Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |

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State of Michigan Politicians: Archives

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OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Abdul El-Sayed: Support pro-choice, Planned Parenthood.
Bill Schuette: Supports the rights of the unborn.
Bill Schuette: Enforce prohibitions on abortion; de-fund Planned Parenthood.
Bob Young: Life begins at conception.
Bret McAtee: Abortion is ethnocide.
Dave Trott: Sanctity of life from conception.
Debbie Stabenow: Countless women rely on Planned Parenthood.
Garrett Soldano: Protect life and push back against the abortion lobby.
George W. Bush: No pro-life pledge; VP & judges will simply be qualified.
Gretchen Whitmer: Don't make partial-birth abortion a criminal offense.
Gretchen Whitmer: No insurance riders to get an abortion covered.
Gretchen Whitmer: Will stop anti-choice legislation.
Gretchen Whitmer: Support Planned Parenthood.
Gretchen Whitmer: End 24-hour waiting period; fund Planned Parenthood.
Gretchen Whitmer: Spoke of being raped in opposing "rape insurance" bill.
Gretchen Whitmer: Abortion clinics deemed "essential" during pandemic shutdown.
Jack Bergman: Right to life includes the lives of those yet unborn.
Jack Bergman: Only allow abortion when maternal life at risk.
James Craig: Gave a "thumbs up" to being pro-life.
James Craig: Supports 1931 state abortion ban still on the books.
John James: 100% pro-life; always have been; always will be.
John James: De-fund Planned Parenthood; bad abortion even for rape.
John Moolenaar: Make partial-birth abortion a criminal offense.
Marcia Squier: Fund Planned Parenthood; abortion is an unrestricted right.
Mike Bishop: Abortions should always be illegal.
Mike Bishop: Pro-life with exception only for life of the mother.
Mike Bishop: 100% Pro-life record.
Mike Bouchard: Voted against partial-birth abortion; 100% pro-life.
Mike Bouchard: Co-sponsored legislation to ban human cloning.
Randy Hekman: Life begins at conception.
Rashida Tlaib: Don't make partial-birth abortion a criminal offense.
Rick Snyder: Signed partial-birth abortion ban into law.
Rick Snyder: Vetoed total abortion ban; signed abortion restrictions.
Rick Snyder: Make partial-birth abortion a criminal offense.
Steve Forbes: Recommends pledging pro-life platform, VP, & judges.
Terri Lynn Land: Supports GOP platform which bans abortion.
Tudor Dixon: Endorsed by Right to Life of Michigan PAC.
Gretchen Whitmer: Republicans want felony convictions of doctors and nurses.
Gretchen Whitmer: Vote yes on Proposal 3 to protect Roe v. Wade rights.
Tudor Dixon: Proposal 3 is radical abortion rights like China & N.Korea.
Gretchen Whitmer: Let's repeal our extreme 1931 law banning abortion.
Budget & Economy
Bill Schuette: Make better jobs cutting taxes, regulations and wastefulness.
Dave Trott: Rein in out-of-control federal spending.
Debbie Stabenow: We waste billions on subsidies for Halliburton.
Fred Thompson: Mandatory future spending lockdown is unsustainable.
Fred Thompson: No reason to believe we're headed for recession.
Fred Thompson: Weak dollar damages us internationally.
Gary Peters: COVID: Get resources, support to help people get through.
Gretchen Whitmer: Most important metric is rising family income.
Jack Bergman: Balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.
Jennifer Granholm: Two year stimulus package will create 28,000 jobs.
John James: Focus on cutting waste and getting to a balanced budget.
John Engler: Michigan lagged in 1990s; now restored & renewed.
John James: Liberal leftist socialist policies have failed in Michigan.
Marcia Squier: Stimulus counters ever-growing income inequality.
Mike Bishop: Stop out-of-control spending policies.
Mike Bishop: Overregulation & red tape stifle job growth & stall economy.
Mike Bouchard: We need a line item veto.
Mike Parson: Workforce development programs has attracted businesses.
Mitt Romney: Giuliani increased spending by 2.8%; I held increase to 2.2%.
Peter Hoekstra: TARP & debt ceiling increase were needed to fund two wars.
Peter Hoekstra: Cut agencies which are not in the constitution.
Rick Snyder: Create an environment that encourages job growth.
Rick Snyder: Government sets stage for business success.
Ron Paul: Currency inflation counterfeits prosperity & destroys poor.
Rudy Giuliani: Fundamentals: low taxes; few regulations; control spending.
Rudy Giuliani: Romney increased spending by 8%; I cut spending by 7%.
Scotty Boman: The government is the problem: cut out welfare and warfare.
Terri Lynn Land: Federal shutdown was opportunity to address spending.
Terri Lynn Land: Opposed deal to re-open federal government.
Terri Lynn Land: Opposed reopening government, due to ObamaCare, not jobs.
Tudor Dixon: Government programs should not disincentivize work.
Tudor Dixon: Find new ways to fund critical infrastructure and roads.
Gretchen Whitmer: Sustainable funding for our economic development efforts.
Gretchen Whitmer: I will continue finding ways to keep fixing the damn roads.
Civil Rights
Abdul El-Sayed: Sensitive to women's rights and transgender people's rights.
Abdul El-Sayed: Equal pay, more opportunity, for women.
Alan Keyes: The path to your freedom is standing firm for God�s will.
Alan Keyes: We live under the tyranny of the federal judges.
Alan Keyes: Protect religion from the state, but not vice versa.
Alan Keyes: Right to acknowledge God is the foundation of all our rights.
Bill Schuette: Include LGBT gender identity in laws against discrimination.
Bill Schuette: No same-sex marriage; no LGBT anti-discrimination laws.
Bill Schuette: Gay marriage ban was simply recognition that biology matters.
Gretchen Whitmer: Guarantee equal pay for equal work.
Gretchen Whitmer: Expand civil rights laws.
Gretchen Whitmer: 2013: repeal Michigan's same-sex marriage ban.
Gretchen Whitmer: When women thrive, we all thrive.
Gretchen Whitmer: Fought for same-sex adoptions and domestic partner benefits.
Gretchen Whitmer: Ensure overseas ballots from service members are counted.
Gretchen Whitmer: Coronavirus: Exempt places of worship, no jurisdiction.
