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Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates
Crippled America,
by Donald J. Trump (2015)
by Cory Booker (2016)
The Truths We Hold,
by Kamala Harris (2019)
Smart on Crime,
by Kamala Harris (2010)
Guide to Political Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2017)
Where We Go From Here,
by Bernie Sanders (2018)
Promise Me, Dad ,
by Joe Biden (2017)
Conscience of a Conservative,
by Jeff Flake (2017)
Two Paths,
by Gov. John Kasich (2017)
Every Other Monday,
by Rep. John Kasich (2010)
Courage is Contagious,
by John Kasich (1998)
Shortest Way Home,
by Pete Buttigieg (2019)
The Book of Joe ,
by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden)
by Michelle Obama (2018)
Our Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2016)
This Fight Is Our Fight,
by Elizabeth Warren (2017)
Higher Loyalty,
by James Comey (2018)
The Making of Donald Trump,
by David Cay Johnston (2017)
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election
What Happened ,
by Hillary Clinton (2017)
Higher Loyalty ,
by James Comey (2018)
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues ,
by Jesse Gordon (2016)
Hard Choices,
by Hillary Clinton (2014)
Becoming ,
by Michelle Obama (2018)
Outsider in the White House,
by Bernie Sanders (2015)

Book Reviews


(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from

Winners and Losers
Senate candidates from West Virginia

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    Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations
    from Past and present Senate candidates from West Virginia (number of quotes indicated):
  • Don Blankenship (5) Republican candidate for West Virginia U. S. Senator West Virginia
  • Evan Jenkins (2) Republican candidate for West Virginia U.S. Senator West Virginia
  • Joe Manchin III (24) West Virginia Former Democratic Governor (Until 2010)
  • John Buckley (16) Libertarian Senate challenger West Virginia
  • John Raese (10) Republican Senate Challenger West Virginia
  • Natalie Tennant (13) Democratic Senate Challenger West Virginia
  • Pat McGeehan (3) Republican Senate Challenger West Virginia
  • Patrick Morrisey (18) Republican candidate for West Virginia U.S. Senator West Virginia
  • Paula Jean Swearengin (17) Democratic candidate for West Virginia U. S. Senator West Virginia
  • Shelley Moore Capito (7) Republican Challenger West Virginia
  • Zane Lawhorn (1) Republican Senate Challenger West Virginia
    OR click on an issue category below for a subset. excerpts:  (click on issues for details)
    Joe Manchin III: Prohibit abortions after 20 weeks; prohibit public funding.
    Patrick Morrisey: Overturn Roe v Wade; stop the pro-abortion agenda.
    Paula Jean Swearengin: Pro-choice, including abortion alternatives.
    John Buckley: Pro-life Libertarian, because life begins at conception.
Budget & Economy
    Paula Jean Swearengin: Create investment banks that will create jobs.
    John Buckley: National debt beggars future generations.
    Pat McGeehan: Real crisis is $17T in debt and future unfunded liabilities.
    Pat McGeehan: The Fed printing money for debt causes inflation.
Civil Rights
    Paula Jean Swearengin: Worrying about somebody's sexuality is just ridiculous.
    Patrick Morrisey: Disappointed with gay marriage legalization.
    Natalie Tennant: Treat gay couples equally, but no mandates on churches.
    Shelley Moore Capito: Marriage is between a man and a woman.
    John Buckley: Live and let live: support the freedom to marry.
    John Buckley: Shares home with his same-sex partner.
    John Buckley: I'm for limited government and free enterprise.
    John Raese: OpEd: Sounded alarm in 2010 on international competitiveness.
    Patrick Morrisey: More funding, more equipment, more hiring for state police.
    Paula Jean Swearengin: End mandatory minimum sentencing.
    Patrick Morrisey: Fight opioid epidemic with criminal prosecutions & education.
    Paula Jean Swearengin: End the wasteful, harmful, war on drugs.
    Patrick Morrisey: Opioids: we're losing a generation of people to despair.
    John Buckley: Democrats are afraid to touch the failed War on Drugs.
    Natalie Tennant: Federal registry to prevent "doctor shopping.
    Joe Manchin III: Limit student loan repayment to 15% of income.
    Joe Manchin III: Vouchers pull resources from schools that need them most.
    Paula Jean Swearengin: Free college or trade school to all qualified students.
    Paula Jean Swearengin: Ensure adequate funding; encourage best practices.
    Joe Manchin III: More accountability & more audits in the education system.
    Joe Manchin III: Keep public education infrastructure strong.
    John Raese: Competition is what's good for education.
    John Raese: Allow families a voucher to send kids to private schools.
Energy & Oil
    Joe Manchin III: No one is going to stop using fossil fuels for a long time.
    Patrick Morrisey: Led states suing to overturn Obama Clean Power Plan.
    Patrick Morrisey: Fought against clean power rules.
    Paula Jean Swearengin: Need to invest in renewable energy now.
    Natalie Tennant: All-of-the-above energy approach, with priority on coal.
    Shelley Moore Capito: AdWatch: Fights back against Obama's war on coal.
    John Raese: 2010 alternative energy bill was WV's own cap-and-trade Bill.
    Joe Manchin III: I fought for coal in past & will fight for coal in future.
    Joe Manchin III: EPA regulatory practices unfairly hurt Appalachian coal.
