Background on Abortion |
Abortion topics in the 2024 election cycle:
V.P. nominee Walz notes that he "codified" abortion rights in his state -- that's 1 state out of 50 done -- there are 50 battlefields for abortion activists. "Codify" means "write up the rules and pass legislation." Of course, pro-choice advocates had 50 years of opportunity to codify abortion righrts federally, and never did!
Cross-state issues (such as, can a woman in Texas, where abortion is illegal, come to Massachusetts for a legal abortion?) will likely dominate the debate for years to come.
Pro-life adviocates oppose medication abortion, but it's legal, and the pills can be obtained through the mail in no-abortion states. Hence some pro-life adviocates supoprt a federal ban on Mifepristone, perhaps revoking its FDA approval or the FDA approval of one of its components. Trump/Vance, however, support Mifepristone, as part of their moderate stance on abortion rights.
Vivek Ramaswamy is actually an extremist -- tolerating no exceptions -- post-Roe, that's no longer mainstream. Republican Senator Rubio is typical on the pro-life side as asserting Democrats want no restrictions (which is untrue); Democratic Governor Walz is typical on the pro-choice side as asserting Republicans want invasive restrictions (which is also untrue). Trump's "compromise" position is "leave it to the states."
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Pro life moral perspective Pro life medical/legal perspective Pro choice policy perspective Pro choice doctor's perspective Pro stem cell research policy perspective Anti stem cell research philosophical perspective Pro stem cell research legislative perspective References and sources: America Magazine, "Erasing Margaret Sanger from Planned Parenthood doesn't change abortion's eugenic logic," by Serrin M. Foster & Damian J. Geminder, July 22, 2020 Guttmacher Institute, "Understanding Planned Parenthood's Critical Role in the Nation's Family Planning Safety Net," by Kinsey Hasstedt, January 12, 2017 Science Magazine, "New U.S. ethics board rejects most human fetal tissue research proposals", by Meredith Wadman, Aug. 18, 2020 ABC News, "New U.S. ethics board rejects most human fetal tissue research proposals," by Meredith Wadman Aug. 18, 2020 Science Magazine, "Here's what is known about Trump's COVID-19 treatment," by Jon Cohen, Oct. 5, 2020 ACLU, "What's Wrong with Fetal Rights?" (downloaded Oct. 9, 2020) ABC News, "What Rights Do Unborn Children Have?" by Geraldine Sealey, January 7, 2006 The Washington Times, "It's time to reclaim the 14th Amendment for unborn persons", by Rebecca Hagelin. February 3, 2019 NPR on Hyde Amendment, "Clash Over Abortion Stalls Health Bill, Again," by Julie Rovner, March 21, 2018 March For Life on Hyde Amendment, "5 Facts to Know About the Life-Saving Hyde Amendment," by Bethany Peck, September 25, 2017 ACLU on Hyde Amendment, "Origins of the Hyde Amendment and Other Restrictions on Public Funding for Abortion," doenloaded Oct. 9, 2020 CNN on ObamaCare, "HHS unveils new requirement for abortion coverage payments," by Caroline Kelly, December 20, 2019 CNN on ObamaCare, "Federal judge blocks new requirement for abortion coverage payments," by Caroline Kelly, July 10, 2020 KFF.org, "The Mexico City Policy: An Explainer," Jun 29, 2020 HRW, "Trump's 'Mexico City Policy' or 'Global Gag Rule'?," February 8, 2018 USCCB, "The Importance of the Mexico City Policy: Testimony of the Conference of Catholic Bishops before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee," July 19, 2001 |