Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Bill Dahlin: Pro-life and pro-family.
Bill Dahlin: There is nothing positive about abortions.
Charlie Hardy: Men need to shut up about abortion.
Chris Rothfuss: Opposed new reporting requirements for abortions.
Cynthia Lummis: Abortion OK in cases of rape and incest against a minor.
Dick Cheney: Exemptions for rape, incest or womans life now OK.
Gary Trauner: Strong advocate for women's abortion rights.
Keith Goodenough: Comprehensive sex education, especially for females.
Keith Goodenough: Rated 100% by NARAL for three years running.
Mark Gordon: Pro-life except for incest, rape, or maternal life.
Mark Gordon: Anti-abortion, with exceptions like rape cases.
Mark Gordon: Enacted new reporting requirements for abortions.
Mary Throne: Keep the government out of pregnancy decisions.
Michael Enzi: 100% rating from the National Right to Life Committee.
Theresa Livingston: Women may be driven to suicide because of state abortion ban.
Tim Chesnut: Abortions should always be legal.
Yana Ludwig: Increase access to abortion where options are limited.
Budget & Economy
Bill Dahlin: Economy needs diversification and promotion.
Charlie Hardy: Cut wasteful spending but increase other spending.
Chris Rothfuss: Diversify revenue; fund maintenance projects.
Cynthia Lummis: Cut government spending & reduce our national debt.
Dave Freudenthal: Remain fiscally conservative without dipping into savings.
Dick Cheney: Budget surplus softens opposition to spending.
Gary Trauner: Federal bailout with stake in bailed-out company.
Jim Geringer: Spend one-time revenue on one-time expenditures.
Keith Goodenough: More fiscal conservatism needed in the legislature.
Liz Cheney: Fighting Smart: focus on getting results to roll back feds.
Mark Gordon: Balance budget by living within your means.
Mark Gordon: Define Rainy Day Account for "steady as she goes".
Mark Gordon: Make the state the digital asset epicenter of the U.S.
Mary Throne: Budget will maximize revenues and cut unnecessary costs.
Matt Mead: Reduce the budget & build up the rainy-day account.
Matt Mead: Navigated recession while shrinking state government.
Matt Mead: We used rainy day fund for rainy days; now make guidelines.
Merav Ben-David: The Heroes Act would save jobs in WY.
Michael Enzi: Penny plan: cut spending 1% a year; balanced budget by 2017.
Theresa Livingston: Whatever money you put into a community you get more back.
Mark Gordon: Old and crumbling infrastructure must be addressed.
Civil Rights
Bill Dahlin: There's plenty of bathrooms; don't allow transgenders.
Charlie Hardy: Supports same-sex marriage and all sexual identities.
Cynthia Lummis: No place for racism, but no right to destroy.
Dave Freudenthal: No civil unions; define one-man-one-woman marriage.
Dave Freudenthal: No affirmative action in state contracts nor colleges.
Keith Goodenough: Wyoming is worst state in terms of pay equity for women.
Mary Throne: Gender wage gap must be addressed.
Mary Throne: Stood alone in sole support of LGBTQ discrimination ban.
Merav Ben-David: Systemic racism prevalent in America.
Michael Enzi: We need civility for gays; not more laws.
Tim Chesnut: Civil unions ok; same-sex marriage ok.
Tim Chesnut: No Affirmative Action in state-based decisions.
Yana Ludwig: Increase protections for the LGBTQIA community.
Yana Ludwig: Reparations for our Indigenous populations.
Yana Ludwig: More talk about LGBTQ issues.
Mark Gordon: Defend Wyoming values of limited government and low taxes.
Matt Mead: Continue the manufacturing sales tax exemption.
Tim Chesnut: Maintain capital gains tax & corporate tax rates.
Yana Ludwig: Socialism instead of trying to make capitalism nicer.
Bill Dahlin: Rehabilitate prisoners instead of warehousing them.
Charlie Hardy: Reform the injustice of the criminal justice system.
Dave Freudenthal: Provide prisoner job rehabilitation & alternative sentencing.
Dave Freudenthal: Support the death penalty.
Dave Freudenthal: $50M for separate facilities for juveniles.
Mark Gordon: More funding for local police and sheriff's offices.
Matt Mead: Wyoming has 4th lowest rate of violent crimes.
Tim Chesnut: No parole for repeat offenders; but at-risk programs too.
Yana Ludwig: Founded Proper Policing group after police shooting.
Mark Gordon: Create Ashanti Alert System for notice of missing adults .
Bill Dahlin: Industrial hemp could help Wyoming farmers profit.
Charlie Hardy: Legalize marijuana.
Chris Rothfuss: Voted NO on allowing property forfeiture in drug cases.
