be won. By the time Richard Nixon came to office, the opportunity to win was gone, and he sought only to get out on honorable terms. But Congress, now cowed and sick of the effort, refused assistance to the
South Vietnamese after American troops were brought home. It may or may not have been a mistake to get involved in Vietnam; it was most certainly a mistake and worse, having gotten involved, not to fight to win.
[After delays in supplying Israel in the Yom Kippur War in 1973], Nixon was especially angered when he learned that the 5 Phantom jets he had ordered sent to Israel 3 days earlier had not left America. "Do it now!" Nixon snapped at Kissinger.
ordered an immediate airlift. He said to stop worrying about the Soviets and Arabs. "We are going to get blamed just as much for 3 planes as 300." To Kissinger, Nixon said, "Use every one [plane] we have--everything that can fly."
The mammoth airlift
is an example of another Nixonian rule: "Sometimes leaders are hesitant about executing strong and controversial measures in the belief that a less than full-hearted operation mutes criticism. When you once decide," Nixon said to a group of us, "go with
all your might."
Nixon, against the recommendations of his cabinet, weighed in with all his might to aid Israel. Because of the airlift, Israel moved from the defensive to the offensive in its confrontation with the Syrians and Egyptians.
Nixon recognized the very real political danger of having a Communist regime 90 miles off the American coast. He placed far greater reliance on the CIA's creation of a paramilitary force to unleash against the Castro regime. As one of the few people
outside of Eisenhower's staff and the CIA itself to know about the covert project, he counted on an invasion, initially set for September, as his political trump card, an election-eve coup that would loudly trumpet the Eisenhower-Nixon supremacy in
matters of foreign policy. The VP's confidence was short-lived; to his exasperation, the CIA plan began to unravel.
All summer and into the fall campaign, he pushed Ike to act on Cuba, only to be told that the CIA-backed operation was not ready to be
put into place. Moreover, Eisenhower was insisting that in advance of the invitation a Cuban government-in-exile 1st be established.
Fidel Castro himself spent much of September 1960 in NY, using the UN as his pulpit for spouting anti-American rhetoric
[Arab-Israeli] peace must be grounded in concrete security arrangements reinforced with a balance of power. Any US-mediated peace settlement must have four objectives:
full diplomatic recognition of Israel by its neighbors
secure borders for
return to Arab states of territories captured in 1967, and
self-government for the Palestinians.
If Arab leaders will not accept the reality of Israel after
48 years, they are interested not in a peace settlement, but in a temporary armistice. If Israel agrees to return the occupied territories, we should enter a mutual security treaty with Israel stipulating that a conventional attack on
Israel will be treated like an attack on the United State. The United States needs to craft additional measures to ensure that the loss of land would not mean a loss of security for Israel.
The United States needs to craft additional measures to ensure that the loss of land would not mean a loss of security for Israel.
To achieve Palestinian self-government, the United States should seek to resuscitate the Camp David formula--local
Palestinian autonomy in association with Jordan phased in over a multiyear transition period.
Palestinians must accept the fact that refugees from the 1948 war--who together with their descendants now number 3 million--will not return to their homes in
Israel proper.
We should engage in broad discussions with each side to explore their ideas for an adequate security framework. We should then determine what kind of settlement would be fair and feasible.
Only after we identify the general outlines of such an agreement should we embark on the contentious task of crafting provisions and language for a formal treaty.
Victory of freedom is a cause greater than winning Cold War
Today, we are witnessing one of the great watersheds in history. The Cold War world order--based on two clashing ideologies, two opposing geopolitical blocs, and two competing superpowers--has been irrevocably shattered. We now have a cause even greater
than the defeat of communism--the victory of freedom. If we meet the challenges of peace, our legacy will be not just that we saved the world from communism but that we helped make the world safe for freedom.
Instead of complaining about international
competition, we should welcome it.
America needs a National Economic Council with a status equal to the National Security Council. In our embassies abroad and our bureaucracies at home, economic issues must receive the same priority attention as
political and military issues.
The US will lose its economic and technological edge if we fail to do a better job of educating young American for the tasks they must perform as we move from an industrial to a high-tech economy.
Our mission was not completed with the defeat of communism
The world has not changed to the extent that we can ignore the realities of power politics. But it has changed enough so that we can devote more resources and attention to issues other than security in the narrowest sense. Our motif should be the concept
of practical idealism. Beyond its security concerns, the US has a profound interest in the survival of democratic states, and the promotion of democratic forms of government.
