Randy Forbes on Families & Children
Republican Representative (VA-4)
End the marriage penalty; encourage commitment to marriage
Randy Forbes made his support public for repeal of a discriminatory provision in the federal tax code that unfairly penalizes married couples. I believe its high time to end the Marriage Penalty, said Forbes. Repeal of this discriminatory tax will
make a big difference to 28 million couples across the country.The Marriage Penalty adversely affects married couples by taxing them at a higher rate than a cohabitating unmarried couple earning the same combined salary because it often forces them
into a higher tax bracket. The penalty can be as much as $1,400 per year.
$1,400 is enough to keep a car full of gas for a whole year; its enough to buy a new washer and dryer; its enough to take a needed vacation,
added Forbes. This unfair tax discourages couples in love from committing to marriage. I believe thats wrong, and I commend those in the Congress who are working for its repeal.
Source: (X-ref Tax Reform) Press Release, Marriage Penalty
, May 25, 2001
Voted NO on four weeks of paid parental leave for federal employees.
Congressional Summary:Allows federal employees to substitute any available paid leave for any leave without pay available for either the: (1) birth of a child; or (2) placement of a child with the employee for either adoption or foster care. Makes available for any of the 12 weeks of leave an employee is entitled to for such purposes: (1) four administrative weeks of paid parental leave in connection with the birth or placement involved; and (2) any accumulated annual or sick leave.Proponent's argument to vote Yes:
Rep. STEVE LYNCH (D, MA-9): This bill takes an important step toward improving the Federal Government's ability to recruit and retain a highly qualified workforce by providing paid parental leave to Federal and Congressional employees for the birth, adoption or placement of a child for foster care, which is a benefit that is extended to many in the private sector in other industrialized countries.
Opponent's argument to vote
No:Rep. DARRELL ISSA (R, CA-49): This bill sends the wrong message at the wrong time to working American taxpayers and families that are struggling in difficult times. Our economy is in crisis, and deficits are already soaring. This bill does not have one provision to say if you make $170,000 a year, why do we have to give you this benefit, because you have to choose between feeding your children and being with your children? Certainly not. There are no protections against, in fact, those who do not need this special benefit getting it. There are no safeguards at all. As a matter of fact, this bill envisions the $1 billion over 5 years, swelling to $4 billion over 10 years or more because, in fact, they believe it should be 8 weeks of special leave. Federal employees enjoy one of the highest levels of job security, without a doubt, anywhere in the United States. I would venture to say many of them the highest. More importantly, in good times and bad, they keep their jobs.
Reference: Federal Employees Paid Parental Leave Act;
Bill H.R.626
; vote number 2009-H310
on Jun 4, 2009
Voted YES on establishing nationwide AMBER alert system for missing kids.
Vote to adopt the conference report on the bill that would assign a national coordinator for AMBER alerts. AMBER alerts is an alert system for missing children, make available additional protections for children and set stricter punishments for sex offenders. Two-time child sex offenders would be subjected to mandatory life sentence. The measure would make it a crime to pander visual illustrations of children as child pornography. It would increase maximum sentences for a number of specified crimes against children. It would also make it a crime to take a trip to foreign countries and engage in illicit sexual conduct with a minor. It also would enlarge law enforcement's wiretap and electronic surveillance abilities in investigations of child pornography.
Reference: Child Abduction Prevention Act;
Bill S 151
; vote number 2003-127
on Apr 10, 2003
Rated 100% by the Christian Coalition: a pro-Family-Value voting record.
Forbes scores 100% by the Christian Coalition on family issues
The Christian Coalition was founded in 1989 by Dr. Pat Robertson to give Christians a voice in government. We represent millions of people of faith and enable them to have a strong, unified voice in the conversation we call democracy.
Our Five-Fold Mission: - Represent the pro-family point of view before local councils, school boards, state legislatures, and Congress
- Speak out in the public arena and in the media
- Train leaders for effective social and political action
- Inform pro-family voters about timely issues and legislation
- Protest anti-Christian bigotry and defend the rights of people of faith.
Our ratings are based on the votes the organization considered most important; the numbers reflect the percentage of time the representative voted the organization's preferred position.
Source: CC website 03n-CC on Dec 31, 2003
Increase penalties for child sexual slavery.
Forbes co-sponsored increasing penalties for child sexual slavery
This Act may be cited as the 'Child Sexual Slavery Prevention Act of 2008'. The United States Sentencing Commission shall amend the Federal sentencing guidelines and policy statements so as to achieve the following:
- increase the base levels [of sentencing for human trafficking]
- add a special offense characteristic based on the age of the victim if that age is under 18 years, and increase the base levels by 6 for that characteristic; and
- add a special offense characteristic increasing the penalties by 4 levels if the intent of the defendant was to enslave the victim for the purpose of sexual acts.
Source: Child Sexual Slavery Prevention Act (H.R.5652) 08-H5652 on Mar 14, 2008
Encourage adoption of children in foster care.
Forbes co-sponsored Resolution on National Adoption Month
RESOLUTION: Supporting the goals and ideals of National Adoption Day and National Adoption Month by promoting national awareness of adoption and the children in foster care awaiting families, recognizing current programs and efforts designed to promote adoption, and encouraging people in the US to seek improved safety, permanency, and well-being for all children.
- Whereas there are 400,540 children in the foster care system in the US, approximately 104,000 of whom are waiting for families to adopt them;
- Whereas the number of youth who 'age out' of the foster care system by reaching adulthood without being placed in a permanent home has increased by more than 55% since 1999, and more than 27,000 foster youth 'aged out' of foster care during 2010;
- Whereas while 3 in 10 people in the United States have considered adoption, a majority of them have misconceptions about the process of adopting children from foster care and the children who are eligible for adoption;
Whereas 45% of people believe that children enter the foster care system because of juvenile delinquency, when in reality the vast majority of children in the foster care system were victims of neglect, abandonment, or abuse;
- Whereas 46% of people believe that foster care adoption is expensive, when in reality there is no substantial cost for adopting from foster care, and financial support in the form of an adoption assistance subsidy is available to adoptive families of eligible children adopted from foster care and continues after the adoption is finalized until the child is 18
>Resolved, That the House of Representatives--- supports the goals and ideals of National Adoption Day and National Adoption Month;
- recognizes that every child in foster care deserves a permanent and loving family; and
- encourages the citizens of the United States to consider adoption of children in foster care who are waiting for a permanent, loving family.
Source: H.RES.809 12-HRes809 on Nov 15, 2012
Page last updated: Jul 16, 2016