Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
State of Nevada Politicians: Archives

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OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Adam Laxalt: Support crisis pregnancy center to help mothers choose life.
Adam Laxalt: Look into repealing NV abortion rights law.
Catherine Cortez Masto: Endorsed by EMILY's List.
Dan Schwartz: Don't stop abortions but don't pay for them either.
Danny Tarkanian: Life starts at conception.
Dean Heller: Ban all abortions after 20 weeks.
Jacky Rosen: Women's health care decisions are personal.
Jacky Rosen: Co-sponsored bill to require contraceptives in insurance.
Jared Fisher: Pro-life because pregnancy involves two persons.
Joe Lombardo: Joe is pro-life.
John Jay Lee: Was a pro-life Democrat, became a Republican.
Kenny Guinn: Prohibit partial-birth abortion; support Parental consent.
Mark Amodei: Abortions should always be legally available.
Steve Sisolak: Keep abortion legal in first trimester.
Steve Sisolak: Fund Planned Parenthood; leave decision to women.
Budget & Economy
Bob Beers: Common sense: borrow in tough times, but then pay it back.
Brian Sandoval: We passed a balanced budget post-Great Recession.
Dan Schwartz: Tax abatements are not needed to entice new business.
Danny Tarkanian: Cut entitlements to reduce trillions of debt.
Dean Heller: Control wasteful spending and shrink the size of government.
Jacky Rosen: Cut wasteful spending; get rid of burdensome regulations.
James Vandermaas: Infrastructure projects will create jobs now, in the future.
Joe Biden: Ordinary people are getting killed by this economy.
Joe Heck: Eliminate our debt, spurring economic growth.
Joe Lombardo: Diversify state economy beyond mining and casinos.
John Jay Lee: Won't accept expanding and intrusive government.
Kenny Guinn: Change government to deal with explosive growth.
Michele Fiore: We desperately need sound fiscally conservative policies.
Ruben Kihuen: Wall Street blames homeowners for the foreclosure crisis.
Steve Sisolak: COVID: Additional $50 million to help small businesses.
Steve Sisolak: Launch State Infrastructure Bank to leverage outside capital.
Adam Laxalt: Economic pain from Democrat spending.
Adam Laxalt: The Left's policies caused $6 gas and 15% inflation.
Joe Lombardo: We're buying with cash instead of credit.
Civil Rights
Adam Laxalt: 1996: opposed same-sex marriage; 2018: supports equality.
Adam Laxalt: Religious right of no business with gay couples.
Brian Sandoval: Nevada gave women the right to vote in 1914, ahead of USA.
Brian Sandoval: Following court rulings, dropped defense of gay marriage ban.
Catherine Cortez Masto: Let Nevada ban same-sex marriage; it's will of the people.
Catherine Cortez Masto: States ban bigamy & incest, so why not same-sex marriage?
Catherine Cortez Masto: Following court rulings, dropped defense of gay marriage ban.
Dan Schwartz: Support women by seeking a female running mate.
Elizabeth Warren: Focus on environment justice for people of color.
Jacky Rosen: Endorsed by Human Rights Campaign.
Jared Fisher: Treat LGBTQ like others; and some gender-neutral bathrooms.
Joe Heck: Accepts Supreme Court ruling on transgendered bathrooms.
Joe Lombardo: For Nevadan variation of Florida's "Don't Say Gay" law.
John Jay Lee: Approved legislative majority-minority redistricting.
Kenny Guinn: Affirmative action in state contracts and colleges.
Kenny Guinn: Include sexual orientation in anti-discrimination laws.
Kenny Guinn: Opposes recognizing same-sex marriages.
Mark Amodei: No same-sex marriage; no civil unions.
Mark Amodei: Support affirmative action in schools & workplaces.
Steve Sisolak: Don't recognize same-sex marriage.
Steve Sisolak: Prosecute against discrimination.
Steve Sisolak: Strong gay rights supporter.
Steve Sisolak: Make voting a fundamental right: automatic registration.
Adam Laxalt: Remove barriers to job creation and business expansion.
Brian Sandoval: Lending to small businesses will help create jobs in state.
Dan Schwartz: Replace commerce tax with broad-based corporate income tax.
Dan Schwartz: Bringing in high tech business will help increase paychecks.
Dean Heller: Against bank bailout; against Dodd-Frank bank regulation.
Jacky Rosen: Trump tax cut is fraudulent handout to corporations.
Jared Fisher: Too many regulations work as roadblocks for business growth.
Joe Biden: Hold CEOs and companies accountable.
Steve Sisolak: Decrease business taxes and capital gains taxes.
Adam Laxalt: Penalties for criminals; justice for victims.
Adam Laxalt: Increased penalties for Medicaid crimes & human trafficking.
Bob Beers: Don't let defendant inform grand jury charges were dismissed.
Brian Sandoval: Reform juvenile justice system to reduce recidivism.
Brian Sandoval: Veto repeal banning sex offenders within 500 feet of school.
Catherine Cortez Masto: Supports peer-to-peer counseling & privacy for law officers.
