Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election |
What Happened , by Hillary Clinton (2017) |
Higher Loyalty , by James Comey (2018) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Hard Choices, by Hillary Clinton (2014) |
Becoming , by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
Email interview series: 2010 Senate candidates interviewed by OnTheIssues.org

Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations from OnTheIssues interviews with 2010 Senate candidates (number of quotes indicated):
- Bob Smith (20) 2010 Challenger; lost FL GOP primary; previous NH Senator Florida
- Daniel Freilich (20) 2010 Independent Challenger Vermont
- Dennis Bradley (22) 2010 Veterans Party Senate challenger Florida
- Eric Deaton (20) 2010 Constitution Party challenger Ohio
- Frank Vondersaar (20) Democrat Challenger (2002; and lost 2010 primary) Alaska
- Gail Lightfoot (20) Libertarian Challenger California
- James Buckmaster (20) 2010 Democratic Challenger (lost primary) Kentucky
- Jim Holt (20) 2010 Republican challenger (lost primary) Arkansas
- Ray Clatworthy (20) Republican Challenger (2002 and 2010 primary) Delaware
- Richard Behney (13) 2010 Republican Challenger Indiana
- Rudy Garcia (19) 2010 Democratic challenger (lost primary); previously Mayor Arizona
- Tom Alciere (20) 2010 GOP challenger (lost primary); formerly State Rep New Hampshire
OR click on an issue category below for a subset. |
EXPLANATORY NOTE by OnTheIssues.org:
We at OnTheIssues.org ask all candidates for answers to our 20 questions in our VoteMatch quiz. The following Senate candidates have responded in detail. Responding to press inquiries like ours shows a level of openness that augurs well for the candidate in office, regardless of party affiliation.
Almost always, the incumbent ignores our requests, indicating that they don't want their constituents to know their issue stances. We track their voting records accordingly, and infer their VoteMatch responses based on those. We also collect up public statements and book excerpts, and include those in our VoteMatch quiz results as well.
Below are the responses from this year's candidates.
-- Jesse Gordon, jesse@OnTheIssues.org
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Gail Lightfoot: Abortion happens, legal or not.
Frank Vondersaar: Abortion is a woman's right.
Richard Behney: Abortion is not a woman's right.
Jim Holt: Abortion is not a woman's right.
Dennis Bradley: Abortion for rape, incest, or health; but let states decide.
Bob Smith: Abortion is not a woman's right.
Eric Deaton: Abortion is not a woman's right.
Rudy Garcia: Abortion is a woman's right under appropriate circumstances.
Tom Alciere: Abortion is not a woman's right.
Daniel Freilich: Abortion is a woman's right.
James Buckmaster: No right to kill an innocent child.
Ray Clatworthy: Abortion is not a woman's right.
Civil Rights
Gail Lightfoot: Free to hire the best person for the job.
Gail Lightfoot: End licensing marriage; support same-sex as marriage choice.
Frank Vondersaar: Require companies to hire more women & minorities.
Frank Vondersaar: Same-sex domestic partnership benefits.
Richard Behney: Don't require companies to hire more women & minorities.
Richard Behney: No same-sex domestic partnership benefits.
Jim Holt: Don't require companies to hire more women & minorities.
Jim Holt: No same-sex domestic partnership benefits.
Dennis Bradley: Strongly opposed to any type of quota system.
Dennis Bradley: No government mandate on same-sex issues.
Bob Smith: Don't require companies to hire more women & minorities.
Bob Smith: Support same-sex benefits but not same-sex marriage.
Eric Deaton: Don't require companies to hire more women & minorities.
Eric Deaton: Strongly opposes adoption by same sex partners.
Rudy Garcia: Equal pay for equal work.
Rudy Garcia: Same-sex domestic partnership benefits.
Tom Alciere: Don't require companies to hire more women & minorities.
Tom Alciere: Leave same-sex partnership benefits up to the employer.
Daniel Freilich: Affirmative action ok, but without requirement.
Daniel Freilich: Same-sex domestic partnership benefits.
James Buckmaster: Marriage is between a man and a woman.
Ray Clatworthy: Sexual orientation not protected by civil rights laws.
Rudy Garcia: Keep corporations out of political campaigns.
Gail Lightfoot: Oppose government sanctioned killing.
Gail Lightfoot: Let judge and jury decide sentences, not Three Strikes.