Our mission was not completed with the defeat of communism.
We must now work to ensure the success of freedom. Winning a revolution is not easy, but governing after winning is far more difficult. This is the challenge facing the new democracies in Eastern Europe and the new noncommunist governments in
Moscow and the former Soviet republics. We should bear in mind that many East Europeans chose freedom primarily because they hated communism, not because they loved capitalism. Democracy, free markets, and private enterprise are on trial.
We liberated Kuwait, then royals shockingly refused reforms
The refusal of the Kuwaiti royal family to adopt meaningful democratic reforms after the liberation of their country from Saddam Hussein is a shocking example of the insensitivity of too many nonelected authoritarian rulers in the Muslim world.
In supporting a friendly but nondemocratic ruler, we should make it clear that we do not support government systems that give no voice to the people over whom they rule.
Source: Seize the Moment, by Richard Nixon, p.203
, Jan 15, 1992
Bomb Saddam's suspected WMD sites if he fails UN compliance
In the Gulf War, the US-led coalition scored a knockdown but not a knockout. We won round one, but Saddam Hussein's strategy is to go the distance. Because he knows that he cannot fight us toe-to-toe, Saddam will try to win on points by staying in power,
recovering gradually, retaining his weapons of mass destruction, and waiting for the US to lose patience and throw in the towel. While we should allow Iraq to purchase some humanitarian supplies, we must keep the sanctions in place as long as he remains
in power. We should insist that Iraq fully comply with the UN resolutions calling for the destruction of its chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons facilities. If Saddam Hussein persists in playing cat and mouse with the
UN officials, we should bomb sites suspected of containing equipment and material related to producing weapons of mass destruction.
Israel-Palestine solution is land-for-peace formula
There are 3 reasons why we must press forward with the peace process based on the land-for-peace formula.
The Arab-Israeli conflict totally distorts our foreign aid budget.
The Arab-Israeli conflict poisons our relations with the Muslim world and undercuts our ability to cooperate with countries with modernist, pro-Western leaders.
More than any other flash point, the Arab-Israeli conflict poses the danger of dragging the US into a war involving the use of nuclear weapons.
If Israel annexes these lands, its security problem will become a national problem, as intractable as those in multinational states such as Iraq and the Soviet Union.
On Oct. 12, 1973, Egyptian and Syrian troops attacked Israel. After some initial Arab successes, the Israelis turned the tide. The Soviets countered by airlifting arms to their Egyptian and Syrian allies. The Arabs had already imposed an oil embargo
against us, and many felt that sending additional arms to Israel would do irreparable damage to our relations. The Defense Department finally agreed on a proposal for sending three C-5A planeloads of arms to Israel.
I asked, "Why send only 3?" The
reply was that 3 was the maximum the Pentagon felt the political situation could bear.
I said I would take responsibility for the politics. I knew we would take no more heat for sending 30 than sending 3. "Use every one we have," I said. "Tell them to
send everything that can fly." Our 550-mission airlift, which was far bigger than the Berlin airlift of 1948-49, helped the Israelis prevail and set the stage for successful shuttle diplomacy, which produced mutual withdrawal agreements on both fronts.
Afghan invasion shows that whole world affects US security
In a carefully prepared and brazenly executed move, the Soviets invaded Afghanistan on Christmas Eve. President Amin was killed; a reliably pliant Soviet puppet was put in as Amin's replacement. The proud people of Afghanistan were crushed, and Russia
came one country closer to achieving its goals of a warm-water port on the Arabian Sea and control over the oil of the Persian Gulf.
The Soviet seizure of Afghanistan is a continuation of the old tsarist imperialism. It also is a stark reminder that
America no longer has the luxury of considering any place on earth too remote to affect its own security.
What made the fall of Afghanistan so significant a loss to the West was not just the fate of its 18 million people, nor its strategic location.
But it did not occur in isolation. It was part of a pattern of ceaseless building by the Soviets toward a position of overwhelmingly military force, to take over one country after another, until they are in a position to conquer or Finlandize the world.
