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Bill Sponsorships
Policy Reports
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Group Ratings
Court Rulings
Senate Surveys

Bill Sponsorships:
Congressional bills 2011-2012
Congressional bills 2009-2010
2008 Presidential Contenders' bills
Congressional bills 1998-2008
2010 Senate signature bills
2008 Senate signature bills
2008 Presidential signature bills
Pres. Barack Obama's Senate signature bills
V.P. Joe Biden's Senate signature bills
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Sen. John McCain's Senate signature bills
Sen. Hillary Clinton's Senate signature bills

Congressional memberships 2012
Congressional memberships 2001-2011
112th Congress Committees
Congressional Caucuses
Congressional Group Ratings

Surveys: Collection of all surveys in one summary.
2012 Project Vote Smart
2012 Christian Coalition voter guide
2010 Christian Coalition voter guide
2010 voter guide
2010 Project Vote Smart
Contract From America
Contract With America

Reports & Letters:
Governmental Reports
Resolutions 2011
Letters 2011
Supreme Court Rulings
Supreme Court 2011:

2008 Presidential
2004 Presidential
2000 Presidential
2008 Issues
2004 Issues
2000 Issues

Senate Votes:
Through 2011
Through 2009
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Through 2003

House Votes:
Through 2011


    This page contains bills sponsored by presidential contenders. Bill sponsorships indicate the topics that legislators are most interested in, and spend the most time on.

02-HR4561 on Apr 24, 2002

Legislation by 2008 Presidential Candidates: requiring "Privacy Impact Statement" on new federal rules
Source: Federal Agency Protection of Privacy Act (H.R.4561)
SPONSOR'S INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT: It is clear that this bill's many cosponsors do not agree on every issue. The same can be said of the bill's noncongressional supporters, which include groups ranging from the National Rifle Association to the American Civil Liberties Union.

The sphere of privacy, which Justice Brandeis eloquently described as the ''right to be let alone,'' is not only rapidly diminishing, it is increasingly penetrable. The Federal Agency Protection of Privacy Act takes the first--necessary--step toward protecting the privacy of information collected by the federal government, by requiring that rules noticed for public comment by federal agencies be accompanied by an assessment of the rule's impact on personal privacy interests, including the extent to which the proposed rule provides notice of the collection of personally identifiable information, what information will be obtained, and how this informational will be collected, protected, maintained, used and disclosed.

I want to emphasize H.R. 4561 will not unduly burden regulators nor will it hinder law enforcement. This bill will apply the best antiseptic--sunshine--to the federal rulemaking process by securing the public's right to know about how rules will affect their personal privacy.


  • Requires Federal agencies, when promulgating a rule, to publish a privacy impact analysis.
  • Requires an agency promulgating a rule that may have a significant privacy impact on individuals to use specified techniques to assure that individuals have been given an opportunity to participate in the rulemaking.
  • Requires each agency to carry out a periodic review of promulgated rules that have privacy impact, every ten years after the rule was published.

LEGISLATIVE OUTCOME: Passed House on a voice vote; sent to Senate on Oct. 8, 2002; never called to vote in Senate.

  • Topic: Civil Rights
  • Headline: Require "Privacy Impact Statement" on new federal rules
  • Headline 2: Sponsored bill for "Privacy Impact Statement" on new rules

  • Key for participation codes:
  • Sponsorships: p=sponsored; o=co-sponsored; s=signed
  • Memberships: c=chair; m=member; e=endorsed; f=profiled; s=scored
  • Resolutions: i=introduced; w=wrote; a=adopted
  • Cases: w=wrote; j=joined; d=dissented; c=concurred
  • Surveys: '+' supports; '-' opposes.

Democrats participating in 02-HR4561

Tammy Baldwin s1oWI Democratic Challenger 
Shelley Berkley s1oNevada Democrat (Senate run 2012) 
Earl Blumenauer s1oOregon Democrat 
Rick Boucher s1oVirginia Democrat (until 2010) 
John Conyers s1oMichigan Democrat 
Danny Davis s1oIllinois Democrat 
Sam Farr s1oCalifornia Democrat 
Bob Filner s1oCalifornia Democrat (Mayoral run 2011) 
Barney Frank s1oMassachusetts Democrat (Retiring 2012) 
Tony Hall s1oOhio Democrat (until 2002) 
Mike Honda s1oCalifornia Democrat 
Sheila Jackson Lee s1oTexas Democrat 
Jim McGovern s1oMassachusetts Democrat 
Cynthia McKinney s1oGeorgia Democrat 
Dennis Moore s1oKansas Democrat (until 2010) 
Jerrold Nadler s1oNew York Dem./Lib./Working-Families 
Collin Peterson s1oMinnesota Democrat/Farmer/Labor 
Charles Rangel s1oNew York Dem./Lib./Working-Families 
Lynn Nancy Rivers s1oMichigan Democrat 
Jan Schakowsky s1oIllinois Democrat 
Ronnie Shows s1oMississippi Democrat 
Louise Slaughter s1oNew York Democrat 
Charles Stenholm s1oTexas Democrat 
Diane Watson s1oCalifornia Former Democrat (until 2010) 
Mel Watt s1oNorth Carolina Democrat 

Republicans participating in 02-HR4561

Bob Barr s2pGeorgia Republican Challenger 
Ken Calvert s1oCalifornia Republican 
Chris Cannon s1oUtah Republican 
Steve Chabot s1oOhio Republican 
Jo Ann Davis s1oVirginia Republican 
Jeff Flake s1oArizona Republican (Senate run 2012) 
George Gekas s1oPennsylvania Republican 
Mark Green s1oWisconsin Republican 
Joel Hefley s1oColorado Republican 
Mark Kennedy s1oMinnesota Republican (until 2006) 
Charlie Norwood s1oGeorgia Republican 
Butch Otter s1oID Republican Governor 
Ron Paul s1oPOTUS Republican (Libertarian 1988) 
Mike Pence s1oIN Republican Governor 
James Sensenbrenner s1oWisconsin Republican 
Todd Tiahrt s1oKansas Republican (until 2010) 

Independents participating in 02-HR4561

John Hostettler s1oIN 2010 Senate Challenger (lost GOP primary); formerly US Rep. 
Bob Schaffer s1oCO Former GOP Senate Challenger (2008) 
Bob Stump s1oArizona Former GOP (until 2010) 

Total recorded by OnTheIssues:

Democrats: 25
Republicans: 16
Independents: 3

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