Frank Vondersaar: Oppose the Death Penalty.
Frank Vondersaar: No mandatory Three Strikes sentencing laws.
Richard Behney: Support the Death Penalty.
Jim Holt: Support the Death Penalty.
Jim Holt: Mandatory Three Strikes sentencing laws.
Dennis Bradley: Life sentence for first conviction fro child molesters.
Dennis Bradley: Life sentences on tropical islands.
Bob Smith: Support the Death Penalty.
Bob Smith: Mandatory Three Strikes sentencing laws.
Eric Deaton: Support the Death Penalty.
Eric Deaton: Mandatory Three Strikes sentencing laws.
Rudy Garcia: Oppose the Death Penalty.
Rudy Garcia: No mandatory Three Strikes sentencing laws.
Tom Alciere: Opposes the Death Penalty.
Tom Alciere: No mandatory Three Strikes sentencing laws.
Daniel Freilich: Supports the Death Penalty.
Daniel Freilich: Supports mandatory Three Strikes sentencing laws.
James Buckmaster: Strict regulations on executions.
James Buckmaster: Punish repeat offenders; most countries don't give 2 strikes.
Ray Clatworthy: Supports death penalty.
Ray Clatworthy: Supports mandatory Three Strikes laws.
Gail Lightfoot: The war on drugs is a war on people.
Frank Vondersaar: Drug use morality depends on circumstances.
Jim Holt: Drug use is immoral: enforce laws against it.
Dennis Bradley: Summary execution good; legalization and state sale better.
Bob Smith: Drug use is immoral: enforce laws against it.
Eric Deaton: Make sentencing & rehabilitation appropriate for drug use.
Rudy Garcia: Drug use morality depends on type of drugs and their use.
Tom Alciere: Drug use is not immoral.
Daniel Freilich: Drug use is not immoral: legalize recreational marijuana.
James Buckmaster: Illicit drug use is destroying this country's moral fiber.
Ray Clatworthy: Drug use is immoral, enforce laws against it.
Gail Lightfoot: Public schools must be NEUTRAL on religion & prayer.
Gail Lightfoot: Vouchers are interim until all government schools closed.
Frank Vondersaar: No teacher-led prayer in public schools.
Frank Vondersaar: Parents should not choose schools via vouchers.
Richard Behney: Teacher-led prayer in public schools.
Richard Behney: Parents choose schools via vouchers.
Jim Holt: Teacher-led prayer in public schools.
Jim Holt: Parents choose schools via vouchers.
Dennis Bradley: Teacher-led prayer in public schools.
Dennis Bradley: Parents choose schools via vouchers.
Bob Smith: Teacher-led prayer in public schools.
Bob Smith: Parents choose schools via vouchers.
Eric Deaton: Teacher-led prayer in schools with voluntary participation.
Eric Deaton: Parents choose schools via vouchers.
Rudy Garcia: Vouchers for public schools ok, but not private schools.
Tom Alciere: No teacher-led prayer in public schools.
Tom Alciere: Parents should choose schools without government at all.
Daniel Freilich: No teacher-led prayer in public schools.
Daniel Freilich: Let parents choose schools via vouchers.
James Buckmaster: Acknowledge our Creator each day.
James Buckmaster: Supports vouchers and charter schools.
Ray Clatworthy: Teach family values in schools.
Ray Clatworthy: Parents choose schools via vouchers".
Energy & Oil
Gail Lightfoot: Let the market create and sell other energy resources.
Frank Vondersaar: Fusion instead of coal & oil.
Jim Holt: Support alternative fuels but with free market.
Dennis Bradley: Build nuclear plants instead of seeking alternatives.
Bob Smith: Use coal & oil as well as seeking alternatives.
Eric Deaton: Replace coal & oil naturally with technological advancements.
Rudy Garcia: Sustainable earth for our future generations.
Tom Alciere: Let free market decide whether to replace coal & oil.
Daniel Freilich: Seek alternatives to coal & oil.
James Buckmaster: Improve coal & oil usage & extraction.
Ray Clatworthy: Coal and oil over alternatives.
Families & Children
Dennis Bradley: Never substitute the state in place of the family.
Free Trade
Gail Lightfoot: Trade across borders means fewer armies cross borders.
Frank Vondersaar: Expand free trade.
Jim Holt: Expand free trade.