James Craig: I rose to the ranks; nobody gave me anything.
James Craig: Established LGBTQ outreach from Detroit police.
John James: Opposed laws protecting LGBTQ from employment discrimination.
John James: Employers shouldn't be able to fire someone for being gay.
Marcia Squier: Racial inequality continues to be a serious problem.
Marcia Squier: Comfortable with same-sex marriage.
Marcia Squier: Support affirmative action and reparations like urban repair.
Marcia Squier: Racism is a threat to domestic security.
Mark Schauer: Supports affirmative action.
Mike Bishop: No affirmative action in colleges nor public employment.
Mike Bishop: No same-sex civil unions, nor marriage.
Mike Bishop: Marriage is union of one man & one woman.
Mike Bouchard: Helped pass Michigan's ban on assisted suicide.
Mike Bouchard: Opposes gay marriage.
Mitt Romney: Equality for Muslims; but follow hate-preachers into mosques.
Rick Snyder: Against benefits for domestic partners.
Rick Snyder: Add LGBT anti-discrimination to civil rights law.
Rocky Raczkowski: Keep Don't Ask, Don't Tell military policy.
Scotty Boman: Backs gay marriage.
Terri Lynn Land: Supports GOP platform which bans same-sex marriage.
Terri Lynn Land: AdWatch: No discrimination, but "no comment" on gay- bashing.
Terri Lynn Land: Women want job flexibility more than equal pay.
Terri Lynn Land: Equal pay good; but Paycheck Fairness Act bad.
Terri Lynn Land: Equal pay for equal work for men and women.
Tudor Dixon: No mandatory vaccines; no coronavirus lockdowns.
Gretchen Whitmer: Let's repeal outdated laws restricting who you can marry.
Bob Young: Regulation hurts liberty AND hurts communities.
Bob Young: I believe in limited government (but not no-government).
Bob Young: Regulatory overreach hurts small businesses.
Bob Young: Cut corporate taxes; tax those who pay zero taxes.
Debbie Dingell: Don't bash the domestic auto industry.
Debbie Stabenow: Supported recession bailouts saving the auto industry.
Fred Thompson: Do better than world's second-highest corporate tax penalty.
Fred Thompson: Don't intervene with automakers unless drastic circumstances.
Gary Peters: I supported auto bailout; my opponent opposed it.
Gretchen Whitmer: Government can help small business thrive.
Gretchen Whitmer: Shift tax burden to corporations.
John James: Trump tax cuts encourage companies to do business in America.
Marcia Squier: Taxes & fees for overseas corporations; incentives at home.
Marcia Squier: I favor people over corporations and CEO billionaires.
Mark Schauer: Build economy that works for everyone--not just the wealthy.
Mitt Romney: Don't apply Sec. 404 of Sarbanes-Oxley to smaller companies.
Rick Snyder: Pure Michigan Business Connect: match-making for purchasing.
Rick Wade: Last 10 years were good for rich, but not for middle class.
Rudy Giuliani: Business goes abroad when we overregulate and overtax.
Abdul El-Sayed: Move from prison to productive citizenship.
Bernie Sanders: Crime bill had good parts (VAWA) & bad parts (death penalty).
Bill Schuette: History of getting justice for rape victims.
Bill Schuette: Prosecute 17-year-olds as adults.
Gary Peters: Co-wrote bill for data-driven cooperation to fight crime.
Gary Peters: Leads fight for commission on criminal justice system.
Gretchen Whitmer: Cleaned up County Prosecutor office after a sex scandal.
Gretchen Whitmer: Prioritize rehabilitation efforts for first-time offenders.
Gretchen Whitmer: Your bank account should not determine justice you receive.
Hillary Clinton: Crime bill was about outrage, but parts were mistakes.
James Craig: The vast majority of American police officers do it right.
James Craig: Bail reform is the enemy to trying to reduce violent crime.
James Craig: Defund police? Hire a social worker for your security detail.
John James: Against defunding police, for community policing.
Marcia Squier: End mass incarceration.
Mark Schauer: Restore funding for police & fire.
Mike Bishop: Supports death penalty; opposes parole for repeat offenders.
Mike Parson: Require de-escalation and bias recognition police training.
Rick Snyder: Parole decisions by Dept. of Corrections, not Governor.
Rick Snyder: Collect prisoner DNA samples to help solve cold cases.
Rick Snyder: Improve legal representation for poor.
Tudor Dixon: Support law enforcement; urban violence unacceptable.
Tudor Dixon: Fully fund law enforcement; oppose cash bail reform.
Abdul El-Sayed: End marijuana prohibition; tax it and regulate it.
Bill Schuette: The opioid epidemic cannot be solved with just arresting.
Bill Schuette: Led campaign against medical marijuana in 2008.
Debbie Stabenow: Time to decriminalize medical and recreational marijuana.
Gary Peters: Implement voter legalization of medical marijuana.
Gary Peters: When marijuana legalized, should be regulated and taxed.
George W. Bush: A leader learns from his mistakes and shares wisdom.
Gretchen Whitmer: Addicts need treatment, not punishment.
Gretchen Whitmer: Voted NO on medical marijuana.
Gretchen Whitmer: Supports marijuana legalization for adult recreational use.
Gretchen Whitmer: Invest in treatment courts to treat addiction.
John James: Opposes marijuana legalization for recreational use.
John James: Respect will of voters & legalize recreational marijuana.
John Moolenaar: Voted NO on medical marijuana.
Marcia Squier: Legalization will help utilize the endless benefits of pot.
Marcia Squier: Legalization of pot will help healthcare costs.
Marcia Squier: Cannabis is a life-saving drug and must be legalized.
Marcia Squier: Legalize pot, give addicts treatment, end war on drugs.
Mark Schauer: End mandatory minimum sentences for drug-related crimes.
Rick Snyder: Reduce supply, combating production of meth.
Rick Snyder: Enforce prescription law, but Good Samaritans get treatment.
Rick Snyder: Supports medical marijuana.
Rocky Raczkowski: No further expansion of medical marijuana laws.
Shri Thanedar: No tax credits for donations for private school scholarships.
Gretchen Whitmer: No tax credits for donations for private school scholarships.
Abdul El-Sayed: Get profit motive out of public education.
Bill Schuette: Give parents more choices for their kids' education.
Bill Schuette: Advocate of partnerships between schools and companies.
