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Donald Trump on Health Care

2016 Republican nominee for President; 2000 Reform Primary Challenger for President


Let terminally ill take any experimental drugs

To speed access to breakthrough cures and affordable generic drugs, last year the FDA approved more new and generic drugs and medical devices than ever before in our history. We believe that patients with terminal conditions should have access to experimental treatments that could potentially save their lives.

People who are terminally ill should not have to go from country to country to seek a cure--I want to give them a chance right here at home. It is time for the Congress to give these wonderful Americans the "right to try."

One of my greatest priorities is to reduce the price of prescription drugs. In many other countries, these drugs cost far less than what we pay in the United States. That is why I have directed my Administration to make fixing the injustice of high drug prices one of our top priorities. Prices will come down.

Source: 2018 State of the Union address , Jan 30, 2018

Why can't Medicare simply cover everybody?

All things considered, Trump probably preferred the notion of more people having health insurance than fewer people having it. He was even, when push came to shove, rather more for ObamaCare than for repealing ObamaCare. As well, he had made a set of rash Obama-like promises, going so far as to say that under a forthcoming TrumpCare plan (he had to be strongly discouraged from using this kind of rebranding--political wise men told him that this was one instance where he might not want to claim ownership with his name), no one would lose their health insurance, and that preexisting conditions would continue to be covered. In fact, he probably favored government-funded health care more than any other Republican. "Why can't Medicare simply cover everybody?" he had impatiently wondered aloud during one discussion with aides, all of whom were careful not to react to this heresy.
Source: Fire And Fury, by Michael Wolff, p.p. 164-65 , Jan 5, 2018

We have gutted ObamaCare by ending individual mandate

Trump said in a N.Y.Times interview, "I believe we can do health care in a bipartisan way, because now we've essentially gutted and ended ObamaCare."

Gutted? Perhaps. Trump repealed a central pillar of ObamaCare: the "individual mandate," a requirement that Americans obtain health insurance or pay a financial penalty. The law might now experience new problems. But Trump is wrong to claim that he has already "ended" ObamaCare. The individual mandate is a key part of ObamaCare, but it is far from the entire thing. Trump did not touch ObamaCare's expansion of the Medicaid insurance program for low-income people, the federal and state ObamaCare marketplaces that allow other uninsured people to buy insurance, and the subsidies that help many of them make the purchases. Nor did he touch various ObamaCare rules for the insurance market, like its prohibition on insurers denying coverage to people with pre-existing conditions.

Source: Toronto Star on Trump's promise on Border Wall , Dec 29, 2017

OpEd: Ordered healthcare associations, but no follow-up

Trump said in a N.Y.Times interview, "Here's the good news. We've created associations, millions of people are joining associations. Millions that were formerly in ObamaCare or didn't have insurance. Or didn't have health care."

This has not happened. Trump issued an executive order on Oct. 12 to ask his Secretary of Labor to propose regulations to allow more employers to make use of "association health plans." But the actual change has not actually been made yet, noted Timothy Jost, an expert on health law as an emeritus professor at Washington and Lee University--so even if millions of people will eventually use these plans, they have, obviously, not been able to do so yet.

Trump added about people joining associations due to changes to ObamaCare, "That's gonna be a big bill, you watch."

The move toward association health plans is not going to be a bill at all, let alone a "big bill." This "would be a change in regulation or guidance," not legislation, Jost noted.

Source: Toronto Star on Trump's promise on Border Wall , Dec 29, 2017

Expand Health Savings Accounts but not forced by government

Here are the principles that should guide the Congress as we move to create a better healthcare system for all Americans:
  1. First, we should ensure that Americans with pre-existing conditions have access to coverage, and that we have a stable transition for Americans currently enrolled in the healthcare exchanges.
  2. We should help Americans purchase their own coverage, through the use of tax credits and expanded Health Savings Accounts--but it must be the plan they want, not the plan forced on them by the Government.
  3. We should give our great State Governors the resources and flexibility they need with Medicaid to make sure no one is left out.
  4. We should implement legal reforms that protect patients and doctors from unnecessary costs that drive up the price of insurance.
  5. Finally, the time has come to give Americans the freedom to purchase health insurance across State lines--creating a truly competitive national marketplace.
Source: 2017 State of the Union address to Congress , Feb 28, 2017

Slash restraints at FDA; get blessed with more miracle drugs

Today is Rare Disease day, and joining us in the gallery is a Rare Disease Survivor, Megan Crowley. Megan was diagnosed with Pompe Disease, a rare and serious illness, when she was 15 months old. She was not expected to live past 5.

