
Joe Biden on War & Peace
Democratic President; former V.P.; former Senator |
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- FactCheck: Opposed Afghan war after 2009; supported earlier. (Jul 2024)
- Criticized Trump on Russian bounties; then did nothing. (Apr 2021)
- Final withdrawal from Afghanistan by Sept. 11, 2021. (Apr 2021)
- Trump has more troops in Afghanistan than 2016. (Oct 2020)
- Support Afghan counter-terrorism; oppose counter-insurgency. (Sep 2020)
- Afghanistan: against surging troops; not nation builders. (Mar 2020)
- Only deal with terrorism in Afghanistan, not nation-building. (Feb 2020)
- I opposed Afghan surge starting in 2009. (Dec 2019)
- 2009 Afghan surge does not reflect our national interest. (Oct 2019)
- Can't put Afghanistan together: it's 3 different countries. (Sep 2019)
- End "forever wars" in Afghanistan & Middle East. (Jul 2019)
- Out of Iraq as promised; out of Afghanistan soon. (Oct 2012)
- Out of Afghanistan in 2014, period. (Oct 2012)
- Drones against al Qaeda instead of ground troops. (Jun 2012)
- Advised caution in striking Osama bin Laden. (Jan 2012)
- Withdraw US troops continuously from Afghanistan until 2014. (Dec 2011)
- 2002: Iraq pivots from unfinished business in Afghanistan. (Oct 2010)
- 2008: Afghanistan is forgotten war, & Pakistan is neglected. (Oct 2010)
- Enemy is Al Qaeda, not Taliban; timetable for withdrawal ok. (Oct 2010)
- Not necessary to defeat Taliban; it's part of Afghan society. (Oct 2010)
- We're in Afghanistan because of Al Qaeda, period. (May 2010)
- Afghanistan must never again be haven for al Qaeda. (Feb 2008)
Eastern Europe
- Putin is a war criminal and won't stop at Ukraine. (Jun 2024)
- Ukraine: no American soldiers but America will not bow down. (Mar 2024)
- If Russia prevails in Ukraine can any nation feel secure? (Sep 2023)
- America is united in support of Ukraine as long as it takes. (Feb 2023)
- Make dictators pay a price; American resolve matters. (Mar 2022)
- Military & humanitarian assistance, but no troops to Ukraine. (Mar 2022)
- 1990s: Support Bosnian Muslims with NATO air strikes. (Jul 2019)
- Inviolate borders for Ukraine; no spheres of influence. (Nov 2017)
- 1993: Arm the victims: end the Bosnian embargo. (Oct 2017)
- 1990s: Military intervention to stop Bosnia ethnic cleansing. (Jun 2012)
- 1992: lift Bosnian arms embargo; NATO air strikes on Serbs. (Oct 2010)
- My push for Bosnian intervention saved 1000s of lives. (Oct 2008)
- 1995: pushed to lift arms embargo in Bosnia. (Jul 2007)
- 1995: pushed Clinton to bomb Serbia to free Kosovo. (Jul 2007)
- Assassinations in Iran make America stand alone. (Feb 2020)
- Supported wars in Iraq & Afghanistan, but not Iran. (Mar 2019)
- Don't trust Iran but they met initial conditions of deal. (Sep 2016)
- Prevent--not contain--Iranian nuclear weapon. (Mar 2013)
- Meet Iranian leaders only when they have a serious agenda. (Feb 2013)
- Iran has some fissile material, but no nuclear weapons. (Oct 2012)
- Iran Sanctions are most crippling in history. (Oct 2012)
- Iran is not close to nuclear weapons; stop the bluster. (Oct 2012)
- Iran is isolated, and will be more so when Syria falls. (Dec 2011)
- Accept NIE conclusion that Iran stopped nukes in 2003. (Dec 2007)
- A military action resolution on Iran is a bad policy. (Oct 2007)
Iraq War
- FactCheck: removed troops from Iraq, but they went back. (Feb 2020)
- I made a mistake; Bush said he wouldn't go into Iraq. (Feb 2020)
- I made a mistake; Bush said he wouldn't go into Iraq. (Feb 2020)
- As veep, worked to end Iraq war. (Jan 2020)
- Iraq war vote mistake based on Bush/Cheney lies. (Jan 2020)
- FactCheck:No, didn't oppose Iraq War right after war started. (Sep 2019)
- U.S. forces out of Iraq, by whatever path led there fastest. (Sep 2019)
- I got 150,000 troops out of Iraq; do same in Afghanistan. (Jun 2019)
- Son Beau served in Iraq while Delaware Attorney General. (Oct 2017)
- 1990 Gulf War: reason enough to send generation to war? (Jun 2012)
- OpEd: Iraq war follows tradition of active US leadership. (Jun 2012)
- Proud of involvement in winding down Iraq war. (Dec 2011)
- 1998: only way to remove Saddam is massive military effort. (Aug 2011)
- OpEd: 2003 Iraq vote unmistakably authorized war. (Nov 2010)
- No vital interest in Kuwait in 1990; like Vietnam in 1972. (Oct 2010)
- 1990: One man deciding to go to war is tyranny. (Oct 2010)
- 2009: Monthly visit to Baghdad to wind down Iraq War. (May 2010)
- 2007: Supported funding Iraq War, against Obama. (Aug 2009)
