Democratic Jr Senator; previously member of State Senate
Supports Obama's anti-ISIS strategy
Thom Tillis is out with a hard-hitting new ad blaming Sen. Hagan for keeping quiet as Pres. Obama took his time to respond to ISIS. The ad argues Obama was slow to recognize the threat from ISIS, and it argues that Hagan has missed half the Senate Armed
Services Committee's hearings this year. "While ISIS grew Obama kept waiting and Kay Hagan kept quiet. The price for their failure is danger," the ad's narrator says.
Hagan's camp fired back that Tillis has offered no plan on how to destroy ISIS.
"Tillis is desperate to distract from the fact that while he has no position on how to eliminate ISIS and his comments have been called 'waffling' and 'vague.' Kay has been decisive and clear about what action must be taken to destroy these terrorists,"
said a Hagan spokesman. "Just last week Speaker Tillis admitted that he doesn't know what we should or shouldn't do to eradicate ISIS. North Carolinians--especially our servicemembers--deserve better than Speaker Tillis' spineless fence-sitting."
US should have more quickly armed the moderate Syrian rebels
Hagan distanced herself from Obama on U.S. policy in Iraq and Syria, saying the U.S. should have moved more quickly to arm the moderate Syrian rebels.
The failure to do that, she said, allowed extremists to grow and gain power in the region.
Tillis, for his part, demonstrated a surprising fluency on foreign policy matters for a state lawmaker, discussing the roots of the militants fighting in
Iraq and Syria and criticizing the president for failing to develop a strategy to combat them. "Kay Hagan has allowed it to happen," he added.
Both candidates proclaimed support for the military, but Hagan called for ending the war in Iraq with a �diplomatic surge,� a commonly heard but ill-defined term. Dole was even more vague, expressing frustration with the
Bush administration�s handling of the war but worrying that �precipitous withdrawal� would lead to further instability.
Source: 2008 N.C. Senate Debate reported in Greensboro News-Record
, Jun 25, 2008
The Iraq war had not made the U.S. safer
On the war in Iraq, which Dole has supported and Hagan has opposed, both muted their position. �We have got to end this war in Iraq,� said Hagan, adding that the war had not made the U.S. safer, had made new enemies and had alienated allies. But she said
the war needed to be ended �in a responsible fashion� with the country mounting �a diplomatic surge.�
Dole warned against �a precipitous withdrawal� but said Iraq needs to begin picking up the costs of reconstruction.
Source: 2008 N.C. Senate Debate reported in Raleigh News & Observer
, Jun 22, 2008
A responsible withdrawal to re-focus on defeating al Qaeda
The first job of government is keeping the American people safe, and ensuring that we have strong intelligence and homeland security agencies. Kay believes the decision to invade Iraq without a plan, without the proper number of troops, and without prope
equipment to keep our troops safe was mismanagement of the highest order. She supports a responsible withdrawal so that we can re-focus on defeating al Qaeda, improving our country�s reputation around the world and rebuilding our military strength.
Iranian nuclear weapons: prevention instead of containment.
Hagan co-sponsored Resolution on Iran's nuclear program
Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the nuclear program of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Whereas, since at least the late 1980s, Iran has engaged in a sustained pattern of illicit and deceptive activities to acquire nuclear capability;
Whereas the UN Security Council has adopted multiple resolutions since 2006 demanding the full suspension of all uranium enrichment-related activities by Iran, particularly possible military dimensions;
Whereas, in Nov. 2011, the IAEA issued an extensive report that documents "serious concerns regarding possible military dimensions to Iran's nuclear programme";
Whereas top leaders of Iran have repeatedly threatened the existence of the State of Israel;
Whereas the Department of State has designated Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism since 1984;
Whereas Iran has provided weapons, training, & funding to terrorist groups, including Hamas, Hezbollah, and Shiite militias in Iraq;
Whereas Iran had forged a "secret deal" with al Qaeda to facilitate the movement of al Qaeda fighters and funding through Iranian territory;
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives, that Congress--
Reaffirms that the US Government has a vital interest in working together to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapons capability;
warns that time is limited to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapons capability;
urges continued and increasing economic and diplomatic pressure on Iran until a full and sustained suspension of all uranium enrichment-related activities;
expresses that the window for diplomacy is closing;
expresses support for the universal rights and democratic aspirations of the people of Iran;
strongly supports US policy to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapons capability;
rejects any US policy that would rely on containment as an option in response to the Iranian nuclear threat.
diplomatic efforts to address Iran's illicit nuclear efforts, unconventional and ballistic missile development programs, and support for international terrorism are more likely to be effective if the President is empowered with explicit authority to impose additional sanctions on the government of Iran;
US concerns regarding Iran are strictly the result of that government's actions; and
the people of the United States have feelings of friendship for the people of Iran and regret that developments in recent decades have created impediments to that friendship.
States that it should be US policy to:
support international diplomatic efforts to end Iran's uranium enrichment program and its nuclear weapons program;
encourage foreign governments to direct state-owned and private entities to cease all investment in, and support of, Iran's energy sector and all exports of refined petroleum products to Iran;
impose sanctions
on the Central Bank of Iran and any other Iranian financial institution engaged in proliferation activities or support of terrorist groups; and
work with allies to protect the international financial system from deceptive and illicit practices by Iranian financial institutions involved in proliferation activities or support of terrorist groups.
Amends the Iran Sanctions Act of 1996 to direct the President to impose sanctions if a person has made an investment of $20 million or more (or any combination of investments of at least $5 million which in the aggregate equals or exceeds $20 million in any 12-month period) that directly and significantly contributed to Iran's ability to develop its petroleum resources. (Under current law the sanction thresholds are $40 million, $10 million, and $40 million, respectively.)