, Politics, President, Presidential, Presidential Campaign, Election, Issues, 2014, 2016, Candidates, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Rand Paul, Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina'> , dated 2016-02, excerpts by Ben Carson and Marco Rubio and others, Tired of media reports of fundraising and poll results instead of policy issues? At OnTheIssues.org, you can see the view of every candidate on every issue.'>
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Crippled America,
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Fire and Fury,
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Smart on Crime,
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Guide to Political Revolution,
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Conscience of a Conservative,
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Outsider in the White House,
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Book Reviews

(from Amazon.com)

(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)

ABC News/IJReview Republican Debate
at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire
Moderated by David Muir and Martha Raddatz

    Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations
    from ABC News/IJReview GOP N.H. Debate (number of quotes indicated):
  • Ben Carson (1) HUD Secretary
  • Donald Trump (4) Republican Presidential incumbent
  • Jeb Bush (1) Florida Former FL Governor; Republican Presidential candidate
  • Rocky De La Fuente (2) Alliance / Reform Party primary challenger
  • Ted Cruz (2) Republican 2016 Primary Challenger
    OR click on an issue category below for a subset.

  • This debate took place on Feb. 4, 2016, in the leadup to the New Hampshire primary on Feb. 9, 2016.

  • After watching several TV stations' "news" coverage of the New Hampshire primary results, we would like to point out to our readers how to watch these shows intelligently.
    1. Do not watch the live returns at all -- they are dependent entirely on which county happens to report first. At the national level, we all know that Florida and Ohio are important "purple states" -- but which are the "purple counties" in New Hampshire? The trickle of returns is meaningless unless you interpret them with a red-blue-purple analysis, and no one can do that except pundits with computers, and even they disagree. Set your alarm clock for 2 or 3 hours after the polls close and take a nap in between -- you won't miss anything!

    2. Ignore the polls leading up to each caucus and primary. They try to figure out which voters will go to the polls based on (a) asking; and (b) previous attendance. That ignores (a) voter dissembling to intentionally confound the mainstream media (especially Trump supporters, in NH); and (b) new voters (especially Sanders supports, in NH). Accounting for those shortcomings means all polls are guesswork, so why bother? The polls did not predict a Kasich surge!

    3. Fox News rambled on about how Sanders' "huge victory" will open the spigot to lots of campaign cash. In reality, Sanders enjoyed a net gain of 6 delegates -- he's now behind Hillary by 489 delegates instead of 495 delegates behind. That might "open the spigots" to some reegular people who look at polls, but the big-money donors look at the delegate counts.

    4. New Hampshire only matters at all because it is the first primary and hence a test of candidates' ability to get out the vote. New Hampshire is too small to matter much in the delegate count (which is why they insist on being first! Otherwise no one would pay any attention to them!) The N.H. Republican primary allocated 20 delegates out of 1,442 needed to win the Republican nomination -- a little over 1%. The N.H. Democratic primary allocated 24 delegates out of 2,240 needed to win the Democratic nomination -- a little under 1%. New Hampshire is a small state. And so is Iowa. CNN rambled on about the "importance" of this evening's events -- but that really means "self-importance" of CNN. N.H. and Iowa are news events -- they make the mainstream media breathless but hardly matter for the purpose of delegate selection.

    5. Fox News prattled on and on about Hillary's "strategic mistake" in going to Michigan over the weekend instead of focusing on New Hampshire. Fox News' commentators evidently don't understand arithmetic: Michigan has 147 delegates at stake while New Hampshire offers only 32. Hillary made a decision that she could gain only a delegate or two with extra effort in New Hampshire, but perhaps gain a dozen delegates by making a critical appearance in Michigan at a critical time. That means that Hillary focused on the overall delegate count instead of the "news of the day" in New Hampshire. That's called "strategy" -- not a "strategic mistake".

    6. The mainstream media report endlessly on the popular vote percentages -- but they do not matter! All the news networks spent hours studying whether Jeb Bush would pass Ted Cruz in the popular vote -- but the delegate count would not change at all, if he had done so! Both Bush and Cruz earned two delegates each -- and they would have earned two delegates each if Bush had somehow pulled "ahead" of Cruz by 400 votes instead of losing by 400 votes. (This is an ACTUAL "virtual tie", unlike the media reports of popular vote "virtual ties!"

