Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
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State of Illinois Politicians: Archives

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OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Alan Keyes: Running because of Obama�s extreme pro-abortion votes.
Alan Keyes: Running because of Obama�s extreme pro-abortion votes.
Alan Keyes: Pro-choice stance is the slaveholder�s position.
Alexi Giannoulias: Protect Roe v. Wade; fund prevention and contraception.
Ameya Pawar: Pro-choice even if Roe overturned.
Barack Obama: Protect a woman�s right to choose.
Anne Stava-Murray: Progressive and pregnant prochoice champion.
Anne Stava-Murray: OpEd: Supports expanded abortion rights.
Barack Obama: Moral accusations from pro-lifers are counterproductive.
Bruce Rauner: Pro-choice Republican torn if Roe overturned.
Bruce Rauner: Personally pro-choice, but respects religious objections.
Chris Kennedy: Pro-choice even if Roe overturned.
Daniel Biss: Criticized governor for attempt to ban abortion.
Daniel Biss: Protect the right to choose.
Darren Bailey: Opposes expansion of abortion access, taxpayer funding.
Darren Bailey: Abortion.
Doug Truax: Calls himself "very pro-life" & supports limiting abortion.
J.B. Pritzker: Undo restrictions to preserve women's reproductive rights.
J.B. Pritzker: Unwavering supporter of women's right.
J.B. Pritzker: Illinois is most progressive in nation for reproductive care.
J.B. Pritzker: AdWatch: My opponent compares abortion to WWII Holocaust.
Jeanne Ives: Endorsed by Illinois Family Action & Susan B. Anthony List.
Jesse Sullivan: Pro-life, let's try to reduce the number of abortions.
Jim Oberweis: Abortion procedure should be outlawed.
Kathy Salvi: Takes traditional party positions, opposes abortion.
Mark Curran: Opposed partial-birth abortion.
Mark Curran: Pro-life, only allow abortion to save life of mother.
Mark Curran: IL Right to Life Action: rated most prolife in Senate race.
Mark Kirk: Fund Planned Parenthood for non-abortion health services.
Mike Bost: Abortions should be illegal except for rape & incest.
Paul Schimpf: Opposed "radical" Reproductive Health Act.
Peggy Hubbard: As unwed mother refused abortion after hearing heartbeat.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: Consistent supporter of a woman's right to choose.
Richard Durbin: Abortion is a private decision.
Richard Durbin: IL Right to Life Action: rated "4" for pro-abortion.
Richard Irvin: Pro-choice only for rape, incest, health and life of mother.
Sharon Hansen: Life begins at conception, but listen to constituents.
Steven Sauerberg: I'm pro-baby, pro-mother and pro-family.
Steven Sauerberg: Born Alive Infant Protection Act is basic humanity.
Steven Sauerberg: Provide women with an alternatives to abortion.
J.B. Pritzker: This should be a right that is a constitutional right.
Kathy Salvi: Let states decide abortion rights.
Tammy Duckworth: Majority support a woman's right to make her own decisions.
Budget & Economy
Alexi Giannoulias: Bush-Cheney policies bailed out banks & created crisis.
Ameya Pawar: Pushed economic development projects totaling $300 million.
Ameya Pawar: A New Deal for Illinois.
Barack Obama: Bush�s economic policies are not working.
Barack Obama: Supports federal programs to protect rural economy.
Bruce Rauner: Reduce regulatory costs & economy will take off like rocket.
Chris Kennedy: Invest in economic incubators; create jobs for our kids.
Darren Bailey: We're going to demand a zero-based budget.
J.B. Pritzker: Time for honest budgeting instead of game-playing.
J.B. Pritzker: A balanced budget reflects our values as a state.
J.B. Pritzker: Entrepreneurs create most of the jobs in our state.
J.B. Pritzker: Illinois pays billions more in federal taxes than it gets.
J.B. Pritzker: Time to rebuild state's Rainy Day Fund.
Kathy Salvi: Grow the economy through a small, limited government.
Mark Curran: Would support and lead on Balanced Budget Amendment.
Mark Curran: Balanced budget via combo of increased revenue & budget cuts.
Mike Bost: Focus on "what to cut" instead of "how much to spend".
Pat Quinn: Restrain spending by $220B by Budgeting For Results.
Pat Quinn: Hardest Hit: affordable homeownership in Great Recession.
Paul Schimpf: We need to get our spending under control, top priority.
Richard Durbin: Doing nothing in economic crisis abdicates responsibility.
Richard Irvin: Rein in government spending; cut taxes; balance the budget.
Sharon Hansen: Free enterprise is the key to national prosperity.
Steven Sauerberg: Opposes $700 billion rescue plan.
Civil Rights
Alan Keyes: Gay marriage invalid because gay couples cannot reproduce.
Alexi Giannoulias: Repeal DOMA; make all civil marriages equal.
Alexi Giannoulias: Narrow the pay disparity for women.
Ameya Pawar: Everyone deserves equal rights.
Ameya Pawar: Rename Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day.
Barack Obama: Defend freedom and equality under law.
Barack Obama: Gays should not face discrimination but should not marry.
Bruce Rauner: Create minority enterprise small business investment program.
Bruce Rauner: Accepts gay marriage as settled.
Chris Kennedy: Supports LGBTQ rights.
Daniel Biss: Protect GLBT by updating laws.
Daniel Biss: Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment.
Doug Truax: Uphold one-man, one-woman definition, but let states decide.
J.B. Pritzker: Supports LGBT equality.