Bill Schuette: Grade schools A-F, with performance-based grants.
Bill Schuette: Support more trade & vocational offerings.
Bob Young: Parents should decide to which school they send their kids.
Brenda Lawrence: Refinance college loans to reduce student debt.
Brenda Lawrence: Public-private partnerships to connecting college to jobs.
Dave Trott: Opposes government control by Common Core standards.
Debbie Stabenow: Supports student loan refinancing and Pell Grants.
Debbie Stabenow: Has long opposed school vouchers.
Garrett Soldano: Respect a parent's right to educate children as they see fit.
Gretchen Whitmer: Invest in education; hold charters accountable.
Gretchen Whitmer: Opposes vouchers: Stop the dismantling of public education.
Gretchen Whitmer: 2 years of debt-free post-secondary education.
Gretchen Whitmer: Double down on investment in early literacy.
Gretchen Whitmer: Increase number of post-secondary credentials to 60% by 2030.
Gretchen Whitmer: Students are preparing for jobs that don't even exist today.
Gretchen Whitmer: Our economy demands every child has a great public education.
Gretchen Whitmer: Tuition-free opportunities for COVID front line workers.
Jack Bergman: Government monopoly on education is a tragedy.
James Craig: Parents deserve school choice; led to his conservatism.
John Engler: Expand public school choice; lift cap on charters.
John James: Every high school student should be career- or college-ready.
John James: Supports public money for private schools.
John James: We have failed our children, supports school choice.
Marcia Squier: Extend free public education from pre-school to PhD.
Marcia Squier: More funding needed for public schools; now more than ever.
Marcia Squier: No vouchers for schools, but ok for colleges.
Mark Schauer: OpEd: Schauer focused on wages and benefits of the teachers.
Mike Bishop: Supports Ten Commandments & voluntary prayer in schools.
Mike Bishop: Oppose Common Core nationwide standards.
Mike Bishop: Supports charter schools; support corporate investment.
Rick Snyder: Mandatory school choice for every school; remove boundaries.
Rick Snyder: CCSTEP: capital equipment for training in community colleges.
Terri Lynn Land: Local funding and local control of schools.
Tudor Dixon: COVID: stalling education is not acceptable or good policy.
Tudor Dixon: Ban born boys from girls' teams in gender-specific sports.
Tudor Dixon: Develop curriculum focusing on America's founding principles.
Tudor Dixon: Let parents choose education environment for their child.
Tudor Dixon: Protect kids from critical race theory, trans ideology.
Tudor Dixon: Office of Safe Schools to protect children from shootings.
Gretchen Whitmer: A free, public preschool education for every 4-year-old.
Gretchen Whitmer: Goal: 60% earn a degree or skills certificate by 2030.
Energy & Oil
Abdul El-Sayed: Green energy a priority.
Abdul El-Sayed: Electric user fee raises $3.3B for clean energy in 15 years.
Bernie Sanders: I oppose fracking; anyone who says it is safe is wrong.
Bill Schuette: Joins lawsuit challenging Obama's Clean Power Plan.
Bill Schuette: Opposed 25% electricity from renewables by 2025.
Debbie Stabenow: Global Warming is real and I�m focused on solving it.
Debbie Stabenow: Climate change is real & human activity contributes.
Fred Thompson: Get ethanol market up, then let free market take over.
Gary Peters: FactCheck: Mich. gets back more in gas tax than it collects.
Gary Peters: AdWatch: Yes, I own petcoke stock, but I can still speak out.
Gary Peters: Proudly voted to invest in renewable energy sources.
Gary Peters: Cap and trade is an option we need to look at.
Gretchen Whitmer: Promote increased use of alternative fuel technology.
Gretchen Whitmer: Oppose withdrawal from Paris Climate Accord.
Hillary Clinton: I support fracking if environmental protections are all met.
John James: Green New Deal would decimate Michigan's economy.
John McCain: Climate change is real; nuclear power is solution.
John McCain: Public pressure on oil industry to invest in alternatives.
Marcia Squier: Green New Deal & fossil fuel-free vehicles by 2030.
Marcia Squier: Fund renewables by defunding the military.
Marcia Squier: Green energy is intertwined with job creation and education.
Marcia Squier: Enbridge-Line-5 pipeline should be permanently closed.
Mike Bishop: Don't use government to develop wind and solar energy.
Mike Bouchard: Kyoto agreement is restrictive & extraordinarily expensive.
Mike Bouchard: Supports atomic energy & new nuclear plant construction.
Mike Bouchard: Conflicted on whether global warming is from human sources.
Mike Huckabee: Ethanol & biofuels are part of future energy.
Mitt Romney: Develop energy technology like nuclear or liquefied coal.
Rick Snyder: Protect our environment while meeting our energy needs.
Rick Wade: $8B for new nuclear plants; plus offshore oil & gas drilling.
Rick Wade: Too many clean energy investors sit on the sidelines.
Rudy Giuliani: Don't draw the line anywhere--advance all technologies.
Sam Brownback: Energy security: drill every place you can find resources.
Tom Tancredo: Drill off the coasts of Florida and California.
Abdul El-Sayed: Advocate for environmental justice on lead exposure.
Bill Schuette: Sue firms that caused Flint drinking water crisis.
Bill Schuette: Opposing EPA regulations earns him polluter protector label.
Bill Schuette: Charged 15 city and state officials for Flint water crisis.
Bill Schuette: Opposes burdensome EPA regulations.
Bob Young: Regulations hurt farms and small businesses.
Brenda Lawrence: Flint water crisis is example of environmental injustice.
Debbie Stabenow: Authored ban on Great Lakes drilling.
Debbie Stabenow: Reverse cuts to Great Lakes funding.
Gary Peters: Push for Great Lakes restoration efforts & oil cleanups.
Gretchen Whitmer: Environmental policy based on science.
Gretchen Whitmer: Michigan is defined by water; up to us to protect it.
Gretchen Whitmer: It's time to rebuild Michigan's water infrastructure.
John Engler: More investment of Natural Resources Trust Fund.
John James: Protect the national treasure of the Great Lakes.
Marcia Squier: All animals should be treated humanely.
Marcia Squier: Federal funding for Flint; and prosecution for poisoning too.
Marcia Squier: Repeal the DARK Act: require full GMO labeling.