- 2002: Waiting to be sure of Saddam danger could be too late. (Oct 2008)
- Post-colonial countries like Iraq need federal system. (Nov 2007)
- Third way: federalize Iraq; troops home; no chaos behind. (Nov 2007)
- Changed mind on Iraq pullout, not about political solution. (Sep 2007)
- Worth losing election to protect our troops. (Sep 2007)
- Leaving Iraq will cause generation-long regional war. (Aug 2007)
- Voted for Iraq War resolution to avoid war in Iraq. (Jul 2007)
- Bush invaded Iraq as the weakest of the Axis of Evil. (Jul 2007)
- End neocon fantasy of remaking Iraq in our image. (Jul 2007)
- Never de-fund a single soldier in Iraq. (Jul 2007)
- Fund the safety of the troops till 67 anti-war votes reached. (Jun 2007)
- Think about the decade after Iraq, not just the day after. (Apr 2007)
- In 2002 Saddam posed a threat of purchasing a nuclear bomb. (Apr 2007)
- US worse off than before Saddam because US lost credibility. (Apr 2007)
- Partitioning Iraq is inevitable, as shown by history. (Apr 2007)
- Decentralize Iraqi government; local control over daily life. (Apr 2007)
- Biden-Gelb plan: UN & Muslim powers to enforce Iraq unity. (Apr 2007)
- Decentralize Iraq to give people control over daily lives. (Feb 2007)
Trouble Spots
- 3-stage plan for Gaza; only Hamas opposes it. (Jun 2024)
- FactCheck: Yes, UN accepted Gaza peace plan. (Jun 2024)
- Build a pier off Gaza to deliver humanitarian aid. (Mar 2024)
- Contain Iran; degrade the Houthis; include Saudi Arabia. (Mar 2024)
- Burmese military should relinquish power they have seized. (Feb 2021)
- Support UN-imposed ceasefire in Yemen. (Feb 2021)
- Pull troops out of Mideast, except to patrol Gulf and ISIS. (Jan 2020)
- Leave special forces in Mideast, not just combat troops. (Jan 2020)
- Troop withdrawal from Syria was shameful. (Oct 2019)
- 1972: young Americans shipped back from Vietnam in body bags. (Oct 2019)
- US should stand up to aggression of dictators. (Feb 2019)
- Vietnam war was horrendous waste based on a flawed premise. (Oct 2017)
- Syria chemical attack violates essential international norm. (Aug 2013)
- Syria's Assad must go, but carefully vet who gets aid. (Mar 2013)
- Assad is no longer fit to lead the Syrian people; he must go. (Feb 2013)
- Intel support against extremism in Mali and North Africa. (Feb 2013)
- Syria not like Libya; intervention would ignite the region. (Oct 2012)
- Will track terrorists to end of the earth. (Sep 2012)
- Opposed Vietnam but didn't identify with anti-war movement. (Jun 2012)
- Syrian brutality must end; Assad must step down. (Dec 2011)
- We shared responsibility to bring democracy to Libya. (Dec 2011)
- 9/11: Urged Bush to stay in public, like DeGaulle in WWII. (Oct 2010)
- 1971: Campaigned on wanting Vietnam War over. (Oct 2010)
- UN approval is not needed for US military action. (May 2010)
- Muslims don't like us because they do not trust us. (Dec 2007)
- Strong US intervention in trouble spots around the world. (Nov 2007)
- It's already US policy to go into Pakistan to get al Qaeda. (Aug 2007)
- Do away with the policy of regime change for Iran. (Jun 2007)
- Replace pre-emption doctrine with prevention. (Apr 2007)
- With US troops in Korea, we are too committed to war. (Oct 1975)
Voting Record
- Eliminated most offensive deterrence capabilities. (Apr 2023)
- I shouldn't have voted for Bush's AUMF; he did it wrong way. (Sep 2019)
- Regrets his war vote because Bush misused war authority. (Apr 2007)
- Vote for war allowed war only after all else failed. (Apr 2007)
- Introduced legislation barring US Military bases in Iraq. (Apr 2007)
- Vote for Iraq War was mistake; assumed Bush competence. (Feb 2007)
- Voted for Iraq war in 2002, but now a war critic. (Nov 2006)
Doug Burgum on War & Peace
2024 Presidential contender; Republican ND Governor |
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- We stand with our democratic ally Israel against Hamas. (Oct 2023)
- We're in a Cold War and a Cyber War with China . (Sep 2023)
Chris Christie on War & Peace
N.J. Governor; Republican Presidential candidate |
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- I would send US military to defend Taiwan. (Dec 2023)
- Damn right I'd send US troops to Gaza. (Dec 2023)
- U.S. nuclear submarines are deterrent to Chinese aggression. (Nov 2023)
- If Russia wins they'd soon cross border requiring US troops. (Jul 2023)
- Support for Ukraine is really a proxy war with China. (Jun 2023)
- Trump not backing Ukraine makes him Putin's puppet. (Jun 2023)