J.B. Pritzker: Pride flag flew at state capitol for first tie in history.
J.B. Pritzker: Lengthened hours of early voting, have mail balloting.
Jeanne Ives: Voted NO on ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment.
Jim Oberweis: Voted no on state-level same-sex marriage.
Jim Oberweis: Voted NO on ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment.
Mark Curran: The wrong people moved in, and changed Lake County.
Mark Curran: Gay marriage against interests of children & society.
Mike Bost: Apply affirmative action to all state hiring & colleges.
Napoleon Harris: Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment.
Napoleon Harris: Ban sexual orientation conversion therapy for minors.
Napoleon Harris: Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment.
Pat Quinn: Marriage equality is coming to Illinois.
Pat Quinn: Make IL the leading employer of people with disabilities.
Paul Schimpf: Girls should not be at a biological disadvantage in sports.
Paul Schimpf: Opposes Black Lives Matter.
Peggy Hubbard: White liberals are the most, gullible, asinine people.
Richard Irvin: All lives matter; black lives are included in all lives.
Richard Irvin: May not understand "Adam and Steve" but recognizes rights.
Rodney Davis: No affirmative action.
Sharon Hansen: Government shouldn't redefine marriage.
Steven Sauerberg: Hired Log Cabin Republicans as press secretary.
Tammy Duckworth: Calls for Justice Dept investigation into gay hate crime.
Alan Keyes: Protect workers� pensions when companies declare bankruptcy.
Alexi Giannoulias: Rein in financial institutions & stimulate small businesses.
Barack Obama: Tax incentives for corporate responsibility.
Barack Obama: Close tax loopholes for US companies relocating abroad.
Chris Kennedy: Celebrate family businesses, not consolidation & conformity.
Daniel Biss: The rich have set up a system that benefits them.
J.B. Pritzker: Raise corporate tax for education.
J.B. Pritzker: State can foster & encourage business in poorer areas.
J.B. Pritzker: Phasing out corporate franchise tax helped small business.
Jim Oberweis: Corporations go overseas when taxes & governments bully them.
Mark Curran: Cut red tape and regulations for private business.
Mark Curran: Oversight of government agencies hostile to business.
Mark Curran: Cut red tape and regulations for private business.
Pat Quinn: Advantage Illinois: microloans to MWOB minority firms.
Pat Quinn: Reduce LLC fee from $500 to $39, the lowest in the nation.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: Shift tax breaks for wealthy financiers to small businesses.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: $15B for small business creation incentives.
Richard Durbin: Patriot employers: reward companies that supply U.S. jobs.
Sharon Hansen: Lower corporate tax rates prevent companies going overseas.
Delia Ramirez: Prohibit the use of for-profit prisons.
Alan Keyes: Enforcement should target criminals, not social conditions.
Alan Keyes: No conflict between pro life and pro death penalty stances.
Alan Keyes: Sentencing gang members to death sends strong social message.
Anne Stava-Murray: Prohibit the use of for-profit prisons.
Barack Obama: Restrict police entry rules, to protect our civil liberties.
Barack Obama: Passed 150 laws to toughen penalties for violent crime.
Barack Obama: Death penalty should be enforced fairly and with caution.
Barack Obama: Death penalty should not discriminate by gang membership.
Bruce Rauner: Close outdated prisons; focus on reducing recidivism.
Bruce Rauner: Police trooper surge to counter Chicago violence.
Daniel Biss: Rehabilitation rather than punishment.
Daniel Biss: Seal criminal records upon earning a GED, AA, or BA.
Darren Bailey: Allow the use of for-profit prisons.
J.B. Pritzker: Erase juvenile criminal records for adults.
J.B. Pritzker: Against death penalty; rectify wrongful convictions.
J.B. Pritzker: Criminal justice reform starts with phasing out cash bail.
J.B. Pritzker: Prohibit the use of for-profit prisons.
J.B. Pritzker: If we want to reduce crime, we have to solve crimes.
Kathy Salvi: I will always stand with the police and the rule of law.
Mark Curran: Black Lives Matter addresses police racist conduct.
Mark Kirk: Provide after-school basketball to reduce youth violence.
Mark Kirk: Deportation to fight rising street gang population.
Mike Bost: Supports death penalty & more prisons.
Napoleon Harris: Seal criminal records upon earning a GED, AA, or BA.
Pat Quinn: Alternative sentencing for low-level non-violent offenders.
Pat Quinn: Sold unused state prison to federal prison agency.
Paul Schimpf: Allow the use of for-profit prisons.
Paul Schimpf: I will support our law enforcement community.
Peggy Hubbard: Don't demonize police officers serving in high-crime areas.
Richard Irvin: As mayor he defeated the local 'Defund the Police' movement.
Richard Irvin: Would repeal criminal justice reforms; restore cash bail.
Rodney Davis: Expand death penalty; limit aappeals.
Rodney Davis: Mandatory life sentences for third-time felons.
Ameya Pawar: Focus on rehabilitation, not punishment.
Ameya Pawar: End the war on drugs.
Anne Stava-Murray: Legalize recreational marijuana & include safety provisions.
Anne Stava-Murray: End marijuana probation; allow regulation and taxation.
Bruce Rauner: Decriminalize marijuana; but no to legalization.
Chris Kennedy: Legalization based on science, not tax impact.
Chris Kennedy: Don't count on marijuana getting legalized.
Daniel Biss: Legalize marijuana.
Doug Truax: Medical marijuana is a state issue.
J.B. Pritzker: Legalize and tax marijuana.
