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JD Vance in 2024 Vice Presidential debate: Gov. Tim Walz vs. Sen. JD Vance

On Abortion: Democracy is messy; let voters decide in each state

JDV: Donald Trump has been very clear that on the abortion policy specifically, that we have a big country and it's diverse. And California has a different viewpoint on this than Georgia. Georgia has a different viewpoint from Arizona. And the proper way to handle this, as messy as democracy sometimes is, is to let voters make these decisions, let the individual states make their abortion policy.

TW: What we did was restore Roe v. Wade. We made sure that we put women in charge of their health care. Their Project 2025 is going to have a registry of pregnancies. It's going to make it more difficult, if not impossible to get contraception and limit access, if not eliminate access to infertility treatments. That's nobody else's business. In Minnesota, we are ranked first in health care for a reason. We trust women. We trust doctors.

Source: 2024 Vice Presidential debate: Tim Walz vs. JD Vance Oct 2, 2024

On Energy & Oil: We should produce as much energy as possible in the USA

JDV: This idea that carbon emissions drives all the climate change. Well, let's just say that's true, just for the sake of argument, so we're not arguing about weird science. Let's just say that's true. Well, if you believe that, what would you, what would you want to do? The answer is that you'd want to reshore as much American manufacturing as possible and you'd want to produce as much energy as possible in the United States of America because we're the cleanest economy in the entire world.

TW: Senator Vance has said that there's a climate problem in the past, Donald Trump called it a hoax and then joked that these things would make more beachfront property to be able to invest in. So the solution for us is to continue to move forward. Reducing our impact is absolutely critical. But this is not a false choice. You can do that at the same time you're creating the jobs that we're seeing all across the country.

Source: 2024 Vice Presidential debate: Tim Walz vs. JD Vance Oct 2, 2024

On Families & Children: Promote choice, like neighborhood childcare

JDV: We should have a family care model that makes choice possible. Let's say you'd like your church, maybe, to help you out with child care. Maybe you live in a rural area or an urban area, and you'd like to get together with families in your neighborhood to provide childcare in the way that makes the most sense. You don't get access to any of these federal monies. We want to promote choice in how we deliver family care and how we promote childcare because, look, it is unacceptable.

TW: You can't expect the most important people in our lives to take care of our children or our parents, to get paid the least amount of money. And we have to make it easier for folks to be able to get into that business and then to make sure that folks are able to pay for that. A Federal program of paid family medical leave and help with this will enhance our workforce, enhance our families, and make it easier to have the children that you want.

Source: 2024 Vice Presidential debate: Tim Walz vs. JD Vance Oct 2, 2024

On Free Trade: Cut taxes; we'll take a lot of money with tariffs on imports

JDV: We're going to be taking in a lot of money by penalizing companies for shipping jobs overseas and penalizing countries who employ slave laborers and then ship their products back into our country and undercut the wages of American workers. It's the heart of the Donald Trump economic plan. Cut taxes for American workers and American families. Cut taxes for businesses that are hiring and building companies in the United States. But penalize companies and countries that are shipping jobs overseas.

TW: You're not going to pay for it with these tariffs. That's just adding another $4,000 on the family and taking less. So not only do they not get the money to pay for that, they're $4,000 in the hole. That's Wharton School. That's his alma mater. When I go to businesses, sure, they'll talk about taxes sometimes. But they will lead with childcare and they will lead with housing, because we know the problem is we need more workers because our economy is growing, but we need the workforce.

Source: 2024 Vice Presidential debate: Tim Walz vs. JD Vance Oct 2, 2024

On Government Reform: Higher housing prices are due to government regulations

JDV: [Inflation] is not the entire driver of higher housing prices. It's also the regulatory regime of Kamala Harris. Look, we are a country of builders. We're a country of doers. We're a country of explorers. But we increasingly have a Federal administration that makes it harder to develop our resources, makes it harder to build things, and wants to throw people in jail for not doing everything exactly as Kamala Harris says that they have to do.

TW: Whenever we talk regulations, people think they can get rid of them. I think you want to be able to get out of your house in a fire. I think you want to make sure that it's fireproof and those types of things. So which are the regulations? Because the vice president's not responsible for those. Congress writes those.

Source: 2024 Vice Presidential debate: Tim Walz vs. JD Vance Oct 2, 2024

On Energy & Oil: Build more clean energy, like nukes and natural gas

Q: Is climate change a hoax?

VANCE: What the President has said is that if Kamala Harris believes that climate change is serious, they would be doing more manufacturing and more energy production in the US, and that's not what they're doing. The real issue is that if you're spending billions of dollars of American taxpayer money on solar panels that are made in China, you're going to make the economy dirtier. We should be making more of those solar panels here in the US. p>WALZ: We are. In Minnesota.

