Question topic: Human life begins at conception and deserves legal protection at every stage until natural death.
Zaccaria: Strongly Agree
Question topic: Should abortion be allowed under extenuating circumstances? If so, what circumstances?
Zaccaria: yes, only under immediate threat to the life of the mother.
Source: Faith2Action iVoterGuide on 2014 Rhode Island Senate race
, Sep 30, 2014
Make abortion unthinkable but not illegal
We can't make Abortion Illegal. We need to make it unthinkable. We need a vigorous public education program that explains options to parents at risk of abortion. We should not forsake these citizens or close out communication by making them outlaws.
We need to engage them to show them cultural leadership to get them to turn away from this terrible practice.
"No Federal Funding for Abortion" should also include Military Hospitals.
Source: R.I. Congressional 2010 PVS Political Courage Test
, Nov 1, 2010
No federal funding for embryonic stem cell research
Q: Do you support federal funding for embryonic stem cell research?
A: No.
Source: R.I. Congressional 2010 PVS Political Courage Test
, Nov 1, 2010
Safe, legal, and rare: don't return to back alley abortions
Q: Where does Mark stand on the abortion Issue?
A: "Safe, Legal--and Rare." A woman's access to basic medical care, more specifically the right to choose that care, has become one of the great political issues of the last 30 years. I believe that in
its simplest form choice is a question between a woman and her doctor.
I believe many people understand that choosing to carry a pregnancy to term and offering a baby for adoption can be the correct choice. I believe that we also must understand that
it is not always so. Many of us recall the back alleys of the 1960's. As a father of two daughters, I will not risk a return to those days of less than full and proper medical care for women.
Roe v. Wade is stare decisis: in plain English,
settled law upon which future abortion decisions must be based. I will stand up to insure that all women regardless of race or class have full and unfettered access to the first rate medical care that all in America believe our citizens deserve.
I will fight for a regime in which improved education empowers women to make informed choices. Adoption is one of the real choices available and adoption in America needs to be updated to make it even more palatable.
However, we should all try to understand that it might not work for everyone every time. The basic rights of the Reagan Exceptions--rape, incest and the health of the mother--are points on which I will never compromise.
Source: 2008 R.I. House campaign website,, "Q&A"
, Nov 6, 2008