Mike Huckabee on War & Peace
Former Republican AR Governor; possible draft candidate
Rebuild military but we should not fight without clear goals
We need to never ever spend a drop of American blood unless there is a clearly defined goal and we can't make sure we win unless we have a military that's the strongest in the history of mankind.
We've got to have a military that the world is afraid of, use it sparingly, but when we do, the whole world will know that America is on their tail.
Source: Fox Business 2016 Republican Undercard debate
, Jan 14, 2016
People won't bully us if we have best military in history
Q [to PAUL and HUCKABEE]: How will the world look different in your presidency?Sen. Rand PAUL: War is the last resort, not the first resort. And, that when we go to war, we go to war in a constitutional way, which means that we have to vote on it,
that war is initiated by Congress, not by the president.
HUCKABEE: At the end of my presidency I would like to believe that the world would be a safe place, and there wouldn't be the threats. not only to the U.S., but to Israel and our allies,
never send them to a mission without all the resources necessary, but people wouldn't bully us anymore. Because they would know that that would be an invitation to their destruction.
Source: 2015 Republican two-tiered primary debate on CNN
, Sep 16, 2015
We are making progress in Iraq, Afghanistan, & war on terror
Difficult as it has been, we are making progress in Iraq and Afghanistan. All Americans should take pride in the accomplishments of our warriors, under the superb leadership of General Petraeus. We need--and must provide for--the strongest and most
effective military in the world, to protect ourselves and our key allies. In addition, here on the homefront, we must continue our vigilance in the war on terror--and insist on the best possible care for veterans, their spouses and their dependents.
Source: Response to 2008 State of the Union address
, Jan 28, 2008
Supports Powell Doctrine of overwhelming force
If I ever have to undertake a large invasion, I will follow the Powell Doctrine and use overwhelming force. The notion of an occupation with a light footprint, which was our model for Iraq, is a contradiction in terms. Liberating a country and
occupying it are two different missions. Our invasion of Iraq went well militarily, but the occupation has destroyed the country politically, economically, and socially. In the former Yugoslavia, we sent 20 peacekeeping soldiers for every thousand
civilians. In Iraq, an equivalent ratio would have meant sending a force of 450,000 U.S. troops. Unlike President George W. Bush, who marginalized General Eric Shinseki, the former army chief of staff, when he recommended sending several hundred thousand
troops to Iraq, I would have met with Shinseki privately and carefully weighed his advice. Our generals must be independent advisers, always free to speak without fear of retribution or dismissal.
Source: Americas Priorities in the War on Terror: Foreign Affairs
, Jan 1, 2008
Go after al Qaedas safe havens in Pakistan
Iraq may be the hot war, but Pakistan is where the cold, calculating planning is going on. If al Qaeda strikes us tomorrow, the attack will be postmarked Pakistan. And the American people, not understanding why a supposed U.S. ally refused to help and
our government put up with it, will justifiably be outraged that bin Laden and his top people got away. In fact, we almost did suffer that next attack: the plot to blow up ten airliners over the Atlantic that the British government foiled in
2006 was hatched in Pakistan.Rather than wait for the next strike, I prefer to cut to the chase by going after al Qaedas safe havens in Pakistan. As commander in chief, the U.S. president must balance threats and risks in calculating how best to
protect the American people. We are living on borrowed time. The threat of an attack on us is far graver than the risk that a quick and limited strike against al Qaeda would bring extremists to power in Pakistan.
Source: Americas Priorities in the War on Terror: Foreign Affairs
, Jan 1, 2008
Many dont comprehend the threat: they want our obliteration
Q: Whats your strategy to protect our American way of life from the designs of radical Islam?A: The threat we face is one a lot of Americans dont fully comprehend or understand. This isnt a typical geo-political war. Its a war against an enemy tha
has no national borders or boundaries. Its a theological war. Its not politically correct to say that. Its just the truth. We are fighting people whose religious fanaticism will not be satisfied until every last one of us is dead, until our culture,
our society, is completely obliterated from the face of the earth. It is the perfect marriage of religion & state, and thats why it is so incredibly dangerous, more so than any enemy we face. And heres the reality. War is about will. Whoever chooses to
leave loses. We cant afford to lose, because this is not a war about Iraq, its not a war about Afghanistan, its a war about our survival as a civilization and as a people, and every effort must be made to defend this great country against it.