VANCE: Some of them are, Tim, but a lot of them are being made overseas in China, especially the components that go into those solar panels. So if you really want to make the environment cleaner, you've got to invest in more energy production. We built [only one] nuclear facility in the past 40 years. Natural gas--invest more in it. Kamala Harris has done the opposite.

WALZ: We are producing more natural gas and more oil at any time than we ever have. We're also producing more clean energy.

Source: 2024 Vice Presidential debate: Tim Walz vs. JD Vance Oct 1, 2024

On Free Trade: Experts lied about cheaper goods from offshoring

VANCE: Experts for 40 years said that if we shipped our manufacturing base off to China, we'd get cheaper goods. They lied about that. They said if we shipped our industrial base off to other countries, to Mexico and elsewhere, it would make the middle class stronger. They were wrong about that. They were wrong about the idea that if we made America less self-reliant, less productive in our own Nation, that it would somehow make us better off. And they were wrong about it. And for the first time in a generation, Donald Trump had the wisdom and the courage to say to that bipartisan consensus, we're not doing it anymore. We're bringing American manufacturing back. But look, so many of the drugs, the pharmaceuticals that we put in the bodies of our children are manufactured by nations that hate us. This has to stop. And we're not going to stop it by listening to experts. We're going to stop it by listening to common sense wisdom, which is what Donald Trump governed on.
Source: 2024 Vice Presidential debate: Tim Walz vs. JD Vance Oct 1, 2024

On Immigration: Illegal migrants use CBP One app to apply for asylum

WALZ: Senator Vance vilified a large number of [Haitian] people who were here legally in the community of Springfield. The Republican Governor said, "It's not true."

VANCE: In Springfield and all across this country, you've got schools and hospitals that are overwhelmed,; you've got housing that is totally unaffordable because we brought in millions of illegal immigrants to compete with Americans for scarce homes. The people that I'm most worried about in Springfield, Ohio, are the American citizens who have had their lives destroyed by Kamala Harris's open border.

WALZ: This is blaming migrants for everything.

Q: To clarify for our viewers, Springfield, Ohio does have a large number of Haitian migrants who have legal status: Temporary protected status.

VANCE: Since you're fact checking me, the CBP One app where you can go on as an illegal migrant, apply for asylum or apply for parole and be granted legal status at the wave of a Kamala Harris open border wand.

Source: 2024 Vice Presidential debate: Tim Walz vs. JD Vance Oct 1, 2024

On Principles & Values: The real threat to democracy is censorship, not Jan. 6

Q: You have said you would not have certified the last Presidential election. Would you again seek to challenge this year's election results?

VANCE: We're focused on the future. I believe that we actually do have a threat to democracy in this country, but it is the threat of censorship.

WALZ: Donald Trump refused to acknowledge that he lost this election.

VANCE: For years in this country, Democrats protested the results of elections. Hillary Clinton in 2016 said that Donald Trump had the election stolen because the Russians bought, like, $500,000 worth of Facebook ads.

WALZ: January 6th was not Facebook ads. Donald Trump is still saying he didn't lose the election. I would just ask that: Did he lose the 2020 election?

VANCE: Tim, I'm focused on the future. Did Kamala Harris censor Americans from speaking their mind in the wake of the 2020 COVID situation?

WALZ: That is a damning non answer.

VANCE: It's a damning non answer for you to not talk about censorship.

Source: 2024 Vice Presidential debate: Tim Walz vs. JD Vance Oct 1, 2024

On War & Peace: Trump deterred Iran; Biden-Harris unfroze $100B

Q: Would you support a preemptive strike by Israel on Iran?

WALZ: Israel's ability to defend itself is absolutely fundamental. What we've seen out of Vice President Harris is we've seen steady leadership. Our allies see Donald Trump turn towards Vladimir Putin, turn towards North Korea--fickleness around holding the coalitions together.

VANCE: Gov. Walz just accused Donald Trump of being an agent of chaos, Donald Trump actually delivered stability in the world, and he did it by establishing effective deterrence. People were afraid of stepping out of line. Iran, which launched [against Israel today's missile] attack, has received over $100 billion in unfrozen assets thanks to the Kamala Harris administration. What do they use that money for? They use it to buy weapons that they're now launching against our allies and, God forbid, potentially launching against the United States as well. Donald Trump recognized that for people to fear the United States, you needed peace through strength.

