
Joe Biden on Corporations
Democratic President; former V.P.; former Senator |
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- MAGA Project 2025: handouts to the ultra wealthy . (Jul 2024)
- Fight shrinkflation & junk fees; corporations won't like it. (Mar 2024)
- Revoked "management rights" in union collective bargaining. (Apr 2023)
- Tax code just isn't fair; quadruple tax on stock buybacks. (Feb 2023)
- Prevent "junk fees"; disclose all fees up front. (Feb 2023)
- Capitalism without competition is exploitation of consumers. (Feb 2023)
- Crackdown on companies overcharging Americans. (Mar 2022)
- Some corporations make billions & don't pay a penny in taxes. (Sep 2020)
- Bailout package should reward individuals, not corporations. (Mar 2020)
- Hold CEOs and companies accountable. (Feb 2020)
- Double the capital gains tax. (Oct 2019)
- Wall Street didn't build America; the middle class did. (Jun 2019)
- 1972 Senate race: Opposed capital gains tax cut. (Oct 2017)
- Quit corporate law firm rather than help big business. (Oct 2017)
- We bet on Detroit automakers in 2009, and we won!. (Mar 2014)
- Same rules for Wall Street as for Main Street. (Oct 2012)
- Auto bailout saved a million American jobs. (Sep 2012)
- We bet on the auto industry; 400,000 new jobs means we won. (Mar 2012)
- We've yielded to corporate America on trade. (Dec 2007)
- OpEd: beholden to corporations because so many based in DE. (Nov 2007)
- Take burden off corporations so jobs stay in US. (Jun 2007)
Doug Burgum on Corporations
2024 Presidential contender; Republican ND Governor |
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- Allow mergers to be able to compete on a global level. (Jun 2024)
- Corporations can't own land here; protecting family farms. (Jan 2024)
- Economy of the future built on collaboration for innovation. (Apr 2016)
- Founded software company at age 26; grew to 2,000 staff. (Apr 2016)
Chris Christie on Corporations
N.J. Governor; Republican Presidential candidate |
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- Overhaul ridiculous tax system so companies stop leaving. (Feb 2015)
- $2.3 billion small business tax relief package. (Jan 2015)
- Continue small business tax relief: no return to tax-&-spend. (Jan 2013)
- Casino regulators keep working during government shutdowns. (Jun 2012)
- Cut business taxes by $600 million annually. (Jun 2012)
- Shame the bankers out of greedy bonuses, but don't regulate. (Jun 2011)
- Bring back "Trenton makes, the world takes". (Jul 2009)
- OpEd: Don't pick winners & losers? Picks "critical" sectors. (Oct 2005)
Nikki Haley on Corporations
Republican presidential contender; UN Ambassador 2017-2018 |
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- Permanent small business and corporate tax cuts. (Sep 2023)
- My parents built business into a multimillion dollar company. (Aug 2012)
- Government makes it harder for struggling small business. (Apr 2012)
- OpEd: Business-friendliness starts with competitive taxes. (Apr 2012)
- Government creates conditions; entrepreneurs create jobs. (Apr 2012)
- Reduce red tape; time is money. (Jan 2011)
- Eliminate business taxes, starting with corporate income tax. (Nov 2010)
Kamala Harris on Corporations
Democratic nominee;Vice President; former California Senator |
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- Help small businesses, not $5T to big corporations. (Sep 2024)
- Outlaw new forms of price fixing by corporate landlords. (Sep 2024)
- Expand the startup expense tax deduction for new businesses. (Sep 2024)
- Raise corporate tax rates to 28%, from 21%. (Aug 2024)
- Return corporate rate to 35%; Trump would lower to 15%. (Jul 2024)
- Pandemic aid: increase loans to small businesses. (Mar 2024)
- Small businesses employ almost half of the workforce. (Nov 2023)
- Reverse the 2017 corporate income tax cut. (Jul 2019)
- New tax on banks with over $50 billion in assets. (Jul 2019)
- Why haven't we asked how to pay for tax cuts to the top 1%? (Jun 2019)
- Facebook is like a utility; needs to be regulated. (May 2019)
- New fees on banks and financial institutions. (Jan 2019)
- Tough stance on mortgage lenders fell short. (Aug 2017)