Source: 2007 GOP Values Voter Presidential Debate
, Sep 17, 2007
Strength is more effective deterrent to war than weakness
A true leader shares his power rather than shows his power. True greatness is revealed by humility rather than hubris. Fear can be obtained by a gun, but true respect can only be earned by using ones strength for unselfish service. Jesus reminded us
that if we really want to be great, we must be willing to serve rather than to be served, and that the spirit of our actions is as important as the actions themselves. I would never want to sacrifice one particle of Americas power. Ronald
Reagan had it right when he led this country to unprecedented military strength. Our best defense is a military so well equipped and so well trained that no one wants to challenge it. Strength is a far more effective deterrent to war than is weakness,
and the US should never be apologetic for the development of the strongest military forces on the face of the earth. But with the development of strength and unprecedented power there must also be unprecedented restraint.
Source: [X-ref Homeland Sec.] From Hope to Higher Ground, p.133
, Jan 4, 2007
We should go to war with the army that we need
There were times when the arrogance was reflected, for example, in the former defense secretary who, despite getting advice from the Defense Department that we would need 400,000 troops to be able to successfully bring stability to
Iraq, insisted that we would only use 180,000 troops and we would go in with a light footprint. There was one particular statement that he made that I found especially troubling. He said, We dont go to war with the army that we want; we go to war with
the army that we have. I felt that the proper way for us to approach this is we dont go to war with the army we have, we go to war with the army that we need, and we make sure that we have what we need before we go to war, including a clear definition
of what were going to do, irresistible force when we do it, and once we do it, we dont let the politicians interfere or interrupt the battlefield decisions of the commanders with blood on their boots and medals on their chest.
Source: 2008 Facebook/WMUR-NH Republican primary debate
, Jan 5, 2006
Mike Huckabee on Iraq
Apply Powell Doctrine to Iraq: overwhelming force
The Powell Doctrine has always made sense to me. If you're going to engage in a military action, do it with overwhelming force so that failure simply isn't an option. The notion of an "occupation with a light footprint," which was our original paradigm
for Iraq, always struck me as a contradiction in terms. Liberating a country and occupying it are two different missions. Occupying a country, to me, inevitably demands a lot of boots on the ground. Instead of marginalizing former Army chief of staff
Gen. Eric Shinseki when he said we needed several hundred thousand troops for Iraq, I would have met privately with him and carefully weighed his advice and his underlying analysis.We had a military strategy in place to topple the regime of Saddam
Hussein, but we did not have a realistic political strategy of how to turn the culture of a totalitarian nation like Iraq into a democracy overnight. Our original armed forces weren't large enough, and we have worn out our National Guard and our reserves
Source: Do The Right Thing, by Mike Huckabee, p. 12
, Nov 18, 2008
Leave Iraq with victory and honor, however long it takes
We need to leave with victory, and we need to leave with honor. The reason we need to is because, if we leave a bigger mess in Iraq than is there now, it is not just going to affect Iraq. Its going to affect the rest of the Middle East.
It will erupt in a completely destabilized environment into which that vacuum is exactly the kind of situation that al Qaeda can build a strong base. Iran would love to be able to see a destabilized Iraq, because theyve been fighting in Iraq and for
Iraq for a long time. If we leave it vulnerable, all weve done is create a situation that the rest of the world is going to have to be back into sooner or later for all of our interests. We dont want to be there for 100 years, but however long it
takes to get out of there with victory and with honor, we owe it to those who have gone to make sure that they did not go in vain. We need to make sure that future sons and daughters of the US dont have to go back and do it over.
Source: 2008 Republican debate at Reagan Library in Simi Valley
, Jan 30, 2008
Saddam might have had WMD and got them to Syria before 2003
Q: At the last debate you said that Saddam Hussein may, in fact, have had weapons of mass destruction when the US invaded in 2003. You said, Now, everybody can look back and say, Oh, well, we didnt find the weapons. It doesnt mean they werent there
Just because you didnt find every Easter egg didnt mean that it wasnt planted. Governor, the Iraq Survey Group looked around Iraq for months after the invasion, could find no evidence that Saddam Hussein had an active WMD program when he was ousted,
nor any active stockpile of weapons. Do you have any evidence for that contention?Q: Oh, I dont have any evidence. But he was the one who announced openly that he did have weapons of mass destruction. My point was that, no, we didnt find them.
