Prioritize permanent housing for every homeless veteran
Marty believes veterans deserve our respect and gratitude for putting everything on the line to serve our country. He believes our gratitude must go beyond holidays and beyond words, and extend to providing the housing, education,
jobs, healthcare, and services they need to thrive and contribute their considerable talents to our city. He made it a priority to provide supportive and permanent housing for every homeless veteran.
Source: 2020 Boston Mayoral campaign website
, Mar 24, 2021
Sad and disrespectful to vandalize veterans memorial
Walsh is calling on whoever vandalized the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Dorchester to attend the service and "listen to the roll call of names."
"It's sad and disrespectful for anyone to do that to any memorial and the Vietnam Memorial has gone
through it last year," Walsh said. "Sixty-seven people from Dorchester that lost their lives in Vietnam, fighting for the United States of America, to free the Vietnamese people," Walsh added. "That's so disrespectful, what that person did."
Source: / Boston Herald, "Vietnam Memorial Service"
, May 25, 2019
Values the sacrifice of veterans & provide benefits
Boston is home to more veterans than any other community in the Commonwealth and is thus the municipal services hub for our state's veteran community. Every veteran and military family deserves the respect and access to benefits they have rightfully
earned. The Walsh Administration will improve the delivery of services on which Boston veterans, military families, and Gold Star families depend. Marty values their sacrifice and will work to ensure these men and women have access to stable jobs,
affordable homes, and rehabilitative services, and comprehensive healthcare, among other critical services. Outreach and communication on the programs available in these areas is the first step, as utilization helps vets live fulfilling lives.
Marty's Administration will also partner with the Veteran's Administration and local non-profits so that veterans' services are brought to the neighborhoods where they can be accessed more easily.