- There'll be no peace in Syria while Assad is in charge. (Jan 2016)
- Declare no-fly zone in Syria and enforce against Russians. (Dec 2015)
- Change rules of engagement to more effectively fight ISIS. (Nov 2015)
- I'll fly Air Force One over China's artificial islands. (Nov 2015)
- We need anytime/anywhere inspections for Iran nukes. (Aug 2015)
- Be ready to send American troops to fight ISIL. (Jun 2015)
- Syria: If we draw a red line, we must finish the job. (Sep 2014)
- Governors shouldn't offer opinions about Syria. (Nov 2013)
- America and Israel share beliefs and share enemies. (Feb 2012)
- Iranian nukes are profoundly against our national security. (Feb 2012)
- I'm not a nation-building guy; we've achieved Afghan goals. (Jun 2011)
- Don't pull troops out of Afghanistan until military says so. (Jun 2011)
Ron DeSantis on War & Peace
Republican presidential contender; FL governor |
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- Hold military leaders accountable for Afghanistan debacle. (Jan 2024)
- Don't force two-state solution; Palestinians don't accept it. (Jan 2024)
- Florida expanded sanctions against Iran. (Jan 2024)
- Iran is attacking U.S. as part of Israel-Hamas war. (Dec 2023)
- Deter China from invading Taiwan: #1 national security task. (Dec 2023)
- We will stand with Israel in word and in deed. (Nov 2023)
- No blank check for Ukraine; end war with Russia. (Sep 2023)
- Europe should pull their weight and fund Ukraine war. (Aug 2023)
- We destroyed Al Qaeda in Iraq but can't establish democracy. (Feb 2023)
- Defend American sovereignty. (Nov 2012)
Tulsi Gabbard on War & Peace
Democratic candidate for President; U.S. Rep from HI-2 |
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- Oppose Bush-Clinton-Trump policy of regime-change wars. (Nov 2019)
- End the regime change war in Syria. (Oct 2019)
- Indefinite stay in Syria IS "endless war". (Oct 2019)
- No arbitrary deadline, but out of Afghanistan in one year. (Jul 2019)
- No war with Iran: it would escalate region-wide. (Jun 2019)
- Troops home from Afghanistan; we're no better off than 2001. (Jun 2019)
- Ending regime change wars allows investment at home. (May 2019)
- No regime change in Iran; no war in Yemen. (Mar 2019)
- No more wars for regime change, like Syria and Afghanistan. (Mar 2019)
- U.S. government lied to American people to launch Iraq War. (Mar 2019)
- Oppose regime change wars in Syria, Venezuela, Iran. (Mar 2019)
- End US support for Saudi-led conflict in Yemen. (Jan 2019)
- Use military to fight terrorists, not for regime change. (May 2017)
- Opposes fighting in Afghanistan & Syria; end arms to Saudis. (May 2017)
- Iraq was a war we never should have gotten into. (Nov 2016)
- Policy allowing women in combat roles long overdue. (Jan 2014)
- End our involvement in Afghanistan. (Nov 2012)
Nikki Haley on War & Peace
Republican presidential contender; UN Ambassador 2017-2018 |
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- Never should have lifted terrorist label from Houthis. (Jan 2024)
- In Afghanistan way too long; never negotiate with Taliban. (Jan 2024)
- Palestinians don't want a 2-state solution; but "maybe". (Jan 2024)
- Support Israel to eliminate Hamas once and for all. (Jan 2024)
- There wouldn't be Hamas without Iran. (Jan 2024)
- Go hard after Iranian infrastructure in Syria & Iraq. (Dec 2023)
- Win in Ukraine to protect Taiwan. (Dec 2023)
- Win in Ukraine to protect Taiwan from China. (Dec 2023)
- War in Ukraine is about freedom--one we have to win. (Jun 2023)
- Played a prominent role in withdrawing from Iran deal. (May 2023)
- Have to negotiate from strength, Biden surrendered. (Aug 2021)
- Condemned Russia for criticizing US over Syria response. (Dec 2018)
- Military action & sanctions against Syrian chemical weapons. (Apr 2018)
- Peacekeeping forces should not be permanent. (Mar 2017)
Kamala Harris on War & Peace
Democratic nominee;Vice President; former California Senator |
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- Brought 50 NATO countries into righteous defense of Ukraine. (Sep 2024)
- Israeli long-term security needs negotiated 2-state solution. (Jun 2024)
- Condemn Hamas October 7 killings as anti-Semitic . (May 2024)
- US-Iraq partnership role after Defeat ISIS coalition. (Feb 2024)
- Trump does not care about troops' injuries or deaths. (Oct 2020)
- Bring the troops home from post-9-11 wars. (Jul 2019)
- Ok with Israeli settlements in Palestinian territory. (Mar 2019)
