Q: Do you support or oppose the statement, "Require companies to hire more women & minorities"?
A: I think we have gotten past this point in our history since women and minorities have proven they can do most jobs as well as anyone else if they have
the skill, qualifications and/or ability to be taught the job. I think business owners should be able to choose the person they believe is best suited for the job and will fit in best with their organization.
In my 30 years in nursing, I found minority nurses and male nurses to be just as good and many times better than a white female nurse. If people are forced to hire someone based on things such as sex and race, it's not going to be as good a job for the
potential employee and the potential employer only using race and sex as the only criteria for hiring. If I have to hire someone for a job, I want it to be someone that I feel will be a good fit and that can do the job.
Homosexuals living as married is none of my business
Q: Do you support or oppose the statement, "Comfortable with same-sex marriage"?
A: I believe that a marriage should be between a woman and a man, but it doesn't bother me personally if people choose to do otherwise.
A homosexual couple that lives as a married couple doesn't affect my life at all--so it's none of my business. Since homosexual marriage is forbidden in the Bible, if one is a Christian,
it would be their personal choice if they love that person enough to give up the chance of eternal life or marry the person they love. That relationship should only be the business of the couple and God, not the government.
Any couple can marry in the eyes of God; forget licenses
No one has to have a marriage license to marry. That is a government intrusion started in the days when it was against the law for two different races to marry and the license was the tool used to keep people from marrying someone of a different race.
Any couple can marry in the eyes of God and forget the legal marriage. They can set up wills to make sure their partner receives their joint estate if one should die just like a legally married couple.
I think if two people live together where one is the bread winner and the other is the home maker and takes care of the children if there are any involved either through previous relationships or adoption, then I think the couple
should be able to have a conventional "marriage" benefits of one being on the others' health insurance policy but that may be a moot point with the present health care law.