- Same rules must apply to everyone, including the wealthy. (Sep 2012)
Howie Hawkins on Corporations
Green Party Presidential Challenger |
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- Break up largest banks so that none is too big to fail. (Jul 2020)
- Amend Constitution: corporations are not persons. (Jul 2020)
- Capitalists exploit workers and thwart democracy. (May 2019)
Mike Huckabee on Corporations
Republican Presidential candidate |
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- Stop punishing manufacturing; stop punishing work. (Nov 2015)
- Wall Street executives should have gone to jail in 2008. (Oct 2015)
- Fight the Wall-Street-to-Washington axis of power. (Aug 2015)
- Axis of evil exists between Washington and Wall Street. (Dec 2013)
- Corporate taxes are stupid; they just get embedded in prices. (Nov 2008)
- Regulations burden small business more than large companies. (Nov 2008)
- 80% of all jobs in this country come from small business. (Jan 2008)
- Wal-Mart is case study in genius of American marketplace. (Jan 2007)
- Consumerism is addictive but tranquility is immaterial. (Oct 2000)
Will Hurd on Corporations
U.S. Rep; GOP presidential challenger (withdrew Oct.2023) |
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Asa Hutchinson on Corporations
Republican presidential contender; AR Governor |
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- Not government's role to punish business for their views . (Apr 2023)
- Punishing business for exercising speech is heavy-handed. (Apr 2023)
Mike Pence on Corporations
Former Republican Vice President (withdrew Oct.2023) |
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- Reduce state corporate tax rate from 8.5% to 3%. (Sep 2020)
- 2008: fought bailout to corporations while people lost jobs. (Sep 2019)
- Companies should have religious freedom & rights. (Feb 2019)
- Pushed manufacturing tax cuts & corporate tax cut. (Jul 2016)
- Reduce corporate tax rate to one of the lowest in country. (Jun 2014)
- Regulatory burdens are the number one growth killer. (Apr 2013)
- Corporate tax cuts create jobs & grow economy. (Feb 2005)
Vivek Ramaswamy on Corporations
CEO & Republican Challenger |
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- Cut the Fed technocracy, to unshackle the economy. (Sep 2023)
- I ran companies in China but now declare independence. (Sep 2023)
- Start government with zero-based budgeting, like businesses. (Sep 2023)
Marco Rubio on Corporations
FL Senator; Republican Presidential candidate |
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- Big corporations gave out bonuses instead of reinvesting. (Apr 2018)
- Regulations favor big banks because small ones can't keep up. (Nov 2015)
- Big companies influence government; small businesses can't. (Aug 2015)
- Cut corporate tax rate to 25%. (Apr 2015)
- The banks caused the mortgage crisis and we bailed them out. (Mar 2013)
- Lower corporate tax rate; it's the highest in the world. (Feb 2013)
- Accused of rigging bidding process for Turnpike concessions. (Jun 2012)
- End double-taxes: capital gains; dividends; & inheritance. (Jun 2012)
- Antigambling, based on seeing "another side" as kid in Vegas. (Jun 2012)
- 2004: Pushed $60M tax subsidy for Marlins baseball stadium. (Jun 2012)
- Accused of sweetheart deal: $200K profit on sale of house. (Jun 2012)
- AGREE Act: small business write-offs for capital purchases. (Jun 2012)
- Most countries choose to have government run the economy. (Jan 2012)
- Businesses need certainty to commit to hiring new workers. (Oct 2010)
- Work across the aisle to make America more business-friendly. (Mar 2010)
- Eliminate taxes on capital gains; lower corporate tax rates. (Feb 2010)
- Loser pays, to discourage frivolous lawsuits. (Nov 2006)
Bernie Sanders on Corporations
Independent Senator (VT) amd former Presidential candidate |
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- Workers should have 45% of board seats, 20% of stock. (Nov 2019)
- Corporate America doesn't give one damn about workers. (Jul 2019)
- Nothing will change if we don't have the guts to fight. (Jun 2019)