On receiving this news, Megan's dad, John, fought with everything he had to save the life of his precious child. He founded a company to look for a cure, and helped develop the drug that saved Megan's life. Today she is 20 years old--and a sophomore at Notre Dame. Megan's story is about the unbounded power of a father's love for a daughter.

But our slow and burdensome approval process at the Food and Drug Administration keeps too many advances, like the one that saved Megan's life, from reaching those in need. If we slash the restraints, not just at the FDA but across our Government, then we will be blessed with far more miracles like Megan. In fact, our children will grow up in a Nation of miracles.

Source: 2017 State of the Union address to Congress , Feb 28, 2017

Educate public on value of comprehensive vaccinations

Q: Public health officials warn that we need to take more steps to prevent international epidemics from viruses such as Zika. Meanwhile, measles is resurgent due to decreasing vaccination rates. How will your administration support vaccine science?

DONALD TRUMP: We should educate the public on the values of a comprehensive vaccination program. We have been successful with other public service programs and this seems to be of enough importance that we should put resources against this task.

JILL STEIN: Vaccines are a critical part of our public health system. We need universal health care as a right to ensure that everyone has access to critical vaccines. The best way to overcome resistance to vaccination is to acknowledge and address concerns and build trust with hesitant parents. We can do that by removing corporate influence from our regulatory agencies to eliminate apparent conflicts of interest.

Source: 20 questions for 2016 presidential race , Oct 9, 2016

Lack of mental healthcare is greatest tragedy today

Q: What will you do to reduce the human and economic costs of mental illness?

TRUMP: This is one of the great unfolding tragedies in America today. States are reducing their commitments to mental health treatment and our jails are filled with those who need mental health care. Any mental health reforms must be included in our efforts to reform healthcare in general in the country. We must make the investment in treating our fellow citizens who suffer from severe mental illness. This includes making sure that we allow family members to be more involved in the total care of those who are severely mentally ill. We must ensure that the national government provides the support to state and local governments to bring mental health care to the people at the local level. This entire field of interest must be examined and a comprehensive solution set must be developed so that we can keep people safe and productive.

Source: 20 questions for 2016 presidential race , Oct 9, 2016

Focus on greatest bang for the buck, not public health

Q: Public health efforts like smoking cessation, drunk driving laws, vaccination, and water fluoridation have improved health and productivity and save millions of lives. How would you improve federal research and our public health system?

TRUMP: The implication of the question is that one must provide more resources to research and public health enterprises. In a time of limited resources, one must ensure that the nation is getting the greatest bang for the buck. We cannot simply throw money at these institutions and assume that the nation will be well served. What we ought to focus on applying resources to those areas where we need the most work. Our efforts to support research and public health initiatives will have to be balanced with other demands for scarce resources. My administration will work to establish national priorities and then we will work to make sure that adequate resources are assigned to achieve our goals.

Source: 20 questions for 2016 presidential race , Oct 9, 2016

Let vets see private doctors or VA: that's not privatization

CLINTON: I will not let the V.A. be privatized. And I do think there is an agenda out there, supported by my opponent, to do just that.

TRUMP: I never said take the Veterans Administration private. I wouldn't do that. But I do believe, when you're waiting in line for six, seven days, you should never be in a position like that. You go out, you see the doctor, you get yourself taken care of. The V.A. is really almost a corrupt enterprise. So we are going to make it efficient and good. And if it's not good, you're going out to private hospitals, public hospitals, and doctors.

FACT-CHECK: Trump's campaign published a "Veterans Plan" last October. It doesn't call for the VA to be completely privatized, but allows veterans to get care at any non-VA medical center that accepts Medicare. Trump stuck to the idea when he released his "Ten Point Plan To Reform The VA" in July, giving "every veteran the choice to seek care at the VA or at a private service provider of their own choice."

Source: USA Today Fact-check on 2016 NBC Commander-in-Chief forum , Sep 7, 2016

Create V.A. mental health division to reduce veteran suicide

Q: What is your plan to stop 20 veterans a day from killing themselves?

