Congress spends every dime they can get their hands on
Kerrey all but ridiculed Fischer's backing of a balanced-budget amendment to address the nation's debt, saying such an approach was overly simplistic. "I've looked at your plan," Kerrey said. "Your balanced budget amendment would double unemployment in
this state. It's a fact. This is not me exaggerating here."
Fischer shot back that without controls on congressional spending, politicians "will spend every dime they can get their hands on," adding that
Nebraska has a constitutional requirement to balance its budget every year.
"First of all, you balanced the budget in 2009 and 2010 with Nebraska's share of federal stimulus money," Kerrey retorted. "That was the second highest use of stimulus money
to balance the budget of any state in the nation. The federal government would not have that flexibility under the Fischer plan, under her constitutional amendment."
Balanced budget amendment forces tough decisions on cuts
KERREY: Senator Fischer's plan would take spending [down] to 18% of GDP. That would at least double and maybe even triple unemployment as a consequence of the cuts that would be required by that amendment. We don't need a constitutional amendment.
We balanced the budget in the 1990s by making difficult decisions, many of which Senator Fischer now objects to. But it got the job done. We balanced the budget; we were paying off debt. But to impose a constitutional amendment would be devastating to
the state of Nebraska.
FISCHER: I support a balanced budget amendment. Here in Nebraska we balance the budget every year. It's required by the [Nebraska] constitution. We need to do that at the federal level as well.
Any time that you don't have controls on Congress, on spending, on politicians, they will spend every dime that they can get their hands on. We need to make the tough decisions, we need to control spending, that's how we can move this country forward.
Q: How would you help Americans build a financial nest egg for their retirement?
A: We need to reform and stabilize the tax code in a comprehensive and deliberate manner, making it simpler for small business and individuals to plan for the future.
We must make the Bush tax cuts permanent, eliminate the estate tax and the alternative minimum tax, and close corporate loopholes while reducing the overall corporate tax rate.
Source: Lincoln Journal Star in 2012 AARP Senate Voter Guide
, Aug 24, 2012
Strongly support a federal balanced budget amendment
We simply cannot continue to print money to pay our national debt. Our first priority must be to cut federal spending. We cannot tax our way to prosperity like President Obama has proposed. The appetite for big spending programs is strong in
Washington D.C. and we need to change politics-as-usual. That's why I strongly support a balanced budget amendment at the federal level.
Fischer signed the Cut-Cap-and-Balance Pledge to limit government
[The Cut-Cap-and-Balance Pledge is sponsored by a coalition of several hundred Tea Party, limited-government, and conservative organizations].
Despite our nation`s staggering $14.4 trillion debt, there are many Members of the U.S. House and Senate who want to raise our nation`s debt limit without making permanent reforms in our fiscal policies. We believe that this is a fiscally irresponsible position that would place America on the Road to Ruin. At the same time, we believe that the current debate over raising the debt limit provides a historic opportunity to focus public attention, and then public policy, on a path to a balanced budget and paying down our debt.
We believe that the `Cut, Cap, Balance` plan for substantial spending cuts in FY 2012, a statutory spending cap, and Congressional passage of a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution is the minimum necessary precondition to raising the debt limit.
The ultimate goal is to get us back to a point where increases in the debt limit are no longer necessary. If you agree, take the Cut, Cap, Balance Pledge!
I pledge to urge my Senators and Member of the House of Representatives to oppose any debt limit increase unless all three of the following conditions have been met:
Cut: Substantial cuts in spending that will reduce the deficit next year and thereafter.
Cap: Enforceable spending caps that will put federal spending on a path to a balanced budget.
Balance: Congressional passage of a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution -- but only if it includes both a spending limitation and a super-majority for raising taxes, in addition to balancing revenues and expenses.
Source: Cut-Cap-and-Balance Pledge 12-CCB on Jan 1, 2012
Fischer supports the CC Voters Guide question on a constitutional BBA
Christian Coalition publishes a number of special voter educational materials including the Christian Coalition Voter Guides, which provide voters with critical information about where candidates stand on important faith and family issues.
The Christian Coalition Voters Guide summarizes candidate stances on the following topic: "Passage of a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution"
Source: Christian Coalition Voter Guide 12-CC-q11c on Oct 31, 2012
$600 checks for every adult and child earning up to $75,000, and smaller checks if earning up to $99,000.
Unemployment: extend enhanced benefits for jobless workers, $300 per week through March.
Rental assistance: $25 billion to help pay rent; extends eviction moratorium until Jan. 31.
SNAP assistance: $13 billion for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
PPP loans: $284 billion for Paycheck Protection Program loans, expanding eligibility to include nonprofits, news/TV/radio media, broadband access, and movie theaters & cultural institutions
Child care centers: $10 billion to help providers safely reopen.
$68 billion to distribute COVID-19 vaccines and tests at no cost.
$45 billion in transportation-related assistance, including airlines and Amtrak.
$82 billion in funding for schools and universities to assist with reopening
$13 billion for the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program for growers and
livestock producers.
Argument in opposition: Rep. Alex Mooney (R-WV-2) said after voting against H.R. 133: `Congress voted to spend another $2.3 trillion [$900 billion for COVID relief], which will grow our national debt to about $29 trillion. The federal government will again have to borrow money from nations like China. This massive debt is being passed on to our children and grandchildren. With multiple vaccines on the way thanks to President Trump and Operation Warp Speed, we do not need to pile on so much additional debt. Now is the time to safely reopen our schools and our economy. HR133 was another 5593-page bill put together behind closed doors and released moments prior to the vote.`
Legislative outcome: Passed House 327-85-18, Roll #250, on Dec. 21. 2020; Passed Senate 92-6-2, Roll #289, on Dec. 21; signed by President Trump on Dec 27 [after asking for an increase from $600 to $2,000 per person, which was introduced as a separate vote].
Source: Congressional vote 20-HR133 on Jan 15, 2020
Opposed $1.9 trillion ARPA bill for COVID relief.
Fischer voted NAY American Rescue Plan Act
This bill provides additional relief to address the continued impact of COVID-19 on the economy, public health, state and local governments, individuals, and businesses:
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as the food stamp program);
schools and institutions of higher education;
child care and programs for older Americans and their families;
COVID-19 vaccinations, testing, treatment, and prevention;
emergency rental assistance, homeowner assistance, and other housing programs;
payments to state and local governments for economic relief;
small business assistance, including restaurants;
and state capital projects that enable work, education, and health monitoring in response to COVID-19
Rep. Kevin McCarthy in OPPOSITION (3/11/21): The so-called American Rescue Plan imposed a $1.9 trillion new burden on American families. Despite being branded as `COVID relief,` only 9% of funds in this bill actually goes to
defeating the virus, and almost half of the money, including more than 95% of the education funds, will not be spent until 2022 or later. After a year of struggle and sacrifice, students and parents get no answer to the vital question of when they can expect schools to reopen full time. President Biden wants Americans to believe `help is on the way.` But under this bill, it isn`t; waste is.
Biden Administration in SUPPORT (2/26/21): ARPA provides the tools and support critical to tackle the urgent public health and economic crises the Nation faces as a result of COVID-19. The bill also provides eligible Americans with a $1,400 payment in addition to the $600 payment provided in December of 2020. The bill also extends key emergency unemployment benefits, and raises the minimum wage to $15 per hour.
Legislative Outcome: Passed House 219-212-1 on 2/27/21; passed Senate 50-49-1 on 3/6/21; signed by President on 3/11/21.
Source: Congressional vote 21-HR1319 on Feb 27, 2021