President Trump talked a lot about law and order during the campaign, and Leah Vukmir agrees this is a critical issue. We must make sure our police officers have the equipment & tools they need to combat violent criminals and keep our communities safe.
Leah has introduced multiple pieces of legislation to toughen penalties for violent criminals because she believes we need to send a message to repeat felons that their behavior will not be tolerated.
Those that keep Americans safe at home are our brave first responders--our police and firefighters. Leah stands with their efforts to keep us safe and believes the unfair attacks on police officers
specifically by the fringe left need to stop. Police officers deserve our praise and thanks, not protests and attacks.
Expand definition of what constitutes criminal incest
Legislative Summary: AB27: Under current law, a person who has sexual intercourse with a blood relative, if the relationship would prohibit them from legally marrying, is guilty of a felony. This bill expands the definition of "sexual
intercourse" to include cunnilingus, fellatio, or anal intercourse or any other intrusion, however slight, of any part of a person's body or of any object into the genital or anal opening.
Twin Cities Pioneer Press analysis:The measure's
author said prosecutors told him of a 2007 Milwaukee County case in which a man was accused of having oral sex with his developmentally disabled adult daughter. The man was charged with incest, but the count was thrown out because the allegations didn't
involve vaginal sex.
Legislative Outcome: Passed Assembly 86-10-3 on Apr/23/09; State Rep. Leah Vukmir voted YES; Passed Senate by Unanimous consent (no roll call) on May/13/09; Signed by Governor Jim Doyle on May/21/09