Dina Titus: Let defendant inform grand jury if charges were dismissed.
Jacky Rosen: Fund law enforcement as robustly as necessary.
Jim Gibbons: Don't let defendant inform grand jury charges were dismissed.
Joe Heck: Don't let defendant inform grand jury charges were dismissed.
Joe Lombardo: Defunding the police is a radical, left-wing effort.
Joe Lombardo: Enact more severe penalties for violence on school grounds.
Joe Lombardo: Sentencing reform directly related to increased crime rate.
Joe Lombardo: Supports the death penalty, as long as there's due process.
John Jay Lee: Audit the cost of capital punishment.
John Jay Lee: Doesn't know how child porn got on his iPad, called police.
John Jay Lee: Let defendant inform grand jury if charges were dismissed.
Kenny Guinn: Supports the death penalty.
Kenny Guinn: End parole for repeat violent felons.
Mark Amodei: Support the use of the death penalty in Nevada.
Mark Amodei: End parole for repeat violent offenders.
Michele Fiore: Support our office; FUND the police!
Michele Fiore: Repeal law banning sex offenders within 500 feet of school.
Ruben Kihuen: End the for-profit prison industry in America.
Ruben Kihuen: Require police body cameras, to address injustice.
Ruben Kihuen: Repeal law banning sex offenders within 500 feet of school.
Steve Sisolak: More prisons; more death penalty; more mandatory minimums.
Steve Sisolak: Ease cash bail requirements to reduce incarceration.
Steve Sisolak: Help inmates ready to go straight.
Steve Sisolak: Limit no-knock warrants, investigate civil rights violations.
Steven Horsford: Let defendant inform grand jury if charges were dismissed.
Joe Lombardo: Make it harder--not easier--to commit a crime in Nevada.
Adam Laxalt: Opposes legalization of possession of 1 ounce of marijuana.
Adam Laxalt: 1996: opposed medical marijuana; 2018: decriminalization.
Adam Laxalt: Wait-and-see on legalizing banking for legalized marijuana.
Adam Laxalt: Did not seek to allow marijuana business banking.
Brian Dahle: Medicinal and recreational cannabis laws are in conflict.
Brian Sandoval: Rid the state of the scourge of opioid abuse.
Brian Sandoval: I opposed legalization, but let's make pot market work well.
Catherine Cortez Masto: I do not see a benefit in our state in legalizing marijuana.
Catherine Cortez Masto: Legalize medical marijuana, and eventually recreational use.
Dean Heller: Let each states' voters decide on marijuana.
Jacky Rosen: Legalize medical marijuana and recreational marijuana.
Jacky Rosen: Regulate marijuana federally, like we do for alcohol.
Joe Heck: Protect state cannabis laws from federal interference.
Joe Heck: Legalize medical marijuana, but not recreational use.
Steve Sisolak: Nevada should set gold standard for legal pot.
Steve Sisolak: Fight federal intrusion into state marijuana industry.
Steve Sisolak: Marijuana industry to be critical part of economy.
Adam Laxalt: Empower parents with school choice & charters.
Adam Laxalt: Supported voucher-style Education Savings Accounts.
Danny Tarkanian: I support vouchers for private school tuition.
Bill Richardson: Create science and math academies with 100,000 new teachers.
Brian Sandoval: Improve education performance measurements.
Brian Sandoval: Enhance education data systems in Nevada.
Brian Sandoval: Yes to charter schools statewide.
Brian Sandoval: Business tax credit for opportunity scholarship contribution.
Brian Sandoval: $20M so every Nevada child can read by Grade Three.
Brian Sandoval: Proposes JAG specialists: Jobs for America's Graduates.
Brian Sandoval: Supports Education Savings Accounts and school choice.
Brian Sandoval: $115 million in new investments for higher education.
Brian Sandoval: Vetoed restoring budget cuts for K-12 public education.
Catherine Cortez Masto: Opposes Education Savings Accounts and school choice.
Chris Dodd: Merit pay for poor areas ok; not for better neighborhoods.
Dan Schwartz: Parents need to have choices in school selections.
Danny Tarkanian: Real choice, not just choice between government schools.
Dean Heller: Tax savings plan to help parents pay for private schools.
Dean Heller: Counseling on financial aid but no refinancing student loans.
Hillary Clinton: Get more teachers into hard-to-serve areas.
Jacky Rosen: Public money should go to public schools.
Jacky Rosen: Lower interest rates on student debt.
Jacky Rosen: $50K for STEM curriculum grant for UNLV.
Jacky Rosen: Refinance student loans, and cancel if student goes bankrupt.
James Vandermaas: Universal pre-K, appropriate compensation of teachers.
James Vandermaas: Finance college through Community Service Payback Program.
Jared Fisher: Local control is key to education reform.
Jim Gibbons: Empower local school boards and parents.
Jim Gibbons: End cookie-cutter approach & end union influence.
Joe Biden: NCLB needs more resources, but also is fundamentally flawed.
Joe Biden: Laid out a $30 billion plan over five years for education.
Joe Lombardo: For charter schools, school choice, opportunity scholarships.