Marcia Squier: EPA should regulate for-profit corporations.
Marcia Squier: End the War on Oil, for national security AND environment.
Marcia Squier: Invest in ways to prevent erosion and rising waters.
Mike Bishop: Suspend federally-mandated environmental protection.
Mike Bouchard: Water diversions shouldn't happen.
Rick Snyder: Protect natural resources; user fees contribute $3B/year.
Rick Snyder: Voluntary pollution prevention program for farmers.
Rick Snyder: Pure Michigan: promote tourism like U.P. and brewery trail.
Rick Snyder: More resources to fight invasive species in Great Lakes.
Rick Snyder: Work tirelessly, plus $27M, to make Flint's water safe.
Families & Children
Abdul El-Sayed: Invest in Detroit to keep millennials in Michigan.
Alan Keyes: Save kids� souls-they don�t need free speech.
Andy Levin: Expand Family Leave for both spouses at same employer.
Debbie Stabenow: Schools must prohibit bullying due to sexual orientation.
Gretchen Whitmer: Extend postpartum care from 60 days to a full year.
Haley Stevens: Expand Family Leave for both spouses at same employer.
John James: Allow more flexible options for senior housing.
Mike Parson: Consolidate several programs into new Office of Childhood.
Rick Snyder: Healthy Kids Dental: coverage for 440,000 kids in need.
Rick Snyder: Adoption rate in Michigan is up 25 percentage points.
Tudor Dixon: Would criminalize involving children in drag shows.
Gretchen Whitmer: No mandatory COVID vaccine for children.
Tudor Dixon: Parents outraged about schoolbook describing how to have sex.
Foreign Policy
Alan Keyes: Africa: No money for AIDS, because money won�t cure AIDS.
Fred Thompson: Relationship with Canada important for economy & security.
Gary Bauer: Africa: Needs better governments, not bailouts.
Gary Peters: Be actively engaged in the Middle East.
George W. Bush: Cuba: No trade, since investments prop up Castro regime.
George W. Bush: Africa: Rally world to help AIDS, but not with US funds.
George W. Bush: Entrepreneurial China trade differs from totalitarian Cuba.
Gretchen Whitmer: Supports anti-boycott bill against anti-Israel BDS movement.
James Craig: UN should investigate Cuba, not the US.
John James: More military influence on the foreign policy team.
John James: For Trump's Middle East peace proposal, two state solution.
John McCain: Africa: Money for AIDS would be lost to corruption.
Marcia Squier: We need to support our troops by bringing them home.
Marcia Squier: End our interventionist strategies, and welcome refugees.
Orrin Hatch: Africa: Helping with AIDS is our duty as a great nation.
Peter Hoekstra: China is a nation that cheats and steals; no MFN.
Steve Forbes: Africa: Unshackle drug companies, not US aid, to fight AIDS.
Free Trade
Abdul El-Sayed: Free trade deals favor elites over workers.
Bill Schuette: Supports tariffs on China, to get a better deal.
Brenda Lawrence: Oppose TPP, NAFTA, and similar trade deals.
Debbie Stabenow: End trade agreements to keep jobs here.
Donald Trump: I've been moving clothing-making from China to U.S.
Duncan Hunter: Reflect tariffs back at competitors.
Fred Thompson: Focus on protecting infrastructure for national security.
Gary Bauer: Entrepreneurial China trade same as with totalitarian Cuba.
Gretchen Whitmer: Renegotiate trade deals, but no tariffs on China.
Gretchen Whitmer: Important to continue traveling to Israel to support trade.
Jack Bergman: I support free and fair trade, not TPP.
John James: Free but fair trade, to keep jobs in Michigan.
John James: Let master negotiator Trump re-work trade deals.
John James: Fight China over soybeans now, or bullets later.
John McCain: Every time US went protectionist, we paid heavy price.
John McCain: Supports ethanol, but by exporting, not by subsidies.
Marcia Squier: Oppose TPP, NAFTA, and similar trade deals.
Marcia Squier: Replace free trade deals with zero export taxes.
Mike Bouchard: Associates CAFTA with currency manipulation.
Mike Bouchard: Trade agreements should be fair and enforceable.
Mike Huckabee: We need fair trade because we're losing jobs.
Mitt Romney: Open up markets to American goods and services.
Mitt Romney: Businesspeople should negotiate trade, not politicians.
Rick Snyder: Increase Canada trade with new Detroit River bridge.
Rick Snyder: Open new doors to global markets.
Rick Snyder: Took 24 attempts to get New International Trade Crossing.
Rick Wade: NEI: government-wide export-promotion strategy.
Rudy Giuliani: Good deals pending with Peru, Colombia, Panama, South Korea.
Rudy Giuliani: Balance foreign debt by selling more things overseas.
Terri Lynn Land: Free trade agreements only with reciprocal market access.
Tom Tancredo: Enforce trade & currency rules against China.
Tom Tancredo: CAFTA should be about trade; get rid of immigration parts.
Government Reform
Shri Thanedar: Oppose laws perpetuating "Big Lie" of rigged election.
Gretchen Whitmer: Oppose laws perpetuating "Big Lie" of rigged election.
Abdul El-Sayed: Strict separation of church and state.
Abdul El-Sayed: Fundamental right to be heard at the ballot box.
Alan Keyes: Surrendering moral government to courts surrenders freedom.
Bill Schuette: Terminate government pensions for those caught embezzling.
Bill Schuette: Wants tax returns released from all top elected officials.
Bill Schuette: Supports term limits and campaign finance disclosure.
Bill Schuette: Opposes ballot initative 2 (gerrymandered districts ok).
Bill Schuette: Oppose disclosure for who paid for political ads.
Bob Young: Cut costs; make government accountable.
Debbie Stabenow: Repeal Citizens United; fight big money in politics.
Debbie Stabenow: Voter ID places undue burden on voters.
Donald Trump: Get rid of waste, fraud, & abuse in every single agency.
Garrett Soldano: Fought to revoke health law granting emergency powers.
Garrett Soldano: Expand Voter ID, crack down hard on fraud.
Gary Peters: Nuclear option: Allow confirmation of Obama's appointees.
George W. Bush: Agrees to no negative ads; stop tearing each other down.
Gretchen Whitmer: No photo ID for absentee voting.
