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State of California secondary Archives: on War & Peace

Carly Fiorina: Impose crippling sanctions against Iran

CAMPBELL: Let's talk about the threat that Israel and the US face from nuclear-armed Iran, which is huge. The responsibility of the US is to support Israel, if Israel needs to use military force to take the potential of nuclear tipped weapons away from Iran.

FIORINA: I certainly agree that we need to be extremely concerned about Iran and I believe that we have lost a year to President Obama's failed engagement policy. The time has come for us to impose crippling sanctions unilaterally if necessary. We should be cutting off all access for Iran's leaders and for the Iran Revolutionary guard core to financial institutions to credit, to travel. We should be limiting Iran's imports for fined petroleum. And we should also stand very firmly with the brave men and women in Iran who are challenging the repressive Government and take advantage of the fact that there is a historic split in the theocracy in Iran--the first time in 25 years that that's happened.

Source: Hogue News 1380 KTKZ coverage of 2010 CA Senate debate Mar 7, 2010

Carly Fiorina: Impose sanctions on Iran: no refined petroleum imports

Q: An accusation has been made around Iran and printers sold while you were CEO of HP?

FIORINA: HP has been in compliance with all US law. These accusations that we, that HP, did something unlawful are false. The real issue in Iran is how do we stop Iran's never-ending march towards a nuclear weapon? I believe we need to stop talking now and start acting. Congress should impose sanctions against shipment of refined petroleum into Iran.

Q: Chuck Devore, your campaign was the first to bring this to light?

DEVORE: We are not talking about simply compliance with obscure export controls. Carly Fiorina as CEO of HP could have severed relationship with Redington Gulf [the HP intermediary shipping to Iran], as HP has done in the early part of 2009 after a very damaging article came out in the Boston Globe. When she calls for sanctions against Iran, which certainly we can agree with, the hypocritical thing is that she participated as a CEO in undermining those very sanctions.

Source: Hogue News 1380 KTKZ coverage of 2010 CA Senate debate Mar 7, 2010

Carly Fiorina: Two-state solution with Jerusalem as undivided capital

Q: Should the Palestinians have their own territory? And should the capital in Jerusalem be shared?

FIORINA: The peace process ultimately must include a two-state solution. However, I do not support the notion that Jerusalem should be a divided capital Tom Campbell apparently does.

CAMPBELL: No, that's not true.

FIORINA: Well, you were one of only 34 people in the entire House of Representatives in 1990 to vote against Jerusalem being the undivided capital of Israel.

CAMPBELL: The motion was a political maneuver to embarrass President George H. W. Bush.

FIORINA: That's a really interesting, and frankly intellectually contorted explanation. The reality is, 33 other congress people agreed with you, everyone else disagreed. The vast majority of Congress people were not embarrassed by this supposedly diplomatic maneuver.

CAMPBELL: The Prime Minister of Israel at the time was prepared to discuss a solution that involved as shared capital in Jerusalem.

Source: Hogue News 1380 KTKZ coverage of 2010 CA Senate debate Mar 7, 2010

Doug Ose: We're not shooting bullets yet, but we are at war with China

The Chinese Communist Party took some punches from candidates after a moderator asked about reports that it's taken intellectual property and is trying to influence American universities. "We're not shooting bullets yet, but we are at war with China," Ose said.
Source: Cal Matters on 2021 CA recall race Aug 5, 2021

Jon Huntsman: Bring troops home from Afghanistan

In Afghanistan, the reality is it is an asymmetrical counterterror effort. We need intelligence. We need special forces. And we need some training on the ground. But I think one way to commemorate our 10-year anniversary of 9/11, remembering the 3,000-plus people who died in New York and in Pennsylvania and in Washington, is to say it's time for this country to set a goal for ourselves: We're going to get our core fixed. We're going to do some nation-building right here at home.
Source: 2011 GOP debate in Simi Valley CA at the Reagan Library Sep 7, 2011

Michele Bachmann: It was wrong for US to go into Libya

Q: You opposed the US intervention in Libya. If Pres. Obama had taken the same view, Gadhafi would still be in power today. Are you advocating a shift away from the George W. Bush freedom agenda?

BACHMANN: As devastating as our economy is with the policies of Barack Obama, I think that he has actually weakened us militarily and with the US presence globally.

Q: I didn't hear your answer with respect to Libya.

BACHMANN: Well, I believe that it was wrong for the president to go into Libya. His own secretary of defense, Gates, said that there was no American vital interest in Libya. If there is no vital interest, that doesn't even meet the threshold of the first test for military involvement. The other thing is, we didn't know who the rebel forces were in Libya. We don't know if the oil revenues will get in the hands of people who will have designs on radical Islam. These are very serious issues, and I think it was wrong for the president of the United States to go into Libya.