J.B. Pritzker: Legal marijuana will raise revenue & create jobs.
J.B. Pritzker: Legal cannabis creates jobs, businesses, new tax revenue.
Jim Oberweis: Let doctoral psychologists prescribe controlled substances.
Jim Oberweis: Who am I to say patients shouldn't use medical marijuana?
Mark Curran: Key to solving opioid epidemic is border security.
Mark Curran: Training and Narcan will help responders deal with overdoses.
Mark Curran: Training and Narcan will help responders deal with overdoses.
Mark Kirk: No need to increase veterans' access to medical marijuana.
Mark Kirk: Crack down on drug cartels trafficking of illegal weapons.
Mark Kirk: Decriminalize and/or legalize marijuana.
Mike Bost: Strengthen drug-related penalties, but consider alternatives.
Napoleon Harris: Make marijuana possession a civil violation.
Napoleon Harris: Add PTSD to allowed compassionate use of marijuana.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: Opioid abuse blights our nation; more funds to fight it.
Richard Durbin: The plague of methamphetamine abuse is growing.
Rodney Davis: Strengthen penalties associated with drug-related crimes.
Tammy Duckworth: Protect state marijuana laws from federal interference.
Delia Ramirez: Include historical contributions by LGBT in curriculum .
Alan Keyes: Parents, not schools, should be responsible for sex ed.
Alexi Giannoulias: Invest in early childhood education.
Ameya Pawar: Give city families the schools they seek out in suburbs.
Anne Stava-Murray: Decades of disinvestment have hurt Illinois state schools.
Anne Stava-Murray: Shift cost of education away from property tax.
Anne Stava-Murray: Include historical contributions by LGBT in curriculum.
Barack Obama: Address the growing achievement gap between students.
Barack Obama: Will add 25,000 teachers in high-need areas.
Barack Obama: Sponsored legislations that recruit and reward good teachers.
Barack Obama: Sex education needed to help children discuss molestation.
Bruce Rauner: Let families choose traditional, charter, or private schools.
Bruce Rauner: $100M for early education; close district funding gaps.
Bruce Rauner: Vetoed higher education bill as irresponsible funding.
Chris Kennedy: Need-based scholarships is educational justice.
Chris Kennedy: Poor-rich mobility begins early in school.
Chris Kennedy: Support public education from pre-school to college.
Darren Bailey: Don't include historical contributions by LGBT in curriculum.
Darren Bailey: Founded Christian academy for Christ-centered education.
Darren Bailey: For common sense education reforms, put children first.
J.B. Pritzker: Increase state funding for public schools.
J.B. Pritzker: Invest in higher education to attract jobs & businesses.
J.B. Pritzker: Invest in public education, not vouchers.
J.B. Pritzker: Universal preschool is educational priority.
J.B. Pritzker: Illinois will be best state for young families.
J.B. Pritzker: Added 10,000 scholarships, free tuition at U. of Illinois.
J.B. Pritzker: Include historical contributions by LGBT in curriculum.
J.B. Pritzker: No budget cuts; focus on meeting needs of students.
J.B. Pritzker: Expand college access for smart kids who can least afford it.
Jim Oberweis: Voted NO on sex education including contraception.
Kathy Salvi: Parents are the primary educators of their children.
Mark Curran: There is no student loan crisis: against "free college".
Mark Curran: Need localized approach to education and parental choice.
Mark Curran: Need localized approach to education and parental choice.
Mike Bost: Supports charters, corporate investment, and merit pay.
Napoleon Harris: Supplemental state aid to low-income school districts.
Pat Quinn: Race to the Top: Invest in elementary & secondary education.
Pat Quinn: Consolidate from 868 school districts to save $100M.
Paul Schimpf: Don't include historical contributions by LGBT in curriculum.
Paul Schimpf: School choice for parents as to where their tax money goes.
Peggy Hubbard: College isn't for everyone, real problem is inflated costs.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: 4-point plan for affordable college.
Richard Durbin: Create refundable tax credit for teachers in Title I schools.
Richard Irvin: State funding of public education is key to success.
Rodney Davis: Vouchers for public, private, and religious schools.
Energy & Oil
Alexi Giannoulias: Put price on global warming pollution to spur investment.
Ameya Pawar: Must confront climate change.
Anne Stava-Murray: Reduce coal-protectionist provisions, increase regulations.
Barack Obama: Invest in alternative energy sources.
Barack Obama: Increase CAFE to 40 mpg.
Barack Obama: Tradable credits for renewable energy.
Barack Obama: Renewable Fuels Standard: require ethanol in fuel supply.
Barack Obama: Sponsored legislations that improve energy efficiency.
Barack Obama: 20% nation�s power supply from renewable sources by 2020.
Bill Enyart: Support the coal mining industry.
Bill Enyart: Support the coal mining industry.
Bruce Rauner: Green energy part of future mix.
Bruce Rauner: Relax emission limits to save coal-fired power plants.
Chris Kennedy: Lack of clean energy hurts competitiveness.
Daniel Biss: Fully renewable energy.
J.B. Pritzker: Support Paris Agreement, renewable energy.
J.B. Pritzker: Won't sign an energy bill written by utility companies.
J.B. Pritzker: Climate change is a real threat.
Kathy Salvi: Increase our production of all types of energy.
Mark Curran: Opposes "far-left radical environmental agenda".
Mark Curran: Not convinced climate change is current threat to humankind.
Mark Curran: Yes to cleaner fuel but some climate ideas are alarmist.
Mark Curran: Yes to cleaner fuel but some climate ideas are alarmist.