Did they get into Syria? Did they get into some remote area of Jordan? Did they go to some other place? We dont know. They may not have existed. But simply saying, We didnt find them, so therefore they didnt exist, is a bit of an overreach.
Source: 2008 Fox News interview: Choosing the President series
, Jan 27, 2008
Dont second-guess Iraq; pullout would be bigger mistake
Q: Nearly 4,000 US men & women killed, hundreds of billions of dollars spent. Was this war, with hindsight, worth it?A: That question is impossible to answer because you are saying, is it worth it in light of what we know but what we didnt know then.
And thats the whole issue of making tough decisions. As a governor, I often made tough decisions based on the information that I had. Later, when the information was clearer, you know, maybe you would have made a different decision.
If we had it to do all over again, would we do it differently? We probably would. But youre never going to elect somebody to make perfect decisions. But to second guess the president now, I think, is really not a very prudent thing to do. It doesnt mak
us feel any better. And what weve got to do is to say, lets make the best of what we have in Iraq. Lets make sure that we dont make a bigger mistake by a premature pullout that does leave Iraq vulnerable to an Al Qaida long-term training facility.
Source: CNN Late Edition: 2008 presidential series with Wolf Blitzer
, Jan 27, 2008
Failing to find the WMDs doesnt mean they werent there
Q: Was the war worth the price in blood & treasure?A: I supported Bush when he led us into this. We owe him our thanks that he had the courage to recognize a potential of weapons of mass destruction, and whether than wait until we had another
attack, he went and made sure that it wasnt going to happen from Saddam Hussein. Everybody can say we didnt find the weapons. It doesnt mean they werent there. Just because you didnt find every Easter egg didnt mean that it wasnt planted.
Source: 2008 GOP debate in Boca Raton Florida
, Jan 24, 2008
Never questioned the surge; never supported timed withdrawal
Q: What is the fundamental difference between what you would do as president in Iraq, versus what Romney would do?A: Im not sure that theres a big difference on what we would do going into the future. There is a big difference on how we looked at it
in the past. I supported the surge. He had questions about it. There were times when he believed that there should be a timed withdrawal. He denied that last night [in the televised debate] and said that he had never taken that position.
Heres a clip of what he said:
ROMNEY: My policy is, I have never talked about a timed withdrawal with a date certain for us to leave. Thats not the case. Simply wrong.
Q: So hes flatly denying what you and other news organizations are now
insisting is true.
A: Well, Im just reporting what two different credible news sources, ABC News and The Hill, clearly reported and quoting him. And I will let him try to explain why what he is saying now isnt what he said then.
Source: CNN Late Edition: 2008 presidential series with Wolf Blitzer
, Jan 6, 2008
FactCheck: Correct that Romney did support timed withdrawal
Huckabee charged that Romney had supported a timed withdrawal, and Romney countered, I do not support and have never support a timed withdrawal. So thats wrong, Governor. My policy is Ive never talked about a time withdrawal with a date certain for
us to leave. Huckabee wins this one. Its true that Romney has never cited a date certain for pulling out the troops. But he has said that theres no question there would have to be a timetable, it would just be kept hush-hush. Heres what he told
ABCs Good Morning America in April 2007:Q: Do you believe that there should be a, a timetable in withdrawing the troops?
ROMNEY: Well, theres no question but that the president and Prime Minister al
Maliki have to have a series of timetables and milestones that they speak about. But those shouldnt be for public pronouncement. You dont want the enemy to understand how long they have to wait in the weeds until youre gonna be gone.
Source: FactCheck.org on 2008 Facebook/WMUR-NH Republican debate
, Jan 5, 2008
Iraq War: we invaded an imaginary country based on poor info
Since we overthrew Saddam, we have learned that we invaded an imaginary country, because we relied at the time on information that was out of date and on longtime exiles who exaggerated the good condition of Iraqs infrastructure, the strength of its
middle class, and the secular nature of its society. We would have received better information if we had had our own ambassador in Baghdad. Before we put boots on the ground elsewhere, we had better have wingtips there first.