    John Raese: Obama administration has caused decline of coal.
    Don Blankenship: AdWatch: Year in prison for contaminating drinking water.
    Patrick Morrisey: EPA exceeds its authority on Clean Water & Cross-State Air.
    Don Blankenship: AdWatch: role of MSHA in mine disaster was covered up.
    John Raese: Abolish the EPA & the Department of Energy.
Families & Children
    Joe Manchin III: Opposes gay marriage personally, but accepts as settled law.
    Patrick Morrisey: Disappointed with legalization of gay marriage.
    Paula Jean Swearengin: Make 6 months of family leave available to all parents.
Foreign Policy
    Don Blankenship: Soft on China if one is related to a "Chinaperson".
    Don Blankenship: Double headline - Already Done.
Free Trade
    Joe Manchin III: Supports tariffs on China; trade hasn't been good for WV.
    Patrick Morrisey: Supports tariffs on China to gain negotiating leverage.
Government Reform
    Joe Manchin III: Citizens United decision has destroyed this country.
    Paula Jean Swearengin: Cut regulations favoring big businesses.
    Evan Jenkins: Important to keep information secure.
    Natalie Tennant: I learned "make-do" attitude via my upbringing on a farm.
    Natalie Tennant: 18-month investigation into stolen election: 3 convictions.
    Natalie Tennant: OpEd: Suppress voting by requiring change-of-address cards.
    Joe Manchin III: Not more government, but easier government.
    John Raese: I think we need less government.
    John Raese: End the coalition of taking & government control.
Gun Control
    Joe Manchin III: Background checks ok; not no ban on semi-automatic weapons.
    Patrick Morrisey: Keep Washington liberal gun grabbers off our guns.
    John Buckley: Freedom to carry AND freedom to marry.
    Natalie Tennant: Vehemently disagrees with Obama administration on gun rights.
Health Care
    Joe Manchin III: Unacceptable to go back to pre-ObamaCare days.
    Patrick Morrisey: Sued to end coverage of preexisting conditions.
    Paula Jean Swearengin: Medicare for all as part of insurance free market.
    Patrick Morrisey: Was lobbyist for pharmaceutical distributors; wife still is.
    Shelley Moore Capito: Vote for repeal & replace; but work for fixing ObamaCare.
    John Buckley: Less government in healthcare; more individual choice.
    John Buckley: ObamaCare is a Big Government bacterial infection.
    John Raese: ObamaCare relies on poor business model; use private-sector.
    Natalie Tennant: Supports access to insurance for all.
    Natalie Tennant: FactCheck: GOP says 147,000 lose insurance; really 8,800.
    Joe Manchin III: ObamaCare makes healthcare more affordable for everyone.
    Joe Manchin III: Reform & repair ObamaCare, not repeal.
    John Raese: ObamaCare is the problem, not the solution.
Homeland Security
    Shelley Moore Capito: Weak Iraq policy let ISIS foment into power.
    John Buckley: National Defense Authorization Act is Big Brother spying.
    John Buckley: Opposes NSA spying & foreign policy meddling.
    Joe Manchin III: Give DREAMers a path to citizenship.
    Patrick Morrisey: Lax immigration laws pose a security risk to our homeland.
    Paula Jean Swearengin: Create swift, secure path to citizenship.
    Natalie Tennant: Secure the borders first, then send illegals to back of line.
    Shelley Moore Capito: Secure the borders first, then comprehensive reform.
    John Buckley: Create a mechanism to normalize people already here.
    Joe Manchin III: Raise minimum wage from $7.25/hr to $10.10.
    Paula Jean Swearengin: Raise minimum wage; tie rate to inflation.
    Natalie Tennant: Raise payroll cap to $240,000; and raise minimum wage.
Principles & Values
    Don Blankenship: I'm Trumpier than Trump, despite Trump opposition.
    Evan Jenkins: A proud ally of our president Trump.
    Paula Jean Swearengin: Part of "Brand New Congress" to fight special interests.
    Shelley Moore Capito: Declined to debate with 3rd-party candidates.
    John Buckley: Former Republican state legislator.
    John Buckley: Elected as Republican to VA House; running as Libertarian.
    John Buckley: Cousin to William F. Buckley; long background in GOP.
    Natalie Tennant: 55-county "Talk with Tennant" tour: represent W.V., not D.C.
    Zane Lawhorn: We're seeping into era of chaos, as foretold in the Bible.
    Pat McGeehan: Constitutional conservative: pro-life, pro-gun and pro-coal.
    Joe Manchin III: We can only fix things by coming together.
Social Security
    Joe Manchin III: Expand Social Security without privatization.
    Patrick Morrisey: Reforms to keep Social Security & Medicare solvent.
    Shelley Moore Capito: Raise payroll cap above $200,000.
Tax Reform
    Joe Manchin III: Wealthy corporations got greatest benefit from Trump tax cut.
    Patrick Morrisey: Trump tax cuts mean West Virginians receive bonuses & raises.
    Paula Jean Swearengin: Cut taxes for middle/working class.
    Joe Manchin III: Supports infrastructure investment.
    Joe Manchin III: Overturn FCC repeal of net neutrality.
    Patrick Morrisey: Supports infrastructure investment.
    Paula Jean Swearengin: Invest $4.6 trillion in infrastructure.
War & Peace
    Joe Manchin III: Withdraw from Iranian nuclear treaty.
    Patrick Morrisey: Withdraw from Iranian nuclear treaty.
    Paula Jean Swearengin: End wars of choice; protect human rights when needed.
    Natalie Tennant: We should consider ground troops against ISIS.
Welfare & Poverty
    John Buckley: Eliminate DOE, HUD, HHS, NPR, FAA, and more.