Joe Lombardo: Would block teaching critical race theory in schools.
Joe Lombardo: Our education system is irreparably failing & damaging kids.
Joe Lombardo: School choice is part of the answer to education issues.
Kenny Guinn: Sex ed should stress abstinence but also safe sex.
John Jay Lee: Restore budget cuts for K-12 public education.
Kenny Guinn: $23M for new teacher's college at Henderson.
Kenny Guinn: $10M for reading teachers; all kids read by 3rd grade.
Kenny Guinn: Support charters & private investment in public schools.
Mark Amodei: Support national standards and testing.
Mike Gravel: US schools fail because we're yoked by military.
Ruben Kihuen: Don't divert funding to private schools through vouchers.
Ruben Kihuen: Let students borrow money near 0% interest, like big banks.
Ruben Kihuen: Restore budget cuts for K-12 public education.
Steve Sisolak: Against tax dollars diverted to private schools.
Steve Sisolak: Don't divert funds from public schools to private schools.
Steve Sisolak: Raise teacher's pay; cover cost of supplies.
Steve Sisolak: Dollars follow students, not districts nor schools.
Steven Horsford: Restore budget cuts for K-12 public education.
Susie Lee: Student loan crisis is crippling young people.
Susie Lee: Against vouchers, for choice for parents.
Susie Lee: For expanding early childhood education.
Joe Lombardo: $2 billion in new K-12 funding, and I expect results.
Joe Lombardo: Will create the Office of School Choice for every option.
Energy & Oil
Adam Laxalt: Supports choice & competition in the energy sectors.
Adam Laxalt: End costly and burdensome mandates on energy providers.
Amy Klobuchar: Money from energy savings should go back to working class.
Bernie Sanders: Fossil fuel profit is a moral issue.
Bill Richardson: Mandatory emissions reductions to make US energy-independent.
Bob Beers: Consider safety risks & surroundings of Yucca Mountain.
Brian Sandoval: Access federal land to make NV renewable energy capitol.
Brian Sandoval: Energy efficiency retrofits add value to buildings.
Brian Sandoval: Renewables like solar & geothermal are big opportunity.
Catherine Cortez Masto: Fight making Yucca Mountain a high-level nuclear waste dump.
Catherine Cortez Masto: Yucca Mountain is dead; fight so it continues to be.
Cresent Hardy: Talk about pro's and con's of Yucca Mountain.
Dan Schwartz: Enthusiast for the future of renewable wind & solar energy.
Danny Tarkanian: Energy independence by drawing from all energy sources.
Dean Heller: Impact from humans on climate change is up for debate.
Dennis Kucinich: Voted against drilling in Alaska, against union preference.
Elizabeth Warren: Stop all new offshore and public lands drilling.
Elizabeth Warren: Don't think smaller on climate; it's about corruption.
Harry Reid: BP and oil companies need regulation.
Jacky Rosen: Fight turning Yucca Mountain into a nuclear waste dump.
Jacky Rosen: Climate change threatens environment & national security.
James Vandermaas: Wind & solar power cuts our dependence on foreign oil.
James Vandermaas: Encourage transition to "nearly free" wind and solar energy.
Jared Fisher: Clean energy means jobs.
Jared Fisher: Renewable energy makes economic sense.
Jim Gibbons: Build facilities to generate solar, wind & geothermal power.
Joe Biden: Eliminate all subsidies for oil and gas.
Kenny Guinn: Delay power deregulation until protections are in place.
Kenny Guinn: $5M to fight becoming the nation's nuclear waste dump.
Pete Buttigieg: Deadline for climate change isn't 2050, it's 2020.
Ruben Kihuen: Transfer money from big oil to renewable energy portfolio.
Steve Sisolak: Encourage cleaner burning fuels; but not Yucca.
Steve Sisolak: Climate change poses a direct threat to our communities.
Steve Sisolak: Renewable energy makes business sense.
Steve Sisolak: We're poised to lead the world on clean energy storage.
Joe Lombardo: Seek energy independence rather than rely on wider market.
Adam Laxalt: Remains open only to necessary regulations.
Bob Beers: Require voter approval for $200M soccer stadium.
Catherine Cortez Masto: Endorsed by Sierra Club for protecting Nevada's public lands.
Dean Heller: $230M for Public Land Management around Las Vegas.
Jack Carter: Ensign's failing environment grade is significant deficiency.
Jacky Rosen: EPA should rely on facts, not fake news.
Jacky Rosen: Applauds EPA funding to protect Nevada's surface water.
Jared Fisher: Teddy Roosevelt environmentalist: Explore new frontiers.
Jared Fisher: Eco-tourism promotes economy AND outdoor recreation.
Jared Fisher: Republican voters care about environment.
John Ensign: Fought Yucca Mountain so it might never become reality.
Mark Amodei: Supports open space preservation & alternative fuel.
Ruben Kihuen: Polluters have determined our environmental policy.
Shelley Berkley: Supports land transfer for Yerington mines.
Steve Sisolak: Yes to cost/benefit analysis; no to Yucca.
Families & Children
Adam Laxalt: Opposed Obama's stricter overtime rules.