- Opposes US support for Saudi military action in Yemen. (Feb 2019)
- Time for a political solution in Afghanistan. (Jan 2019)
Howie Hawkins on War & Peace
Green Party Presidential Challenger |
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- Supports 2015 Iran nuclear deal. (Jul 2020)
- Goal: complete global nuclear disarmament. (May 2019)
- Endless war follows from capitalist competition. (May 2019)
- Immediate and unconditional withdrawal from Iraq. (Nov 2006)
- Replace Middle East occupation with peace. (Aug 2006)
- End the War in Iraq. (Jun 2006)
Mike Huckabee on War & Peace
Republican Presidential candidate |
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- Rebuild military but we should not fight without clear goals. (Jan 2016)
- People won't bully us if we have best military in history. (Sep 2015)
- We are making progress in Iraq, Afghanistan, & war on terror. (Jan 2008)
- Supports Powell Doctrine of overwhelming force. (Jan 2008)
- Go after al Qaeda's safe havens in Pakistan. (Jan 2008)
- Many don't comprehend the threat: they want our obliteration. (Sep 2007)
- Strength is more effective deterrent to war than weakness. (Jan 2007)
- We should go to war with the army that we need. (Jan 2006)
- Apply Powell Doctrine to Iraq: overwhelming force. (Nov 2008)
- Leave Iraq with victory and honor, however long it takes. (Jan 2008)
- Saddam might have had WMD and got them to Syria before 2003. (Jan 2008)
- Don't second-guess Iraq; pullout would be bigger mistake. (Jan 2008)
- Failing to find the WMDs doesn't mean they weren't there. (Jan 2008)
- Never questioned the surge; never supported timed withdrawal. (Jan 2008)
- FactCheck: Correct that Romney did support timed withdrawal. (Jan 2008)
- Iraq War: we invaded an imaginary country based on poor info. (Jan 2008)
- Stay in Iraq because we're winning; we lose if we walk away. (Dec 2007)
- We bought Iraq because we broke it; responsibility to honor. (Sep 2007)
- Iraqi government disappointing, but we can't up & pull out. (Jun 2007)
- Insist that Iraq's neighbors assist military & financially. (Jun 2007)
- We needed 300,000 troops to win Iraq; must finish the job. (May 2007)
- Don't judge Iraq war while we're in the middle of the war. (May 2007)
- Iraq war has made us overlook domestic agenda. (Jan 2007)
- Opposing Bush's troop surge is a dangerous position. (Jan 2007)
- Make sure we finish the job in Iraq and finish it right. (Jan 2007)
- Eradicate ISIS like you would eradicate any cancer. (Jan 2016)
- When terrorists sign up abroad, they sign U.S. death warrant. (Dec 2015)
- We are at war with radical Islam. (Nov 2015)
- Conflict with Iran is about survival of Western civilization. (Sep 2015)
- Iran threatens Israel & America; take them seriously. (Aug 2015)
- Keep sanctions in place until Iran dismantles nukes. (May 2015)
- Arm the Kurds to fight ISIS, plus U.S. bombing. (Mar 2015)
- US boots on the ground to fight ISIS ok, if others join too. (Mar 2015)
- Islamofascism must disappear from the face of the earth. (Feb 2008)
- Know your enemy: jihadists would destroy civilization. (Jan 2008)
- Re-establish diplomatic ties to Iran, so we can move forward. (Jan 2008)
- Train & arm Kurds to prevent cross-border PKK incursions. (Oct 2007)
- Attack Iran's nukes even if Congress says no. (Oct 2007)
- We made Saudis rich; pressure them to help win with honor. (Aug 2007)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on War & Peace
Independent presidential Challenger |
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- Supports Minsk accord: Independent Donbas & annexed Crimea. (Jul 2023)
- Russia's invasion of Ukraine is brutal; but not "unprovoked". (Jun 2023)
- End the proxy wars, bombing campaigns, covert operations. (May 2023)
- Find a diplomatic solution that brings peace to Ukraine. (May 2023)
Mike Pence on War & Peace
Former Republican Vice President (withdrew Oct.2023) |
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- Trump supports and reveres the troops. (Oct 2020)
- Taliban committed to oppose terrorists; now hard work begins. (Mar 2020)
- Grateful Trump is always focused on safety of troops. (Oct 2019)
- 2001: Saddam Hussein is a threat to our national security. (Sep 2019)
- Iran will not be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons. (Jun 2019)
- North Korea must abandon its nuclear ambitions. (Apr 2019)
- Increase defense spending, launch Space Force. (Mar 2019)
- Progress toward denuclearization & peace on Korean Peninsula. (Sep 2018)