Mark Kirk: Climate change is real, but no carbon tax.
Mike Bost: Develop and use of alternative fuels.
Mike Bost: Focus on exploration, to become energy independent.
Napoleon Harris: More renewable energy credit; more CO2 regulation.
Pat Quinn: $400M for IL as center of Midwestern high-speed rail network.
Pat Quinn: Invest in both clean coal and wind power.
Paul Schimpf: Opposed energy bill as "environmental virtue signaling".
Peggy Hubbard: Don't believe lies of the left on human-made climate change.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: The time for America's clean energy future is now.
Richard Durbin: Energy tax to fund infrastructure investment.
Richard Durbin: Empower the EPA to regulate greenhouse emissions.
Richard Irvin: Opposes radical total phase-out of fossil fuel power plants.
Sharon Hansen: No subsidies for wind and solar.
Tammy Duckworth: Human activity is the major factor driving climate change.
Kathy Salvi: More natural gas to relieve reliance on foreign energy.
Delia Ramirez: Mandates inspections, permits, caps for facility emissions.
Anne Stava-Murray: Mandates inspections, permits, caps for facility emissions.
Bruce Rauner: Test drinking water for lead, as social justice issue.
Daniel Biss: Spent his time as a legislator protecting our environment.
Darren Bailey: No mandated inspections, permits, nor caps for emissions.
J.B. Pritzker: Invest in clean air and water infrastructure.
J.B. Pritzker: Mandates inspections, permits, caps for facility emissions.
Mark Curran: Corporate polluters should be prosecuted and sent to prison.
Mark Curran: Use EPA to prosecute corporate polluters.
Mark Curran: Use EPA to prosecute corporate polluters.
Mike Bost: Supports recycling but also cost/benefit analysis.
Napoleon Harris: Exposing cats & dogs to extreme temperature is misdemeanor.
Pat Quinn: Leave no child inside.
Pat Quinn: Clean Water Initiative: $1B for wastewater & stormwater.
Paul Schimpf: Mandates inspections, permits, caps for facility emissions.
Richard Durbin: Drives a Ford hybrid that gets 30 mpg.
Richard Durbin: Renovate our entire drinking water infrastructure.
Steven Sauerberg: Drives a Lexus that gets 23 mpg.
Tammy Duckworth: Every American has a right to clean air, water, and land.
Families & Children
Alexi Giannoulias: Strongly supports the Paid Parental Leave Act.
Anne Stava-Murray: After #MeToo moment, withdrew support for Speaker Madigan.
Bruce Rauner: Created the Governor's Cabinet on Children and Youth.
Bruce Rauner: Combat sexual harassment among government employees.
J.B. Pritzker: Public/private partnership must invest in poor kids.
JD Vance: Don't be too quick to leave a marriage to violent spouse.
JD Vance: Divorce might be better for mom & dad, but not for the kids.
Pat Quinn: Birth to Five Initiative: prenatal care & early learning.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: Affordable, quality child care is a smart investment.
Richard Durbin: Safe, affordable child care available to more families.
Tammy Duckworth: Airports should all have 'lactation rooms' for breastfeeding.
Foreign Policy
Alan Keyes: Work with indigenous elements in Iran.
Alexi Giannoulias: Remain unwavering partner with Israel in shared struggle.
Alexi Giannoulias: Reunify Cyprus; bring religious freedom to Istanbul.
Chris Kennedy: Borrow the best ideas from around the world.
Doug Truax: End Obama's "lead from behind" approach to foreign policy.
Jim Oberweis: To understand China, read the 5-year plans.
Jim Oberweis: Obama's results are ok, but too often he does nothing.
Kathy Salvi: Congress needs to reassert its authority on foreign policy.
Mark Curran: Some Islamic nations not ripe for democracy.
Napoleon Harris: Shift focus of foreign aid from Mideast back to the Americas.
Paul Schimpf: Lead advisor to Iraqi prosecutors of Saddam Hussein.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: Promote our exceptional standing with active diplomacy.
Richard Durbin: Ukraine should ally with European Union, not former Soviets.
Free Trade
Alexi Giannoulias: Eliminate $200B in tax loopholes that ship jobs overseas.
Barack Obama: Fair trade should have tangible benefits for US.
Jim Oberweis: Challenge in China is lack of clarity on taxes.
Jim Oberweis: Invest in Indonesia, Vietnam, Japan, India, and China.
Mark Curran: Tariffs may be necessary; subsidize farmers if required.
Pat Quinn: Exports support 500,000 jobs in IL; double that in 5 years.
Tammy Duckworth: Yes to Ex-im bank; Yes to fast-track.
Government Reform
Alan Keyes: Reinstate that state legislatures elect US Senators.
Alexi Giannoulias: Public election financing reduces special interest influence.
Alexi Giannoulias: Wasteful programs go hand-in-hand with campaign contributors.
Ameya Pawar: Automatic voter registration.
Andrea Zopp: Voter ID laws are intended to limit the Black vote.
Anne Stava-Murray: Favor legislative term limits.
Anne Stava-Murray: End gerrymandering and voter suppression.
Barack Obama: Electing US Senators empowers people: keep 17th Amendment.
Bruce Rauner: Reduce lobbyist influence; push for term limits.
Bruce Rauner: Pursue devolution to control costs.
Bruce Rauner: Term limits need to be voted on.
Bruce Rauner: The people demanded fair districting; judges denied them.
Bruce Rauner: Automatic voter registration when getting any state ID.