Adam Laxalt: Enforce current laws; no new laws to fight sexual harassment.
Amy Klobuchar: Universal childcare will help small businesses.
Dean Heller: Catch up on the backlog of untested sexual assault kits.
Dean Heller: I respect traditional marriage but respect Supreme Court.
Jacky Rosen: Supports gay marriage.
Ruben Kihuen: Fight to make child care a critical economic issue.
Steve Sisolak: Require companies to provide paid sick time.
Steve Sisolak: Adequately fund women's health care services.
Foreign Policy
Bill Richardson: Bad guys like Richardson; he can make peace with enemies.
Bill Richardson: Set conditions on foreign aid assistance to Musharraf.
Brian Sandoval: $10M Knowledge Fund, and expand Nevada's global footprint.
Catherine Cortez Masto: Supports US-Iran nuclear treaty.
Catherine Cortez Masto: Led bipartisan opposition to China's election interference.
Jack Carter: On Axis of Evil: Are you better off today than 4 years ago?
Jacky Rosen: Defend Israel Act: U.S. should stand with Israel.
Joe Biden: Move from a Musharraf policy to a Pakistan policy.
Joe Biden: Helped with $750M Latin America funding.
Joe Heck: Opposes US-Iran nuclear treaty.
John Ensign: Kim Jong Il is a dangerous lunatic.
Free Trade
Bill Richardson: We need fair trade, not just unabashed free trade.
Dan Schwartz: Bring in out-of-state business but no overseas missions.
Dennis Kucinich: NAFTA and GATT intentionally limit workers rights.
Jacky Rosen: Oppose bad trade deals; insist on a level playing field.
James Vandermaas: Tariffs and trade war with China put our farmers at risk.
Joe Biden: Chinese pollution will result in tariffs on their products.
John Edwards: We need smart trade, not fair trade vs. free trade.
John Edwards: Globalization means more education needed for success.
John Edwards: Hold China responsible for their trade obligations.
Steve Sisolak: Look forward to introducing Canadian companies to our state.
Susie Lee: Expand trade but protect workers, environment.
Government Reform
Adam Laxalt: Open competitive bidding process for Atty General contracts.
Brian Dahle: Crazy to ban candidate withholding tax returns from ballot.
Brian Sandoval: Sunset all 180 licensing & advisory boards by 2013.
Brian Sandoval: Freezing archaic regulations is my number one priority.
Brian Sandoval: Restore merit pay for state employees.
Brian Sandoval: Vetoed legislative redistricting maps.
Brian Sandoval: Vetoed auditing the cost of capital punishment.
Brian Sandoval: Don't allow voter registration closer to Election Day.
Dan Schwartz: Picture ID as requirement to voting.
Danny Tarkanian: Drain the swamp by imposing term limits on Congress.
Dean Heller: Don't require disclosure of political campaign donors.
Hillary Clinton: Cut gov't contractors and end privatization of government.
Jack Carter: Stop the mauling of our Constitutional balance of powers.
Jacky Rosen: AdWatch: Passed zero bills? But co-sponsored eight bills.
Jacky Rosen: More campaign disclosure; overturn Citizens United.
James Vandermaas: Keep public lands in Federal hands to preserve them.
Jared Fisher: Governor must lead with accountability & transparency.
Jim Gibbons: 6% salary reductions for all state workers.
Joe Lombardo: End ballot harvesting, universal mail ballots.
Joe Lombardo: 2020 Election: there was probably fraud on both sides.
Joe Lombardo: Fewer regulations at the end of his first term than at start.
Kenny Guinn: No campaign spending limits; no public campaign funding.
Michele Fiore: Don't allow voter registration closer to Election Day.
Mike Gravel: I've got no money; of course I'm for campaign finance reform.
Mike Gravel: You can be empowered to vote on issues that affect your life.
Ruben Kihuen: Constitutional amendment to overturn Citizen United.
Ruben Kihuen: Approved legislative majority-minority redistricting.
Ruben Kihuen: Audit the cost of capital punishment.
Ruben Kihuen: Allow voter registration closer to Election Day.
Sharron Angle: In state legislature, sole No vote called "41 to Angle".
Shelley Berkley: Free Nevada: No out-of-state donations for Senate race.
Steve Sisolak: Limit campaign donations, but oppose partial state funding.
Steve Sisolak: Term limits for governor & all state reps.
Steve Sisolak: Keep electoral college; no popular vote "compact".
Steven Horsford: Approved legislative majority-minority redistricting.
Steven Horsford: Audit the cost of capital punishment.
Susie Lee: Member of the Problem Solvers Caucus: break the gridlock.
Adam Laxalt: Illegal votes in 2020 from dead voters and double voters .
Steve Sisolak: Nevada has one of the strongest election systems .
Joe Lombardo: End universal mail-in ballots; require voter ID.
Gun Control
Adam Laxalt: Strong Supporter of the Second Amendment.
Adam Laxalt: 1996: supported gun rights; 2018: supports gun control.
Adam Laxalt: Don't expand state background checks unless FBI participates.