The above quotations are from Winners and Losers
Senate candidates from West Virginia.

Senatorial winners and losers in each state:

AK -  AL -  AR -  AZ -  CA -  CO -  CT -  DE -  FL -  GA -  HI -  IA -  ID -  IL -  IN -  KS -  KY -  LA -  MA - 
MD -  ME -  MI -  MN -  MO -  MS -  MT -  NC -  ND -  NE -  NH -  NJ -  NM -  NV -  NY - 
OH -  OK -  OR -  PA -  RI -  SC -  SD -  TN -  TX -  UT -  VA -  VT -  WA -  WI -  WV -  WY - 

U.S. House of Representatives winners and losers in each state:

AK -  AL -  AR -  AZ -  CA -  CO -  CT -  DE -  FL -  GA -  HI -  IA -  ID -  IL -  IN -  KS -  KY -  LA -  MA - 
MD -  ME -  MI -  MN -  MO -  MS -  MT -  NC -  ND -  NE -  NH -  NJ -  NM -  NV -  NY - 
OH -  OK -  OR -  PA -  RI -  SC -  SD -  TN -  TX -  UT -  VA -  VT -  WA -  WI -  WV -  WY - 

Gubernatorial winners and losers in each state:

AK -  AL -  AR -  AZ -  CA -  CO -  CT -  DE -  FL -  GA -  HI -  IA -  ID -  IL -  IN -  KS -  KY -  LA -  MA - 
MD -  ME -  MI -  MN -  MO -  MS -  MT -  NC -  ND -  NE -  NH -  NJ -  NM -  NV -  NY - 
OH -  OK -  OR -  PA -  RI -  SC -  SD -  TN -  TX -  UT -  VA -  VT -  WA -  WI -  WV -  WY - 

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by Jesse Gordon and
Reprinting by permission only.

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Page last edited: Feb 23, 2019

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