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State of California secondary Archives: on Abortion

Barbara Boxer: Don't go back to criminalizing women and doctors

One of the sharpest exchanges occurred when the candidates were asked about abortion. "If my opponent's views prevailed, women and doctors would be criminals, they would go to jail. Women would die, like they did before Roe v. Wade," said Boxer, a fierce critic of restrictions on existing abortion rights.

Fiorina reiterated her support for overturning the Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion, but said, "The most important issue right now in this election is the creation of jobs."

Source: Los Angeles Times coverage of 2010 CA Senate Debate Sep 2, 2010

Carly Fiorina: Overturn the Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion

One of the sharpest exchanges occurred when the candidates were asked about abortion. "If my opponent's views prevailed, women and doctors would be criminals, they would go to jail. Women would die, like they did before Roe v. Wade," said Boxer, a fierce critic of restrictions on existing abortion rights.

Fiorina reiterated her support for overturning the Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion, but said, "The most important issue right now in this election is the creation of jobs."

Source: Los Angeles Times coverage of 2010 CA Senate Debate Sep 2, 2010

Carly Fiorina: Embryonic stem cell research ok if not created for purpose

On Stem-cell research: Fiorina said she felt comfortable allowing federal funding to go to research using adult stem cells, as well as embryos that would have been destroyed otherwise. "It is when embryos are produced for the purposes of destruction, for the purposes of stem cell research that I have a great deal of difficulty," she said. Boxer did not address the question, which was directed to Fiorina.
Source: Los Angeles Times coverage of 2010 CA Senate Debate Sep 2, 2010

Carly Fiorina: Exceptions for rape, incest, and maternal endangerment

Politico reports that Boxer has hammered away at Fiorina's stance on abortion during their two previous debates. But observers say she's holding back a bit. That strategy contrasts with her three previous campaigns for the Senate, where she's found success against other conservative Republicans who view abortion similarly to Fiorina.

Boxer charged that Fiorina's stance on abortion is "'a direct threat' to the rights of women in California and the nation," the Los Angeles Times reports. Boxer said, "The most extreme anti-choice groups have found their candidate in Carly Fiorina." Fiorina, who opposes abortion except in the case of rape, incest or when the pregnancy endangers the life of the mother, has said the allegation is a distortion of her position. She told reporters that her opponent was trying to shift voters' attention from more pressing concerns. Fiorina has not explained what actions, if any, she would take in Congress to restrict abortion if elected"

Source: Medical News Today coverage of 2010 CA Senate Debate Oct 18, 2010

David Hadley: Pregnancy is a woman's decision, but restrictions ok

David Hadley believes--as a matter of law--that women and couples have the right to make their own decisions about pregnancies. He is personally opposed to abortion as birth control; he'll vote against partial birth abortion; and he favors parental notification because state law should strengthen the family unit.
Source: 2018 CA gubernatorial campaign website May 2, 2017

Gail Lightfoot: Oppose embryonic stem cell research

Q: Do you support or oppose expanding federal funding for research using embryonic stem cells?

Lightfoot selected, "Oppose."

Lightfoot added, "Again, this is a private sector area of concern. The ethical issues are for scientists and physicians to resolve and for you & me to decide if we agree enough to support their research. Government research is paid for with taxes we pay under threat of punishment. That is no way to improve our lives and allow each of us to decide where our money ought to go.

Source: Your Candidates Your Health profile: 2012 CA Senate debates Jun 15, 2012

Jimmy Gomez: Fight for Planned Parenthood and women's access

Jimmy received the Champion of Choice Award from Planned Parenthood in 2015 because of his record of standing for gender equality, and is endorsed by the Planned Parenthood Action Fund. Jimmy will fight the GOP's war against women and access to health care
Source: 2017 CA House campaign website, Jun 6, 2017

Nanette Barragan: Don't force views of men in Congress on women's bodies

Congress--at more than 80% men--shouldn't be trying to force their views on the rest of us and judge what's right for every woman in America. We should be investing in programs that help women get the health & reproductive care they need--not slashing funds for these critical programs. We must defend a woman's right to choose.

And we must make sure that women aren't forced to choose between having a family and having a job--with increased protections in the workplace and paid leave for parents.

Source: 2016 CA House campaign website Nov 8, 2016

Peter Camejo: Abortions should always be legally available

Source: Congressional CA 2002 National Political Awareness Test Oct 9, 2002

  • The above quotations are from State of California Politicians: secondary Archives.
  • Click here for definitions & background information on Abortion.
  • Click here for other issues (main summary page).
2016 Presidential contenders on Abortion:
Gov.Jeb Bush(FL)
Dr.Ben Carson(MD)
Gov.Chris Christie(NJ)
Sen.Ted Cruz(TX)
Carly Fiorina(CA)
Gov.Jim Gilmore(VA)
Sen.Lindsey Graham(SC)
Gov.Mike Huckabee(AR)
Gov.Bobby Jindal(LA)
Gov.John Kasich(OH)
Gov.Sarah Palin(AK)
Gov.George Pataki(NY)
Sen.Rand Paul(KY)
Gov.Rick Perry(TX)
Sen.Rob Portman(OH)
Sen.Marco Rubio(FL)
Sen.Rick Santorum(PA)
Donald Trump(NY)
Gov.Scott Walker(WI)
Gov.Lincoln Chafee(RI)
Secy.Hillary Clinton(NY)
V.P.Joe Biden(DE)
Gov.Martin O`Malley(MD)
Sen.Bernie Sanders(VT)
Sen.Elizabeth Warren(MA)
Sen.Jim Webb(VA)

2016 Third Party Candidates:
Gov.Gary Johnson(L-NM)
Roseanne Barr(PF-HI)
Robert Steele(L-NY)
Dr.Jill Stein(G,MA)
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