Source: Americas Priorities in the War on Terror: Foreign Affairs
, Jan 1, 2008
Stay in Iraq because were winning; we lose if we walk away
Q: Why not withdraw the troops from Iraq?A: Because we are winning. Civilians deaths are down 76% since the surge. Even the military deaths are down over 60%. And thats not the only way we know were winning. Were winning because we see in the
spirit of our own soldiers a sense of duty and honor that they are being able to carry out a mission that they were sent there to do. To take them out of it not only means we lose, but it means we totally destroy their sense of morale, and it may take a
generation to get it back. But theres more at stake than just their morale. Its the safety and the security of the Middle East and the rest of the world. This is about every one of us being able to be free, to have a future, and to be able to know that
were not going to allow a vacuum there, which happens if we lose--and we lose when we walk away--to create an opening so that terrorists can build even greater cells of training there. Thats why we have to stay. And its why we have to win.
Source: 2007 Republican primary debate on Univision
, Dec 9, 2007
We bought Iraq because we broke it; responsibility to honor
Q: Should we continue the troop surge, even though it will take at least a year for minimal improvement?A: We have to continue the surge, and let me explain why. When I was a little kid, if I went into a store with my mother, she had a simple rule for
me: If I picked something off the shelf at the store and I broke it, I bought it. I learned I dont pick something off the shelf I cant afford to buy. Well, what we did in Iraq, we essentially broke it. Its our responsibility to do the best we can to
try to fix it before we just turn away. I 100% agree that we cant leave until weve left with honor because, whether or not we should have gone to Iraq is a discussion the historians can have, but were there.
We bought it because we broke it. Weve got a responsibility to the honor of this country and to the honor of every man and woman who has served in Iraq and ever served in our military to not leave them with anything less than the honor that they deserve
Source: 2007 GOP debate at UNH, sponsored by Fox News
, Sep 5, 2007
Iraqi government disappointing, but we cant up & pull out
Q: So much of what the new US military strategy depends on the behavior of the Iraqi government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Are you confident in this government?A: Were all frustrated with the Iraqi government. I think that given the
extraordinary sacrifices that Americans have made to help them be strong and to be free, their internal squabbles are a great disappointment.
But at the same time, it does not lessen the fact that if we just up and pull out and chaos breaks loose and
refugees run to the borders by the millions and destabilize the region, the ultimate effect of that will come back to haunt the US.
So, have we made huge mistakes there? Oh my heavens, yes. We certainly have. But we cant look backwards in the rearview
Thats a tiny piece of glass. Weve got to look forward in the windshield. Thats a much bigger piece of glass. Wed better be asking ourselves, What happens if we ultimately fail here? Those are the implications weve got to put on the table first.
Source: CNN Late Edition: 2007 presidential series with Wolf Blitzer
, Jun 10, 2007
Insist that Iraqs neighbors assist military & financially
Q: The United Nations says there already have been two million refugees who have fled Iraq, mostly to Jordan and to Syria. Isnt this a huge refugee crisis already?A:
It is a huge problem. But imagine if millions and millions more go to these countries, whose infrastructure simply cant absorb them. Then you have a destabilized region.
One of the things that the US must do is to more strongly insist to the Saudis, the Jordanians, the Turks, the
Kuwaitis that their involvement militarily, their involvement financially, their involvement even theologically with the more radical wings of the Islamic faith are critical for us to solve this issue.
Source: CNN Late Edition: 2007 presidential series with Wolf Blitzer
, Jun 10, 2007
We needed 300,000 troops to win Iraq; must finish the job
Q: Would you have fired Don Rumsfeld before last November?A: I wouldve done that before the election. I certainly wouldnt have said that we are not going to do it and then, right after the election, done so. But thats the presidents call.
Clearly there was a real error in judgment, and that primarily had to do with listening to a lot of civilians in suits & silk ties and not listening enough to the generals with mud and blood on their boots. Those generals told us, early on, it would take
300,000 troops to successfully go in and stabilize Iraq. Instead we gave them a limited number of troops and a budget and said, you have to do it with this. I think thats something, now, we understand was a mistake. But rather than simply walking away
and leaving the Middle East in a complete disastrous chaos that will spread to the region and to the rest of the world, its important that we finish the job, that we do it right, rather than have to go back and some day do it over.
Source: 2007 GOP primary debate, at Reagan library, hosted by MSNBC
, May 3, 2007
Dont judge Iraq war while were in the middle of the war
Q: On the letter grade scale, A through F, how would you rate the Bush administrations handling of the Iraq war?A: I think its too early to give them the grade. You dont give a student a grade in the middle of the exam. Were still in the middle
of the exam. Lets wait and see how it turns out, then we can give the president a grade.
