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Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
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Third Bush-Kerry debate, on domestic policy, Oct. 13, 2004, in Tempe Arizona

Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations from Third Bush-Kerry debate (number of quotes indicated):
- George W. Bush (40)
- John Kerry (43)
OR click on an issue category below for a subset. |
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
George W. Bush: No litmus test except interpretation of the Constitution.
George W. Bush: Partial birth abortion is a brutal practice to be banned.
John Kerry: No undoing Constitutional rights, including right of choice.
John Kerry: Cannot change Roe v. Wade because of my own faith.
Budget & Economy
John Kerry: FactCheck: Bush spent $236B surplus, not $5.6T surplus.
George W. Bush: Pay-as-you-go means you pay, he goes and spends.
George W. Bush: The middle class will have to fill the Kerry tax gap.
John Kerry: Restore pay-as-you-go for fiscal discipline.
John Kerry: Shown exactly how to pay for every plan Ive laid out.
Civil Rights
John Kerry: FactCheck: Bush DID meet with Congressional Black Caucus.
George W. Bush: Help minority business by unbundling government contracts.
George W. Bush: Minorities benefit from good climate for small business.
George W. Bush: Dont know whether homosexuality is a choice.
George W. Bush: We shouldnt change our views on the sanctity of marriage.
John Kerry: Help minority business by small business set-aside programs.
John Kerry: Cheneys daughter, a lesbian, would say gay is not a choice.
John Kerry: The Constitution calls for same-sex partnership rights.
John Kerry: We need to hold on to equal pay for women.
John Kerry: The President must reach out to help end discrimination.
John Kerry: FactCheck: Bush increased Pell Grants, but not as promised.
George W. Bush: Only a liberal would say 49% more funding isnt enough.
George W. Bush: Reading is the new civil right.
George W. Bush: Weve increased Pell Grants by a million students.
George W. Bush: Community college provides the skills to people to fill jobs.
John Kerry: People qualify for Pell Grants because they dont have money.
John Kerry: Bushs cut the Pell Grants and the Perkins Loans for college.
John Kerry: Bush broke promise to pay for No Child Left Behind.
Foreign Policy
George W. Bush: Kerry wants a global test while I will be resolute.
George W. Bush: Wont allow foreigners to make national security decisions.
John Kerry: No nation will ever have a veto over us.
John Kerry: The President deceived the people with this war.
Government Reform
George W. Bush: FactCheck: Kerry authored 7 bills, not 5 that Bush claims.
John Kerry: FactCheck: Kerry passed more than 5 bills, but less than 56.
Gun Control
George W. Bush: Make America safer by prosecuting criminals with guns.
John Kerry: Country less safe-terrorists can now buy assault weapons.
Health Care
George W. Bush: FactCheck: British blocked flu vaccine, not Bush.
John Kerry: FactCheck: Kerrys plan covers 95% of Americans, not 100%.
George W. Bush: Kerrys health care plan is an empty promise.
George W. Bush: Veterans are getting very good health care.
George W. Bush: I havent gotten a flu shot, and I dont intend to.
George W. Bush: Flu vaccine shortage from litigation worries.
George W. Bush: Lack of market forces and lawsuits increase healthcare costs.
George W. Bush: The US healthcare system is the envy of the world.
John Kerry: Passed 56 individual bills that Ive personally written.
John Kerry: Flu vaccine failure means system is failing US families.
John Kerry: Health care plan is not an empty promise and provide choice.
John Kerry: Bush has turned his back on the wellness of America.
John Kerry: Bush blocked drugs importation and Medicare bulk purchasing.
John Kerry: Kerrys healthcare plan lets people choose their plan.
John Kerry: Covering more people can lower health costs in many ways.
John Kerry: Bush hasnt fully funded the VA hospitals and Medicare.
George W. Bush: Temporary workers ok, but no amnesty.
George W. Bush: A time-limited worker card for the illegal immigrants.
George W. Bush: Dont believe we ought to have amnesty.
John Kerry: A guest-worker program alone wont solve the problem.
John Kerry: Temporary workers ok, and earned amnesty ok.
George W. Bush: Education is the best way to create jobs.
John Kerry: Bush could make an impact on the loss of jobs.
