Of course pouring CO2 into atmosphere causes global warming
It's not appropriate to think that human activity, putting CO2 into the atmosphere, doesn't make the earth warmer. It's uncontroverted. Part of the problem is that when Republicans think about climate change, say, `oh my God, we're
gonna have higher taxes, more Obama, more big government, the EPA shutting down factories.` That's not the solution I see. I want Republicans to embrace innovation and technology.
Federal role is to incentivize innovative energy technology
Government's role is to incentivize innovation and the entrepreneurial spirit. We could have next-generation nuclear reactors that have no risk of meltdown. We could have solar panels that are four times more efficient. Let the private sector develop
innovation. Not only would we solve our problems, we would have cheaper energy. We could export those technologies so we would grow our economy, have a greater impact globally, have a secure domestic source of energy, and healthier air.
Climate change is a real and scientifically proven
Pataki, who co-chaired the Council on Foreign Relation's 2007 task force on the issue, believes climate change is a real and scientifically proven. In his opinion, it is best combated through private initiatives.
The former governor turned environmental consultant opposes government regulation of emissions.
Source: PBS News Hour "2016 Candidate Stands" series
, May 28, 2015
Tackle climate change via private & market-based initiatives
Pataki could find himself at odds with some Republican voters over his record on environmental policy in New York, where he floated the idea for a now-in-place regional effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Pataki said he believes climate change is best tackled through private and market-based initiatives and he does not support new federal regulations aimed at reducing carbon emissions.
"I think it's wrong to ignore environmental and conservation issues, I think it's an important part of the federal government's role,"
Pataki said. "But I think it's even worse if the federal government uses that as an excuse to raise revenue, shut down businesses, cut off innovation and pick winners and losers."
For more than a decade, we in New York have been aggressively pursuing the solutions to one of our generation's greatest challenges--reducing our dependence on expensive, polluting, terror-promoting foreign oil.
We don't have to look far for evidence that the time to transition away from foreign oil is now--it is right there on the gas pumps and in our home heating bills.
Not just here in New York, but across the nation, our reliance on foreign oil is hampering the financial freedom of our working families and their employers; it is hurting our economy,
damaging our environment and enriching regimes that support, harbor and encourage the terrorists who threaten our national security.
Make renewable fuel tax-free, for mass transit & cars
Because of the investments we have made in mass transit, we already have the most efficient transportation system in America, but we can do more--much more. Our transportation system is still over 90% dependent on petroleum products. The huge price
increases we have seen at the pump are likely to get worse as developing countries like China and India consume an increasing amount of oil.
Later this session, I will propose a plan to jumpstart a new era of statewide availability and use of renewable
fuels--ensuring that more of our energy dollars stay right here in New York. It begins with an initiative to make renewable fuels available at service stations all across the state, starting with the N.Y.State Thruway.
And then, it goes a step further,
by making that renewable fuel tax-free throughout the entire State of New York. This plan will also provide for the establishment of refineries that make ethanol out of agricultural products from our farms and wood products from our northern forests.
Pataki adopted the National Governors Association policy:
Considering the evidence and the risks of both overreaction and underreaction, the Governors recommend that the federal government continue its climate research, including regional climate research, to improve scientific understanding of global climate change. The Governors also recommend taking steps that are cost-effective and offer other social and economic benefits beyond reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In particular, the Governors support voluntary partnerships to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while achieving other economic and environmental goals.
The Governors are committed to working in partnership with the federal government, businesses, environmental groups, and others to develop and implement voluntary programs that reduce greenhouse gas emissions in conjunction with conserving energy, protecting the environment, and strengthening the economy.
The Governors urge that those
who have successfully achieved reductions of greenhouse emissions receive appropriate credit for their early actions. The Governors strongly encourage these kinds of voluntary efforts.
The Governors believe that federally required implementation of any treaty provisions, including those that mandate limits or reductions of greenhouse gas emissions, must not occur before the U.S. Senate ratifies an international agreement and Congress passes enabling legislation.
The Governors support continued federal funding for research and development technology in this area. They also believe it is essential to engage the private sector by fostering technology partnerships between industry and government. Public-private partnerships serve to achieve desired environmental goals, speed the introduction of new technologies to the marketplace, and meet consumer needs and product affordability goals, while avoiding market distortions and job losses.
Source: NGA policy NR-11, Global Climate Change Domestic Policy 00-NGA3 on Aug 15, 2000
Kyoto Treaty must include reductions by all countries.
Pataki adopted the National Governors Association policy:
The Governors recommend that the federal government continue to seek the advice of state and local officials and nongovernmental organizations with expertise in economic, trade, jobs, public health, and environmental issues and assess the potential economic and environmental consequences of proposed policies and measures, including a thorough and broadly accepted analysis of costs and benefits. The Governors recommend that the US:
not sign or ratify any agreement that mandates new commitments to limit or reduce greenhouse gas emissions for the US, unless such an agreement mandates new specific scheduled commitments to limit or reduce greenhouse gas emissions for developing countries within the same compliance period;
aggressively undertake strategies for including emissions-reduction commitments from developing countries;
not sign or ratify any agreement that would result in serious harm to the US economy;
support flexible policies and measures in
continuing negotiations that provide an opportunity for the US to meet global environmental goals without jeopardizing US jobs, trade, or economic competitiveness;
insist on flexible implementation timetables in continuing negotiations that permit affected parties adequate time to plan strategies for meeting commitments; and
ensure that no single sector, state, or nation is disproportionately disadvantaged by the implementation of international policies.