Gretchen Whitmer: Promote universal voter access.
Gretchen Whitmer: Opposes gerrymandering; opposes voter ID.
Gretchen Whitmer: Disclose political donors; reverse Citizens United.
Gretchen Whitmer: Holding government accountable: Michigan Sunshine Plan.
Gretchen Whitmer: Would be nice to have national strategy working with states.
James Craig: Called for forensic audit of 2020 Michigan election results.
Jennifer Granholm: Voter ID laws, limits on early voting are about suppression.
John Moolenaar: Require photo ID for absentee voting.
Marcia Squier: Repeal Citizens United; publicly fund campaigns.
Marcia Squier: Dem. superdelegates cheated Michigan voters of their choice.
Marcia Squier: Easier voter registration; restrict superdelegates.
Mike Bishop: Limit campaign contributions; but no state funding.
Mike Bishop: Limit people driven by thirst for power, pride, and envy.
Mike Bishop: Make state legislature part-time, with pay cuts.
Mike Bouchard: Supports line-item veto on spending bills.
Mitt Romney: Line-item veto can & should pass constitutional muster.
Peter Hoekstra: Setting 12-year term limit a mistake; after serving 18 years.
Rashida Tlaib: No photo ID for absentee voting.
Rick Snyder: Michigan Dashboard: measure progress & present it publicly.
Rick Snyder: Vetoed voter identification bill.
Rick Snyder: No photo ID for absentee voting.
Rick Wade: Government doesn't invent but does create business framework.
Rudy Giuliani: Frivolous lawsuits eat up 2.2% of GDP.
Rudy Giuliani: Supports line-item veto, but Clinton's was unconstitutional.
Steve Forbes: Negative ads are OK if they tell the truth.
Terri Lynn Land: Super PACs are committed to Michigan.
Terri Lynn Land: Allow "dark money": secret campaign donations for issue ads.
Tudor Dixon: Empower Michiganders to make own decisions on health & work.
Tudor Dixon: We need ethics and legal reforms to restore transparency.
Tudor Dixon: Supports claims that 2020 election was stolen.
Tudor Dixon: Cut, reduce, or streamline 40% of regulatory code in 4 years.
Tudor Dixon: Enact strong Voter ID, ban drop boxes.
Gretchen Whitmer: Expand voting rights, protect election workers.
Gun Control
Shri Thanedar: Allow cities and towns to enact laws regarding knives.
Gretchen Whitmer: Allow cities and towns to enact laws regarding knives.
Abdul El-Sayed: No gun possession for convicted domestic abusers.
Abdul El-Sayed: Take on the corporate gun lobby; enough is enough.
Bill Schuette: Proud protector of the 2nd Amendment, NRA rates him "A".
Bill Schuette: Repeal restrictions on guns, including semi-automatics.
Bob Young: Right to bear arms is one of our most cherished rights.
Brenda Lawrence: Enact common sense gun control reforms & close loopholes.
Bret McAtee: End constant meddling with our 2nd amendment rights.
Dave Trott: 2nd Amendment is important cornerstone of nation's freedoms.
Debbie Dingell: Deal with mental illness and gun control laws.
Garrett Soldano: I will defend 2nd amendment, implement Constitutional Carry.
Gary Peters: Endorsed by Everytown for Gun Safety for gun-sense majority.
Gretchen Whitmer: Universal background checks; ban assault-style weapons.
Jack Bergman: Right to bear arms is about being a free nation.
James Craig: Disarm criminals, not law abiding citizens.
James Craig: Gun buybacks are a comedy show, a recipe for failure.
Jennifer Granholm: Signed bills on concealed pistol licenses, spouse's guns.
John James: 2nd Amendment is enough said.
John James: Second Amendment says semi-automatic weapons ok.
Marcia Squier: Universal background checks to reduce gun crime.
Marcia Squier: Graduated licensing & training for guns, like military.
Marcia Squier: Violent criminals should not be allowed gun ownership.
Mike Bishop: Ease restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns.
Mike Bishop: Oppose restrictive gun control laws.
Mike Bishop: Personally a gun owner with a CPL.
Terri Lynn Land: Supports GOP platform which opposes magazine limit.
Tudor Dixon: Stop all efforts to restrict the 2nd Amendment.
Gretchen Whitmer: We need red-flag laws and requirement for secure gun storage.
Gretchen Whitmer: It's time for commonsense action to reduce gun violence.
Health Care
Abdul El-Sayed: Public health suffers when you run government as a business.
Abdul El-Sayed: Supports universal healthcare.
Alan Keyes: AIDS is a moral crisis based on licentious behavior.
Bill Schuette: End Medicaid expansion and put in work requirement.
Bill Schuette: Replace ObamaCare with private insurance.
Bob Young: ObamaCare should be repealed to increase competition.
Bob Young: The federal government broke our health care system.
Bob Young: ObamaCare destroys jobs.
Brenda Lawrence: ObamaCare is sound policy, but deal with consequences.
Dave Trott: Repeal & replace the onerous ObamaCare law.
Debbie Stabenow: Health coverage needs to be a right, not a privilege.
Garrett Soldano: Opposes vaccine mandate as unconstitutional, coercive.
Gary Peters: AdWatch: Targeted by RNC robocalls for support of ObamaCare.
Gary Peters: Against voucher system & raising Medicare eligibility age.
Gary Peters: Prevent companies from keeping generic drugs off the market.
Gary Peters: COVID: $20 billion to states, nursing homes, care facilities.
Gretchen Whitmer: Require insurers to treat autism like other conditions.
Gretchen Whitmer: Support Medicaid expansion.
Gretchen Whitmer: No work requirements for Medicaid; expand it instead.
Gretchen Whitmer: Fund Planned Parenthood, improve rural access to care.
Gretchen Whitmer: Expand coverage for insulin; and coverage for mental health.
Jack Bergman: Number one priority is to repeal ObamaCare.
John Engler: No assisted suicide; but End of Life Care & more pain relief.
John James: Remove the monstrosity of ObamaCare.
John James: Medicare for All terrible; barely paying for Medicare now.
John James: Fix the parts that give too many decisions to the government.
John James: Politicians stuff their pockets with drug company money.
John McCain: Control health costs so manufacturers stay competitive.
John Moolenaar: Don't require insurers to treat autism like other conditions.