Chris Kennedy: Automatic voter registration.
Daniel Biss: Political system favors billionaires & machine politicians.
Daniel Biss: Automatic voter registration when getting any state ID.
Darren Bailey: Strongly supports and advocates for term limits.
Doug Truax: Political class fails to put interests of taxpayers first.
J.B. Pritzker: End legislators serving as paid lobbyists.
J.B. Pritzker: Overturn Citizens United; strengthen campaign finance laws.
J.B. Pritzker: Expand voting rights of prisoners until convicted.
J.B. Pritzker: Pass ethics legislation, restore public trust.
Jeanne Ives: Automatic voter registration when getting any state ID.
Jesse Sullivan: Biden won in 2020, but we need to fix trust in elections.
Jim Oberweis: Automatic voter registration when getting any state ID.
Kathy Salvi: Does not claim Biden won through election fraud.
Mark Curran: Supports term limits for Congress.
Mike Bost: No political contributions from the gambling industry.
Napoleon Harris: Allow voter registration on Election Day or at early voting.
Napoleon Harris: Automatic voter registration when getting driving license.
Pat Quinn: Limits on campaign contributions and much more disclosure.
Pat Quinn: Online voter registration and no party in primary voting.
Pat Quinn: Enact power of petition to recall a corrupt governor.
Paul Schimpf: Automatic voter registration when getting any state ID.
Paul Schimpf: People fleeing from taxes, excessive government regulations.
Peggy Hubbard: I will oppose the job-killing big government policies.
Peggy Hubbard: For term limits, keeping the filibuster, voter I.D.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: Campaign finance reforms to enable citizen participation.
Richard Irvin: For term limits, against gerrymandering.
Sharon Hansen: Photo ID for voting.
Gun Control
Alan Keyes: Gun control mentality means crooks have all the guns.
Ameya Pawar: Require gun liability insurance.
Anne Stava-Murray: Proactive legislation to crack down on reckless gun owners.
Anne Stava-Murray: We can reduce number of gun-related suicides.
Barack Obama: Bush erred in failing to renew assault weapons ban.
Bruce Rauner: Crack down on out of state gun traffickers.
Bruce Rauner: Restrict access for criminals/mentally ill; ban bump stocks.
Chris Kennedy: Stricter gun laws in tandem with mental health care.
Daniel Biss: Support sensible gun laws.
Darren Bailey: Education is crucial for those opposed to gun rights.
J.B. Pritzker: Supports 2nd Amendment AND the fight for gun safety.
J.B. Pritzker: Enforce & enact commonsense gun laws.
Kathy Salvi: Favors some gun reform, but supports the NRA.
Mark Curran: Focus on mental health & video games, not guns.
Mark Curran: Absent amendment, many proposed laws unconstitutional.
Mark Kirk: Both major-party Senate candidates support gun restrictions.
Mike Bost: More enforcement on laws on purchase and possession of guns.
Mike Bost: Right to bear arms must be preserved and defended.
Napoleon Harris: No concealed carry on private property, unless posted.
Napoleon Harris: Ban 3D-printed handguns for personal use.
Pat Quinn: Comprehensive plan for gun safety & violence prevention.
Paul Schimpf: Sponsored bill expanding apprentice hunting program.
Peggy Hubbard: Guns save lives; I will defend our Second Amendment rights.
Peggy Hubbard: 2nd amendment about single mother defending herself & family.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: Common-sense gun laws, plus fund gun research.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: Expanded real-time background checks.
Richard Durbin: Endorsed by Everytown for Gun Safety for gun-sense majority.
Richard Irvin: Supports background checks; fix Firearm Owners ID system.
Sharon Hansen: Don't bow down to money instead of our rights.
Sharon Hansen: Opposes more gun restrictions.
J.B. Pritzker: We need to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.
Kathy Salvi: Implement laws on the books before any new laws.
Tammy Duckworth: Ban assault rifles and high-capacity magazines.
Health Care
Alan Keyes: Give people generic drugs information to save their money.
Alan Keyes: People should take care of their own health.
Alexi Giannoulias: Supports quality, affordable health care for all.
Ameya Pawar: Would go to single-payer.
Anne Stava-Murray: Supports Medicare-for-All, with immediate transition.
Barack Obama: Will expand health coverage & allow meds to be re-imported.
Barack Obama: Believes health care is a right, not a privilege for the few.
Barack Obama: Allowing seniors to bulk purchase will save taxpayers� money.
Barack Obama: Crises happen in our lives and healthcare is necessary.
Bruce Rauner: Move more Medicaid recipients to managed care programs.
Chris Kennedy: Treat the mentally ill instead of jailing them.
Chris Kennedy: Don't punish the hospitals; don't divide them from doctors.
Chris Kennedy: Expand Obamacare; move to single payer.
Daniel Biss: Criticized governor for attempt to repeal ObamaCare.
Daniel Biss: Medicare for all.
Darren Bailey: COVID: led charge against lockdown; would fully reopen.
Doug Truax: AdWatch: ObamaCare does more harm to middle class than good.
J.B. Pritzker: Irresponsible to not fully fund Medicaid.
J.B. Pritzker: Add public option to healthcare.
J.B. Pritzker: Expand health care but can't do it all at once.
J.B. Pritzker: Made health care more available & more affordable.
J.B. Pritzker: Remove barriers for new front-line healthcare workers.
Jim Oberweis: Not a fan of ObamaCare, but it helps healthcare businesses.
Jim Oberweis: Repeal and replace ObamaCare; not just repeal.