- America stands up to North Korea and murderous dictatorships. (Feb 2018)
- All options are on the table for Iranian nukes. (Feb 2017)
- Economic sanctions on Iran for ballistic missile tests. (Jan 2017)
- FactCheck: Pence says pressure Assad; Trump focuses on ISIS. (Oct 2016)
- Back at war in Iraq because we didn't leave enough forces. (Oct 2016)
- Protect civilians in Aleppo by enforcing Safe Zones. (Oct 2016)
- Protect civilians in Aleppo by enforcing Safe Zones. (Oct 2016)
- Iran deal delivered $400M as ransom to terrorist sponsor. (Oct 2016)
- Peace with North Korea through US strength. (Oct 2016)
- Hillary Clinton left Americans in harm's way in Benghazi. (Jul 2016)
- Military action to crush ISIS. (Jul 2016)
- Supported Iraq war and sending more US troops there in 2007. (Jul 2016)
- Afghanistan is and will continue to be a NATO and US success. (Mar 2008)
Dean Phillips on War & Peace
Democratic U.S. Rep & presidential Challenger |
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- Condemn the depravity of Hamas, and Iran if they're involved. (Oct 2023)
- Defend Ukraine's sovereignty & seize Russian assets. (Apr 2022)
Vivek Ramaswamy on War & Peace
CEO & Republican Challenger |
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- Hamas attack was dead wrong, but not an attack on America. (Dec 2023)
- US will absolutely defend Taiwan: that's deterrence. (Dec 2023)
- Defend our border, not Ukraine's. (Aug 2023)
- Abraham Accords 2.0; I love the Iron Dome. (Aug 2023)
- FactCheck: Cut aid to Israel in 2028; it'll be unneeded then. (Aug 2023)
- Ukraine not a priority; use military to protect our borders. (Aug 2023)
Marco Rubio on War & Peace
FL Senator; Republican Presidential candidate |
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- A no-fly zone in Ukraine means World War III. (Mar 2022)
- There is no U.S. combat role in Ukraine; use sanctions. (Feb 2022)
- Imminent, credible threat obliges president to act. (Jan 2020)
- Selling arms to Saudi Arabia gives us leverage over them. (Oct 2018)
- Khashoggi: stop Saudi arms sales & reduce Yemen involvement. (Oct 2018)
- North Korea should denuclearize, but I'm not optimistic. (May 2018)
- North Korea's nukes are about prestige, not about diplomacy. (May 2018)
- We cannot live in a world where North Korea can nuke us. (Apr 2017)
- Timetable in Afghanistan emboldened Taliban to wait us out. (Jan 2014)
- Goal for Korea: denuclearize the peninsula and to unify it. (Apr 2013)
- I've warned about ISIS in Libya for 2 years; US troops there. (Mar 2016)
- Against ISIS, either they win, or we win. (Jan 2016)
- Civilian causalities unfortunate but inevitable. (Nov 2015)
- Declare war on ISIS, fight via Sunni tribes and Kurds. (Nov 2015)
- ISIS hates our way of life; either they win or we win. (Nov 2015)
- ISIS plan: US air support for Sunni forces on the ground. (Feb 2015)
- Confront and defeat ISIL now, or we will have to do so later. (Sep 2014)
- Airstrikes in Syria and Iraq to target ISIL. (Sep 2014)
- Stay involved in Iraq to fight ISIS, not for nation-building. (Jun 2014)
- Assist Iraqi government in fighting ISIL. (Jan 2014)
- Boots on ground in Syria; coordinate with Kurds. (Nov 2015)
- Theocratic ayatollahs should never possess nuclear weapons. (Sep 2015)
- We should have supported Syrian uprising from its start. (Sep 2015)
- Keep sanctions against Iran instead of Obama's nuke deal. (Jul 2015)
- No mistake to invade Iraq in 2003; we thought Iraq had WMDs. (May 2015)
- Airstrikes to topple Syrian government are counterproductive. (Sep 2014)
- Lack of long-term US status in Iraq opens it for al Qaeda. (Jan 2014)
- Equip and train non-jihadist Syrians to topple Assad. (Aug 2013)
- Syria: arm rebels last year; now just work with some. (Jun 2013)
- New Iranian leader is more moderate but still supports nukes. (Jun 2013)
- Supports intervention in Libya & tougher sanctions on Syria. (Sep 2011)
- 2007 troop surge was the right thing to do. (Aug 2010)
Bernie Sanders on War & Peace
Independent Senator (VT) amd former Presidential candidate |
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- Invading Ukraine is wrong, but no need to "get tough". (Feb 2022)
- Killing bad leaders leads to international anarchy. (Feb 2020)
- Great disasters of our time--Vietnam & Iraq--based on lies. (Jan 2020)
- Endless war in Iraq cost us trillions and 4,500 troops. (Jan 2020)
- Rethink War on Terror and make deal with Taliban. (Nov 2019)
- Used War Powers Act to get US out of Saudi-Yemen war. (Jun 2019)
