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Tim Walz in 2018 MN Governor's race

On Abortion: Maintain funding for Planned Parenthood

Q: Abortion: Mostly ban or mostly legal?

Jeff Johnson (R): Ban. Believes in the sanctity of human life from conception. Wants a "heartbeat bill," banning abortions at about 6 weeks of pregnancy.

Tim Walz (D): Legal. Believes in a woman's right to choose, & will continue this support as Governor.

Q: Let Planned Parenthood receive public funds for non-abortion health care?

Johnson: Unknown.

Walz: Yes. Voted against defunding Planned Parenthood.

Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Minnesota Governor race Oct 9, 2018

On Drugs: Full legalization of medical and recreational marijuana

Q: Legalize or decriminalize marijuana?

Jeff Johnson (R): Supports medical marijuana but opposed to legalizing recreational.

Tim Walz (D): Yes. Supports full legalization of medical and recreational marijuana for adults.

Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Minnesota Governor race Oct 9, 2018

On Education: 2 years tuition-free education at MN state institutions

Q: Increase state funding for higher education?

Jeff Johnson (R): Unknown.

Tim Walz (D): Yes. Wants to provide 2 years tuition-free education at MN state institutions for families making $125K/year or less.

Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Minnesota Governor race Oct 9, 2018

On Education: Fully fund pre-K-to-12; make Minnesota the education state

Q: Increase funding for K-12 education?

Jeff Johnson (R): No. Says money won't solve problems.

Tim Walz (D): Yes. Wants to fully fund pre-K & K-12 education, making Minnesota the "education state."

Q: Provide vouchers to parents to send their children to private schools with public money?

Johnson: Yes. Wants to allow parents vouchers to move their children out of failing schools.

Walz: No. Sees a need to keep funding public schools, "not diverting it into voucher programs."

Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Minnesota Governor race Oct 9, 2018

On Energy & Oil: Climate change is real and urgent

Q: Consider climate change a critical threat?

Jeff Johnson (R): No. Says climate is changing naturally and human involvement is debatable.

Tim Walz (D): Yes. Sees climate change as real and urgent.

Q: Should the government limit the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere?

Johnson: No. Believes that a single country's efforts to mitigate climate change would have only a "small effect" & "we don't need to reorder our economy based on climate change."

Walz): Yes. Supported legislation to restrict carbon emissions. Opposed Trump's decision to withdraw from Paris Climate Agreement.

Q: Support government subsidies for renewable energy?

Johnson: Questions Minnesota's mandates on producing renewable fuels like ethanol & biodiesel, but promises not to end them if elected.

Walz: Yes. Wants to expand the Renewable Energy Standard, so Minnesota will get at least 50% of its energy from renewables by 2030, up from 21% now.

Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Minnesota Governor race Oct 9, 2018

On Families & Children: Full marriage equality for same-sex couples

Q: Support gay marriage?

Jeff Johnson (R): No. But supports "contractual unions" for hospital visitation, inheritance or end-of-life decisions.

Tim Walz (D): Yes. Has campaigned for "full marriage equality" since 2005.

Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Minnesota Governor race Oct 9, 2018

On Free Trade: Rash tariffs on China against interests of America's farmers

Q: Support Trump's imposition of tariffs on Chinese steel & other products?

Jeff Johnson (R): No. Concerned about how Chinese tariffs will affect Minnesota farmers.

Tim Walz (D): No. Calls the tariffs "rash" & not in "the interests of America's farmers."

Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Minnesota Governor race Oct 9, 2018

On Government Reform: Limit corporate campaign donations, and disclose all

Q: Require political ads to disclose their largest funders?

Jeff Johnson (R): Unknown.

Tim Walz (D): Yes. Co-sponsored 2012 DISCLOSE Act, requiring full disclosure of independent campaign expenditures.

Q: Support Citizens United decision, allowing unlimited political donations from corporations & unions?

Johnson: Unknown.

Walz: No. Disagrees with Supreme Court decision that lifts limits on corporations' & unions' spending in US elections.

Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Minnesota Governor race Oct 9, 2018

On Government Reform: Remove barriers to voting

Q: Voting Rights: Support stricter voting rules such as voter ID requirements, even if they prevent some people from voting?

Jeff Johnson (R): Yes. Supports requiring voters to show photo ID, although Minnesotans rejected that idea in a 2012 vote.


Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Minnesota Governor race Oct 9, 2018

On Gun Control: Expand background checks; ban assault-style weapons

Q: Support more restrictive Gun Control legislation?

Jeff Johnson (R): No. Opposes expanded background checks. Wants to arm trained professionals in schools & strengthen existing laws, not restrict "rights of law-abiding gun owners" with new laws.

Tim Walz (D): Yes. Supports expanded background checks & banning assault-style weapons--not arming teachers (he was a teacher for 20 years).

Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Minnesota Governor race Oct 9, 2018

On Health Care: Single-payer system is on Minnesota's horizon

Q: Support or Repeal Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare)? Accept ACA's Medicaid expansion to subsidize low-income participants?

Jeff Johnson (R): Repeal; move toward "a more free-market system."

Tim Walz (D): Support. Opposes attempts to roll back ACA. Believes single payer type system "is on Minnesota's horizon," but need to control immediate costs, improve care, and support MinnesotaCare as best current option. Also supports allowing people to buy into programs like VA system, Medicaid & Medicare.

Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Minnesota Governor race Oct 9, 2018

On Immigration: Give DREAMers a path to citizenship

Q: Support DACA, allowing "Dreamers" who arrived illegally as children, then grew up in the US, to achieve legal status?

Jeff Johnson (R): Unknown.