WWIII has been waged between US and USSR since 1945
World War III began before WWII ended: Stalin had his eye clearly fixed on his postwar objectives for a divided postwar world. WWIII has proceeded from the Soviet seizure of Eastern Europe, through the communist conquest of China, the wars in Korea and
Indochina, and the establishment of a western hemisphere outpost of the Soviet power in Cuba, to the present thrusts by the Soviet Union and its allies into Africa, the Islamic crescent, and Central America. The expansionism has been accompanied by a
prodigious military buildup that has brought the Soviet Union on the verge of the decisive supremacy over the West.
WWIII is the first truly global war. No corner of the earth is beyond its reach. The US & the Soviet Union have both become global
powers, and whatever affects the balance between us anywhere affects that balance everywhere. Military power, economic power, willpower, and the clarity of a nation's sense of purpose--each of these is vital to the outcome.
Radical Iraq is now the most powerful military force in the Gulf. Its military strength is overwhelming in strictly regional terms. Even without any further Soviet support, the Iraqis could move with impunity anywhere they decided to: in Kuwait,
Saudi Arabia, or Iran.
Iraqi military forces have already been deployed against Kuwait--in 1961 and again in 1973. In the 1961 incident the British and the other Arabs forced the Iraqis to pull their massed troops back from the Kuwait border.
In the 1973 incident, however, the Iraqis did not back down, but took some Kuwaiti territory. Iraq has since settled its border differences with Kuwait, but the possibility of future problems remains.
The vast majority of the crude oil reserves in the
Persian Gulf are within a few hundred miles of the Iraqi border--in the nearby areas of Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and UAE. The payoff for a successful Iraqi move into any one or all of these areas would be an enormous transfer of assets.
The Palestinian time bomb must be defused before we face another Yom Kippur crisis. It would be presumptuous and foolhardy to suggest that there is some magic formula, some quick fix, for solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. There are, however, some
basic principles that must form the foundation of any viable policy.
Whatever group does in fact or claims to represent the Palestinians must recognize Israel's right to exist in peace and must reject the use of terrorism or armed actions against
Israel or Israeli citizens.
Israel must comply with the provisions of UN Resolution 242 with regard to the return of occupied territories. However, Israel is entitled to secure borders and cannot and should not be expected to agree to setting up a
hostile armed state in its gut on the West Bank.
Occupied territories that are returned should be demilitarized.
Jordan can play a constructive role in resolving the Palestinian issue.
Israel demonstrated in 4 wars that it can hold its own against its neighbors. But if the Soviet Union were to stage a full-scale intervention, as it threatened to do in 1973, Israel would go down the tube. Even if Israel has or acquires nuclear weapons,
its modest nuclear capability would not be a deterrent against the nuclear might of the Soviet Union. The key to Israel's survival, therefore, is our determination to hold the ring against the Soviets.
Our airlift to Israel and the alert of our forces
which I ordered in 1973 with the knowledge that these actions might lead to an Arab oil embargo were a demonstration of how far the US will go to keep our commitment to Israel's survival and to prevent Soviet intervention in the area.
But that decision
was a close call then and it will be even closer in the future as the Soviets gain clear nuclear superiority. The Palestinian issue is a rallying cry for radical forces throughout the area and is constantly exploited by the Soviet Union.
Vietnam goals: de-Americanize; pacify; then withdrawal
When I took office in 1969 it was obvious the American strategy in Vietnam needed drastic version. My administration was committed to formulating a strategy that would end American involvement in the war and enable South Vietnam to win.
Our goals were:
Reverse the "Americanization" of the war that had occurred from 1965 to 1968 and concentrate instead on Vietnamization.
Give more priority to pacification so that the South Vietnamese could be better able to extend their control
over the countryside.
Reduce the invasion threat by destroying enemy sanctuaries and supply lines in Cambodia and Laos.
Withdraw the half million American troops from Vietnam in a way that would not bring about a collapse in the South.
Negotiate a cease-fire and a peace treaty.
Demonstrate our willingness and determination to stand by our ally if the peace agreement was violated by Hanoi, and assure South Vietnam that it would continue to receive our military aid.
GOP isn't trigger-happy; we ended wars while Dems joined
Q: Kennedy used the words "trigger-happy" in referring to your stand on defending the islands of Quemoy and Matsu.
NIXON: The statement that Senator Kennedy made to the effect that my stand on Quemoy and Matsu was an indication of trigger-happy
Republicans: I resent that comment; it's an implication that Republicans would lead this nation into war. In the past fifty years, I would ask Kennedy to name one Republican president who led this nation into war. There were three Democratic presidents
who led us into war. I do not mean by that that one party is a war party and the other party is a peace party. But I do say that any statement to the effect that the Republican party is trigger-happy is belied by the record. We had a war when we
came into power in 1953. We got rid of that; we've kept out of other wars; and certainly that doesn't indicate that we're trigger-happy. We've been strong, but we haven't been trigger-happy.
