Defeat the abortion initiative; defend the sanctity of life
This November, thanks to weak establishment Republicans and our weak initiative petition [IP] laws, we could see abortion legalized up until the moment of birth.
As governor, I will be a leader and we will defeat the abortion initiative in November.
Republicans across Missouri have demanded IP reform for years. With the very real possibility of the IP process being used to enshrine abortion in our constitution, we must fight like never before. Desperate times call for desperate measures. We must
defend the sanctity of life and do what it takes to ensure abortion is never legalized in Missouri.
Currently, a simple majority of 50% is all that is needed to amend the Missouri Constitution. I support concurrent majority ratification which
would require a majority of legislative districts, ensuring the voices of all Missourians are heard and not just the big cities. We must ensure constitutional amendments are broadly supported across all areas of our state and ensure rural representation.
Voted for Heartbeat Bill banning abortion in Missouri
Defending Life. Abortion (except in cases of medical emergency) is now illegal in Missouri. Eigel has always been Pro-Life and will continue to defend the most vulnerable Missourians--those that have yet to be born. Eigel voted for the
Heartbeat Bill which made Missouri the first state in the United States to ban abortions. Missouri public monies should not be used to support any organization that provides abortion to women, inside Missouri or outside our borders.
HB 126: To establish the "Missouri Stands for the Unborn Act."
: Summary by�An abortion shall not be performed upon a woman at 8, 14 and 20 weeks gestational age or later, except in cases of medical emergency.
In Support ( �The 8-week ban is in clear conflict with Roe v. Wade, and could be challenged in court. The architects of the Missouri law came up with a "ladder structure", which they call "a first of its kind." If the 8-week ban falls,
the 14-week ban would take effect, and so on.
Opposition by Auditor Galloway: HB126 bans abortions even in the case of rape, incest or human trafficking. [Hence] Gov. Parson wants rapists in Missouri to have more power over their victims.
A survivor of rape must accept that her attacker could have parental rights.
Legislative outcome: Passed Senate 24-10-0 on 5/15/19; State Sen. Eigel voted YES; Passed House 108-46-1 on 5/17; Signed by Gov. Parson on 5/24.