Q: But a teacher will usually give you a heads-up, maybe midway through that semester.
A: In Arkansas, we didnt get a grade until it was over.
Source: 2007 GOP primary debate, at Reagan library, hosted by MSNBC
, May 3, 2007
Iraq war has made us overlook domestic agenda
Q: You said, I think the president has done a magnificent job. And generally, I dont find that many areas where I would disagree with him. You still hold that view?A: I think hes had a lot of struggles, particularly in managing the war in Iraq.
We did a great job of going in and toppling Saddam Hussein. The tough part has been bringing some sense of stability there. I think the domestic agenda has also almost been ignored and overlooked because we have spent so much of a time on Iraq.
Source: Meet the Press: 2007 Meet the Candidates series
, Jan 28, 2007
Opposing Bushs troop surge is a dangerous position
Q: If you were in the Senate or the House, would you vote to oppose the president sending more troops to Iraq?A: I think thats a dangerous position to take, to oppose a sitting commander in chief while weve got people being shot at on the ground.
I think its one thing to have a debate and a discussion about this strategy, but to openly oppose, in essence, the strategy, I think that can be a very risky thing for our troops.
Source: Meet the Press: 2007 Meet the Candidates series
, Jan 28, 2007
Make sure we finish the job in Iraq and finish it right
There has been plenty of second-guessing as to whether the US should have invaded Iraq. Regardless of where members of Congress now stand, in the days leading to our invasion of Iraq, there was a consensus from both Democrats & Republicans that Saddam di
have weapons of mass destruction. There was a wholesale belief that he would unhesitatingly use them against the US if he had the opportunity, and would gladly assist terrorists who sought to repeat the horrific attacks of Sep. 11.It may well be that
the intelligence on which the decision was made was incomplete or flawed, but had we failed to topple Saddams empire and he had utilized WMDs against us, there would have been an even greater anger that we failed to act.
Now that we have gone to
Iraq, one thing is certain--we need to make sure that we finish the job and finish it right. If we were to pull out prematurely and allow tyranny to be restored to that nation, the ripple effect throughout the Middle East and the world would be profound.
Source: From Hope to Higher Ground, by Mike Huckabee, p.134-136
, Jan 4, 2007
Mike Huckabee on Mideast
Eradicate ISIS like you would eradicate any cancer
Q: There have been 18 terror attacks so far this year--in just January 2016. What can an American president do to stop these terrifying killings?Sen. Rick SANTORUM: To be a legitimate caliphate, you have to control land and operate a state under
sharia law. And so the answer is we must take their land and make them illegitimate in the eyes of the Muslim world.
HUCKABEE: I think Rick Santorum is exactly right. You take away their land. But one of the things we have to do is a comprehensive
strategy to get ISIS. First of all, take away their access to social media platforms. The second thing, go after them financially. Any company, any country, that even gets close to dealing with them, absolutely put sanctions on them. Make them pay.
And finally, you have got to go after them militarily. We obliterate them. They are a force that's getting bigger. And with any kind of cancer, you don't contain it; you eradicate it. And that's how we have to fight ISIS, comprehensively.
Source: 2016 Fox News Republican Undercard debate in Iowa
, Jan 28, 2016
When terrorists sign up abroad, they sign U.S. death warrant
Q [to Gov. Huckabee]: How would you defeat ISIS ideologically?HUCKABEE: If their intent is to kill us, [then] our intent to use every means possible to get to them before they get to us. The rules of engagement have got to be loosened, because we have
to make sure that we are not just going over and setting off some fireworks. We have to kill every one of them, to make it very clear that [if you] threaten action against the United States, and you've just signed your death warrant. We're coming to get
you. And you won't be coming to our shores. You're going to be going to your funeral.
CRUZ: ISIS is gaining strength because the perception is that they're winning. And President Obama fuels that perception. That will change when militants across the
globe see that when you join ISIS that you are giving up your life, you are signing your death warrant, and we need a president who is focused on defeating every single ISIS terrorist and protecting the homeland, which should be the first priority.