A: It's almost impossible to conceive that this is happening in our country, 20 to 22 people a day are killing themselves. A lot of it is they're killing themselves over the fact that they're under tremendous pain and they can't see a doctor. We're going to speed up the process. We're going to create a great mental health division. I have a powerful plan that's on my website. One of the problems is the wait time. Vets are waiting six days, seven days, eight days. Under my plan, if they have that long wait, they walk outside, they go to the local doctor, they choose the doctor, they choose the hospital, whether it's public or private, they get themselves better. We will pay the bill.

Source: 2016 NBC Commander-in-Chief forum with Matt Lauer , Sep 7, 2016

Removing cross-state barriers solves many insurance issues

TRUMP: We should have gotten rid of the lines around the state so there's competition. The insurance companies are making a fortune on every single thing they do. You're going to see preexisting conditions, but the price will be down, and the insurance companies can pay. Yes, they will keep preexisting conditions, and that would be a great thing. Get rid of ObamaCare, we'll come up with new plans. But, we should keep preexisting conditions.

RUBIO: Here's what you didn't hear in that answer. What is your plan? I understand the lines around the state, whatever that means. This is not a game where you draw maps. What is your plan, Mr. Trump?

TRUMP: You get rid of the lines, it brings in competition. So, instead of having one insurance company taking care of New York, or Texas, you'll have many. They'll compete, and it'll be a beautiful thing.

RUBIO: So, that's the only part of the plan? Just the lines?

Source: 2016 CNN-Telemundo Republican debate on eve of Texas primary , Feb 25, 2016

Taking care of poor sick people isn't single-payer

Q: If Obamacare is repealed & there's no mandate for everybody to have insurance, why would insurance companies insure somebody who has a pre-existing condition?

TRUMP: Well, I like the mandate. I don't want people dying on the streets. The Republican people, they don't want people dying on the streets, but sometimes they'll say "Donald Trump wants single payer."

Q: Will people with pre-existing conditions be able to get insurance?

TRUMP: Yes. Now, the new plan is good. It's going to be inexpensive. It's going to be much better for the people at the bottom, people that don't have any money. We're going to take care of them through maybe concepts of Medicare. Now, some people would say, "that's not a very Republican thing to say." That's not single payer, by the way. That's called heart. We gotta take care of people that can't take care of themselves.

Source: 2016 CNN GOP Town Hall in South Carolina , Feb 18, 2016

Insurance companies love a lack of competition

I have thousands of employees. If I'm negotiating for health insurance for my people in New York or California of Texas, I usually have one bidder in each state. Competition brings down prices, and the way the law is now, it discourages real competition between insurance companies for customers. They have virtual monopolies within the states. That makes no sense. It's very stupid and unfair for us.

You know who loves a lack of competition? Those insurance companies, who are making a fortune because they control the politicians. They've paid for them with their contributions, and it's a good investment from their perspectives. For our country, not so much. They give money to almost all the politicians.

Source: Crippled America, by Donald Trump, p. 75 , Nov 3, 2015

Stockpile treatments against future pandemics & bioterrorism

A few of Trump's proposals in his 2000 book "The America We Deserve" did show he was both forward-looking and ideologically flexible. Among them was a project to develop and stockpile treatments in anticipation of future pandemics or the release of biological agents by terrorists.
Source: Never Enough, by Michael D'Antonio, p.250 , Sep 22, 2015

Ebola virus in America is Obama's fault

Trump could bypass the gatekeepers in the press to reach people directly with his messages. Trump said he did own writing online, and given the wide range of tones in his comments, this seemed true. A devoted tweeter, his online statements address everything from a doctor in New York with the Ebola virus--"Obama's fault"--to the notion that the Big Apple could actually benefit from global warming, if the phenomenon is real, because it suffers from uncomfortable cold snaps in the winter.
Source: Never Enough, by Michael D`Antonio, p.331 , Sep 22, 2015

I'm for vaccines, but in smaller quantities to avoid autism

Q [to Carson]: Donald Trump has publicly and repeatedly linked autism to childhood vaccines. Your opinion?

CARSON: There have been numerous studies, and they have not demonstrated that there is any correlation between vaccinations and autism.

Q [to Trump]: As president, you would be in charge of the Centers for Disease Control and the National Institutes of Health, both of which say you are wrong.