Source: 2011 GOP debate in Simi Valley CA at the Reagan Library Sep 7, 2011

Nanette Barragan: Too many soldiers lost in unnecessary wars

America's role on the global stage has become increasingly important over the years. We continue to maintain our presence as a world leader thanks to the efforts of our men and women in uniform. Unfortunately, we have lost too many of these courageous fighters to unnecessary wars. Congress needs to pledge to uphold America's presence internationally, while striving for diplomacy and peace by restricting the use of military force in order to save American lives and taxpayer dollars. A robust foreign policy plan can benefit Americans domestically, by ensuring American lives are secure. We also need to provide support for our democratic allies in key regions, such as Israel.
Source: 2016 CA House campaign website Nov 8, 2016

Rick Santorum: No isolationism on Libya; but Obama did it wrong

Q: [to Bachmann]: You opposed the US intervention in Libya. If Pres. Obama had taken the same view, Gadhafi would still be in power today.

BACHMANN: I believe that it was wrong for the president to go into Libya. There was no American vital interest in Libya. We didn't know who the rebel forces were in Libya.

SANTORUM: I'm hearing from at least a couple of people on this panel a very isolationist view. Ronald Reagan was committed to America being a force for good around the world. We could have been a force for good from the very get-go in Libya, but this president was indecisive and confused from the very beginning. He only went along with the Libyan mission because the UN told him to. This is a very important issue for our party. Are we going to stand in the Reagan tradition, or are we going to go the isolationist view that some in this party are advocating?

Source: 2011 GOP debate in Simi Valley CA at the Reagan Library Sep 7, 2011

Ron Paul: Cut $20B in Green Zone air conditioning to force troops home

We're spending--believe it or not, this blew my mind when I read this--$20 billion a year for air conditioning in Afghanistan and Iraq in the tents over there and all the air conditioning. Cut that $20 billion out, bring in--take $10 billion off the debt, and put $10 billion into whoever else needs it. But I'll tell you what, if we did that and took the air conditioning out of the Green Zone, our troops would come home, and that would make me happy.
Source: 2011 GOP debate in Simi Valley CA at the Reagan Library Sep 7, 2011

Tom Campbell: Stand by Israel if they attack Iranian nukes

CAMPBELL: Let's talk about the threat that Israel and the US face from nuclear-armed Iran, which is huge. The responsibility of the US is to support Israel, if Israel needs to do to Iran what it did relative to Syria in September 2008 and relative to Iraq in 1981. And that is to use military force to take the potential of nuclear tipped weapons away from Iran. Our view as an ally of Israel should be made clear to the world that if Israel needs to take that step, we stand with Israel.

FIORINA: I certainly agree that we need to be extremely concerned about Iran and I believe that we have lost a year to President Obama's failed engagement policy. The time has come for us to impose crippling sanctions unilaterally if necessary. We should be limiting Iran's imports for fined petroleum. And we should also stand very firmly with the brave men and women in Iran who are challenging the repressive Government and take advantage of the fact that there is a historic split in the theocracy in Iran.

Source: Hogue News 1380 KTKZ coverage of 2010 CA Senate debate Mar 7, 2010

Tom Campbell: Consider but don't insist on Jerusalem as undivided capital

Q: Should Jerusalem be shared?

FIORINA: I do not support that Jerusalem should be divided. Tom Campbell apparently does.

CAMPBELL: No, that's not true.

FIORINA: You were one of only 34 people in the entire House in 1990 to vote against Jerusalem being the undivided capital.

CAMPBELL: The US at that point was inserting itself into the negotiations between the Palestinians & the Israelis; the final status of Jerusalem was the deal breaker. That should be resolved by the two parties. The motion was put by a Democrat to embarrass Pres. George H. W. Bush, who had criticized the process for not leading to a faster solution. It was a political maneuver.

FIORINA: The vast majority of Congress was not embarrassed by this supposedly diplomatic maneuver.

CAMPBELL: The Prime Minister of Israel was prepared to discuss a solution that involved as shared capital. I do not say that that should be the result. I say that the result should be worked out by the Israelis and the Palestinians.

Source: Hogue News 1380 KTKZ coverage of 2010 CA Senate debate Mar 7, 2010

  • The above quotations are from State of California Politicians: secondary Archives.
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2016 Presidential contenders on War & Peace:
Gov.Jeb Bush(FL)
Dr.Ben Carson(MD)
Gov.Chris Christie(NJ)
Sen.Ted Cruz(TX)
Carly Fiorina(CA)
Gov.Jim Gilmore(VA)
Sen.Lindsey Graham(SC)
Gov.Mike Huckabee(AR)
Gov.Bobby Jindal(LA)
Gov.John Kasich(OH)
Gov.Sarah Palin(AK)
Gov.George Pataki(NY)
Sen.Rand Paul(KY)
Gov.Rick Perry(TX)
Sen.Rob Portman(OH)
Sen.Marco Rubio(FL)
Sen.Rick Santorum(PA)
Donald Trump(NY)
Gov.Scott Walker(WI)
Gov.Lincoln Chafee(RI)
Secy.Hillary Clinton(NY)
V.P.Joe Biden(DE)
Gov.Martin O`Malley(MD)
Sen.Bernie Sanders(VT)
Sen.Elizabeth Warren(MA)
Sen.Jim Webb(VA)

2016 Third Party Candidates:
Gov.Gary Johnson(L-NM)
Roseanne Barr(PF-HI)
Robert Steele(L-NY)
Dr.Jill Stein(G,MA)
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