Jim Oberweis: Parent policy until age 26 good; pre-existing coverage good.
Mark Curran: Study ACA to see what's working before deciding to repeal.
Mark Curran: Preventative medicine approach, with free market principles.
Mark Kirk: For 2013 shutdown over ObamaCare, but then for compromise.
Mike Bost: Guaranteed medical care is not a government responsibility.
Mike Bost: Increase insured without ObamaCare's government bureaucracy.
Napoleon Harris: $50M to expand Medicaid services.
Pat Quinn: Independent review of denial of care by insurance companies.
Pat Quinn: Allow women of color & low-income access to mammograms.
Pat Quinn: Comprehensive Medicaid reform: save taxpayers $550M.
Peggy Hubbard: Return market forces to patient-doctor relationship.
Peggy Hubbard: I am not in favor of socialized healthcare.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: Let Medicare negotiate prices for prescription drugs.
Richard Durbin: AdWatch: Targeted by RNC robocalls for support of ObamaCare.
Richard Durbin: Large-scale expansion of taxpayer-subsidized coverage.
Richard Durbin: Defend & expand ObamaCare and Medicaid.
Sharon Hansen: Repeal ObamaCare; it's not a government responsibility.
Steven Sauerberg: Vouchers to make health care portable and less job-dependent.
Homeland Security
Adam Kinzinger: Republicanism means stronger defense and smaller government.
Alan Keyes: Send a clear message to the entire terror network.
Alan Keyes: Take preemptive action only if a probable threat exists.
Alexi Giannoulias: Repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
Bruce Rauner: Task Force to study drones vs. privacy rights.
Doug Truax: Ok to interrogate jihadists using any means necessary.
Jim Oberweis: Supports funding cuts for the military.
Jim Oberweis: Task Force to study drones vs. privacy rights.
Mark Curran: Proper funding & resources to fight terror.
Mike Bost: Any defense budget cuts directly impact strength of military.
Napoleon Harris: Task Force to study drones vs. privacy rights.
Pat Quinn: Supports the Illinois Military Family Relief Trust Fund.
Pat Quinn: Let military medics to obtain LPN licenses.
Paul Schimpf: I demanded our veterans be given proper medical treatment.
Peggy Hubbard: Ensure every veteran in America is cared for properly.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: Ensure our military has resources to carry out its mission.
Richard Durbin: $48M to protect US Embassies around the world.
Richard Durbin: Benghazi was a tragedy, but not a cover-up.
Richard Durbin: Veterans angry over accusations that Guantanamo like gulag.
Sharon Hansen: Superior nuclear arsenal is unnecessary.
Steven Sauerberg: Apologized for saying Guantanamo is like gulag.
Delia Ramirez: Protect immigrant families by ending cooperation with ICE.
Alexi Giannoulias: Comprehensive reform with responsible path to citizenship.
Alexi Giannoulias: Don't punish immigrant kids; DREAM Act yes; REAL ID no.
Anne Stava-Murray: Protect immigrant families by ending cooperation with ICE.
Bruce Rauner: State won't help or impede immigration enforcement.
Chris Kennedy: Against mass deportation, for reform and DACA.
Cynthia McKinney: Illegal immigration shouldn�t be a labor policy.
Daniel Biss: Criticized governor for attempt to curb immigration.
Daniel Biss: Protect undocumented immigrants.
Darren Bailey: State should not end cooperation with ICE.
Doug Truax: First secure the border, then no comprehensive reform.
J.B. Pritzker: Aid for undocumented people.
J.B. Pritzker: Welcome refugees; end Muslim ban.
J.B. Pritzker: Will not be complicit in shameful, draconian policies.
J.B. Pritzker: Protect immigrant families by ending cooperation with ICE.
Jim Oberweis: Visas for illegal immigrants, but no path to citizenship.
Kathy Salvi: Secure border from drugs, terrorists, dangerous criminals.
Mark Curran: Backed bipartisan legislation with path for citizenship.
Mark Curran: Deporting working people with families is absolutely wrong.
Mark Curran: When rights of one are in jeopardy, rights of all are.
Mark Curran: Supports Trump on funding for border/ICE agents, border wall.
Mark Curran: For border wall; but path to citizenship for DREAMers.
Mark Kirk: First secure the border; then path to citizenship.
Paul Schimpf: State should not end cooperation with ICE.
Peggy Hubbard: Securing our border first step to ensure national security.
Peggy Hubbard: Illegal immigration threatens our security, economic health.
Peggy Hubbard: Support ending chain migration and the visa lottery program.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: Supports DREAM Act and path to citizenship.
Richard Durbin: Our border with Mexico is strongest it's been in 40 years.
Richard Durbin: Immigration reform bill makes America safer.
Richard Durbin: Reform will increase coordination & reduce terrorism.
Richard Durbin: Extend partner immigration rights to gay couples.
Richard Irvin: If elected, Illinois will not be a sanctuary state.
Sharon Hansen: Protect the borders; prevent illegal entry.
Delia Ramirez: Bans "right to work" laws; supports collective bargaining.
Alexi Giannoulias: Invest in clean energy jobs which cannot be outsourced.
Alexi Giannoulias: Evaluate workers on their abilities, not their identities.
Anne Stava-Murray: Pass fair scheduling laws to combat on-demand scheduling.
Anne Stava-Murray: Bans "right to work" laws; supports collective bargaining.
Barack Obama: Fund Trade Adjustment Assistance for service workers too.
Barack Obama: Tax cuts for the rich do not create jobs.