- No support of Saudis against Iran; it's a never-ending war. (Jun 2019)
- Iran not an emergency; no military action without Congress. (Jun 2019)
- US shouldn't favor Saudis or Iran; broker diplomatic answer. (Jun 2019)
- Led bipartisan War Powers resolution against Yemen war. (Apr 2019)
- Cut military spending, except F-35 at Vermont air base. (Mar 2019)
- End Syrian conflict; pull out U.S. troops. (Feb 2019)
- Our Saudi allies give US-made weapons to Al Qaeda in Yemen. (Feb 2019)
- Withdraw US support for Saudi-led war in Yemen. (Nov 2018)
- 1990s Iraq invasion laid groundwork for more wars in region. (Sep 2017)
- Iraq War discredited vision of benevolent global hegemony. (Sep 2017)
- Protect Iranian nuke deal; without it, Iran is unlimited. (Sep 2017)
- Why would anyone trust US if we abrogated Iran nuke treaty? (Sep 2017)
- 1990: Tried to stop Bush's driving Saddam out of Kuwait. (Nov 2016)
- Iraq War: worst foreign policy blunder in modern history. (Nov 2016)
- Economic sanctions could have driven Saddam out of Kuwait. (Nov 2016)
- End perpetual warfare in the quagmire of the Middle East. (Dec 2015)
- Diplomacy and coalition-building before unilateral action. (Oct 2015)
- Keep U.S. troops on the ground in Afghanistan. (Oct 2015)
- Syria is a quagmire within a quagmire; don't get involved. (Oct 2015)
- Support force only when we are threatened & have coalition. (Oct 2015)
- Iraq war destabilized Mideast; stay out of Mideast quagmire. (Sep 2015)
- Iran nuke deal is victory for diplomacy over saber-rattling. (Sep 2015)
- 1983 war against Nicaragua was illegal and immoral. (Jun 1997)
- 1990: Opposed authorizing all-out war in Kuwait with Iraq. (Jun 1997)
- 1991: instead of Persian Gulf War, spend on America. (Jun 1997)
- I listened about Iraq; they were lying thru their teeth. (Feb 2020)
- More terrorists after spending trillions on War on Terror. (Jul 2019)
- Iraq war led to ISIS creation, as I predicted would happen. (Feb 2016)
- Qatar is wealthy; needs to get skin in game against ISIS. (Jan 2016)
- Work with Russia & Iran to get rid of Assad in Syria. (Jan 2016)
- Tell Qatar and Saudi Arabia that they must fight ISIS. (Dec 2015)
- Invasion of Iraq led to ISIS; Hillary voted to invade. (Nov 2015)
- Form Muslim-led coalition to defeat ISIS. (Nov 2015)
- Stop ISIS, but only with an international & Arab coalition. (Sep 2015)
- Middle Eastern countries must contribute to fight ISIS. (Aug 2015)
- Get Saudis & regional powers involved with fighting ISIS. (Oct 2014)
- Arm the Peshmerga against ISIS, as international effort. (Oct 2014)
Voting Record
- Passed bipartisan War Powers Act to stop Yemen war. (Jan 2020)
- I was wrong on my vote for Afghan War; remove all troops. (Dec 2019)
- I never made the huge mistake of voting for Iraq AUMF. (Sep 2019)
- I voted against 1st Gulf War, which led to 2nd Gulf War. (Dec 2015)
- Voted for Afghan War, to capture Osama bin Laden. (Sep 2015)
Tim Scott on War & Peace
Republican presidential challenger; SC Senator |
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- Don't negotiate with evil like Hamas & Iran; destroy it. (Nov 2023)
- Our vital interest in Ukraine is degrading Russian military. (Nov 2023)
- Our national interest is to degrade the Russian military. (Sep 2023)
Jill Stein on War & Peace
Green Challenger |
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- Charges Israel, US leaders with war crimes. (Nov 2023)
- End policy of regime-change and military intervention. (Oct 2016)
- Stop bombing Muslims abroad and stop bashing them at home. (Oct 2016)
- Libyan invasion was a catastrophe that inflamed the Mideast. (Sep 2016)
- Nuclear disarmament with Russia, not threats over Syria. (Sep 2016)
- Invasions violate international law unless we're threatened. (Aug 2016)
- Pro-war means anti-feminist. (Aug 2016)
- War on terror has cost $6T and a million lives. (May 2016)
- War in Iraq created Frankenstein's monster of ISIS. (May 2016)
- We have killed millions of civilians in our war for oil. (Apr 2016)
- U.S-backed regime change in Iran caused current conflict. (Feb 2016)
- Nuclear-free Iran as step toward worldwide disarmament. (Feb 2016)
- Involved in Vietnam anti-war movement in school & college. (Feb 2015)
- ISIS grows out of chaos that we created in Iraq. (Jan 2015)
- Stop economic sanctions and cyber-attacks against Iran. (Nov 2012)
- National conversation before we go to war. (Nov 2012)
- Blowback across Middle East due to our immoral war policy. (Oct 2012)
- Stop the flow of arms to Syria on both sides. (Oct 2012)