Marcia Squier: Repeal ObamaCare & replace with full coverage for all.
Marcia Squier: Universal single-payer healthcare is the way to go.
Marcia Squier: Expand ObamaCare towards universal health care.
Mike Bishop: Guaranteed medical care is not a government responsibility.
Mike Bishop: Replace ObamaCare with patient-centered reforms.
Mike Bishop: Fought against ObamaCare from the start.
Mike Bouchard: Supports Health Savings Accounts to empower individuals.
Mike Bouchard: No government-run universal healthcare.
Mike Huckabee: Individually-controlled insurance, not government SCHIP.
Mike Parson: Will expand Medicaid but be vigilant against fraud and waste.
Mitt Romney: Same tax treatment if people buy insurance without employers.
Mitt Romney: Get everybody insured with state-based market dynamics.
Rashida Tlaib: Require insurers to treat autism like other conditions.
Rick Snyder: Improve cost, quality and access with wellness & prevention.
Rick Snyder: Get communities more involved in mental health courts;.
Rocky Raczkowski: Repeal ObamaCare.
Steve Forbes: Fight AIDS by changing people's personal behavior.
Terri Lynn Land: Embrace threat of federal shutdown to defund ObamaCare.
Terri Lynn Land: Fix ObamaCare so Michiganders can keep insurance as promised.
Terri Lynn Land: Pre-tax health savings accounts & cross-states insurers.
Tudor Dixon: COVID: opposes lockdowns and anti-Science mask mandates.
Homeland Security
Bill Schuette: Provided two new legal resources for all members of military.
Debbie Stabenow: Push to pass the 9/11 Report.
Dave Trott: Unyielding enthusiasm for our troops.
Debbie Stabenow: Critical balance between staying safe and keeping our rights.
Donald Trump: Snowden was a spy; if Russia respected us, they'd deport him.
Fred Thompson: We face a global war declared on us by Islamic fascism.
Fred Thompson: Spend more than current 4% of budget on military.
Gary Peters: Protect religious non-profits against terrorism.
Gary Peters: Less-than-honorable discharged veterans can regain benefits.
Gary Peters: AdWatch: endorsed by VoteVets for military service.
Gretchen Whitmer: We should be ashamed for neglecting veterans' needs.
Gretchen Whitmer: Coronavirus: Widespread testing is fundamental & crucial.
Gretchen Whitmer: COVID-19 restrictions were aggressive and necessary.
Jack Bergman: Give my all to implement V.A. reform.
Jack Hoogendyk: Military tribunals & domestic spying OK.
Jennifer Granholm: Proclaimed Hire a Veteran Month in Michigan.
John James: Help prepare our veterans for re-entry into society.
John James: Adequately fund military but work toward balanced budget.
John McCain: After 9/11, ask Americans to join military or AmeriCorps.
John McCain: Let loose smart, tough spies to catch Bin Laden.
Marcia Squier: Reappropriate military spending to social needs.
Marcia Squier: Cut the military budget by at least 50%.
Mark Schauer: Ensure veterans have access to the benefits they've earned.
Mike Bishop: Maintain a numerically superior nuclear arsenal.
Mike Bishop: Number one responsibility is to provide a national defense.
Mike Bouchard: Can't give up basic rights to stay safe.
Mike Bouchard: If we don't fix terrorist security, people die.
Rick Snyder: There is a cost to sending our military into harm's way.
Rick Snyder: 24/7/365 service to our veterans for benefits.
Ted Cruz: Snowden guilty of treason, but exposed massive surveillance.
Abdul El-Sayed: Biracial families like mine inspire more diverse government.
Abdul El-Sayed: People who look like me are not sitting on the sidelines.
Abdul El-Sayed: Support pathway to citizenship.
Bill Schuette: It isn't a ban on Muslims; Trump puts security first.
Bill Schuette: Joined 2016 lawsuit to block DACA expansion.
Bob Young: We have the right to kick out people we don't want here.
Bob Young: Penalize the insanity of sanctuary cities.
Brenda Lawrence: Refugees aren't terrorist; that's just more fear tactics.
Bret McAtee: We need a sane immigration policy.
Dave Trott: Secure our nation's borders before discussing reform.
Debbie Stabenow: Opposed immigration bill because it cost us jobs.
Garrett Soldano: Pro-second amendment, against illegal immigration.
Gary Peters: DACA has provided relief to thousands of young people.
Gretchen Whitmer: Protect DREAMers from deportation; offer path to citizenship.
Jack Bergman: Immigration is a privilege, not a right.
John James: No nonsense view of illegal immigration--has to stop now.
Jennifer Granholm: Signed law protecting immigrants from scam "consultants".
Jennifer Granholm: If we want true American exceptionalism, fix immigration.
John James: Proponent of Kate's Law; defund sanctuary cities.
John James: We must end illegal immigration & secure the border.
Marcia Squier: Moratorium on deportation of undocumented immigrants.
Marcia Squier: Support pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens.
Mike Bishop: Protect the border and prevent illegal entry.
Mike Bishop: Opposed to any amnesty.
Mike Bouchard: 52% of illegal immigrants have criminal backgrounds.
Randy Hekman: Secure the borders but encourage legal immigration.
Rick Snyder: Openly encourages innovators and entrepreneurs to immigrate.
Rick Snyder: 50,000 skilled worker visas to repopulate Detroit.
Terri Lynn Land: No amnesty; seal the border; more H-1B visas.
Tudor Dixon: Housing migrant children supports criminal cartels.
Tudor Dixon: Implement a statewide ban on sanctuary cities.
Abdul El-Sayed: Raise minimum wage; support unions.
Bill Schuette: Supports right-to-work law as a great victory.
Bill Schuette: Opposes prevailing wage law.
Brenda Lawrence: Paid sick leave helps women & minorities most.
Brenda Lawrence: Fight to raise minimum wage to $10.10 an hour.
Debbie Stabenow: President should meet with Big 3 Automakers.
Duncan Hunter: Unions built the middle class.
Fred Thompson: In a dynamic economy, some jobs lost and some gained.
Fred Thompson: Don't use union dues for political purposes.
Gary Peters: Extend jobless benefit for long-term unemployed.
Gretchen Whitmer: Repeal "right-ro-work" law (support union organizing).
Gretchen Whitmer: Increase minimum wage to $15/hour over three years.