Adam Laxalt: Firearm restrictions not effective in reducing gun violence.
Bob Beers: Allow reciprocity for right-to-carry concealed weapons.
Brian Sandoval: Mental health background check erodes 2nd Amendment.
Catherine Cortez Masto: Universal background check are an essential first step.
Dan Schwartz: Implement voter-approved expanded background checks.
Dan Schwartz: Expand state background checks because people voted for it.
Danny Tarkanian: Self-defense is a constitutional right & a God-given right.
Danny Tarkanian: What good is a handgun if a bad guy has an assault rifle?
Dean Heller: Opposed banning high-capacity magazines.
Dina Titus: Allow reciprocity for right-to-carry concealed weapons.
Jacky Rosen: Supports commonsense gun safety legislation.
Jacky Rosen: Ban high-capacity magazines & military-style assault rifles.
James Vandermaas: In favor of Comprehensive Universal Background Checks.
Jared Fisher: Second Amendment represents freedom & our American heritage.
Jim Gibbons: Allow reciprocity for right-to-carry concealed weapons.
Joe Heck: Allow reciprocity for right-to-carry concealed weapons.
Joe Lombardo: Eliminated county gun registry, stop government tracking.
Joe Lombardo: Opposes bump stocks, supports narrow background checks.
John Jay Lee: A+ rating from the NRA; pro-2nd amendment values.
John Jay Lee: Allow reciprocity for right-to-carry concealed weapons.
Kenny Guinn: Allow concealed carry.
Michele Fiore: Ardent supporter of 2nd amendment, lifetime member of NRA.
Michele Fiore: NO to mental health background checks before gun purchase.
Ruben Kihuen: The NRA exists only to protect the big gun companies.
Ruben Kihuen: Background checks for mental health before gun purchase.
Sharron Angle: Purpose of Second Amendment is protection against tyranny.
Steve Sisolak: Supports concealed carry.
Steve Sisolak: I'll take on the NRA and I'll take on Donald Trump.
Steve Sisolak: Expand state background checks without involving Feds.
Steve Sisolak: Outspoken gun control advocate since Las Vegas shooting.
Steve Sisolak: Ban silencers, bump stocks, and assault weapons.
Steve Sisolak: Common-sense gun laws save lives.
Steven Horsford: Allow reciprocity for right-to-carry concealed weapons.
Susie Lee: Ban high capacity magazines, assault weapons.
Health Care
Adam Laxalt: Bash ObamaCare, but unclear on where healthcare is headed.
Adam Laxalt: ObamaCare is most flawed piece of legislation ever endured.
Amy Klobuchar: Don't blow up ObamaCare with Medicare-for-All.
Barack Obama: Problem isnt mandating coverage, but affording it.
Barack Obama: Bring GOP & Dems together to make healthcare affordable.
Bernie Sanders: Will increase health benefits for all, in unions or not.
Bill Richardson: State flexibility creates universal coverage without taxes.
Bob Beers: Repeal ObamaCare; it's not working and we can't afford it.
Brian Sandoval: Supports lawsuits against Obama health care bill.
Brian Sandoval: $874 decrease in public employees benefit plan.
Catherine Cortez Masto: As A.G., refused to join lawsuit against ObamaCare.
Dan Schwartz: Healthcare should be an economic right for all citizens.
Danny Tarkanian: ObamaCare MUST be repealed; I guarantee I'll vote to do so.
Dean Heller: Let religious institutions reject objectionable coverage.
Dean Heller: Block grants to the states instead of ObamaCare.
Dennis Kucinich: Key to reform: end role for for-profit insurance companies.
Harry Reid: ObamaCare improved healthcare and also improved economy.
Harry Reid: Insurers' profit motive almost destroyed our economy.
Hillary Clinton: Universal health care coverage by the end of my second term.
Hillary Clinton: Still scarred from 1990s reform, but now doing it better.
Hillary Clinton: Health care tax credit ensures affordability.
Jack Carter: Support individual states enforcing their coverage standards.
Jacky Rosen: Stabilize ObamaCare so premiums are reduced.
Jacky Rosen: Add public option and Medicaid buy-in to ObamaCare.
James Vandermaas: Proposes Dual Payer plan, free to choose primary coverage.
Jared Fisher: Free market achieves both affordable AND effective care.
Joe Biden: Got ObamaCare passed and will expand it.
Joe Lombardo: Denounces state public option law as BS.
Joe Lombardo: Mask mandate didn't work, it was political theater.
John Edwards: Silence is betrayal about universal healthcare-we can't wait.
John Jay Lee: COVID: Unvaccinated, gets COVID, opposes mandates.
Kenny Guinn: Fund alternatives to long-term care for seniors.
Kenny Guinn: Double the funding for the disabled.
Kenny Guinn: Expand Senior Rx.
Mike Bloomberg: Cannot take away employer insurance from 160 million people.
Ruben Kihuen: Expand Medicaid to ensure that no American is uninsured.
Sharron Angle: We're a country of choice; don't force people into insurance.
Sharron Angle: No medical conditions where coverage should be mandated.