To win Cold War, launch offensive for hearts & minds & souls
Q: You emphasize that the US is doing basically well in the cold war. Are we?
NIXON: No matter how well we're doing in the cold war, we're not doing as well as we should. And that will always be the case as long as the Communists are on the
international scene, with the aggressive tendencies that they presently are following. I'm not satisfied with what we're doing in the cold war because I believe we have to step up our activities and launch an offensive for the minds and hearts and souls
of men. It must be economic; it must be technological; above all it must be ideological. But we've got to get help from the Congress in order to do this.
KENNEDY: We have not maintained our position and our prestige. Various reports of Congressional
committees all indicate that the relative strength of the US both militarily, politically, psychologically, and scientifically and industrially--compared to that of the Soviet Union & the Chinese Communists together--has deteriorated in the last 8 years.
1968 vague plan to end war accepted by both hawks & doves
One factor that contributed to Nixon's victory in 1968 was that he had "a plan to end the war in Vietnam." Vaguely couched, the pledge could be accepted by both doves and hawks who could respectively interpret such a plan as either withdrawing US troops
or stepping up our involvement to achieve victory. Although Nixon's critics viewed the plan as a cynical campaign ploy, Nixon did have a plan--which he revealed only to intimates. It was to "Vietnamize" the war by gradually withdrawing US troops.
Nixon worked out a timetable for US withdrawal and entered into direct negotiations with the North Vietnamese on political and military issues.
Since Ho Chi Minh believed that antiwar protests would force Nixon to pull out US troops unilaterally, he
was not interested in peace negotiations. To enter such talks would be to admit that the North Vietnam Army (NVA) was in South Vietnam, when they maintained the fiction that it was only the South Vietnamese people revolting against the Saigon government.
North Vietnam refused to negotiate in 1968; willing in 1972
Since Ho Chi Minh believed that antiwar protests would force Nixon to pull out US troops unilaterally, he was not interested in peace negotiations [and hence turned down Nixon's offer to negotiate]. To enter such talks would be to admit that the North
Vietnam Army (NVA) was in South Vietnam, when they maintained the fiction that it was only the South Vietnamese people revolting against the Saigon government. But by the election year of 1972, North Vietnam was forced to reassess its opposition
to peace negotiations for three reasons.
Nixon's "triangular" diplomacy in quest of detente now meant that North Vietnam could no longer count on Beijing and Moscow for unqualified support.
The South Vietnam army's mining of
Haiphong Harbor in the spring had halted the NVA offensive in its tracks. The south was reasserting itself.
And the North Vietnamese could read the US polls, which indicated that Nixon would defeat McGovern by a landslide.
Operation Vulture: Nuke Vietnam if North overruns South
When the Viet Minh surrounded the French army at Dien Bien Phu [in 1954], Nixon grew more hawkish still, telling news editors he supported sending "American boys" to replace them. He backed a secret plan, "Operation Vulture," to drop atom bombs on
Ho Chi Minh's [North Vietnamese] forces should the French forces get overrun. "We simply cannot afford further losses in Asia," he said
Source: Kennedy & Nixon, by Chris Matthews, p. 95
, Jun 3, 1996
1965: If we give up Vietnam, Pacific Ocean becomes a Red Sea
[The US policy of] "measured response" meant take only those steps that the adversary's conduct justifies. In the war with North Vietnam, the policy now translated to step-by-step escalation. Unwilling to fight a war of annihilation, the US had joined in
a war of attrition designed to keep Russia and China from entering the struggle. One man not satisfied with the strategy was Richard Nixon. He called Johnson's mention of "negotiations" a veiled move to capitulate that "would reward aggression". He was
far tougher on Johnson's critics, accusing them of advocating "appeasement and retreat." "If the US gives up Vietnam, the Pacific Ocean will become a Red Sea," Nixon wrote in the Reader's Digest. "The true enemy behind the Viet Cong and North Vietnam is
China. If Vietnam is lost, Cambodia, and Laos would inevitably fall under Communist domination." He warned that the felled dominoes would position the Communist Chinese "only 14 miles from the Philippines and less than 100 miles from Australia."