TRUMP: Autism has become an epidemic. It has gotten totally out of control. I am totally in favor of vaccines. But I want smaller doses over a longer period of time. You take this little baby, and you pump--I mean, it looks like it's meant for a horse, not for a child. Just the other day, a 2-year-old child went to have the vaccine, and got a fever; now is autistic. I'm in favor of vaccines, do them over a longer period of time, same amount. And I think you're going to see a big impact on autism.

CARSON: We are probably giving way too many in too short a period of time.

Source: 2015 Republican two-tiered primary debate on CNN , Sep 16, 2015

The insurance companies have total control over politicians

Q: ObamaCare is one of the things you call a disaster.

TRUMP: A complete disaster, yes.

Q: Saying it needs to be repealed & replaced.

TRUMP: Correct.

Q: Now, 15 years ago, you called yourself a liberal on health care. You were for a single-payer system, a Canadian-style system. Why were you for that then and why aren't you for it now?

TRUMP: As far as single payer, it works in Canada. It could have worked in a different age. What I'd like to see is a private system without the artificial lines around every state. I have a big company with thousands of employees. And if I'm negotiating in BY or NJ or CA, I have like one bidder. Nobody can bid. You know why? Because the insurance companies are making a fortune because they have control of the politicians. They're making a fortune. Get rid of the artificial lines and you will have yourself great plans. And then we have to take care of the people that can't take care of themselves. And I will do that through a different system.

Source: Fox News/Facebook Top Ten First Tier debate transcript , Aug 6, 2015

Don't cut Medicare; grow the economy to keep benefits

What does Donald Trump believe? Entitlements: Do not cut Social Security or Medicare benefits. Grow the economy to save those programs.

The real estate tycoon told CPAC in 2013 that Republicans should not cut Social Security or Medicare because most Americans want to keep the benefits as they stand now. His solution is unclear, but he has indicated that general economic growth would play a role. Trump tweeted in May that he knows "where to get the money from" and "nobody else does."

Source: PBS News Hour "2016 Candidate Stands" series , Jun 16, 2015

Make health insurance premiums tax-deductible

Our elected representatives in the House & Senate must allow individuals to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns under the current tax system. Businesses are allowed to take these deductions so why wouldn't Congress allow individuals the same exemptions? As we allow the free market to provide insurance coverage opportunities to companies and individuals, we must also make sure that no one slips through the cracks simply because they cannot afford insurance. We must review basic options for Medicaid and work with states to ensure that those who want healthcare coverage can have it.

There are other reforms that might be considered if they serve to lower costs, remove uncertainty & provide financial security for all Americans. And we must also take actions in other policy areas to lower healthcare costs and burdens. Enforcing immigration laws, eliminating fraud and waste and energizing our economy will relieve the economic pressures felt by every American.

Source: 2016 presidential campaign website, , Mar 15, 2015

Save Medicare & Medicaid without cutting them to the bone

He pledged to save Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid "without cutting it to the bone" by "making the country rich again." He vowed to repeal Obama's Affordable Care Act and replace it with something better, although he didn't provide any details.

Trump made no effort to woo mainstream GOP elected officials. He remarked, "I am a Republican, and I am disappointed with our Republican politicians because they let our president get away with absolute murder."

Source: Des Moines Register on 2015 Iowa Freedom Summit , Jan 24, 2015

Increase insurance competition across state lines

Even if we elect a real president who will get tough and repeal Obamacare, we still need a plan to bring down health-care costs and make health-care insurance more affordable for everyone. It starts with increasing competition between insurance companies. Competition makes everything better and more affordable.

One way to infuse more competition into the market is to let citizens purchase health-care plans across state lines.

This could be easily accomplished if Congress got some guts and did the right thing. The U.S. Constitution gives Congress control over interstate commerce. But for whatever reason, the Congress has never exercised this power regarding health insurance. They need to.

Source: Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p.131 , Dec 5, 2011

1988: Flew sick kids cross-country on his private jet

On the day before the Rosh Hashanah holiday each year for the past eighteen years, I receive a message from a Rabbi in Los Angles. The reason the Rabbi calls me every year is because back in 1988, he and his wife had a three-year-old son who had an illness that was confounding the doctors in Los Angeles. One day the boy's father called me to see if they could borrow my jet. He didn't know me, and I didn't know him. But he explained that no commercial airline would fly his son due to the extreme equipment required to sustain his life. It was considered too big of a risk. I had small children at the time, and I immediately said yes to his request. How could I say no?