Shelley Berkley: Kidney transplant center helps Nevada but helps husband too.
Shelley Berkley: Stop cuts to Medicare; no privatization for younger workers.
Steve Sisolak: ObamaCare has helped those in need.
Steve Sisolak: Do everything we can to maintain healthcare coverage.
Steve Sisolak: Expand coverage for those who need it.
Susie Lee: Defend ACA; improve its coverage.
Susie Lee: Don't repeal Obamacare, make necessary changes.
Tom Vilsack: Focus on curing incurable diseases that drive up health cost.
Tom Vilsack: Focus on wellness as part of universal coverage.
Tom Vilsack: Help Medicare by sharing data & providing long-term homecare.
Catherine Cortez Masto: Let Medicare negotiate drug prices & subsidize insurance.
Joe Lombardo: $17 million expansion of mental health services.
Joe Lombardo: Substantially revise or repeal the Public Option.
Homeland Security
Adam Laxalt: Make Nevada the most veteran-empowering state in the nation.
Barack Obama: Human rights and national security are complementary.
Bill Richardson: We should not be known for Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib.
Bill Richardson: Human rights can be more important than national security.
Brian Sandoval: Fund additional veterans service officers.
Brian Sandoval: Defy Trump's bad on transgendered people in military.
Chris Dodd: National security is more important than human rights.
Dan Schwartz: We need a hard look at military spending to find excesses.
Danny Tarkanian: Rebuild our military; it was severely weakened under Obama.
Hillary Clinton: National security is more important than human rights.
Jacky Rosen: Fight to keep our military strong.
Jacky Rosen: Duty to take care of our veterans with less bureaucracy.
Joe Heck: Supported $607 billion national defense bill.
John Edwards: Lead a long-term effort to rid the world of nuclear weapons.
Ruben Kihuen: Focus on veterans, not defense company lobbyists.
Steve Sisolak: Veterans bills will make a tremendous difference.
Adam Laxalt: Impeach the Secretary of Homeland Security for open borders.
Adam Laxalt: Stop illegal immigration & stop sanctuary states.
Adam Laxalt: Don't expand DACA to cover parents of DREAMer kids.
Amy Klobuchar: Defeat Trump and pass immigration reform.
Barack Obama: Comprehensive solution includes employers & borders.
Barack Obama: Undocumented workers come here to work, not to drive.
Barack Obama: Support granting drivers licenses to illegal immigrants.
Bill Richardson: Allowed giving drivers licenses to illegal immigrants.
Bob Beers: Secure the borders before changing immigration policy.
Brian Dahle: Opposes sanctuary state status.
Catherine Cortez Masto: Joined on bill to reverse funding diverted for border wall.
Catherine Cortez Masto: On asylum: compassion, justice, rule of law.
Chris Dodd: Oppose granting drivers licenses to illegal immigrants.
Dan Schwartz: Empathy for DACA targets, wants them part of immigration law.
Danny Tarkanian: Reform legal immigration; but BLOCK illegal immigration.
Danny Tarkanian: Oppose sanctuary cities; support official English.
Dean Heller: Overhaul 14th Amendment against immigrant citizenship.
Dean Heller: Pathway to citizenship for illegals in army or college.
Dean Heller: DREAM Act is a backdoor amnesty program.
Dennis Kucinich: There arent any illegal human beings.
Eric Greitens: Gave examples of Muslim immigration that has been positive.
Harry Reid: We need comprehensive reform.
Hillary Clinton: Oppose granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.
Jack Carter: Get a pathway to citizenship and end political football.
Jacky Rosen: Comprehensive reform with earned pathway to citizenship.
Jacky Rosen: Supports DREAMers & earned path to citizenship.
James Vandermaas: Expedite asylum requests, implement DACA, re-task ICE.
Joe Biden: Oppose granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.
Joe Heck: Opposed resolution celebrating contributions of immigrants.
Joe Heck: No blanket amnesty but earned citizenship ok.
Joe Lombardo: Defend our borders; oppose sanctuary cities.
Joe Lombardo: Got creative to get around court order on illegal immigrants.
Joe Lombardo: Welcome refugees so long as they're properly vetted.
John Edwards: Oppose granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.
John Ensign: Don't forgive illegals of felonies nor pay them benefits.
John Jay Lee: Co-sponsored celebrating contributions of immigrants.
Ruben Kihuen: Families immigrate to America seeking the American dream.
Ruben Kihuen: Pass comprehensive reform with clear pathway to citizenship.
Sharron Angle: Solution is simple: secure the borders, enforce the laws.
Steve Sisolak: Not a sanctuary county; we are in compliance with ICE.
Steve Sisolak: Double headline - Already Done.
Steve Sisolak: Workable pathway to citizenship for law-abiding immigrants.
Susie Lee: Against funding ill-conceived border wall.
Susie Lee: Secure border by investing in people, technology.
Adam Laxalt: Remove barriers to job creation.
Adam Laxalt: Do not raise minimum wage; that hurts workers.
Brian Sandoval: $10M for deals via Nevada Jobs Unlimited.
Dean Heller: Get bipartisan bill passed for online poker.