1975 loss in Vietnam led to Communism in Laos & Cambodia
In Vietnam, we sought to defend our critical interests in Southeast Asia. First of all, we wanted to prevent Moscow from gaining a foothold along the vital sealanes connecting the Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean to the Pacific, through which Japan ships
almost all of its oil imports. When Hanoi prevailed in 1975, Moscow did not wait long before setting up major naval bases in Cam Ranh Bay and Danang. We also wanted to stop North Vietnam's expansionism.
After its victory, our fears were confirmed when
the Vietnamese Communists quickly took over Cambodia and Laos and overtly threatened Thailand.
Even so, we attained part of our goal. We preserved the freedom of our friends and allies for more than a decade. More important, by holding off the North
Vietnamese until the mid 1970's, the regions developing countries won valuable time. Singapore's Lee Kwan Yew said, "American involvement in Vietnam had given Southeast Asia 10 years of breathing space."
Goal was Vietnamization, pacification, & US withdrawal
In 1969, my administration was committed to formulating a strategy that would end American involvement in the war and enable South Vietnam to win. Our goals were to:
Reverse the "Americanization" of the war that had occurred from 1965 to 1968 and
concentrate instead on Vietnamization.
Give more priority to pacification so that the South Vietnamese could be better able to extend their control over the countryside.
Reduce the invasion threat by destroying enemy sanctuaries & supply lines in
Cambodia and Laos.
Withdraw the half million American troops from Vietnam in a way that would not bring about a collapse in the South.
Negotiate a cease-fire and a peace treaty.
Demonstrate our willingness and determination to
stand by our ally if the peace agreement was violated by Hanoi, and assure South Vietnam that it would continue to receive our military aid as Hanoi did from its allies, the Soviet Union and, to lesser extent, China.
Cambodia: Secret bombing was invited by Prince Sihanouk
In 1968 Prince Sihanouk said "We don't want any Vietnamese in Cambodia.We will be very glad if you solve our problem..I want you to force the Vietcong to leave Cambodia."
In March 1969, in response to a major new offensive that the
North Vietnamese had launched against our forces in South Vietnam, I ordered the bombing of enemy-occupied base areas in Cambodia. The bombing was not publicly announced because of our concern that if it were Sihanouk would be forced to object to it.
However, even after it was disclosed by leads to the New York Times in April, Sihanouk did not object. On the contrary, in May
1969, two months after the bombing had started, he said, "Cambodia only protests against the destruction of the property and lives of Cambodians.If there is a buffalo or any other Cambodian killed, I will be informed immediately....and I will protest."
We won militarily in Vietnam, & then threw away our victory
By following strategy I initiated in 1969, we and the South Vietnamese were able to win the war militarily by Jan. 1973. The 550,000 American troops that were in Vietnam had been withdrawn and South Vietnam was able to defend itself.
But the public had
been so misinformed and misled by unwise government actions and the shallow, inflammatory treatment of events by the media that morale within the US collapsed just when the North was overwhelmingly defeated on the battlefield. We won a victory after a
long hard struggle, but then we threw it away.
The war-making capacity of North Vietnam had been virtually destroyed by the bombings in Dec. 1972, and we had the means to make and enforce a just peace, a peace with honor. But we were denied these means
when Congress prohibited military operations. A major part of the blame must be borne by those who encouraged war in the 1960's, and who then by their later actions sabotaged our efforts to get us out in an acceptable way in the 1970's.
One of them asked whether I had any regrets for ordering the "invasion" of Cambodia in 1970. I answered that my only regret was that I had not done it sooner. I am sure that most did not agree with the answer, but the unexpected
sharpness of the rejoinder brought a burst of applause. I added that to accuse the US of "invading" North Vietnamese-occupied areas of Cambodia in 1970 would be like accusing the Allies of "invading" German-occupied France in 1944.
Source: In The Arena, by Richard Nixon, p. 47
, Nov 30, 1978
Took hard line against Vietnam draft dodgers
One way to hasten the healing process and draw a real distinction between the Nixon and Ford Administrations would be to do something about the 50,000 draft evaders and deserters from the Vietnam War.
After the Civil War, Lincoln had offered deserters
restoration of their rights if they withdrew support from the enemy and swore allegiance to the Union. He was criticized for being too lenient, but his was probably the right decision at the time. Nixon had maintained a tough approach. Because draft
evaders and deserters had broken the law, he felt, they should be punished before being allowed to return to society.