Dennis Bradley: Withdraw from WTO and NAFTA.
Bob Smith: Expand free trade.
Eric Deaton: Want fair trade and not free trade.
Tom Alciere: Expand free trade.
Daniel Freilich: Support free trade but with job compensation.
James Buckmaster: Free & equal trade in India, China, Japan, and Mexico.
Ray Clatworthy: Support and expand free trade.
Government Reform
Gail Lightfoot: Remove limits on individual political donations.
Frank Vondersaar: Stricter limits on political campaign funds.
Richard Behney: Support limits on political campaign funds.
Jim Holt: Remove limits on political campaign funds.
Dennis Bradley: Remove limits on individual political donations.
Bob Smith: Political donations are free speech.
Eric Deaton: Neutral on limiting on political campaign funds.
Tom Alciere: Remove limits on political campaign funds.
Daniel Freilich: Public financing of campaigns.
James Buckmaster: Ban soft money; no corporate- or union-funded issue ads.
Ray Clatworthy: Fewer limits on political campaign funds.
Gun Control
Gail Lightfoot: No registration of hand held arms nor ammunition.
Frank Vondersaar: No absolute right to gun ownership.
Richard Behney: Absolute right to gun ownership.
Jim Holt: Absolute right to gun ownership.
Dennis Bradley: Encourage every citizen to carry a hand gun.
Bob Smith: Absolute right to gun ownership.
Eric Deaton: Absolute right to gun ownership.
Rudy Garcia: Absolute right to gun ownership until we amend Constitution.
Tom Alciere: Absolute right to gun ownership.
Daniel Freilich: No absolute right to gun ownership.
James Buckmaster: Gun right is a Constitutional guarantee, not a privilege.
Ray Clatworthy: Absolute right to gun ownership.
Health Care
Gail Lightfoot: Free care is an illusion.
Frank Vondersaar: More federal funding for health coverage.
Richard Behney: Avoid federal funding for health coverage.
Jim Holt: Avoid federal funding for health coverage.
Dennis Bradley: Regulate insurers on a national basis; require insurance.
Dennis Bradley: Replace pain & suffering awards with malpractice board.
Bob Smith: Avoid federal funding for health coverage.
Eric Deaton: Avoid federal funding for health coverage.
Rudy Garcia: More funding for health coverage, like other countries.
Tom Alciere: Avoid federal funding for health coverage.
Daniel Freilich: Single-payer Medicare for All.
James Buckmaster: Free-market health care is world's envy.
Ray Clatworthy: No additional federal funding for health care.
Homeland Security
Gail Lightfoot: Live by the rule of law, not by the Patriot Act.
Gail Lightfoot: Let Generals & experts decide on army deployment.
Frank Vondersaar: The Patriot Act harms civil liberties.
Frank Vondersaar: Expand parts of the armed forces.
Richard Behney: The Patriot Act harms civil liberties.
Richard Behney: Expand the armed forces.
Jim Holt: The Patriot Act harms civil liberties.
Jim Holt: Expand the armed forces.
Dennis Bradley: Civil liberties don't extend to terrorists.
Dennis Bradley: Quit being the policeman for the world.
Bob Smith: The Patriot Act needs reform but not repeal.
Bob Smith: Expand the armed forces.
Eric Deaton: The Patriot Act respects civil liberties.
Eric Deaton: Neutral on expanding the armed forces.
Rudy Garcia: Repeal the Patriot Act.
Rudy Garcia: We already have the largest military in the world.
Tom Alciere: I oppose the Patriot Act.
Tom Alciere: Close down US armed forces bases abroad.
Daniel Freilich: Some aspects of the Patriot Act go too far.
Daniel Freilich: Expand the armed forces.
James Buckmaster: Extend the PATRIOT Act's wiretap provision.
James Buckmaster: Negotiate with our adversaries from a position of strength.
Ray Clatworthy: More spending on armed forces.
Ray Clatworthy: Supports the Patriot act.
Gail Lightfoot: Unlimited legal entry; the limit is the real problem.
Frank Vondersaar: Some illegal immigrants earn citizenship.
Richard Behney: Illegal immigrants can earn citizenship.
Jim Holt: Illegal immigrants should not earn citizenship.
Dennis Bradley: No immigration into this country by anyone for any reason.
Bob Smith: Illegal immigrants should not earn citizenship.
