Background on Jobs |
The post-pandemic recovery was fast because the massive unemployment was due to temporary closures rather than any underlying systemic economic problems. Workplaces accommodated "work-from-home," which has become the post-pandemic norm, and numerous other accommodations. The new normal work-from-home led to millions of people moving to the suburbs since they no longer had to commute -- leading to a massive increase in housing prices. Accommodations included moving to other states -- the most charming political TV ad of the 2024 election cycle featured Governor Kristi Noem dressed as an electrician to lure out-of-state residents to move to South Dakota, claiming that "South Dakota stayed open for business during the pandemic; now we've got more jobs than people."
In particular, Biden/Harris accomplished the low-unemployment half of the "soft landing" by stimulus spending that enhanced employment -- ARPA and the IRA -- which inevitably led to inflation. Yes, it was well-balanced -- but Trump successfully labeled ARPA and IRA as "inflationary," and voters believed Trump because it was true.
Foreign trade and import regulations are covered on the Free Trade page.
Corporate welfare issues are covered on the Government Reform page.
Earned-income Tax Credits are covered on the Tax Reform page.
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