In a speech to the VFW on August 19, I announced, "I am throwing the weight of my Presidency into the scales of justice on the
side of leniency. I foresee their earned reentry--earned reentry--into a new atmosphere of hope, hard work, and mutual trust."
For the first time in 12 years, America is at peace
Tonight, for the first time in 12 years, a President of the United States can report to the Congress on the state of a Union at peace with every nation of the world. Because of this, in state of the Union message, I will be able to deal primarily with
the problems of peace--with what we can do here at home in America for the American people--rather than with the problems of war.
Five years ago, when I took the oath of office as your President, America was at war in Southeast Asia.
We were locked in confrontation with the Soviet Union. We were in hostile isolation from a quarter of the world's people who lived in Mainland China. Five years ago, our cities were burning and besieged. Five years ago, our college campuses were a
As we look at America today, we find ourselves challenged by new problems. We met the challenges we faced 5 years ago, and we will be equally confident of meeting those that we face today.
FactCheck: No, Vietnam War ended in 1975, not 1973
Nixon said on 1/30/74, "For the first time in 12 years...the US [is] at peace with every nation of the world," meaning the Vietnam War had ended. That statement was untrue.
Nixon declared the Vietnam War "ended" as of 3/29/73. But there was no legal
meaning to that "end"--Nixon only marked that date because the last official US combat troops left Vietnam. In fact, there were thousands more troops still in Vietnam. To highlight:
From 3/1/75 onward, 49,000 Americans--plus 110,000 Vietnamese
refugees--left Vietnam.
On 4/30/75, the last US Marines actually left Vietnam, in a helicopter evacuation from Saigon.
The US Department of Veterans Affairs uses 5/7/75 as the last date of the "Vietnam era."
On 5/15/75, the Vietnam War Memorial
dates the deaths of the last US servicemen, in the Mayaguez Incident.
After 3/29/73 Nixon's declaration, 420 additional US servicemen died in Vietnam.
Nixon was 2 years premature in his 1973 declaration, & 1 year premature in his 1974 speech.
Nixon had stepped up the use of airpower to take out North Vietnam's surface-to-air-missile sites, vowing to "bomb the bejesus out of them." In one session with Kissinger, he insisted, "I'd get the navy in & say, 'Boys, here's your chance to be heroes.
I want you to knock out everything. These bastards have got your buddies [American POW's] up there, and they haven't turned them loose. Now punish them. And, incidentally, I wouldn't worry about a little slop-over, and knock off a few villages and
hamlets, and the rest.'" In a tense meeting with Kissinger & the JCS chair, Nixon expressed anger at how the Pentagon was running the war:
Nixon: I ordered the use of strikes in this zone above the DMZ. There were 500 sorties that could have been flown
they flew only 125. I want everything that can fly flying in that area. In the Battle of the Bulge they were able to fly even in a snowstorm. Now what is the matter with the air force that they are unable to conduct offensive operations in this area?
No war negotiations unless there's something new to discuss
The 2 main negotiators for the North Vietnamese in the peace talks, chief delegate Thay and special consultant Le Duc Tho, requested a meeting with Kissinger in Paris toward the end of November. Tho had already been meeting with Kissinger in secret, but
Nixon had directed him to clearly decline further talks unless there was new movement on the part of the North Vietnamese.
Nixon: We just got word that Le Duc Tho is coming back to Paris. Now, in my view, this is either fish or cut bait.
There isn't any more reason to meet again. You know the pattern of the previous meetings, and how much we have offered. We've answered the 7 points, and they've agreed to some things and so forth and so on. He wants this meeting, though--this meeting
assumes more importance due to the fact. Remember, I said, "No more meetings unless they have a direct expectation to discuss something new."
Kissinger: The most important point is that he's asked for a meeting in a public venue.
Bomb North Vietnam and let U.S. protests go up in flames
Nixon, impatient with the slow pace of peace talks to end the Vietnam War, vented to his national-security adviser, Henry Kissinger, about escalating attacks on North Vietnamese targets, irrespective of the response from U.S. anti-war activists:
Nixon: Well, things better start to happen or--you know, I'm--you probably don't believe me, but I can perfectly turn, I'm capable, that is--even my own, even Haldeman wouldn't know--I'm perfectly capable of turning right awful hard.