    7. Remember that the purpose of primaries and caucuses is to elect delegates to the national nominating conventions, and select a nominee for the general election. The popular vote doesn't matter; "momentum" doesn't matter; and large states matter a LOT more than small states; because the only thing that REALLY matters is the delegate count. We report on the delegate counts resulting from the New Hampshire primary, because no other results matter.

 OnTheIssues.org excerpts:  (click on issues for details)
    Rocky De La Fuente: Human life is sacred; encourage adoption.
    Donald Trump: Police can't act due to disrespect; but weed out bad ones.
    Rocky De La Fuente: Deal with problems from drug abuse in a logical manner.
Government Reform
    Donald Trump: Hug 'em & kiss 'em & make deals, instead of executive orders.
    Ted Cruz: Executive orders abuse presidential power; undo them all.
Health Care
    Ben Carson: Health empowerment account for all on the day you're born.
Homeland Security
    Donald Trump: Bring back waterboarding and a hell of a lot worse.
    Jeb Bush: Closing Guantanamo is a complete disaster; it keeps us safe.
    Ted Cruz: Waterboarding isn't torture; but not for low-level officers.
War & Peace
    Donald Trump: Get rid of ISIS, quickly: dry up their oil & their money.

    Click for quotations from other sources by:
  • Ben Carson HUD Secretary
  • Donald Trump Republican Presidential incumbent
  • Jeb Bush Florida Former FL Governor; Republican Presidential candidate
  • Rocky De La Fuente Alliance / Reform Party primary challenger
  • Ted Cruz Republican 2016 Primary Challenger

The above quotations are from ABC News/IJReview Republican Debate
at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire
Moderated by David Muir and Martha Raddatz.
  • Miami Republican debate, March 10, 2016
  • Miami Democratic debate, March 9, 2016
  • Democratic primary debate in Flint, Michigan, March 6, 2016
  • Republican primary debate in Detroit, Michigan, March 3, 2016
  • CNN-Telemundo Republican debate on eve of Texas primary., Feb. 25, 2016
  • Democratic and Republican primary Town Hall, on eve of S.C. primary
  • 2016 CNN GOP Town Hall in South Carolina, Feb. 17-18, 2016
  • 2016 CBS News Republican Debate in S.C., Feb. 13, 2016
  • PBS Democratic Primary Debate in Wisconsin, Feb. 11, 2016
  • 2016 ABC News/IJReview Republican Debate in N.H., Feb. 6, 2016
  • MSNBC Democratic primary debate in New Hampshire, Feb. 4, 2016
  • 2016 CNN Democratic Town Hall in N.H., Feb. 3, 2016
  • 2016 Fox News GOP primary debate in Iowa, Jan. 28, 2016
  • 2016 NBC Democratic primary debate, Jan. 17, 2016
  • 2016 Fox Business two-tiered GOP primary debate, Jan. 14, 2016
  • 2015 ABC Democratic primary debate in New Hampshire, Dec. 19, 2015
  • 2015 CNN Republican primary debate in Nevada, Dec. 15, 2015
  • 2015 CBS Democratic primary debate, Nov. 14, 2015
  • 2015 Fox Business/WSJ two-tiered GOP primary debate, Nov. 10, 2015
  • 2015 CNBC two-tiered GOP primary debate, Oct. 28, 2015
  • 2015 CNN Democratic primary debate, Oct. 13, 2015
  • 2015 CNN two-tiered GOP primary debate, Sept. 16, 2015
  • Red State Gathering, Aug 6-9, 2015
  • 2015 Fox News/Facebook two-tiered GOP primary debate, August 6, 2015
  • Faith and Freedom Coalition "Road to Majority" Policy Conferences, April 25, 2015
  • 2015 Conservative Political Action Conference, Feb. 26-27, 2015
  • Forbes Magazine "Candidates Want You to Know" series, March-June 2015
  • Sunday Political Talk Show interviews, throughout 2015
  • Pre-Iowa caucus political summits, throughout 2015
  • Brennan Center for Justice essays
  • National Journal 2016 series
  • Interviews on 2016 races with OnTheIssues
  • PBS News Hour "2016 Candidate Stands" series
  • PolitiFact fact-checking on 2016 campaigns
  • Survey of 2016 Presidential campaign websites
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