Eric Deaton: Illegal immigrants should not earn citizenship.
Rudy Garcia: Illegal immigrants earn citizenship.
Tom Alciere: Illegal immigrants should earn citizenship.
Daniel Freilich: Illegal immigrants earn citizenship.
James Buckmaster: Secure our borders; only legals qualify for citizenship.
Ray Clatworthy: Illegal immigrants shouldn't earn citizenship.
Rudy Garcia: Maintain jobs in America, not overseas.
Ray Clatworthy: Don't require hiring women and minorities.
Social Security
Gail Lightfoot: Replace Ponzi scheme with personal portable plans.
Frank Vondersaar: Don't privatize Social Security.
Richard Behney: Privatize Social Security.
Jim Holt: Privatize Social Security.
Dennis Bradley: Retirement annuity to replace current forced annuity.
Bob Smith: Allow younger workers to opt into private investments.
Eric Deaton: Privatize & eventually end Social Security altogether.
Rudy Garcia: Don't privatize Social Security.
Tom Alciere: Privatize Social Security.
Daniel Freilich: Don't privatize Social Security.
James Buckmaster: Let citizens privately manage their retirement funds.
Ray Clatworthy: Privatize social security.
Tax Reform
Gail Lightfoot: Tax consumption, not productivity; end the income tax.
Frank Vondersaar: Make taxes more progressive.
Jim Holt: Reduce taxes instead of making taxes more progressive.
Dennis Bradley: Total reformation of our Tax System via FairTax.
Bob Smith: Reduce taxes instead of making taxes more progressive.
Eric Deaton: Reduce taxes instead of making taxes more progressive.
Rudy Garcia: Make taxes more progressive.
Tom Alciere: Reduce taxes instead of making taxes more progressive.
Daniel Freilich: Make taxes more progressive.
James Buckmaster: Reward people for their success; don't spread the wealth.
Ray Clatworthy: Don't make taxes more progressive.
War & Peace
Gail Lightfoot: US out of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Frank Vondersaar: US out of Iraq.
Jim Holt: US out of Iraq.
Dennis Bradley: Don't allow terrorists to control Iraq.
Bob Smith: US should leave Iraq, but on favorable terms.
Eric Deaton: US out of Iraq.
Rudy Garcia: We're spending $10B a month in Iraq, for what?
Tom Alciere: US out of Iraq.
Daniel Freilich: US should stay in Iraq until job is done.
James Buckmaster: Iraq war delivered a crippling blow to Al-Qaida.
Ray Clatworthy: Don't replace US troops with UN troops in Iraq.
Welfare & Poverty
Gail Lightfoot: Support private charity, oppose government charity.
Frank Vondersaar: Conditionally allow churches to provide welfare services.
Jim Holt: Allow churches to provide welfare services.
Dennis Bradley: Encourage churches to provide welfare services.
Bob Smith: Churches have the right to provide welfare services.
Eric Deaton: Don't fund welfare services via churches.
Rudy Garcia: Allow churches to provide welfare, but not federally-funded.
Tom Alciere: Allow churches to provide welfare services.
Daniel Freilich: Don't allow churches to provide welfare services.
James Buckmaster: Churches teach people how to become independent of welfare.
Ray Clatworthy: Allow churches to provide welfare services.
Click for quotations from other sources by:
- Bob Smith 2010 Challenger; lost FL GOP primary; previous NH Senator Florida
- Daniel Freilich 2010 Independent Challenger Vermont
- Dennis Bradley 2010 Veterans Party Senate challenger Florida
- Eric Deaton 2010 Constitution Party challenger Ohio
- Frank Vondersaar Democrat Challenger (2002; and lost 2010 primary) Alaska
- Gail Lightfoot Libertarian Challenger California
- James Buckmaster 2010 Democratic Challenger (lost primary) Kentucky
- Jim Holt 2010 Republican challenger (lost primary) Arkansas
- Ray Clatworthy Republican Challenger (2002 and 2010 primary) Delaware
- Richard Behney 2010 Republican Challenger Indiana
- Rudy Garcia 2010 Democratic challenger (lost primary); previously Mayor Arizona
- Tom Alciere 2010 GOP challenger (lost primary); formerly State Rep New Hampshire
The above quotations are from Email interview series: 2010 Senate candidates interviewed by OnTheIssues.org.