Proud to report number of elective abortions is ZERO
Speaking of pro-life, I want to take this opportunity to highlight our historic success in Missouri's FIGHT FOR LIFE. When I came to Jefferson City, nearly
8,000 elective abortions were performed annually in Missouri. As I stand before you today...I'm proud to report that number is ZERO.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the Missouri legislature
, Jan 24, 2024
Ban abortion after the eighth week of pregnancy
Parson's most attention-grabbing action so far has been to sign into law a bill that would ban abortion after the eighth week of pregnancy, which is far earlier than the standard of viability established by the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark Roe v.
Wade ruling. The law, which was blocked from taking effect because of a court challenge, includes exceptions for medical emergencies such as a risk of death or permanent physical injuries to "a major bodily function of the pregnant woman."
HB 126: To establish the "Missouri Stands for the Unborn Act."
Summary by abortion shall not be performed upon a woman at 8, 14 and 20 weeks gestational age or later, except in cases of medical emergency.
Support ( 8-week ban is in clear conflict with Roe v. Wade, and could be challenged in court. The architects of the Missouri law came up with a "ladder structure", which they call "a first of its kind." If the 8-week ban falls, the
Enforces law which shuts down only abortion clinic in state
Missouri will not renew Planned Parenthood's license to perform abortions unless the clinic fully complies with the state's requests, said Parson during a press conference. The clinic is the last one performing abortions in the state.
The governor claimed, "Planned Parenthood has been actively and knowingly violating state law on numerous occasions." Parson said. "They should not receive any exceptions because they are one clinic."
Source: CBS News on 2020 Missouri gubernatorial race
, May 29, 2019
Signs bill criminalizing abortion after eight weeks
Parson signed a bill that criminalizes abortions after eight weeks of pregnancy. Any person who performs an abortion after eight weeks--often before many women are aware they are pregnant--could be charged with a felony punishable by five to
15 years in prison. The legislation does not have exceptions for victims of rape or incest. It does have a carve-out for cases of medical emergencies. Parson has said he would like to make Missouri "the most Pro-Life state in the country,"
Source: on 2020 Missouri gubernatorial race
, May 24, 2019
Signed "Missouri Stands for the Unborn Act"
HB 126: To establish the "Missouri Stands for the Unborn Act."
Summary by abortion shall not be performed upon a woman at 8, 14 and 20 weeks gestational age or later, except in cases of medical emergency.
Support ( 8-week ban is in clear conflict with Roe v. Wade, and could be challenged in court. The architects of the Missouri law came up with a "ladder structure", which they call "a first of its kind." If the 8-week ban falls, the
14-week ban would take effect, and so on.
Opposition by Auditor Galloway: HB126 bans abortions even in the case of rape, incest or human trafficking. [Hence] Gov. Parson wants rapists in Missouri to have more power over their victims.
A survivor of rape must accept that her attacker could have parental rights.
Legislative outcome: Passed Senate 24-10-0 on 5/15/19; Passed House 108-46-1 on 5/17; Signed by Gov. Parson on 5/24.
Solidly pro-life; supports protecting rights of the unborn
Mike has always been supportive of protecting the rights of the unborn, and he has consistently voted for legislation that has made our state
among the most pro-life in the nation, including the measure extending the waiting period for an abortion from 24 hours to 72 hours.