Dean Heller: Denied 2010 reports that unemployed were "hobos".
Dean Heller: Opposed raising minimum wage from $7.25 to $8.25/hour.
Dennis Kucinich: Give teeth to the National Labor Relations Act.
Dennis Kucinich: Im the one candidate who comes from the working class.
Dina Titus: Voted to raise minimum wage to $15/hr.
Jacky Rosen: Fight for livable wage; expand small business capital.
Jacky Rosen: End pay discrimination against women.
Jacky Rosen: Raise minimum wage from $7.25 to $15/hour.
James Vandermaas: Create regional minimum wage based on local economy.
James Vandermaas: Equal compensation for equal work.
Joe Lombardo: Critical of state's use of project labor agreements.
Joe Lombardo: Everyone should have equal opportunity, union or not.
John Edwards: Make joining unions easier; ban firing strikers.
Kenny Guinn: Privatized state worker's comp & insurance.
Michele Fiore: Criticized for remarks about affirmative action.
Ruben Kihuen: Women earn less for same job as male colleagues.
Ruben Kihuen: No one who works full time should live in poverty.
Sharron Angle: No, I don't think the unemployed are spoiled.
Sharron Angle: It's not a Senator's job to create jobs.
Shelley Berkley: Online poker could mean up to 1,200 jobs in Nevada.
Steve Sisolak: Raise minimum wage to $10, but $15 is too much.
Steve Sisolak: Raise minimum wage from $7.25.
Steven Horsford: Voted to raise minimum wage to $15/hr.
Susie Lee: Voted to raise minimum wage to $15/hr.
Principles & Values
Adam Laxalt: Son of Sen. Pete Domenici; grandson of Gov. Paul Laxalt.
Amy Klobuchar: Will bring rural and suburban voters together to win.
Amy Klobuchar: Need a president with heart, unlike Trump.
Bernie Sanders: it's fairness for working class, not communism.
Bernie Sanders: Disowns vicious internet trolls.
Bernie Sanders: US has an immoral distribution of wealth.
Bernie Sanders: Does not advocate communism, but fairness for working class.
Bill Richardson: Pledges to not engage in negative campaigning on Dems.
Catherine Cortez Masto: Served as Assistant County Manager & criminal prosecutor.
Catherine Cortez Masto: Offensive to criticize Mexican-American for no Spanish.
Chris Dodd: We cant survive as a nation 51-49; end partisanship.
Danny Tarkanian: Will fight Republican "liberals".
Dennis Kucinich: I can move this country because I have no strings.
Harry Reid: Son of a miner; mother took in wash from brothels.
Hillary Clinton: Proud of Bill Clinton's record as president.
Jack Carter: There are certain values that are intuitive to all Americans.
Jack Carter: I'm fed up with this administration & my opponent.
Jack Carter: Campaign funding source doesn't matter; "we the people" do.
James Vandermaas: Constitution designed to force officials to compromise.
Jared Fisher: Master of time management: time is our greatest asset.
Jared Fisher: Started renewable-energy-based tourism business.
Joe Heck: Small business owner and emergency-room physician.
Joe Lombardo: Sheriff Lombardo prefers you just call him Joe.
Joe Lombardo: Recognizes Biden as duly elected president.
Joe Lombardo: Faith leaders are the backbone of our communities.
John Ensign: Nevadans need Nevada leaders with Nevada roots.
John Ensign: Carter gets more campaign money from California than Nevada.
John Jay Lee: Switched parties because of "socialist, extremist agenda".
Mike Bloomberg: Ridiculous to throw out capitalism; communism doesn't work.
Mike Gravel: Achieved much in Senate, but prefers governors for president.
Pete Buttigieg: We can accomplish goals without polarization.
Sharron Angle: I live in middle-class Reno; Reid lives in DC's Ritz-Carlton.
Steve Sisolak: I put a lot of faith in God to advise me.
Joe Lombardo: 2020 election environment was easy to commit fraud.
Joe Lombardo: The Nevada Way: never give up; never stop dreaming.
Social Security
Harry Reid: What would have happened if Trust Fund were in stock market?
Jacky Rosen: Oppose extreme proposals like privatization or vouchers.
Jacky Rosen: Don't privatize Social Security or VA.
James Vandermaas: We paid into Social Security, we are actually entitled to it.
Ruben Kihuen: Fight any attempt to privatize or voucherize.
Sharron Angle: Personalize Social Security; not privatize.
Tom Vilsack: If US gov't were a business, balance sheet looks mismanaged.
Tom Vilsack: Index by prices instead of wages, to maintain stability.
Tax Reform
Adam Laxalt: Critical to maintain low taxes.
Adam Laxalt: Committed to not raising taxes on anybody.
Bob Beers: Don't suspend energy efficient tax breaks impacting budget.
Brian Sandoval: Don't raise taxes by $1B; that would halt job growth.
Chris Dodd: Moderate but keep the estate tax; incentivize middle class.
Dan Schwartz: Spending to increase revenue would justify raising taxes.
Dean Heller: Trump tax cut boosts job creation.