Barack Obama: Obama will strengthen unions and workers� rights.
Barack Obama: Overrode federal overtime rules and raised the minimum wage.
Bruce Rauner: Create Right-to-Work zones; reform workers' comp.
Bruce Rauner: Raise minimum wage to $10 an hour over the next 7 years.
Bruce Rauner: Over-burdensome workers comp makes Illinois uncompetitive.
Bruce Rauner: Public officials do not deserve a raise.
Chris Kennedy: Pro-business AND pro-labor; ran all-union shop.
Chris Kennedy: Raise minimum wage.
Daniel Biss: Raise the minimum wage to $15.
Daniel Biss: Raise minimum wage from $8.25 to $11 by 2019.
Darren Bailey: Keep "right to work" laws; limit collective bargaining.
J.B. Pritzker: Private initiatives can create new jobs.
J.B. Pritzker: State & local business share vocational training.
J.B. Pritzker: Uphold unions and living wage.
J.B. Pritzker: Equal pay for equal work, not 79 cents for women.
J.B. Pritzker: Increase number of minority businesses for state contracts.
J.B. Pritzker: Bipartisan infrastructure bill creates 500,000 jobs.
J.B. Pritzker: Illinois Works set strong goals for diversity in hiring.
J.B. Pritzker: Diversity & inclusion in hiring not just a talking point.
J.B. Pritzker: Bans "right to work" laws; supports collective bargaining.
J.B. Pritzker: Support for childcare aids women's workforce participation.
Jim Oberweis: Minimum wage of $10 (and less for those under age 24).
Jim Oberweis: Voted NO on raising minimum wage from $8.25 to $11.
Jim Oberweis: Keep "right to work" laws; limit collective bargaining.
Napoleon Harris: Raise minimum wage from $8.25 to $11 by 2019.
Napoleon Harris: Bans "right to work" laws; supports collective bargaining.
Pat Quinn: I want to be the "Building Governor".
Pat Quinn: Illinois Jobs Now! and Employer Training Investment Program.
Pat Quinn: Reformed burdensome worker compensation system.
Paul Schimpf: Keep "right to work" laws; limit collective bargaining.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: Raise federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour.
Richard Durbin: Raise minimum wage to $10.10 & same pay regardless of gender.
Sharon Hansen: No minimum wage; & no set pay based on gender.
Principles & Values
Adam Kinzinger: Protesting Electoral College is "scam"; accept Trump losing.
Alan Keyes: Family and home important, but Obama needs opponent.
Alan Keyes: Family and home important, but Obama needs opponent.
Alan Keyes: Obama is likable but his liberalism needs opposition.
Alan Keyes: Obama is likable but his liberalism needs opposition.
Alan Keyes: Jesus Christ would not vote for Obama.
Alan Keyes: Great principles at stake: marriage & innocent life.
Barack Obama: Seek common ground, not a moral crusade.
Bruce Rauner: Moral duty to serve long-term interest of people of Illinois.
Daniel Biss: Took on the political machine & won with creative solutions.
Darren Bailey: No longer thinks Chicago should break away from state.
Darren Bailey: Platform: restore moral and financial integrity to the state.
Darren Bailey: He is praying on who should be his Lt. Governor.
Doug Truax: The Great Experiment known as America shines brightly.
J.B. Pritzker: Who needs another rich guy running for office?
J.B. Pritzker: Ignored small problems become big problems.
J.B. Pritzker: We need a reliably well-funded government.
J.B. Pritzker: We had to give up things; we didn't forget how to be human.
J.B. Pritzker: Illinois is the best place to live in the entire country.
Jim Oberweis: Milk Dud: poured dairy fortune into 5 failed campaigns.
Mark Curran: Bless us with four more years of Donald Trump.
Mark Curran: Curtailing individual religious freedoms, I find abhorrent.
Pat Quinn: Say "no" to world of powerful feeding upon the powerless.
Paul Schimpf: A duty to serve your country, your state, and your community.
Peggy Hubbard: Put the American people and our freedoms first.
Peggy Hubbard: Prioritize America's interests above the rest of the world.
Peggy Hubbard: Our country was built the mantra "One nation under GOD".
Raja Krishnamoorthi: First Hindu-American & Indian-American in Congress.
Richard Durbin: Bipartisan dialogue instead of gridlock.
Richard Irvin: Objects to Pride Parade not allowing police in uniform.
Sharon Hansen: Judeo-Christian values established our government framework.
Steven Sauerberg: Put $1.3M of his own money into campaign.
Tammy Duckworth: I answer the call when asked to serve my country.
Darren Bailey: Certifying 2020 election is tantamount to legitimizing fraud.
Social Security
Anne Stava-Murray: Our state pension debt is underfunded.
Bruce Rauner: Move state pensions towards a defined contribution system.
Daniel Biss: Help give retirement security to millions of workers.
Daniel Biss: Alter public employee pensions to reduce state pension debt.
Daniel Biss: Allow old age beneficiaries to also receive unemployment.
Jim Oberweis: Voted NO on increasing state employees' pension plans.
Mark Curran: Local pensions invest the majority of money in the market.
Mark Curran: Face hard truth to properly fund benefit programs.
Mike Bost: Opposes efforts to privatize, or increase the payroll tax.
Napoleon Harris: Allow old age beneficiaries to also receive unemployment.
Pat Quinn: Balance budget by reforming our public pension systems.
Peggy Hubbard: Program has grown too large and will become insolvent.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: Entitlements are under attack on ideological grounds.
Richard Durbin: Simpson-Bowles got it right. put everything on the table.