Jim Geringer: Supports drug courts & breaking the drug cycle.
Keith Goodenough: DARE-style programs to educate kids about drugs and violence.
Mary Throne: Voted NO on allowing property forfeiture in drug cases.
Matt Mead: Narcotic prescriptions abused more than illegal drugs.
Matt Mead: Allow property forfeiture in drug cases.
Tim Chesnut: Decriminalize marijuana possession & medical marijuana.
Bill Dahlin: Talk to educators: children are our future.
Charlie Hardy: Substitute teacher in high schools to maintain youth contact.
Chris Rothfuss: Don't exempt private schools from zoning authority.
Cynthia Lummis: Private sector should take over the student loan market.
Dave Freudenthal: Increase teacher salaries & school infrastructure spending.
Dave Freudenthal: Teach both abstinence AND contraceptives in sex ed.
Dave Freudenthal: Base cuts on valuation of projects, & keep building schools.
Gary Trauner: Make education more viable and less expensive.
Gary Trauner: Vibrant and comprehensive public school system.
Jim Geringer: $10M per year for college merit scholarships.
Jim Geringer: $26M for professional and vocational skills training.
Jim Geringer: Reform Charter School law to allow real parental choice.
Mark Gordon: Focus on efficiency studies; ensure teachers are well paid.
Mark Gordon: Wyoming Works: tech education to enable nimble workforce.
Mark Gordon: Enacted exemption for private schools from zoning authority.
Mary Throne: Strengthen our education system for our children.
Matt Mead: Charter schools provide new ideas for traditional schools.
Matt Mead: No federal curriculum standards; keep Wyoming standards.
Merav Ben-David: Use federal law to support education, reduce student debt.
Tim Chesnut: More teachers; more capital funding; and higher salaries.
Energy & Oil
Bill Dahlin: I love coal and the energy sector.
Chris Rothfuss: Explore carbon engineering; adapt infrastructure after coal.
Chris Rothfuss: Encourage sale of coal-fired power plants to keep in use.
Dave Freudenthal: We have doubled the take-away capacity of natural gas.
Gary Trauner: Develop clean energy sources as an essential goal.
Gary Trauner: Diversify into renewables from coal and natural gas.
Jim Geringer: Expand energy infrastructure & exploration.
Liz Cheney: What should be done about climate change? Nothing!
Mark Gordon: Protect energy sources with eye on future technologies.
Mark Gordon: Coal for decades to come, so let's improve usage.
Mark Gordon: Make Wyoming a leader in advancing carbon sequestration.
Mark Gordon: Others vilify fossil fuels--not on my watch!
Mark Gordon: Lower severance taxes on natural gas industry.
Mark Gordon: Encourage sale of coal-fired power plants to keep in use.
Mark Gordon: Crazed pursuit of 100% green energy will cripple the nation.
Mark Gordon: Coal will help make Wyoming net negative in CO2 emissions.
Mark Gordon: Needn't choose between fossil fuels or new types of energy.
Mary Throne: Multiple sources for energy; not an "either or" situation.
Matt Mead: Export wind energy, build wind turbines here.
Matt Mead: Skeptical about man-made global warming; support oil & gas.
Matt Mead: $10M prize for making a useful product from captured CO2.
Merav Ben-David: Green energy can fuel Wyoming's future with good jobs.
Tim Chesnut: Promote increased use of alternative fuels.
Yana Ludwig: See the realities of climate disruption unflinchingly.
Mark Gordon: It is undeniable that coal remains a vital fuel source.
Bill Dahlin: State can handle mineral/energy use; won't hurt environment.
Charlie Hardy: Invest in environmentally-responsible infrastructure.
Dave Freudenthal: One year moratorium on eminent domain for wind power-lines.
Gary Trauner: Find balance between protecting environment & developing it.
Mark Gordon: We understand responsibility of stewardship AND development.
Mark Gordon: Research controlling invasive species at state colleges & UW.
Mark Gordon: Allow a few corridors for big game migration.
Mary Throne: States can regulate environment and energy policies alone.
Matt Mead: Mineral production resources equate to tremendous value.
Matt Mead: With courts wolf management, winners are lawyers & wolves.
Matt Mead: Improve Endangered Species Act: only 1% ever got delisted.
Merav Ben-David: Yes to stronger environmental regulations.
Michael Enzi: Bring Abandoned Mine Lands funding back to the state.
Yana Ludwig: Restore basic ecological protections and public lands.
Mark Gordon: More than 30 lawsuits challenging federal overreach.
Families & Children
Charlie Hardy: Many parents worry about not providing for their children.
Mark Gordon: Culture has lost track of old fashioned American values.