- Democratic socialism means working for everyone, not just 1%. (Jun 2019)
- Workers should have more say on what goes on in the economy. (Jun 2019)
- Top 1% income inequity makes no sense. (Apr 2019)
- Defend farmers & consumers from corporate middlemen. (Mar 2019)
- 1976: Relocating businesses must pay; for public ownership. (Mar 2019)
- Economy is great, for those who get corporate stock buybacks. (Feb 2019)
- Americans in red OR blue states oppose enriching the top 1%. (Jul 2018)
- Middle class needs tax breaks; top 1% does not. (Jan 2018)
- 45% estate tax only for estates over $3.5 million. (Aug 2017)
- Only the top 2/10 of 1% pay the estate tax. (Feb 2017)
- Rigged economy makes America like a Banana Republic. (Nov 2016)
- End corporate tax dodging by shifting profits overseas. (Nov 2016)
- Reform credit-rating agencies by separating from Wall Street. (Nov 2016)
- Disallow stashing corporate profits overseas to avoid taxes. (Jul 2016)
- Let's create America that works for all, not handful on top. (Dec 2015)
- Fix estate tax so mega-rich pay their fair share. (Sep 2015)
- Americans want change: corporations get rich & people don't. (Sep 2014)
- Corporations do not have First Amendment rights. (Dec 2011)
- Greed is addictive; their sickness hurts country terribly. (Dec 2010)
- Small banks did just fine during financial crisis. (Dec 2010)
- Deregulation led to incredible greed of $39B in CEO bonuses. (Oct 2008)
- Cap deductions for CEO pay; count perks as profit. (Jun 1997)
- In 1980s, wealthiest 1% got 2/3 of all wealth increases. (Jun 1997)
- The needs of the rich & large corporations are never ignored. (Jun 1997)
Banking Reform
- Nothing personal against billionaires, but enough is enough. (Mar 2020)
- Billionaires & corporations have to pay fair share of taxes. (Jul 2019)
- 1976: I favor the public ownership of utilities & banks. (Mar 2019)
- Majority want tax on wealthy and regulation of Wall Street. (Feb 2019)
- Regulate derivatives like the high-stakes wagers they are. (Aug 2017)
- Great Recession caused by Wall Street greed & recklessness. (Jul 2016)
- The auto industry bill was really a bailout for Wall Street. (Mar 2016)
- If we don't break up banks, we'll be bailing them out again. (Feb 2016)
- Corporate America & Wall Street won't like President Sanders. (Dec 2015)
- Wall Street will not be in my Cabinet; their model is fraud. (Nov 2015)
- I'm not part of casino capitalism that wrecked our economy. (Oct 2015)
- Fraud is the business model of Wall Street. (Oct 2015)
- Make Wall Street bail out Wall Street; but middle class did. (Oct 2015)
- Wall Street business model is a fraud & led us to recession. (Aug 2015)
- Casino-type capitalism causes devastating problems. (Jul 2015)
- Break up major Wall Street firms. (Mar 2015)
- Break up the Wall Street giants; they can't be reformed. (Jan 2015)
- Crooks on Wall Street started Great Recession & got richer. (Nov 2012)
- Stand up against healthcare companies' billions in profits. (Jun 2019)
- Break up big agriculture corporations. (Apr 2019)
- 1970s: State should take over utilities without compensation. (Mar 2019)
- It is time to break up largest financial institutions. (Nov 2016)
- Too-Big-to-Fail means taxpayers insure megabanks. (Nov 2016)
- Corporate Media threatens our democracy. (Nov 2016)
- A few giant corporations own the media. (Nov 2016)
- If Teddy Roosevelt saw modern banks he'd say "break them up". (Nov 2015)
- If a bank is too big to fail, it is too big to exist. (May 2015)
- Worker-owned cooperatives instead of corporate tax breaks. (Mar 2015)
- Bank bailout was socialism for the rich. (Feb 2015)
- Investigate huge dairy processors for anti-trust violations. (Oct 2012)
- Launch anti-trust investigation of Dean Foods. (Oct 2012)
Voting Record
- Regrets vote to deregulate swaps and derivatives. (Apr 2016)
- Stop $31M Pentagon payments for corporate mergers. (Jun 1997)
Jill Stein on Corporations
Green Challenger |
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- 80 billionaires own as much as the lower 50% of world. (Jan 2016)
- Privatization is an enormous step backwards. (Jul 2015)
- Break up "too-big-to-fail" banks. (Jun 2015)