Richard Irvin: Modernize state pension system, reduce pension liabilities.
Tax Reform
Alexi Giannoulias: Extend $8000 homebuyer credit; one-year payroll tax holiday.
Bill Enyart: No tax breaks for millionaires nor pledges against taxes.
Bruce Rauner: Reduce anti-competitive corporate tax & income tax.
Bruce Rauner: Reduce property tax for homeowners & businesses.
Chris Kennedy: Tax reform must shift burden to wealthy.
Daniel Biss: Initiate a state graduated income tax.
Darren Bailey: Fought against tax hikes, tax relief a top priority.
Darren Bailey: Will work to lower both property and income taxes.
J.B. Pritzker: Illinois needs progressive income tax.
J.B. Pritzker: Fair income tax to shift burden to the wealthy.
J.B. Pritzker: Property taxes must be seriously reduced.
J.B. Pritzker: Cut corporate loopholes forcing middle class to pay more.
J.B. Pritzker: Fight inflation by suspending grocery tax in coming year.
Mark Curran: Simplify tax code; against tax breaks for large corporations.
Mike Bost: Flat tax structure for state income taxes.
Mike Bost: Overhaul tax code to be less complicated.
Pat Quinn: Shift from property tax to taxing ability to pay.
Paul Schimpf: In Legislature, I voted against every tax increase.
Richard Durbin: Close tax loopholes and gain $1.2T from the wealthy.
Richard Irvin: Will fight to cut taxes, get property tax relief.
Richard Irvin: I hate what Trump stands for, but delivered tax cuts.
Alan Keyes: Transportation projects are top priorities in Illinois.
Barack Obama: Invest on transportation and clean coal technology projects.
Bruce Rauner: Competitive bidding at Department of Transportation.
Bruce Rauner: Increase state transparency: millions of documents online.
Chris Kennedy: Infrastructure money good for jobs and new business.
Daniel Biss: PhD from MIT; math professor at U. Chicago.
J.B. Pritzker: Net neutrality is vital to free expression.
J.B. Pritzker: Universal broadband access by 2024.
Jim Oberweis: Protect intellectual property rights, including lawsuits.
Peggy Hubbard: Address cyber threats with large-scale network security.
Napoleon Harris: $15M for studying high speed rail.
Pat Quinn: Ban texting while driving.
Pat Quinn: Pay backlog of $280M for mass transit.
Pat Quinn: Create next-generation jobs with "1871" digital hub.
Pat Quinn: Largest infrastructure construction program in IL history.
Raja Krishnamoorthi: Modernize transportation with federal infrastructure bank.
Richard Durbin: Fund science to protect food supply, cure disease, and more.
Tammy Duckworth: Longer-term government funding for infrastructure needs.
War & Peace
Alan Keyes: Troops should stay in Iraq until they get the job done.
Alan Keyes: Preemptive strike in Iraq is a right decision.
Alan Keyes: There is no distinction between Afghanistan and Iraq.
Alan Keyes: Bush didn�t have the wisdom of hindsight in the Iraqi War.
Alan Keyes: Iraq War reduced probability of attack from Saddam to zero.
Alan Keyes: Naive to think Saddam has no connections to Al Qaeda.
Alexi Giannoulias: Stand firmly and unequivocally against Iranian aggression.
Alexi Giannoulias: Expel al Qaeda from Afghanistan, then end commitment.
Alexi Giannoulias: Withdraw all combat troops from Iraq by the end of 2010.
Andrea Zopp: Supports the Iran nuclear deal.
Barack Obama: Invading Iraq was a bad strategic blunder.
Barack Obama: We must make sure that Iraq is stable having gone in there.
Barack Obama: Advance the training speed and get the reconstruction moving.
Barack Obama: Democratizing Iraq will be more difficult than Afghanistan.
Barack Obama: Terrorists are in Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Iran.
Barack Obama: Iraq War has made US less safe from terrorism.
Barack Obama: Saddam has no connections to Al Qaeda nor to 9/11.
Jesse Sullivan: Accused of embellishing his service in Afghanistan.
Jim Oberweis: Stay the course; gradual withdrawal from the Iraq war.
Mark Curran: Sanctions & possible bombing, to stop spread of nuclear arms.
Mark Kirk: Ground troops against ISIS only with long-term exit strategy.
Richard Durbin: Engage China to de-escalate North Korean nukes.
Richard Durbin: We can' afford $10B to $15B a month in Iraq.
Steven Sauerberg: Critical to keep U.S. troops in Iraq to help Iraqis.
Susan Rice: Small U.S. military presence in Syria fought ISIS threat.
Tammy Duckworth: Iran is our enemy, but nuclear deal prevents Iranian nukes.
Welfare & Poverty
J.B. Pritzker: Low minimum wage is sentence to poverty.
Jim Oberweis: Tepid welfare reform is the best we can get right now.
Mark Curran: Access to food is a right and Congress must safeguard it.
Mark Curran: Access to food is a right and Congress must safeguard it.
Mike Bost: Welfare funding to faith-based & private organizations.
Pat Quinn: Maintain human services even during the Great Recession.
Pat Quinn: Hardest Hit program: Keep 6,550 families in their homes.
Peggy Hubbard: Refused to live on welfare, free of government dependency.
Peggy Hubbard: Help forgotten communities escape the government plantation.
Richard Durbin: Educate farmers about federal programs that can help them.
Rodney Davis: Advocate privately funded assistance to people in need.
The above quotations are from State of Illinois Politicians: Archives.