If appropriate international commitments are established and are ratified by the US, the Governors believe implementation should be allowed to be achieved through cost-effective market-based activities, which account for scientifically verifiable and accountable reductions in greenhouse gas levels regardless of where the reductions are achieved. Any multinational emissions trading program must provide a flexible and workable framework that takes full advantage of market forces and maximizes international participation.
Source: NGA policy NR-11, Climate Change International Policy 00-NGA4 on Aug 15, 2000
Set goal of 25% renewable energy by 2025.
Pataki endorsed setting goal of 25% renewable energy by 2025
A resolution that it is the goal of the United States that, not later than January 1, 2025, the agricultural, forestry, and working land of the US should provide from renewable resources not less than 25% of the total energy consumed and continue to produce safe, abundant, and affordable food, feed, and fiber. [Governors also signed letters of endorsement at www.25x25.org]
Rep. SALAZAR: "Our resolution establishes a national goal of producing 25% of America's energy from renewable sources--like solar, wind and biofuels--by 2025. The "25x'25" vision is widely endorsed, bold, and fully attainable. If implemented, it would dramatically improve our energy security, our economy, and our ability to protect the environment.
"I am pleased that more than 20 of my colleagues in the Senate, from both sides of the aisle, are cosponsoring this resolution.
In addition, the "25x'25" vision has been endorsed by 22 current and former governors and several State legislatures across the country. The Big Three automobile manufacturers--Ford, Chrysler, and General Motors--are all behind "25x'25" So are many agricultural organizations, environmental groups, scientists, and businesses, ranging from the Natural Resources Defense Council to John Deere.
"These Americans understand that we cannot continue to import 60% of our oil from foreign countries, many of which are hostile to the US, if we aim to be strong and secure in the world. They know that we will have to build a clean energy economy if we are to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. It is time for Congress to take a more active role in our clean energy future. Establishing a national goal--"25x'25" is the first step."
Source: 25x'25 Act (S.CON.RES.3 / H.CON.RES.25) 2007-SC03 on Jan 17, 2007
Supports immediate reductions in greenhouse gases.
Pataki adopted the Republican Main Street Partnership issue stance:
The Republican Main Street Partnership supports the goal of immediate, near-term reductions in greenhouse gases, and would move toward this goal by providing strong incentives that have minimal adverse impact on the economy, and to continue to apply our best scientific minds to developing a better understanding of the long-term nature of climate change and the means to cope with it.
Two objectives should be accomplished:
create an "early action crediting system" to provide assurances to companies that actions taken now to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases will be recognized and credited in the eventual system of emissions reductions standards that will be developed; and
commit the necessary resources to national and international scientific efforts to better understand the cause and effect of global climate change.
With regard to global warming, the Republican Main Street Partnership recognizes that a longer debate over the proper U.S. role in implementing the Kyoto Protocol should and will occur. In so doing, we hope to bolster our scientific understanding of the problem and perhaps, in turn, provide immediate incentives for communities and corporations to act in their own and the nation's best interests in reducing emissions. We are strongly committed to acting on the emerging consensus for progress and constructive change, and maintaining America's ability to lead the world in the critical area of environmental protection.
Source: Republican Main Street Partnership Issue Paper: Environment 98-RMSP2 on Sep 9, 1998
Maintain federal funds for transit funding above 12.5% cap.
Pataki adopted a letter to Senate leaders from 4 Governors:
On behalf of the nation�s Governors, we are writing to express our serious concerns regarding the transit cap provision included in the fiscal 2000 appropriations bill for the Department of Transportation and Related Agencies.
Governors are concerned that with this provision included the bill does not honor the funding guarantees in the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21). Specifically, capping a state�s share of transit funding at 12.5 percent of total transit spending abrogates the commitment that Congress made to the states just last year in TEA-21. Congress, with the support of NGA, recently opposed the administration�s attempt to reopen TEA-21 state allocation formulas in the Fiscal Year 2000 budget and should oppose the Appropriations Committee�s action as well.
Your critical leadership on TEA 21 assured that adequate funds were authorized to create a balanced federal transportation program to meet the nation�s varied needs. Transit funding formulas were balanced with hard-won agreements on highway funding formulas. Members made agreements and compromises based on the total surface transportation funding package for their states. We strongly urge you and your colleagues to oppose efforts to reopen the transit and highway allocation formulas through the appropriations process. This will preserve the structure and intent of TEA-21.
Source: National Governor's Association letter to Congress re 1143 99-NGA27 on Jul 2, 1999