- Hillary is the Wal-Mart candidate. (Jun 2015)
- Transaction tax of .03% on every Wall Street transaction. (Nov 2012)
- Enormous bipartisan collaboration on deregulation. (Oct 2012)
- Romney & Obama are both pro-1% big corporation. (Feb 2012)
- Corporate elite richer than ever, but pay less tax than ever. (Jan 2012)
- Record profits-with politicians' help--caused the recession. (Jan 2012)
- Make all corporate tax subsidies transparent. (Jan 2012)
- 1776 Revolution threw off corporate rule; it's creeping back. (Dec 2011)
Donald Trump on Corporations
Republican former President |
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- Will bring in companies at a level never seen here before. (Oct 2024)
- FactCheck: Didn't get John Deere to keep plants in USA. (Oct 2024)
- Cutting corporate tax to 21% spurred COVID economy . (Jun 2024)
- Respect management rights in union collective bargaining. (Apr 2023)
- Cut the budget & staff of DOJ Antitrust Division. (Apr 2021)
- If we raise tax rates, companies will leave the country. (Oct 2020)
- OpEd: replaced scientific fact with profit-driven opinion. (Jun 2020)
- No more estate tax on small farms, small business. (Feb 2020)
- Companies will pay dearly for moving jobs out of US. (Mar 2019)
- Historic tax cuts and reforms for American businesses. (Apr 2018)
- Business tax rate slashed from 35% to 21%. (Jan 2018)
- Reducing taxes from 35% to 15% will be a job creator. (Sep 2016)
- Get U.S. money back into U.S.: address corporate inversion. (Nov 2015)
- Any business of any size will pay no more than 15% tax. (Nov 2015)
- 0% corporate tax would create millions of jobs. (Dec 2011)
- Fight crony capitalism with a level playing field. (Dec 2011)
- Wealthy move assets around globally based on tax incentives. (Apr 2011)
- Litigation system is abused to force deal negotiations. (Oct 1997)
Business Advice
- Attended Wharton but unimpressed by academic credentials. (Aug 2016)
- I've used bankruptcy laws to do a great job for my companies. (Aug 2015)
- Pragmatic positive: be positive, but be realistic. (Apr 2010)
- Being a know-it-all shuts the door on new ideas. (Apr 2010)
- In the game of life, money is how you score. (Sep 2008)
- A great deal when both sides win? That's a bunch of crap. (Sep 2008)
- I trust my instinct on business deals as well as personal. (Sep 2008)
- How big you think determines how big a success you become. (Sep 2008)
- Learning to be spontaneous takes preparation & practice. (Oct 2006)
- Move quickly from seeing problems to seeing solutions. (Oct 2006)
- 12-hour working days are my norm, not an exception. (Oct 2006)
- Sue scoundrels but settle with the rest. (Mar 2004)
- Sometimes I wait 5 minutes for a deal; sometimes 15 years. (Mar 2004)
- Personal bankruptcy is a negotiating tool; I'd never do it. (Oct 1997)
- We've all been victims of herd mentality on Wall Street. (Oct 1997)
JD Vance on Corporations
Republican Vice Presidential nominee |
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- GOP now at least somewhat skeptical of corporate power. (Nov 2024)
- Founders didn't want citizens as subjects of markets. (Sep 2024)
- ESG is a massive racket at the expense of workers. (Jul 2024)
- Stop favoring multinationals; tax exporting jobs. (Oct 2021)
- 2017: Founded venture-capital firm to help Midwest startups. (Aug 2021)
- Woke capital directly connected to plundering of society. (Jun 2021)
- Downtowns fail when not enough consumers have jobs. (May 2017)
- Deregulation doesn't address economic & social crisis. (Jul 2016)
Marianne Williamson on Corporations
Democratic candidate for President |
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- Increase protections for corporate whistleblowers. (Jun 2023)
- Government has become a handmaiden to a new corporate order. (Jun 2023)
- Make it illegal for CEOs to be paid with stock options. (Nov 2019)
- Rise up against the false God of corporate economics. (Jul 2019)
- Reverse the 2017 corporate income tax cut. (Jul 2019)
- Giant corporations are a malfunction in society. (Jun 2019)
- Repeal corporate tax cuts. (May 2019)
- Corporate interests control the political process. (Jul 2018)