Dina Titus: Suspend energy efficient tax breaks impacting budget.
Harry Reid: I am not in favor of giving billionaires tax cuts.
Jack Carter: Oppose the elimination of the sales tax deduction by the GOP.
Jacky Rosen: Opposed Republican tax cut to wealthy.
James Vandermaas: Trickle-up tax relief plans can stimulate and grow economy.
James Vandermaas: Change tax policy to advantage of middle class, not top 1-2%.
Jared Fisher: Cement our reputation as pro-business, tax-friendly state.
Jim Gibbons: No new taxes and no expansion of state government.
Jim Gibbons: Don't suspend energy efficient tax breaks impacting budget.
Joe Biden: More tax breaks for Latino and black businesses.
Joe Heck: Don't suspend energy efficient tax breaks impacting budget.
Joe Lombardo: Joe will veto any new tax increase.
Joe Lombardo: There's always another way instead of raising taxes.
Joe Lombardo: Open to tax reform, but not increase in state revenue.
John Jay Lee: Federal taxes hurt families & local government.
John Jay Lee: Don't suspend energy efficient tax breaks impacting budget.
Kenny Guinn: Nevada needs new revenue, but now is no time for new taxes.
Mike Bloomberg: Raise taxes on the rich.
Mike Gravel: Wipe out the income tax! -- it's regressive.
Mike Gravel: National sales tax; no exceptions; prebates for essentials.
Pete Buttigieg: The American Dream [is collapsing except in] Denmark.
Ruben Kihuen: End the absurd carried interest tax loophole.
Sharron Angle: Extend the Bush-era tax cuts, or it's a tax increase.
Steve Sisolak: Supported commerce tax; supports property tax increase.
Steven Horsford: Don't suspend energy efficient tax breaks impacting budget.
Joe Lombardo: Raise Commerce Tax exemption; suspend fuel tax.
Brian Sandoval: Drive investment in broadband technology.
Brian Sandoval: Project Neon: major new highway project.
Brian Sandoval: $3.5M for cyberdefense against unprecedented threats.
Dan Schwartz: Investment in infrastructure can bring in high paying jobs.
Dean Heller: More competition on internet, instead of Net Neutrality.
Jacky Rosen: Invest in transportation infrastructure & high-tech research.
Jacky Rosen: Supports Net Neutrality protections for broadband consumers.
Jacky Rosen: Co-sponsored bill to protect small business from cyberattack.
Steve Sisolak: Preserve Net Neutrality (equal access to internet).
War & Peace
Barack Obama: Surge strategy has made a difference in Iraq but failed.
Bill Richardson: Congress authorized this war; now de-authorize it.
Bill Richardson: Find ways to withdraw from Iraq, but with diplomacy.
Bill Richardson: Donor conference: get EU & Arabs to pay for reconstruction.
Brian Sandoval: Inspired by Nevadans serving in 5 middle eastern countries.
Catherine Cortez Masto: Declare war on ISIS; arm and train the Iraqi Kurds.
Catherine Cortez Masto: Declare war on ISIS before innocent lives are taken.
Chris Dodd: Re-deploy out of refereeing a civil war.
Chris Dodd: I made mistake in authorizing war; do not continue mistake.
Chris Dodd: How much more chaos could we be creating in Baghdad?
Danny Tarkanian: Stronger response to ISIS, North Korea, and Russia.
Dean Heller: Withdraw from Iran nuclear treaty.
Dennis Kucinich: I voted against war because I saw no proof from Bush.
Dennis Kucinich: Cut off the funds; end the occupation of Iraq.
Dennis Kucinich: Reparations to Iraq for 650,000 innocent civilians killed.
Dennis Kucinich: The surge strategy is fueling the insurgency.
Harry Reid: OpEd: saying Iraq war was lost emboldened our enemies.
Hillary Clinton: Require Bush to redeploy or seek additional authority.
Hillary Clinton: Takes responsibility for Iraq war vote, but not a mistake.
Jacky Rosen: Supports multinational Iran nuclear treaty.
Joe Biden: Decentralize Iraq to give people control over daily lives.
Joe Biden: Vote for Iraq War was mistake; assumed Bush competence.
Joe Biden: If Iraq metastasizes into regional war, it'll take decades.
John Edwards: Draw down 40,000 to 50,000 troops right now.
John Edwards: Wrong on Iraq war vote about WMDs and about Bush's lead-up.
Mike Gravel: 2008 election will be decided by how Democrats handle war.
Mike Gravel: Bush can sign bill to end war, or he can believe in God.
Susie Lee: Opposed Iran Nuclear Deal, but against repealing it.
Tom Vilsack: National Guard too busy in Iraq handle natural disasters.
Tom Vilsack: The war needs to be ended now, not in 6 months or 6 years.
Tom Vilsack: Congress should remove funding for the war.
Welfare & Poverty
Adam Laxalt: Develop new affordable housing without tax funding.
Brian Sandoval: $1.5M more for Meals-on-Wheels for seniors.
Steve Sisolak: Expedited permitting for affordable housing.
The above quotations are from State of Nevada Politicians: Archives.