Source: 2024 Vice Presidential debate: Tim Walz vs. JD Vance Oct 1, 2024

On Gun Control: Unfortunately, we have to increase security in our schools

JDV: I unfortunately think that we have to increase security in our schools. We have to make the doors lock better. We have to make the doors stronger. We've got to make the windows stronger. We've got to increase school resource officers because the idea that we can magically wave a wand and take guns out of the hands of bad guys, it just doesn't fit with recent experience. We've got to make our schools safer, and I think we've got to have some common sense, bipartisan solutions for how to do that. TW: We understand that the Second Amendment is there, but our first responsibility is to our kids to figure this out. There are reasonable things that we can do to make a difference. It's not infringing on your Second Amendment. But I ask all of you out there, do you want your schools hardened to look like a fort? Is that what we have to do, when we know there's countries around the world that their children aren't practicing these types of drills? They're being kids.
Source: 2024 Vice Presidential debate: Tim Walz vs. JD Vance Oct 2, 2024

On Health Care: Donald Trump salvaged ObamaCare in a bipartisan way

JDV: I think you can make a really good argument that it salvaged ObamaCare, which was doing disastrously until Donald Trump came along. I think this is an important point about President Trump. When ObamaCare was crushing under the weight of its own regulatory burden and healthcare costs, Donald Trump could have destroyed the program. Instead, he worked in a bipartisan way to ensure that Americans had access to affordable care.

TW: The first thing [Trump said] he was going to do on day one, was to repeal Obamacare. On day one, he tried to sign an executive order to repeal the ACA. He signed onto a lawsuit to repeal the ACA, but lost at the Supreme Court. And he would have repealed the ACA had it not been for the courage of John McCain to save that bill. So what they're going to do is let insurance companies pick who they insure. That's why the system didn't work. Kamala Harris will protect and enhance the ACA.

Source: 2024 Vice Presidential debate: Tim Walz vs. JD Vance Oct 2, 2024

On Immigration: Make it harder for illegal aliens to undercut wages

JDV: We've got 20, 25 million illegal aliens who are here in the country. I think the first thing that we do is we start with the criminal migrants. About a million of those people have committed some form of crime in addition to crossing the border illegally. I think you start with deportations on those folks, and then you make it harder for illegal aliens to undercut the wages of American workers. A lot of people will go home if they can't work for less than minimum wage in our own country.

TW: Fifteen hundred new border agents, detection for drugs, DOJ money to speed up these adjudications on this. Just what America wants. But as soon as it was getting ready to pass and actually tackle this Donald Trump said "No," told them to vote against it because it gives him a campaign issue. It gives him, what would Donald Trump talk about if we actually did some of these things? And they need to be done by the legislature. You can't just do this through the executive branch.

Source: 2024 Vice Presidential debate: Tim Walz vs. JD Vance Oct 2, 2024

On Principles & Values: Censorship is bigger threat to democracy than Donald Trump

JDV: We don't have to agree on every issue, but we're united behind a basic American First Amendment principle that we ought to debate our differences. We ought to argue about them. We ought to try to persuade our fellow Americans. Kamala Harris is engaged in censorship at an industrial scale. She did it during COVID, she's done it over a number of other issues. That is a much bigger threat to democracy than what Donald Trump said when he said that protesters should peacefully protest on January 6th.

TW: Democracy is bigger than winning an election. You shake hands and then you try and do everything you can to help the other side win. To deny what happened on January 6, the first time in American history that a President or anyone tried to overturn a fair election and the peaceful transfer of power. And here we are four years later in the same boat. When this is over, we need to shake hands and the winner needs to be the winner. This has got to stop. It's tearing our country apart.

Source: 2024 Vice Presidential debate: Tim Walz vs. JD Vance Oct 2, 2024

On Welfare & Poverty: Biden/Harris plan drove cost of housing higher by 60%

JDV: Here's what you won't hear, is that Kamala Harris has already done it. Because she's been the Vice President for three and a half years, she had the opportunity to enact all of these great policies. And what she's actually done instead is drive the cost of food higher by 25%, drive the cost of housing higher by about 60%, open the American southern border and make middle class life unaffordable for a large number of Americans.

TW: The bold forward plan that Kamala Harris put out there is talking about this housing issue. The one thing is there's 3 million new houses proposed under this plan with down payment assistance on the front end. To get you in a house. A house is much more than just an asset to be traded somewhere. It's foundational to where you're at. As far as the housing goes, I've seen it in Minnesota, 12% more houses in Minneapolis, prices went down on rent, 4%. It's working.

Source: 2024 Vice Presidential debate: Tim Walz vs. JD Vance Oct 2, 2024

The above quotations are from 2024 Vice Presidential debate: Senator JD Vance vs. Governor Tim Walz.
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