STEELE: I am four-square for stem-cell research, and accelerating the funding, with respect to cord blood and adult stem cell research. But I draw the line at embryonic research because I respect the
life that that embryo represents.
ZEESE: I agree with the need for adult stem-cell research because I think science may find that mature cells are better than embryonic. But I also support embryonic, because we need to move forward, and avoid this
phony divide. But I am concerned this may be one more corporate boondoggle. We already provide more than $300 billion in corporate welfare to wealthy companies. If we're going to provide funding for stem-cell research, then taxpayers should be treated as
investors and should profit from that research.
CARDIN: Most stem-cell research is done by universities, with the support of NIH. Embryonic stem-cell research holds promise not only for stopping the deterioration for diseases, but for reversing it.
No federal government involvement with abortion decision
Zeese favors the right of women to choose whether to have an abortion. Abortion is one of those issues the federal government should not be involved with.
Source: Email interview with
Jun 25, 2006
Woman involved should decide, based on her own beliefs
Abortion is a decision to be made by the woman involved. It is a decision wrapped up in peoples religious views, debate in science about when life begins and should be left to the individuals involved not a blanket rule by the government.
This issue will change is technology changes?as a fetus can be removed and placed in another woman or grown in a test tube it will no longer be about a woman's right to choose. We are nearing that point and that will change the debate significantly.
Source: Email interview with
Jun 25, 2006