Gretchen Whitmer: Expand right to overtime to tens of thousands of workers.
Gretchen Whitmer: Fix the Damn Roads: Michiganders need to get to jobs.
John James: Incumbent does not do enough to create or protect jobs.
John James: Opposes raising federal minimum wage to $15/hr.
John McCain: Unions are monopolies; don't compel people to join.
Marcia Squier: Minimum wage of $15 per hour, including Congress.
Marcia Squier: Stop stiffing tipped worker wages!
Marcia Squier: Grow jobs in health, renewable energy, and infrastructure.
Mark Schauer: Opposes right-to-work law; protested on Capitol lawn.
Mike Bishop: 2007: publicly called for right-to-work in Michigan.
Mike Bouchard: Big 3 Automakers need tax cuts so no job cuts.
Mike Huckabee: Unions more prominent to fight high CEO salaries.
Mike Parson: Expand programs to link high school graduates with jobs.
Mitt Romney: I believe in domestic supports for our agriculture industry.
Mitt Romney: Good unions train members; bad unions hurt their company.
Rick Snyder: Extend unemployment benefits; plan for future.
Rick Snyder: Quietly signed law making Michigan a right-to-work state.
Rick Snyder: MAT2: Michigan Advanced Technician Training for skills gap.
Rick Snyder: People now moving to Michigan for good jobs.
Ron Paul: Right to organize; but no special benefits for unions.
Rudy Giuliani: Vibrant unions good; but compelling membership bad.
Sam Brownback: Unions do good, but need effective oversight.
Terri Lynn Land: Extend jobless benefit for long-term unemployed seeking work.
Tom Tancredo: Union conflict is creative, but shouldn't influence policy.
Tudor Dixon: Expose more students to high-demand skilled trades.
Principles & Values
Alan Keyes: Anything the government gives you destroys your liberty.
Bernie Sanders: I am very proud to be Jewish; it is much of what I am.
Bill Schuette: Served 3 terms in Congress & then as state Attorney General.
Bret McAtee: Running as US Taxpayers Party, also Constitution Party.
Bret McAtee: Awaken benumbed people from their moral torpor.
Debbie Stabenow: A clear choice against failed Bush policies.
Debbie Stabenow: End the ongoing debate over debates: No Senate debates.
Garrett Soldano: Our rights come from God, not from the government.
Garrett Soldano: Father instilled a fierce love for country and sense of duty.
Gretchen Whitmer: Michiganders expect results; impatience is a virtue.
Gretchen Whitmer: A better Michigan is worth fighting for, we can't wait.
Hillary Clinton: I am a praying person & I pray for God's will to be known.
Jack Bergman: I believe the Bible is the true word of God.
Jack Bergman: Commitment to being the best made most exceptional nation.
James Craig: Claimed that protestors against him were paid to be there.
James Craig: This is about leading from the front & keeping people safe.
James Craig: Rejects objections to police graduations held in church.
James Craig: Michigan is the embodiment of the American dream.
James Craig: Won't back down to liberal wokeism & woke corporations.
Jennifer Granholm: There are political solutions to moral problems.
Jennifer Granholm: Embrace diversity: that is American exceptionalism.
John Engler: The "Next Michigan": attitude for the future.
John James: Fight for the Constitution's principles, as written.
John James: From slave to senate candidate in four generations.
John James: Liberal violence is construed as speech.
Marcia Squier: Government should be separate from private religion.
Marcia Squier: Separating church & state is only disestablishmentarianism.
Mike Bishop: Uphold the principles of faith, family and freedom.
Mike Bouchard: 8-point plan: Renewing Michigan's Economy.
Peter Hoekstra: Accused of anti-Chinese racism in Super Bowl TV ad.
Peter Hoekstra: I will either debate her or an empty chair; it's her choice.
Ron Paul: Only support GOP nominee if they end war & reduce spending.
Terri Lynn Land: AdWatch: Grew up in a trailer park, then managed motels.
Tom Tancredo: Won't vote GOP if nominee is lesser of two evils.
Tudor Dixon: Calls for liberating Michiganders from lockdowns.
Tudor Dixon: Pro God, pro life, pro gun and pro freedom.
Tudor Dixon: Acted in low budget films as a hobby.
Gretchen Whitmer: Hateful rhetoric makes people much more fearful.
Tudor Dixon: Recommended stealing 2020 election then "calling for unity".
Gretchen Whitmer: Our message is simple: we will fight for your freedom.
Gretchen Whitmer: My fellow Michiganders, we live in a special place.
Social Security
Brenda Lawrence: Protect social security, Medicare and Medicaid programs.
Debbie Stabenow: Led the fight to stop privatization.
Fred Thompson: Benefits ok in short-term, but we're eating our seed corn.
Fred Thompson: Index benefits to inflation instead of indexing to wages.
Gary Peters: One of the most successful programs in our history.
Gary Peters: Oppose raising retirement age & privatizing Social Security.
Gretchen Whitmer: Get rid of the state's Retirement Tax.
Jennifer Granholm: Opposed Bush plan to privatize Social Security.
John James: Returning lifelong investment to seniors is moral obligation.
John James: Stop any attempt to underfund the Social Security trust fund.
Marcia Squier: Including eldercare services in universal health care.
Marcia Squier: Strongly opposes privatizing Social Security.
Marcia Squier: Protect against any legislation dismantles future benefits.
Mike Bouchard: Supports privatization of Social Security.
Rick Snyder: Maintain generous pension benefits for existing retirees.
Terri Lynn Land: Supports GOP platform plank for personal accounts.
Tom Tancredo: Private Social Security accounts needed to end deficit.
Tax Reform
Abdul El-Sayed: Limit tax foreclosures for over-assessed Detroit properties.
Bill Schuette: Signed pledge to oppose any tax increase.
Bill Schuette: Cut taxes and make Michigan a growth state.
Bob Young: Taxes need to be made simpler and flatter.
Brenda Lawrence: I believe in a progressive tax.
Bret McAtee: Current confiscatory tax policy is unconstitutional.
Dave Trott: Reduce regulations & update the cumbersome tax code.
Duncan Hunter: Sponsored FairTax proposal.
Fred Thompson: Phase out the AMT; lower taxes grow the economy.
Garrett Soldano: Would reverse Whitmer's higher taxes on businesses, gasoline.
