Support West Bank settlements; tough on Iran & Palestine
Pataki would end current negotiations with Iran, and would postpone peace talks with current Palestinian leaders until they recognize Israel.
Speaking to the Republican Jewish Coalition this spring, Pataki called for an end to current negotiations with Iran, criticizing current agreement outlines as not tough enough.
In the same speech, Pataki said the next president should not attempt to negotiation with current Palestinian leaders until they recognize the right of Israel to exist.
In 2002, then-Governor Pataki spoke in favor of another state official's visit to West Bank settlements.
Stop using Vieques, Puerto Rico, for bombing & training
I applaud the action of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld in ordering the Navy to temporarily cease using the Puerto Rican island of Vieques for combat training. Governor Calderon and I have been working together, and this is an important
first step in our continuing effort to permanently end the bombing in Vieques. My goal now is to turn this temporary suspension into a permanent ban. Fairness requires that we take this step to protect the people of Vieques. Governor Calderon and I will
continue our discussions with the White House and the Defense Department. Secretary Rumsfeld�s action signals there is hope, but we must keep pushing for a permanent end to the bombing -- and we will. In the meantime, we will continue our efforts to
expedite the medical study of the impact of the bombing on the health of the people of Vieques. I want to thank President Bush and Secretary Rumsfeld for listening to our concerns and for listening to the people of Puerto Rico.