OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Barack Obama: Supports Roe v. Wade.
Jesse Sullivan: Faith taught sanctity of life, need to protect unborn.
Budget & Economy
Jesse Sullivan: Job creation, not free assistance, keys to economic growth.
Mark Kirk: Proudly voted for TARP; but against stimulus funds.
Mark Kirk: Obama has brought $43,000 debt to every American.
Mark Kirk: No bailout for irresponsible decisions by state of Illinois.
Civil Rights
Barack Obama: Supports affirmative action in colleges and government.
Barack Obama: Include sexual orientation in anti-discrimination laws.
Paul Schimpf: Girls should not be at a biological disadvantage in sports.
Alexi Giannoulias: TARP needs more oversight & bank accountability.
Alexi Giannoulias: Main Street needs increased access to capital lending.
Mark Kirk: Small business Bill of Rights: 10-point pro-growth agenda.
Barack Obama: Supports alternative sentencing and rehabilitation.
Jesse Sullivan: Support law enforcement; empower them to do their jobs.
Paul Schimpf: I will support our law enforcement community.
Rod Blagojevich: Supports death penalty, but keep moratorium for now.
Rod Blagojevich: Supports reducing recidivism and re-entry assistance.
Tammy Duckworth: A strong advocate for comprehensive sentencing reform.
Barack Obama: Supports charter schools and private investment in schools.
Barack Obama: Free public college for any student with B-average.
Jesse Sullivan: Bring competition to education; evidence-based approach.
Paul Schimpf: School choice for parents as to where their tax money goes.
Energy & Oil
Alexi Giannoulias: Clean energy future for national security & job creation.
Barack Obama: Conserve, develop alternative fuels, increase efficiencies.
Mark Kirk: Stimulus should've funded Mississippi dams & O'Hare projects.
Foreign Policy
Paul Schimpf: Lead advisor to Iraqi prosecutors of Saddam Hussein.
Government Reform
Alexi Giannoulias: I streamlined & cut Treasurer's Office staff by 17%.
Jesse Sullivan: For strict term limits, against partisan gerrymandering.
Mark Kirk: Support a line item veto; cut spending across the board.
Rod Blagojevich: Supports McCain-Feingold campaign finance system.
Gun Control
Barack Obama: Ban semi-automatics, and more possession restrictions.
Jesse Sullivan: 2nd amendment is an important piece of our national identity.
Health Care
Alexi Giannoulias: Reform it and fix it: negotiate drug rates for Medicare.
Barack Obama: Ensure access to basic care.
Jesse Sullivan: Opposes mandates; encourages vaccines if you so choose.
Mark Kirk: Repeal Obamacare, then offer a better alternative.
Rod Blagojevich: Cover 400,000 more thru FamilyCare, KidCare, & AllKids.
Homeland Security
Mark Kirk: No F-25 engine; no joint forces command.
Paul Schimpf: I demanded our veterans be given proper medical treatment.
Tammy Duckworth: Support troops; root out waste in Defense Department.
Barack Obama: Extend welfare and Medicaid to immigrants.
Alexi Giannoulias: Losing job is more than just a paycheck; it affects morale.
Rod Blagojevich: Raised the minimum wage from $5.15 to $6.50.
Principles & Values
Alexi Giannoulias: Fallout from the April failure of his family's Broadway Bank.
Alexi Giannoulias: Accuses Kirk of economic treason for fundraising in China.
Alexi Giannoulias: Aware his Broadway Bank lent to criminals, but not extent.
Alexi Giannoulias: I told the truth about my mistakes; my opponent has not.
Jesse Sullivan: My primary mission is to know, love, and serve God.
Jesse Sullivan: World should look to us as a role model nation.
Mark Kirk: Forced to apologize for exaggerating his biography.
Mark Kirk: Takes responsibility for carelessness about military record.
Mark Kirk: Raised $6,000 from 12 U.S. citizen businessmen in China.
Mark Kirk: I've owned up to my mistakes; my opponent has not.
Tammy Duckworth: American values are one of our greatest strengths.
Social Security
Alexi Giannoulias: Increase taxable wage base instead of raising retirement age.
Jesse Sullivan: Transition state pension fund to private retirement plan.
Tax Reform
Jesse Sullivan: Reduce taxes that make it hard for business growth.
Mark Kirk: Ending Bush tax cuts may cause double-dip recession.
Paul Schimpf: In Legislature, I voted against every tax increase.
Jesse Sullivan: Encourage development of cryptocurrency, blockchain business.
War & Peace
Barack Obama: Terrorists are in Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Iran.