Source: 2015 CNN/Salem Republican second-tier debate
, Dec 15, 2015
We are at war with radical Islam
Q: I want to ask you about something that you tweeted last week.You said: "After today's attack in Mali, the Obama-approved domestic anti-terror plan, give up your guns and memorize a Koran verse." Memorize a Koran verse?HUCKABEE: After the attack
in Mali, there were numerous reports that the gunmen were going around and saying, can you quote a verse from the Koran? If they said yes, they were allowed to go free. If they couldn't, they were shot.And so the point was is that, while the president
has said we need to disarm law-abiding people, it was just a reminder that we are at war with radical Islam. It's not that we are at war with all Islam, but we are at war with those who believe that the purpose they have on earth is to declare a
worldwide caliphate to kill all the infidels, which would mean everyone, including other Muslims, who don't agree to their harsh, intense, anti-woman, anti-human being approach to life and who want to take us back to the seventh century.
Source: CNN SOTU 2015 interview series: 2016 presidential hopefuls
, Nov 29, 2015
Conflict with Iran is about survival of Western civilization
[The Iranian nuclear deal] is really about the survival of Western civilization. This is not just a little conflict with a Middle Eastern country. This threatens Israel immediately, this threatens the entire Middle East, but it threatens the
United States of America. And we can't treat a nuclear Iranian government as if it is just some government that would like to have power. This is a government for 36 years has killed Americans, they kidnapped Americans, they have maimed Americans.
They have sponsored terrorist groups, Hamas and Hezbollah, and they threaten the very essence of Western civilization. To give them this agreement, that the president treats like the Magna Carta, but Iranians treat it like it's toilet paper, and we
must, simply, make it very clear that the next president, one of us on this stage, will absolutely not honor that agreement, and will destroy it and will be tough with Iran, because otherwise, we put every person in this world in a very dangerous place.
Source: 2015 Republican two-tiered primary debate on CNN
, Sep 16, 2015
Iran threatens Israel & America; take them seriously
The president can't tell you what we got [with the Iranian nuclear deal]. I'll tell you what the world got. The world has a burgeoning nuclear power that didn't, as the Soviets, say "we might defend ourselves in a war." What the Iranians have said
is, "we will wipe Israel off the face of the map, and we will bring death to America." When someone points a gun at your head and loads it, by God, you ought to take them seriously, and we need to take that seriously.
Source: Fox News/Facebook Top Ten First Tier debate transcript
, Aug 6, 2015
Keep sanctions in place until Iran dismantles nukes
On Iran, Huckabee would keep current U.S. sanctions in place until Iran dismantles its nuclear infrastructure.
He has sharply questioned negotiations led by the Obama administration.
Source: PBS News Hour "2016 Candidate Stands" series
, May 5, 2015
Arm the Kurds to fight ISIS, plus U.S. bombing
Q: On ISIS, you have said it is a rattlesnake and compared it to a cancer. What would you do to defeat ISIS?HUCKABEE: Well, first of all, we should have been long ago arming the Kurds. They're the most reliable force that we have in the Middle East,
especially in the northern part of Iraq, that is willing and ready to fight ISIS and to do it without American blood being spilled. We have not kept our promise to the Kurds. The second thing we should do is make sure that, wherever there's an ISIS
target, that we bomb the daylights out of it. We make it unpopular to join ISIS, because we need to let them know, they basically sign on to a death sentence if they want to join this hideous, savage, uncivilized group of people who think it's OK to burn
people alive and cut their heads off, and not only to do it, but I think what is most despicable is that they are proud of it: They videotape it. They show it to the world. They want us to see what they do. And that makes it even more horrifying.
Source: CBS Face the Nation 2015 coverage:2016 presidential hopefuls
, Mar 1, 2015
US boots on the ground to fight ISIS ok, if others join too
Q: Where are you on the question of boots on the ground to fight ISIS? Some 2016 candidates are supporting that idea, U.S. boots.HUCKABEE:
We don't leave anything off the table. But if they're going to be boots, they have to be more than just U.S. boots. There's got to be some boots that from come from the Saudis, the Jordanians and others.
Source: CBS Face the Nation 2015 coverage:2016 presidential hopefuls
, Mar 1, 2015
Islamofascism must disappear from the face of the earth
It is right for us to be on the offense against Islamofascism, and not wait until they attack us on our soil. Unlike any war we have ever fought in this nation, this is not a war for soil. It is a war for our soul.