Matt Mead: Fund Boys' School; elderly-at-home; & Life Resource Center.
Foreign Policy
Charlie Hardy: Served as Catholic missionary in South America.
Charlie Hardy: Goal of foreign policy should be to make friends.
Liz Cheney: Isolationism is a mistake; ignoring threats is dangerous.
Liz Cheney: 1988: Nobody listens to divestment protests on apartheid.
Liz Cheney: 1988: Help South African blacks, but not by empty protests.
Merav Ben-David: Climate change connected to fate of Middle East.
Merav Ben-David: Against Israeli government's Palestinian policies.
Free Trade
Cynthia Lummis: Opposes Trade Promotion Authority; it's politically-driven.
Cynthia Lummis: Fair trade agreements focus on Wyoming exports.
Gary Trauner: Negotiate fair trade deals for everyone.
John Barrasso: Supports USMCA trade agreement to replace NAFTA.
Mark Gordon: Level the playing field for oil, gas, and mineral exports.
Mark Gordon: Establish trade offices in Taiwan, Japan, and across Asia.
Matt Mead: Our state is not an island; compete in global market.
Government Reform
Dave Freudenthal: Limit campaign contributions but not campaign spending.
Gary Trauner: Stop the harmful lobbying games with government.
Gary Trauner: Work hard to take the stink out of bad policies & laws.
Mark Gordon: One-time bonus to retain state employees.
Mark Gordon: We enacted strong voter ID law, election integrity critical.
Matt Mead: 6% reduction for most agencies; 10% for Governor's Office.
Merav Ben-David: Need to pass HEROES Act to get through COVID.
Tim Chesnut: Spending limits on state level political campaigns.
Gun Control
Bill Dahlin: Supports the Second Amendment and owns an AR15.
Charlie Hardy: Don't arm felons nor teachers, but all others ok.
Cynthia Lummis: Fundamental right to own, carry, and use guns.
Dave Freudenthal: Ease state gun restrictions.
Dick Cheney: Trigger locks OK, and tougher enforcement.
Gary Trauner: Defends gun ownership but wants logical background checks.
Gary Trauner: Steadfastly and resolutely support Second Amendment.
Mark Gordon: Pro-family, pro-guns and conservatives.
Mark Gordon: Lifelong member of the NRA; defender of the 2nd Amendment.
Mark Gordon: Disarm students immediately when they bring guns to school.
Mary Throne: Pro-gun but not unrestricted access.
Matt Mead: New initiative for public shooting ranges.
Tim Chesnut: Enforce existing laws; require child-safety locks.
Yana Ludwig: Control guns in the context of police reform.
Health Care
Bill Dahlin: No Medicaid expansion; let Washington fix it.
Charlie Hardy: There are sick people unable to get medical attention.
Charlie Hardy: ObamaCare is a step in the right direction.
Charlie Hardy: I am in favor of single-payer health insurance.
Charlie Hardy: Health care is an inalienable right.
Dave Freudenthal: Health reform is not creeping socialism; let's try a pilot.
Gary Trauner: Allow importation of lower cost drugs.
Gary Trauner: Everyday citizens deserve same health care as Congress gets.
Gary Trauner: Politicians have failed young people on healthcare.
Jim Geringer: More funding for prescription drugs & senior care.
Mary Throne: Expand Medicaid: a no-brainer answer to cover more people.
Keith Goodenough: Responsibility to deal with the chronically mentally ill.
Liz Cheney: Republicans who compromised on ObamaCare got used by Obama.
Liz Cheney: Can't salvage any of ObamaCare, but costs are out of control.
Mark Gordon: Competition and personal responsibility, not single-payer.
Mark Gordon: Craft a state-led course on healthcare.
Mark Gordon: Improve mental health care; launch in-state suicide hotline.
Mark Gordon: Signed legislation extending Wyoming's health insurance pool.
Mark Gordon: Kept state "open for business" during pandemic.
Matt Mead: Establish litigation fund to join lawsuit against ObamaCare.
Matt Mead: ObamaCare is not good policy; but we must act on it.
Matt Mead: ObamaCare is law of the land; let's decide on an Exchange.
Merav Ben-David: Supports single-payer, universal health care.
Merav Ben-David: Strongly supports expanded Medicaid, universal health care.
Theresa Livingston: Medicaid expansion would be No. 1 priority as governor.
Tim Chesnut: State-funded access to basic health care.
Yana Ludwig: Universal healthcare guarantee; deprivatize health insurance.
Yana Ludwig: Supports birth control and abortion on demand.
Yana Ludwig: Legalize marijuana; wipe out incarceration records.
Mark Gordon: Strong "no" on Medicaid expansion; led charge in legislature.
Mark Gordon: COVID-19 public health orders were balanced .