I sent my jet out and brought the little boy and his parents to NYC with the hope that doctors here might find a cure for the severe breathing illness from which he was suffering. His cure was not to be, but his parents remained grateful to this day.

Source: Think Like a Champion, by Donald Trump, p. 13-4 , Apr 27, 2010

We must have universal health care

Im a conservative on most issues but a liberal on health. It is an unacceptable but accurate fact that the number of uninsured Americans has risen to 42 million. Working out detailed plans will take time. But the goal should be clear: Our people are our greatest asset. We must take care of our own. We must have universal healthcare.

Our objective [should be] to make reforms for the moment and, longer term, to find an equivalent of the single-payer plan that is affordable, well-administered, and provides freedom of choice. Possible? The good news is, yes. There is already a system in place-the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program-that can act as a guide for all healthcare reform. It operates through a centralized agency that offers considerable range of choice. While this is a government program, it is also very much market-based. It allows 620 private insurance companies to compete for this market. Once a year participants can choose from plans which vary in benefits and costs.

Source: The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.206-208 & 218 , Jul 2, 2000

Donald Trump on ObamaCare

The cruel ObamaCare individual mandate is gone

We eliminated an especially cruel tax that fell mostly on Americans making less than $50,000 a year--forcing them to pay tremendous penalties simply because they could not afford government-ordered health plans. We repealed the core of disastrous ObamaCare--the individual mandate is now gone.

And we are giving our veterans choice in their healthcare decisions.

Source: 2018 State of the Union address , Jan 30, 2018

Lower the cost of health insurance, instead of mandates

Mandating every American to buy government-approved health insurance was never the right solution for America. The way to make health insurance available to everyone is to lower the cost of health insurance, and that is what we will do.

ObamaCare premiums nationwide have increased by double and triple digits. One third of counties have only one insurer on the exchanges--leaving many Americans with no choice at all. Remember when you were told that you could keep your doctor, and keep your plan? We now know that all of those promises have been broken. ObamaCare is collapsing--and we must act decisively to protect all Americans. Action is not a choice--it is a necessity.

Here are the principles that should guide the Congress as we move to create a better healthcare system for all Americans: First, we should ensure that Americans with pre-existing conditions have access to coverage, and that we have a stable transition for Americans currently enrolled in the healthcare exchanges.

Source: 2017 State of the Union address to Congress , Feb 28, 2017

ObamaCare collapses under its own weight if we don't repeal

One thing we have to do: Repeal and replace the disaster known as Obamacare. It's destroying our country. It's destroying our businesses. You take a look at the kind of numbers that that will cost us in the year '17, it is a disaster. It's probably going to die of its own weight. But Obamacare has to go. The premiums are going up 60 , 70 , 80 percent. Bad health care at the most expensive price. We have to repeal and replace Obamacare.
Source: Third 2016 Presidential Debate moderated by Fox News , Oct 19, 2016

ObamaCare will never work; repeal it and replace it

ObamaCare will never work. It's very bad, very bad health insurance. Far too expensive. And not only expensive for the person that has it, unbelievably expensive for our country. It's going to be one of the biggest line items very shortly. We have to repeal it and replace it with something absolutely much less expensive and something that works, where your plan can actually be tailored.

We have to get rid of the lines around the state, artificial lines, where we stop insurance companies from coming in and competing, because that gives the insurance companies essentially monopolies. We want competition.

You will have the finest health care plan there is. She wants to go to a single-payer plan, which would be a disaster, somewhat similar to Canada. And if you haven't noticed the Canadians, when they need a big operation, when something happens, they come into the United States in many cases because their system is so slow. It's catastrophic in certain ways.

Source: Second 2016 Presidential Debate at WUSTL in St. Louis MO , Oct 9, 2016

The whole of ObamaCare was a fraud

Q: Your husband called ObamaCare, "the craziest thing in the world." Was he mistaken?

CLINTON: No, he clarified what he meant. If we were to start all over again, we might come up with a different system. But we have an employer-based system. So let's fix what's broken about it, but let's not throw it away.

TRUMP: First of all, everything's broken about it. Everything.

Q: You've said you want to end ObamaCare, but you've also said you want to make coverage accessible for people with pre-existing conditions. How?

TRUMP: We're going to be able to. You're going to have plans that are so good, because we're going to have so much competition in the insurance industry.

Q: Are you going to have a mandate?

