Transgender individuals use public bathrooms of their choice
Q: On Gay Marriage: Support gay marriage?
Burr: No. Personal belief that marriage is between a man and a woman. Legislatively, voted several times through 2010 to ban same-sex marriage.
In anticipation of Supreme Court ruling, took the position that it should be decided by the states.
Ross: Yes
Q: On Gay Rights: Should transgender individuals have the right to use public bathrooms of their choice?
Burr: No. Opposed Obama's Executive Order, stating decision should be made by states, parents, and communities.
Later, in response to backlash against NC anti-LGBT legislation, said state had gone too far and should "rein it in before a judge does it for them."
Introduced gender pay equity bill in state legislature
While serving in the North Carolina House of Representatives, Deborah introduced a bill that banned employers from paying employees differently based on gender--
protecting the economic security for the many women who are primary breadwinners for their families. In the US Senate, she'll continue to fight for a national pay equity law, ending the gender pay gap.
Source: 2016 North Carolina Senate campaign website
, Aug 31, 2016
Voted NO on a constitutional amendment to define marriage
SB 514 Constitutional Amendment to Define Marriage Bill Passed House (75 - 42); Rep. Ross voted Nay .
Vote to pass a constitutional amendment establishing marriage between a man and a woman is the only domestic legal union that North
Carolina will recognize.
Specifies that North Carolina voters will vote on this amendment during a statewide election held on the date of the first primary in 2012 with a simple majority needed to pass the amendment.
Source: VoteSmart synopsis: 2011-2012 North Carolina voting records
, Sep 12, 2011