John Kerry: Bush cut job training money and ignored the unemployed.
John Kerry: Many things can be done to control jobs loss and outsourcing.
Principles & Values
George W. Bush: Faith shapes his principles, which shape his policies.
George W. Bush: Kerry introduced some 300 bills and hes passed five.
John Kerry: We need to do more to link good work with faith.
John Kerry: My faith affects everything that I do.
Social Security
George W. Bush: Let young people use personal retirement savings accounts.
George W. Bush: Social Security privatization will keep the system solvent.
John Kerry: Personal retirement accounts are an invitation to disaster.
John Kerry: Social Security privatization will cost $2 trillion more.
Tax Reform
George W. Bush: FactCheck: Kerry voted to increase taxes 39 times, not 98.
George W. Bush: FactCheck: Most of Bush tax cut went to top 10%.
George W. Bush: FactCheck: Wealthy pay 63% of taxes, not 80%.
George W. Bush: Now the tax code is fairer after the tax cut.
George W. Bush: Kerry voted to increase taxes 98 times.
John Kerry: I supported or voted for tax cuts over 600 times.
John Kerry: The middle class has seen their tax burden go up under Bush.
John Kerry: Support the part of Bushs tax cut given to the middle class.
War & Peace
George W. Bush: FactCheck: Bush DID say he was not concerned about Osama.
George W. Bush: War on Terror is not about intelligence and law enforcement.
George W. Bush: Guard eager to go to Iraq-relief will come from Iraqi troops.
John Kerry: Focus on the real war on terror and find bin Laden.
John Kerry: Relieve troops by adding divisions and use Guard in US.
Welfare & Poverty
George W. Bush: I would have increased the minimum wage.
John Kerry: Its long overdue time to raise the minimum wage.
The above quotations are from Third Bush-Kerry debate, on domestic policy, Oct. 13, 2004, in Tempe Arizona.
Biographies of past presidents:
- President Joe Biden
- Promise Me, Dad, by Joe Biden
- Biden Cabinet, On The Issues collection
- The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris
- President Donald Trump
- Crippled America, by Donald Trump
- Trump Cabinet, On The Issues collection
- Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton On the Issues
- President Barack Obama
- Decision Points, by Barack Obama
- Obama Cabinet, On The Issues collection
- Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney On the Issues
- President George W. Bush
- Bush Cabinet, On The Issues collection
- Decision Points, by George W. Bush
- A Charge to Keep, by George W. Bush
- President Bill Clinton
- Clinton Cabinet, On The Issues collection
- Back to Work, by Pres. Bill Clinton
- The Agenda, by Bob Woodward
- President George H. W. Bush
- All the Best, My Life in Letters, by George Bush Sr.
- The Family, (the Bushes) by Kitty Kelley
- William & Mary Environmental Law Review, by Cameron Lynch
- President Ronald Reagan
- Dutch, a Memoir of Ronald Reagan, by Edmund Morris
- Abortion and the Conscience of a Nation, by Pres. Ronald Reagan
- President Jimmy Carter
- An Hour Before Daylight, by Jimmy Carter
- Jimmy Who?: biography of Jimmy Carter
- President Gerald Ford
- Shadow: Five Presidents and the Legacy of Watergate,by Bob Woodward
- A Time to Heal: The Autobiography of Gerald R. Ford
- President Richard Nixon
- Seize the Moment, by Richard Nixon
- The Watergate Transcripts, by The Washington Post
- President Lyndon Johnson
- The Passage of Power, by Robert Caro
- Taking Charge: The Johnson White House Tapes, by Michael Beschloss
- My Brother, Lyndon, by Sam Houston Johnson
- President John F. Kennedy
- Profiles In Courage, by John F. Kennedy
- A Nation of Immigrants, by John F. Kennedy
- Kennedy & Nixon, by Chris Matthews
- 1000 Days, by Arthur Schlesinger
- 13 Days, by Robert F. Kennedy
- The Burden and the Glory, by John F. Kennedy
- President Dwight Eisenhower
- Waging Peace, by Dwight Eisenhower
- Ike and Dick, by Jeffrey Frank
- President Harry Truman
- Plain Speaking, by Merle Miller
- Wit & Wisdom of Harry Truman, by Ralph Keyes