TRUMP: ObamaCare, by the way, was a fraud. Jonathan Gruber, the architect of ObamaCare, said it was a great lie, it was a big lie. President Obama said you keep your doctor, you keep your plan. The whole thing was a fraud, and it doesn't work.

Source: Second 2016 Presidential Debate at WUSTL in St. Louis MO , Oct 9, 2016

ObamaCare is government control over our everyday lives

We're going to repeal and replace disastrous ObamaCare which gives the government control over the lives of everyday citizens. And the numbers are horrendous. Your premiums are going up by 50, 60, 70 percent. The deductible is so high you never get to use it unless you are going to lead a very long and very complex bad period--very, very long. It is a disaster. It's a disaster, and everybody knows it. And it's going to die of its own weight anyway, but we're going to get rid of it and we're going to replace it with some great, great alternatives--much better health care at a much lower price.

Hillary Clinton wants to have completely government-run health care, which would be a disaster for the liberties and freedoms of all America. That's what she wants. That's what she's aiming at. That's what Obama wanted. He didn't quite get there, but he got this, and you see how bad this has been.

Source: 11th Annual Value Voters Summit - 2016 , Sep 9, 2016

Keep pre-existing condition coverage; not individual mandate

Q: Senator Rubio, you said that Mr. Trump thinks part of ObamaCare is pretty good. Which part?

RUBIO: The individual mandate. He said he likes the individual mandate portion of it; I don't believe that should remain there. We need to repeal ObamaCare completely and replace it with a system that puts Americans in charge of their health care money again.

TRUMP: I agree with that 100%, except pre-existing conditions, I would absolutely get rid of ObamaCare. I want to keep pre- existing conditions. It's a modern age, and I think we have to have it.

Q: The insurance companies say is that the only way that they can cover people with pre-existing conditions is to have a mandate requiring everybody purchase health insurance. Are they wrong?

TRUMP: I think they're wrong 100%. Look, the insurance companies take care of the politicians [and vice-versa]. The insurance companies are making an absolute fortune. Yes, they will keep preexisting conditions, and that would be a great thing.

Source: 2016 CNN-Telemundo Republican debate on eve of Texas primary , Feb 25, 2016

Chief Justice Roberts: a disaster who gave us ObamaCare

Justice Roberts gave us ObamaCare. Might as well be called Roberts-care. Two times of the Supreme Court, Justice Roberts approved something that he should have never raised his hand to approve. And we ended up with ObamaCare. That judge has been a disaster in terms of everything we stand for because there is no way -- no way that he should have approved ObamaCare.
Source: 2016 CNN-Telemundo Republican debate on eve of Texas primary , Feb 25, 2016

Replace Obamacare with Health Savings Accounts

Q: On health care, Ben Carson's calling for health savings accounts. What do you think of that?

TRUMP: Well, I'm OK with the savings accounts. I think it's a good idea; it's a very down-the-middle idea. It works. It's something that's proven. The one thing we have to do is repeal and replace ObamaCare. It is a disaster. People's premiums are going up 35 percent, 45 percent, 55 percent. Their deductibles are so high nobody's ever going to get to use it. So ObamaCare is turning out to be a bigger disaster than anybody thought.

Q: So if you agree with these health savings accounts idea, do you also agree with Ben Carson when he says Medicare probably won't be necessary?

TRUMP: Well, it's possible. You're going to have to look at that, but I'll tell you what, the health savings accounts, I've been talking about it also. I think it's a very good idea.

Source: ABC This Week 2015 interview by Martha Raddatz , Oct 25, 2015

We didn't have a free market before ObamaCare

Q: in 2000, you wrote that you're a liberal on health care, and you supported a Canadian-style system, where the government acts as an insurer. Is that what you still believe?

A: You know, I looked at that. I looked at it very seriously. Some people don't agree with me on this: I want everyone to have coverage. I love the free market, but we never had a free market. Even before ObamaCare, it wasn't really free market. As an example, in New York, when I wanted to bid out my health insurance, we had boundaries. I could only go in New York. If I wanted to bid it out to a company from California or New Jersey, anywhere--you get no bids.

Q: But the single payer, you're not interested anymore?

A: No. No, these are different times. And over the years, you are going to change your attitudes. You're going to learn things and you're going to change. And I have evolved on that issue. I have evolved on numerous issues.

Source: CNN SOTU 2015 interview series: 2016 presidential hopefuls , Jun 28, 2015

ObamaCare is a catastrophe that must be repealed & replaced

What does Donald Trump believe? ObamaCare: Repeal it. Replace it.