We will either win it or we will lose it. This nation must rally to the point where we recognize there is no compromise. There is no alternative. We must win; they must lose. Islamofascism must disappear from the face of the earth, or we will.
Source: Speeches to 2008 Conservative Political Action Conference
, Feb 7, 2008
Know your enemy: jihadists would destroy civilization
A more successful U.S. foreign policy needs to better explain Islamic jihadism to the American people. Given how Americans have thrived on diversity--religious, ethnic, racial--it takes an enormous leap of imagination to understand what
Islamic terrorists are about, that they really do want to kill every last one of us and destroy civilization as we know it. If they are willing to kill their own children by letting them detonate suicide bombs, then they will also be willing to kill
our children for their misguided cause. The first rule of war is know your enemy, and most Americans do not know theirs. To grasp the magnitude of the threat, we first have to understand what makes Islamic terrorists tick.
[Jihadists] see nothing decadent or sinful in murdering in order to achieve their ends. Americas culture of life stands in stark contrast to the jihadists culture of death.
Source: Americas Priorities in the War on Terror: Foreign Affairs
, Jan 1, 2008
Re-establish diplomatic ties to Iran, so we can move forward
Sun-tzus ancient wisdom is relevant today: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Yet we have not had diplomatic relations with Iran in almost 30 years; the U.S. government usually communicates with the Iranian government through the Swiss
embassy in Tehran. When one stops talking to a parent or a friend, differences cannot be resolved and relationships cannot move forward. The same is true for countries. The reestablishment of diplomatic ties will not occur automatically or without the
Iranians making concessions that serve to create a less hostile relationship. Whereas there can be no rational dealings with al Qaeda, Iran is a nation-state seeking regional clout and playing the game of power politics we understand and can
skillfully pursue. We cannot live with al Qaeda, but we might be able to live with a contained Iran. Iran will not acquire nuclear weapons on my watch. But I want to do everything possible to avoid conflict.
Source: Americas Priorities in the War on Terror: Foreign Affairs
, Jan 1, 2008
Train & arm Kurds to prevent cross-border PKK incursions
Q: What would you do about the cross-border incursions by the PKK?A: We need to put American troops not to do military action but to train and arm the Kurds. They are capable of taking care of those terrorist cells along the Kurdish territory. Theyve
proven that. And we should provide some assistance both in arming them & training them, to try to resolve this crisis. Its not an exciting thing to see Turkey move across that border, but the more we can do to bolster the Kurds, thats our best strategy
Source: FOX News Sunday, 2007 presidential interviews
, Oct 21, 2007
Attack Irans nukes even if Congress says no
Q: If you were president, would you need to go to Congress to get authorization to take military action against Irans nuclear facilities?: A president has to do whatever is necessary to protect the American people. If we think Iran is building
nuclear capacity that could be used against us in any way, including selling some of the nuclear capacity to some other terrorist group, then yes, we have a right to do it. And I would do it in a heartbeat.
Q: Without going to Congress?
Well, if its necessary to get it done because its actionable right now, yes. If you have the time and the luxury of going to Congress, thats always better.
Q: And if Congress says no, what do you do?
A: You do whats best for the
American people, and you suffer the consequences. What you never do is let the American people one day get hit with a nuclear device because you had politics going on in Washington instead of the protection of the American people first.
Source: 2007 Republican debate in Dearborn, Michigan
, Oct 9, 2007
We made Saudis rich; pressure them to help win with honor
Q: Rep. Paul says, Come home. Rep. Hunter says, Weve got to stay. Is there a middle ground in this debate?A: Certainly. The middle ground is that we win this war & we do it with honor. We dont just stay indefinitely. We put some pressure on the
Saudis. Look, weve made them rich. Every time somebody in this room goes to the gas pump, youve helped make the Saudi royal family a little wealthier. And the money that has been used against us in terrorism has largely come from the Middle East.
Theres two things weve got to do. Number one, weve got to insist that the people in that neighborhood take a far greater role militarily and financially in solving the problem. Its their neighborhood. But the second thing wed do, for our own
national security, is end our dependence on foreign oil. And lets not play around and say 30 years, lets get it done. Lets get it done now. And lets make sure that we dont have to depend upon their oil for our future energy needs.
Source: 2007 GOP Iowa Straw Poll debate
, Aug 5, 2007
Page last updated: Jun 15, 2016