I never have in my life. But if I found that there's no other way--in other words, hell, if you think Cambodia had flower children fighting, we'll bomb the goddamn North like it's never been bombed--
Kissinger: Well, I will--
Nixon: We'll start doing it, and we'll bomb those bastards, and then let the American people--let this country go up in flames.
On anti-war protest: Win even if America "goes up in flames"
April 6, 1971. Nixon, impatient with the slow pace of peace talks to end the Vietnam War, vented to his national-security adviser, Henry Kissinger, about escalating attacks on North Vietnamese targets, irrespective of the response from U.S.
anti-war activists.
Nixon: Well, things better start to happen or--you probably don't believe me, but I'm perfectly capable of turning right awful hard. I never have in my life.
But if I found that there's no other way--in other words, hell, if you think Cambodia had flower children fighting, we'll bomb the goddamn North like it's never been bombed. . . .
Kissinger: Well, I will--
Nixon: We'll start doing it, and we'll bomb those bastards, and then let the American people--let this country go up in flames.
Vietnamization: Cut supply lines in Laos and Cambodia
Even as Nixon reduced American troop strength in Vietnam, he expanded the war geographically with a 1970 strategic bombing campaign over Cambodia. In 1971, he was faced with related decisions regarding Laos, where the South Vietnamese were poised to
begin an offensive with the ultimate goal of cutting the North Vietnamese supply network known as the Ho Chi Minh Trail. By law, American soldiers could not fight in any country beyond the Vietnam border, but Nixon made a bold decision to offer massive
noncombatant military support to South Vietnamese troops, an overall shift known as Nixon's "Vietnamization" of the war. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Thomas Moorer, believed that if the US was in a war, it should make an all-out
effort to win.
Nixon: What's the situation? Are we ready to bug out, or not?
Moorer: This week we had this operation down in the south in Cambodia and there was very heavy fighting right there, where over 200 of the enemy were killed--
We can lose an election, but we can't lose this war
When reviewing the broad arc of Nixon and Kissinger's conversations related to Vietnam, it becomes clear that their moods on a given day were a direct reflection of how the war was going. Their feelings about the war evolved, just as the war itself
evolved. For example, in this conversation late on another day of frustrating war news, the president made his views on the end of the war clear.
Nixon: What does the intelligence say? Are they still confused?
Kissinger: No. Well, they're moving in
whenever they can.
Nixon: Our diversionary tactics aren't fooling them much now?
Kissinger: Well, they're still fooling them some.
Nixon: I think, thank God, we're not going to lose it. That's all there is to it. Nixon: We can't lose. For us, the
objective of all these things is to get out of there. It's not going to be done. We can't lose. We can lose an election, but we're not going to lose this war, Henry. That's my view. Do you agree with it?
Immediate goal: end Vietnam war; we are making progress
The major immediate goal of our foreign policy is to bring an end to the war in Vietnam in a way that our generation will be remembered not so much as the generation that suffered in war, but more for the fact that we had the courage and character to
win the kind of a just peace that the next generation was able to keep.
We are making progress toward that goal. The prospects for peace are far greater today than they were a year ago.
A major part of the credit for this development goes to the
Members of this Congress who, despite their differences on the conduct of the war, have overwhelmingly indicated their support of a just peace. By this action, you have completely demolished the enemy's hopes that they can gain in Washington the
victory our fighting men have denied them in Vietnam.
No goal could be greater than to make the next generation the first in this century in which America was at peace with every nation in the world.
1964: Sought tough stance against Communist China in Vietnam
[At a meeting with Eisenhower on April 2, 1954, Eisenhower asked for discretionary authority to use U.S. air and sea power against Communist aggression in Southeast Asia. LBJ balked, arguing that the French must first grant independence to Vietnam and
that U.S. allies must join in the effort.]
LBJ: Well, I opposed it in '54. But we're there now, and there's one of three things you can do. One is run and let the dominoes start falling over. [Here LBJ asserts his firm belief in the "domino theory".]
And what they said about us leaving China would just be warming up, compared to what they'd say now. [Johnson here shows his great sensitivity to the danger that the appearance of weakness in Southeast Asia will give Republicans a new opening, like those
after the fall of China to Mao's Communists in 1949, to call him and other Democrats soft on Communism.] I see Nixon is raising hell about it today. [Nixon had complained about Johnson's lack of firmness against DeGaulle's neutralization proposal.]