Gary Peters: Middle class bears burden of unfair tax code.
George W. Bush: Cut top tax rate to 33% while cutting lower income taxes too.
George W. Bush: Leaving money in Washington means bigger budget spending.
George W. Bush: "A tax-cutting person" in TX, would do same for US.
George W. Bush: 1997 no-tax pledge: judge results, despite breaking pledge.
George W. Bush: People should not pay more in taxes than they do for food.
Gretchen Whitmer: Trump tax cuts help only millionaires & billionaires.
Gretchen Whitmer: Repeal retirement tax; restore Earned Income Tax Credit.
Jack Bergman: Simplify and lower tax rates for everyone.
John Engler: Exempt new high-tech sectors from state business tax.
John Engler: Has cut and will continue to cut personal & business tax.
John Engler: Strengthen Taxpayer Bill of Rights.
John James: Trump's tax reform will aid working families & entrepreneurs.
John McCain: Tax cuts should go to middle- & lower-income people.
John McCain: Leaving money in Washington means President vetoes spending.
John McCain: Tax system is fair; wealthy pay bulk of taxes.
Marcia Squier: Highest earners should pay the highest taxes.
Marcia Squier: Wealthiest get wealthier via tax loopholes.
Mark Schauer: Decrease corporate tax; support individual flat tax.
Mike Bishop: Supports flat tax; opposes internet sales tax.
Mike Bishop: Put forth more than $1 billion in cuts in Michigan.
Mike Bouchard: Make the Bush tax cuts permanent.
Mike Huckabee: FairTax untaxes productivity & things which we export.
Mike Parson: For lower taxes, but online retailers hurt local business.
Orrin Hatch: Leaving money in Washington means bigger budget spending.
Rick Snyder: Simplify the tax code; end job-killing Business Tax.
Steve Forbes: Evidence that Bush broke 1997 no-tax pledge.
Tom Tancredo: Takes the oath: no tax increase.
Tudor Dixon: Phase out Michigan's personal income tax.
Gretchen Whitmer: Lower the retirement tax; expand Working Families Tax Credit.
Abdul El-Sayed: We need $4B per year for Pure Michigan Infrastructure Bank.
Bill Schuette: Invest in infrastructure but vows to lower taxes.
Debbie Stabenow: Supports net neutrality.
Garrett Soldano: Big Tech and the corporate media want to keep us divided.
Gretchen Whitmer: We need $3B per year for inadequate infrastructure.
Gretchen Whitmer: Expand broadband with net neutrality.
Gretchen Whitmer: Will act on infrastructure if legislature won't.
Gretchen Whitmer: Proposing $2500 electric vehicle rebate for families.
Heritage Foundation: FHA highway funds are skewed because strings are attached.
John Engler: Establish "Cybercourt" to resolve disputes on-line & quickly.
John James: Repair of infrastructure is stepping stone to the future.
John James: Broadband access to everyone, not just big cities.
John McCain: Don't police Internet crime; go after money to reduce crime.
Mark Schauer: Restore tax incentives for high-tech businesses.
Mike Huckabee: Air tech is Jetsons but air traffic control is Flintstones.
Mike Parson: $5 million investment to expand and improve broadband.
Rick Snyder: Census figures reinforce need for aggressive administration.
Rick Snyder: Take leadership role in cyber defense and development.
Rick Snyder: Invest billions to address risk of aging infrastructure.
Rick Wade: Double the budget for basic scientific research.
Rudy Giuliani: Police the Internet, but don't tax the Internet.
Sam Brownback: Cut the Advanced Technology Program; it's corporate welfare.
War & Peace
Bret McAtee: They�re turning the American Republic into an empire.
Debbie Stabenow: We are not in Iraq forever.
Debbie Stabenow: Iraq was a war of choice, not a necessity.
Duncan Hunter: No Congressional authorization needed to attack Iran�s nukes.
Fred Thompson: Stabilizing Iraq, and not leaving, is the right policy.
Fred Thompson: Iraq certainly had WMDs in the past & would have nukes now.
Fred Thompson: Ask Congress, even if not required, to attack Iran's nukes.
Gary Peters: Undecided on military intervention in Syria.
Jack Bergman: Only use troops when it is absolutely necessary.
Jack Hoogendyk: Let Gen. Petraeus make decisions on troop strength in Iraq.
John James: Army veteran who flew Apache helicopters in Iraq.
John James: Iran nuclear treaty was a fatally flawed deal.
John James: The Iranian regime has blood on its hands.
John Kasich: We need more than Special Forces in Libya.
John McCain: Congressional consultation before attacking Iran's nukes.
Marcia Squier: Immediate US cease-fire and weapons embargo on all countries.
Marcia Squier: Refuse donations from the military-industrial complex.
Marcia Squier: No more profit-driven interventionist military strikes.
Marcia Squier: Stop bombing countries that never attacked us.
Marco Rubio: I've warned about ISIS in Libya for 2 years; US troops there.
Mike Bouchard: We cannot leave a vacuum in Iraq.
Mike Bouchard: Pre-emptive war ok if we have actual intel.
Mike Huckabee: Attack Iran's nukes even if Congress says no.
Mitt Romney: Let lawyers decide if authorization needed to attack Iran.
Ron Paul: Mercantilist oil dependency was reason for war.
Ron Paul: Congressional authorization needed to attack Iran's nukes.
Rudy Giuliani: Desirable but unneeded to ask Congress to attack Iran nukes.
Sam Brownback: Iraq war is about terrorism, not oil.
Terri Lynn Land: No military action in Syrian civil war.
Terri Lynn Land: No military intervention in Syria.
Welfare & Poverty
Abdul El-Sayed: Economic well-being means helping those less privileged.
Bill Schuette: Welfare must balance hand up aid with helping able find work.
Bob Young: We can't continue with an entitlement mentality.
Debbie Stabenow: Administration out of touch with struggling families.
Gretchen Whitmer: Fight urban poverty, end racial disparities in employment.
John James: Eliminate poverty instead of just making it more comfortable.
Mike Bishop: Require able-bodied welfare recipients to work.
Randy Hekman: Transform to nonprofit/charity model to provide assistance.
Rick Snyder: No welfare benefits for people with felony warrants.
The above quotations are from State of Michigan Politicians: Archives.