Tim Walz (D): Yes. Sees a need to address DACA & protect Dreamers. Wants to provide them with a path t

Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Minnesota Governor race Oct 9, 2018

On Jobs: Push back against right-to-work legislation

Q: Enact right-to-work law, eliminating the right of unions to mandate dues for workers they represent?

Jeff Johnson (R): Yes. Supports making Minnesota a right-to-work state.

Tim Walz (D): No. Opposes "assaults on our right to collective bargaining,

Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Minnesota Governor race Oct 9, 2018

On Jobs: Supports $15 minimum wage for Minnesota

Q: Raise the minimum wage?

Jeff Johnson (R): No. Says it would lessen options for young & least experienced people.

Tim Walz (D): Yes. Supports $15 minimum wage for Minnesota.

Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Minnesota Governor race Oct 9, 2018

On Tax Reform: Trump tax cuts go mostly to top 1%

Q: Support President Trump's tax cuts?

Jeff Johnson (R): Support Trump tax cuts, would lower Minnesota taxes.

Tim Walz (D): No. Opposed 2017 tax cuts. Says 86 million middle-class families will see taxes increase while top 1% get 83% of benefit. Cutting MN taxes means cutting programs.

Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Minnesota Governor race Oct 9, 2018

On Technology: Supports Net Neutrality (equal access to Internet)

Q: Net Neutrality: Require internet providers to provide equal access to all users?

Jeff Johnson (R): Unknown.

Tim Walz (D): Yes.

Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Minnesota Governor race Oct 9, 2018

On Immigration: Helped resettle countless immigrants into this community

Q: If elected governor, what will you do to fight the scapegoating and demonization and persecution of immigrants and refugees?

Walz: Talking about his first campaign where Rep. Steve King from Iowa campaigned against him, Walz said, "Two days after I was elected, I was in the church with Fr. Brixius in Worthington in the basement after the ICE raid there. Over the years, my office has helped resettle countless people into this community."

Source: Post-Bulletin on 2018 Minnesota governor debate Oct 25, 2017

On Education: Recognized as the 2003 Minnesota Teacher of Excellence

After high school, Tim accepted a temporary teaching position at the Native American Reservation in Pine Ridge, South Dakota. It was this experience that convinced Tim to follow his father's lead. "My father was a teacher--I learned early on that the opportunity to help students learn and achieve their goals is incredibly rewarding."

Harvard University offered Tim an opportunity to gain a new perspective on global education by teaching in the People's Republic of China in 1989-90, where he joined of one of the first government-approved groups of American teachers to work in Chinese high schools.

Following his return to Nebraska in 1990, Tim developed a program of cooperation between American and Chinese students. He created a small business-- Educational Travel Adventures, Inc.--through which he led annual educational trips to China for American high school students. Tim's inspiring approach to teaching gained him recognition as the 2003 Minnesota Teacher of Excellence.

Source: 2018 Minnesota governor campaign website May 2, 2017

On Homeland Security: Enlisted in Army National Guard at 17; served for 24 years

Tim's parents, Jim and Darlene, instilled in him the values that continue to guide his commitment to the common good and selfless service. Summers of farming with his family reinforced these lessons.

Tim's dedication to public service began soon after his graduation from Butte (Nebraska) High School with his 24 classmates. At the age of 17, Tim enlisted in the Army National Guard. Tim's leadership was recognized: in 1989, he was name Nebraska Citizen-Soldier of the Year.

"I loved growing up in a small town in rural Nebraska. Small-town life and working on family farms each summer taught me fundamental lessons about the importance of family and the value of hard work. I had wonderful public school teachers, great neighbors, and loving parents."

Upon his 1990 return from teaching in China, Tim served full time in the Army National Guard [for the next 24 years]. He joined his battalion overseas in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.

Source: 2018 Minnesota governor campaign website May 2, 2017

On Homeland Security: Suicide prevention programs & mental health for veterans

Tim's bill to help reduce the number of veteran suicides passed unanimously and was signed by President Obama. The Clay Hunt Suicide Prevention for American Veterans Act helps make current VA suicide prevention programs more effective by creating incentives to attract more psychiatrists to the VA, creating a central website to better connect veterans with VA mental health services, and improving connections & coordination between the VA & non-profit mental health organizations providing services.
Source: 2018 Minnesota governor campaign website May 2, 2017

On Principles & Values: Got political when students were turned away from Bush event

To be honest, I did not pay a lot of attention to politics. Things changed in 2004. Former President George Bush came to speak in a Mankato quarry. I accompanied two students who wanted to hear the speech. When we arrived, one of my students was turned away because of a John Kerry sticker on his wallet. We were ordered to board a bus to take us away from the quarry. Though I was allowed to stay--after offensive questioning by a campaigner--the boys were told to leave. This was a teachable moment for them and for me. I decided that, if a command sergeant major could be harassed for wishing to hear his commander-in-chief, the political process was deeply broken. That night, I became committed to working to help repair our nation's political system.
Source: 2018 Minnesota governor campaign website May 2, 2017

On War & Peace: Served overseas in support of Operation Enduring Freedom

Upon his 1990 return from teaching in China, Tim served full time in the Army National Guard. He joined his battalion overseas in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. After 24 years in the Army National Guard, Command Sergeant Major Walz retired from the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion in 2005. When he retired, Tim was the highest-ranking enlisted National Guard soldier in southern Minnesota.

"When I enlisted in the National Guard at the age of 17, I never imagined that I would serve for 24 years. I knew that I was ready to accept the responsibility that comes with serving our country. Over the years, I discovered that I had the capacity to lead--a duty that I strive to fulfill each and every day. The honor of serving alongside my neighbors in southern Minnesota was a privilege."

Source: 2018 Minnesota governor campaign website May 2, 2017

The above quotations are from 2018 Minnesota Gubernatorial race: debates and news coverage.
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