- Iran does not threaten our national security. (May 2012)
- We're not safer internationally with drone wars. (Feb 2012)
- End the Oil Wars. (Feb 2012)
- Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were illegal. (Jan 2012)
- We never should have been in Iraq; we're still not out. (Dec 2011)
- We should not be in Afghanistan; no military solution. (Dec 2011)
- Humanitarian aims in Libya ok; but not regime change. (Dec 2011)
- End our military misadventures in Iraq and Afghanistan. (Sep 2010)
Francis Suarez on War & Peace
Miami mayor; GOP presidential challenger (withdrew Oct.2023) |
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- Military aid to Ukraine, with NATO equal burden. (Aug 2023)
- US should consider potential military action in Cuba. (Jul 2023)
Donald Trump on War & Peace
Republican former President |
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- End Ukraine war by negotiating, not by one side winning. (Sep 2024)
- Hamas attacked Israel when Iran got rich; I kept Iran broke . (Sep 2024)
- I think Biden encouraged Russia to invade Ukraine. (Jun 2024)
- Claims he could end Russia/Ukraine war in 24 hours. (May 2023)
- Abraham Accords end the centrality of Arab-Israeli conflict. (Apr 2023)
- Only modern president where Russia didn't invade a country. (Feb 2022)
- I'm bringing troops back, when advisers wanted war. (Sep 2020)
- Hard line against Russia: sanctions & diplomatic expulsions. (Sep 2020)
- Unlike predecessors, I have kept America OUT of new wars. (Aug 2020)
- 2018: End South Korean war games to deal with North Korea. (Jun 2020)
- 2012: No war with Iran; 2020: assassinates Iranian general. (Jan 2020)
- Bar Iranian diplomat from addressing UN over assassination. (Dec 2019)
- Vetoed resolution withdrawing support for Yemen war. (Apr 2019)
- Countries hosting US troops should pay for them. (Mar 2019)
- Iran is a terrorist regime, so withdrew from nuclear deal. (Feb 2019)
- My good relationship with North Korea has prevented war. (Feb 2019)
- Russia violates the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces treaty. (Feb 2019)
- Sanctions on Venezuela: fight repressive socialist regime. (Sep 2018)
- If Venezuela unravels, why can't we invade? (Jul 2018)
- Consider all options to restore Venezuela's democracy. (Jul 2018)
- North Korea has no economic future if they retain nukes. (Mar 2017)
- Wants one of the greatest US military build-ups in history. (Feb 2017)
- Trillions have been wasted on protecting other countries. (Feb 2017)
- Disallow North Korea from developing nuclear delivery system. (Jan 2017)
- We need element of surprise; stop saying where we'll attack. (Oct 2016)
- I could've negotiated Reagan's nuclear arms reduction deal. (Aug 2016)
- We would be better off if Gadhafi were in charge right now. (Feb 2016)
- Strengthen military, but act defensively. (Oct 2015)
- Negotiating with Iran better than starting a war. (Nov 2011)
- John McCain's actions in Vietnam were not "heroic". (Sep 2000)
- Use force to stop North Korean nuke development. (Jul 2000)
- No humanitarian intervention; only to direct threats. (Jul 2000)
- Russia can do what they want to unpaid-up NATO members. (Feb 2024)
- I like people who weren't captured, unlike McCain. (Apr 2020)
- Got involved with the Taliban to stop the killing. (Sep 2024)
- Soldiers don't want to be in Afghanistan. (Sep 2020)
- Afghanistan: We don't want to stay there for 100 years. (Mar 2020)
- Afghani settlement: great nations do not fight endless wars. (Feb 2019)
- We've beaten ISIS in Syria; bring US troops home. (Dec 2018)
- 2016: secret plan to defeat ISIS; 2018: caliphate gone. (Jan 2018)
- ISIS are lawless savages; extinguish them from our planet. (Feb 2017)
- If we overthrow Assad, we could end up with worse than Assad. (Oct 2016)
- Military and cyberwar to prevent ISIS genocide of Christians. (Sep 2016)
- I opposed Iraq War in 2004; it destabilized entire Mideast. (Sep 2016)
- Get rid of ISIS, quickly: dry up their oil & their money. (Feb 2016)
- Blunder to announce withdrawal timetable from Afghanistan. (Nov 2015)
- Afghanistan war made a mess, but troops need to stay. (Oct 2015)
- Radical violent Islam that must be feared, not Islam itself. (Sep 2015)
- Boots on the ground to fight ISIS. (Jun 2015)
- Iraq won't be a democracy when we leave; it'll be a mess. (Aug 2004)
- All of the reasons for Iraq war were blatantly wrong. (Aug 2004)
- Be tougher: bin Laden should have been caught long ago. (Aug 2004)
