Ban discrimination against transgender individuals
Q: On Gay Marriage: Support gay marriage?
Ayotte: No. But advocates for full access to government benefits for same-sex couples.
Hassan: Yes
Q: On Gay Rights: Should transgender individuals have the right to use public bathrooms of their choice?
Ayotte: No clear public stand, though has supported some previous protections.
Hassan: Yes. Also issued Executive Order for NH banning discrimination against transgender individuals.
Source: CampusElect Voter Guide to 2016 New Hampshire Senate race
, Oct 9, 2016
Women earn only 77 cents on the dollar compared to men
We must renew our commitment to a fundamental principle: an equal day's work deserves an equal day's pay. Well over half of the women working in today's economy are either the primary or co-breadwinners in their families.
And yet, women in New Hampshire, who are working full-time jobs, earn only 77 cents on the dollar compared to men. Nationally, studies have found that a pay gap exists between men and women in nearly every occupation.
Senator Larsen has introduced legislation that will improve the financial security of working families by helping all of our workers access appropriate resources to help them earn a fair and equal paycheck, without fear of retaliation.
I ask the legislature to strengthen our economy and our middle class by passing the Paycheck Fairness Act.
Maggie believes in the rights of all citizens to participate fully in the civic and economic life of our communities. In the State Senate, she was instrumental in passing marriage equality in NH. The Concord Monitor reported "Hassan helped gay marriage
pass the Senate by crafting an amendment that won over hesitant senators. The state representative who sponsored the legislation said Hassan was able to find a consensus among Democratic senators that the existing civil union law was not sufficient."
Hassan signed Letter from 19 Senators to President Trump
We write to you to express serious concerns about the removal of critical LGBT health and scientific information from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) website, and the removal of LGBT population-based data reports from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) website. These actions reveal a pattern of censorship that fosters discrimination and undermines access to evidence-based health care resources that aid millions across the country.
Administration officials claim that this online information is integrated elsewhere, being updated, or temporarily down for maintenance. We have seen previous Administrations undermine LGBT health due to ideological pressure from conservative organizations by abruptly deleting online health information--similarly under the guise of site maintenance.
To help us better understand these disturbing developments, please respond to the following questions:
Why did HHS elect to remove or change the LGBT resources on the website?
What plans do you have to communicate these changes to site users and the public?
Why were policy papers and reports on sexual orientation and gender identity data collection efforts removed or rendered inaccessible from the OMB website?
What federal departments were involved in making this decision?
Will the information on sexual orientation and gender identity data collection from the OMB site be made available on the new website? If so, when?
You have repeatedly broken your campaign promises to support and protect the LGBT community, and this latest assault on a vulnerable population could further compromise the health of more than ten million LGBT people. We are concerned that you are putting politics ahead of science and access to evidence-based health care that is critical for millions, and so we call on you to reverse course to ensure that our federal programs serve the needs of all people.
Source: Letter from 19 Senators to President Trump 18LTR-LGBT on Apr 12, 2018