Speaking at the Iowa Freedom Summit in January, Trump said ObamaCare is a catastrophe that must be repealed and replaced. In 2011, Trump suggested that the health insurance industry have more ability to cross state lines. In "The America We Deserve" Trump wrote that he supported universal healthcare and a system that would mirror Canada's government-run healthcare service.

Source: PBS News Hour "2016" series on 2015 Iowa Freedom Summit , Jun 16, 2015

ObamaCare deductibles are so high that it's useless

We have a disaster called the big lie: ObamaCare. Yesterday, it came out that costs are going for people up 29, 39, 49, and even 55%, and deductibles are through the roof. You have to be hit by a tractor, literally, to use it, because the deductibles are so high, it's virtually useless. It is a disaster.

And remember the $5 billion Web site? $5 billion we spent on a Web site, and to this day it doesn't work. I have so many Web sites, I have them all over the place. I hire people, they do a Web site.

And it's going to get worse, because remember, ObamaCare really kicks in, in 2016. It is going to be amazingly destructive. Doctors are quitting. I have a friend who's a doctor, and he said to me, "Donald, I never saw anything like it. I have more accountants than I have nurses."

We have to repeal ObamaCare, and it can be replaced with something much better for everybody. Let it be for everybody. But much better and much less expensive for people and for the government. And we can do it.

Source: 2015 announcement speeches of 2016 presidential hopefuls , Jun 16, 2015

Kill ObamaCare before it becomes a trillion-ton weight

Obamacare can't be reformed, salvaged, or fixed. It's that bad. Obamacare has to be killed now before it grows into an even bigger mess, as it inevitably will. Obamacare takes full effect in 2014. If it's not repealed before then, it will be more than just another failed government entitlement program--it will be the trillion-ton weight that finally takes down our economy forever.

Obamacare is a heat-seeking missile that will destroy jobs & small businesses; it will explode health-care costs; and it will lead to health care that is far less innovative than it is today. Every argument that you'd make against socialism you can make against socialized health care, and any candidate who isn't 100% committed to scrapping Obamacare is not someone America should elect president. Repealing Obamacare may be one of the most important and consequential actions our next president takes.

Source: Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p.121-122 , Dec 5, 2011

Supports repealing mandated health insurance.

Trump supports the CC survey question on nationalized healthcare

The Christian Coalition Voter Guide inferred whether candidates agree or disagree with the statement, 'Repealing the Nationalized Health Care System that Forces Citizens to Buy Insurance or Pay Fines' The Christian Coalition notes, "You can help make sure that voters have the facts BEFORE they cast their votes. We have surveyed candidates in the most competitive congressional races on the issues that are important to conservatives."

Source: Christian Coalition Survey 16_CC5 on Nov 8, 2016

Other candidates on Health Care: Donald Trump on other issues:
2016 Presidential Candidates:
Donald Trump(R-NY)
Gov.Mike Pence(R-IN,VP)
Secy.Hillary Clinton(D-NY)
Sen.Tim Kaine(D-VA,VP)
Gov.Gary Johnson(L-NM)
Gov.Bill Weld(L-MA,VP)
Dr.Jill Stein(G-MA)
Ajamu Baraka(G-VP)
Roseanne Barr(PF-HI)
Evan McMullin(I)
Darrell Castle(C)
2016 Withdrawn Democratic Candidates:
Gov.Lincoln Chafee(RI)
Gov.Martin O`Malley(MD)
Sen.Bernie Sanders(VT)
Sen.Jim Webb(VA)
2016 Withdrawn GOP Candidates:
Gov.Jeb Bush(FL)
Dr.Ben Carson(MD)
Gov.Chris Christie(NJ)
Sen.Ted Cruz(TX)
Carly Fiorina(CA)
Gov.Mike Huckabee(AR)
Gov.Bobby Jindal(LA)
Gov.John Kasich(OH)
Sen.Rand Paul(KY)
Sen.Marco Rubio(FL)
Sen.Rick Santorum(PA)
Gov.Scott Walker(WI)
Civil Rights
Foreign Policy
Free Trade
Govt. Reform
Gun Control
Health Care
Homeland Security
Social Security
Tax Reform

About Donald Trump:
AmericansElect quiz
MyOcracy quiz

Page last updated: Mar 03, 2018
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