Middle East
- I beat ISIS in literally three months; knocked them out. (Jan 2024)
- Implicitly approved Israel killing Iranian nuclear scientist. (Dec 2020)
- OpEd: Israel killed Iranian scientist & Trump approved. (Dec 2020)
- We're creating peace in Mideast; not the old-fashioned way. (Sep 2020)
- Canceled missile strike on Iran for drone shoot-down. (Jun 2020)
- Withdrew from Syria, but left soldiers to keep the oil. (Feb 2020)
- Fact-Check: Trump has sent more troops to MidEast. (Feb 2020)
- Willing talk to Iran but they can't have nuclear weapons. (Jun 2019)
- Afghanistan is a military quagmire; no need to dwell further. (Jan 2018)
- One-time missile strike in response to Syria chemical attack. (Apr 2017)
- OpEd: now believes that US has national interest in Syria. (Apr 2017)
- Stay out of Syria, and keep Syrians out of America. (Apr 2017)
- 2013: warned Obama against bombing Syria; 2017: bombed Syria. (Apr 2017)
- Iran is taking over Iraq. (Oct 2016)
- FactCheck: Would shoot Iranian warships too near US warships. (Sep 2016)
- When we defeated Iraq, we didn't know what to do after that. (Sep 2016)
- Current leadership hurts military; need change to beat ISIS. (Sep 2016)
- FactCheck: Supported Iraq invasion in 2002; opposed in 2003. (Feb 2016)
- We've spent $5T in the Mideast and gotten nothing. (Feb 2016)
- The war in Iraq was a big, fat mistake. (Feb 2016)
- Assad is a bad guy, but his replacement could be worse. (Nov 2015)
- We should have demanded a deal with Kuwait to liberate them. (Nov 2015)
- I'm pro-military but I opposed invading Iraq in 2003. (Sep 2015)
- Opposed Iraq war in 2004 & predicted Mideast destabilization. (Aug 2015)
- Iraq should pick up the tab for their own liberation. (Dec 2011)
- Stop Iran's nuclear programs by any & all means necessary. (Dec 2011)
- Support Israel, our unsinkable Mideast aircraft carrier. (Jul 2000)
- Unbreakable alliance with the state of Israel. (Feb 2017)
JD Vance on War & Peace
Republican Vice Presidential nominee |
Click here for 8 full quotes by JD Vance
OR click here for JD Vance on other issues.
- I'm not pro-Russia; I'm anti-nuclear-war. (Nov 2024)
- Trump said "no" when a lot of them wanted a ridiculous war. (Oct 2024)
- Trump deterred Iran; Biden-Harris unfroze $100B. (Oct 2024)
- I saw when I went to Iraq that I had been lied to. (Jul 2024)
- Iraq War was ill-advised years-long overseas entanglement. (May 2024)
- Oppose BDS movement to pressure Israel out of territories. (Nov 2022)
- Only global elites profit from endless nation-building wars. (Oct 2021)
- Marines in Iraq trained on respecting Muslim culture. (May 2017)
Tim Walz on War & Peace
DFL Governor & V.P. nominee |
Click here for 9 full quotes by Tim Walz
OR click here for Tim Walz on other issues.
- Build coalition against Iranian nuclear weapons. (Oct 2024)
- Condemned Hamas attack on Israel, but discuss ceasefire. (Aug 2024)
- Acknowledge "uncommitted" ballots as pro-Palestine protest. (Aug 2024)
- Visited Afghan troops to ensure they had what they needed. (Aug 2024)
- Support Ukraine; withdraw investments from Russia & Belarus. (Apr 2022)
- Served overseas in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. (May 2017)
- Change the currnet course of action; need Iraq exit plan. (Nov 2006)
- Stabilize Iraq, if possible, before withdrawing. (Nov 2006)
- Ensure an achievable mission in Iraq. (Nov 2006)
Kanye West on War & Peace
Birthday Party candidate for President |
Click here for 2 full quotes by Kanye West
OR click here for Kanye West on other issues.
- Don't tie up our country in foreign quagmires. (Oct 2020)
- I'm focused on protecting America with our great military. (Jul 2020)
Marianne Williamson on War & Peace
Democratic candidate for President |
Click here for 10 full quotes by Marianne Williamson
OR click here for Marianne Williamson on other issues.
- Rejoin Iran nuclear deal and increase diplomacy. (Aug 2019)
- North Korea: Partial sanction relief for some disarming. (Aug 2019)
- Protection of women must be part of any Afghanistan deal. (Aug 2019)
- We're spending $350B supporting genocidal war against Yemen. (Jul 2019)
- Repurpose military infrastructure for sustainable society. (Jul 2019)
- Speak to Afghan women to decide about withdrawing troops. (Jun 2019)
- Stop relying on brute force internationally. (Mar 2019)
- U.S. imperialistically devastated both Vietnam and Iraq. (Jul 2018)
- Vietnam was a huge black gash wounding America. (Jul 2018)
- Form Department of Peace to pro-actively plan. (May 2006)