Rex Rammell: No on Medicaid expansion: we're addicted to federal money.
Rex Rammell: COVID-19 restrictions went too far & overreached authority.
Homeland Security
Charlie Hardy: Establish "peace bases" with a smaller military.
Cynthia Lummis: Prohibit transfer of anyone detained at Guantanamo Bay.
Cynthia Lummis: Our national defense must be the strongest in the world.
Dave Freudenthal: $1.9M for Military Assistance Trust Fund.
Gary Trauner: We don't need government prying into our everyday lives.
Gary Trauner: Fight to remove the political manipulations on veterans.
Liz Cheney: Obama doesn't believe in American exceptionalism; I do.
Liz Cheney: Balance liberty & security, but don't shut down NSA spying.
Liz Cheney: Radical Islamic terrorism threat grows if we do nothing.
Mark Gordon: Provide a national defense second to none.
Mark Gordon: Establish Wyoming's first Veterans Skilled Nursing facility.
Mark Gordon: We will partner with other states to address veteran suicide.
Mark Gordon: Proud Wyoming remains critical component of nuclear triad.
Matt Mead: Pay tribute to all people in uniform.
Matt Mead: Long-term commitment for veteran's tuition waiver.
Charlie Hardy: Current deportation policy wastes money & does no real good.
Cynthia Lummis: Path forward for legal immigrants + wall on southern border.
Gary Trauner: We must be able to determine who legally enter our borders.
Gary Trauner: Remember our immigrant roots and have compassion.
Gary Trauner: Protect DREAMers; allow refugees; continue existing vetting.
Gary Trauner: America was built by immigrants, who were once unwelcome.
Mark Gordon: Enforce the law; deport the criminals; secure the borders.
Mark Gordon: Reform temporary work visas so they work for businesses.
Michael Enzi: Abandon comprehensive reform; focus on guest workers.
Bill Dahlin: People leaving to seek out-of-state jobs; remedy needed.
Charlie Hardy: Raising the minimum wage reduces need for welfare.
Charlie Hardy: Raise the minimum wage.
Gary Trauner: Work to level the playing field for regular workers.
Mark Gordon: Train workforce to meet the needs of today and tomorrow.
Matt Mead: Wyoming unemployment at 5.8% while nation over 8%.
Merav Ben-David: Implement Federal Job Guarantee program for unemployed.
Tim Chesnut: Increase the state minimum wage.
Yana Ludwig: Supports locally grounded worker-owned cooperatives.
Principles & Values
Charlie Hardy: Take to DC the Wyoming tradition of cooperation & compassion.
Charlie Hardy: Finished 10K road race in 28,580th place.
Charlie Hardy: Served as priest in South America for 25 years.
Charlie Hardy: Run with Charlie: challenges Enzi to debate & road race.
Cynthia Lummis: Uphold our religious freedoms; faith guides my decisions.
Gary Trauner: Constitution about granting rights, not about discriminating.
Gary Trauner: We don't need government telling us where to worship.
Jim Geringer: Focus on building Wyoming's capacity to grow.
Liz Cheney: Carpetbagger from D.C.? No, experienced at cutting agencies.
Liz Cheney: It's time for a new generation of people willing to lead.
Liz Cheney: Next election decides social democracy vs. fighting back.
Liz Cheney: NRSC, Enzi, & "Old Guard" are 100% for incumbent-protection.
Mark Gordon: Widower with two daughters; married single mom with two sons.
Mark Gordon: We always stand for our national anthem in Wyoming.
Mark Gordon: Right now, the world needs more cowboys.
Matt Mead: First Lady Carol works on literacy via Eat.Read.Grow program.
Merav Ben-David: Will confirm qualified nominees for government positions.
Michael Enzi: FactCheck: Gets higher percent from PACs than any Senator.
Mark Gordon: Something about our western culture is simply extraordinary.
Social Security
Bill Dahlin: Does not want Medicare or Social Security jeopardized.
Cynthia Lummis: Comprehensive overhaul of both Medicare & Social Security.
Dave Freudenthal: $48M for state retirement fund, but employees must pay more.
Gary Trauner: Social Security is not an entitlement but an earned benefit.
Tax Reform
Bill Dahlin: Taxes shouldn't be the "go to" in bust times: must diversify.
Gary Trauner: Wealthy need to pay their fair share; no more tax dodging.
Jim Geringer: One-year 1/2% reduction in sales tax.
Mark Gordon: Reorganize government instead of raising taxes.
Matt Mead: Wyoming is #1 state for good tax climate.
Mark Gordon: $1M to extend the Property Tax Refund Program for a year.
Charlie Hardy: Invest in public transit.
Gary Trauner: Strong proponent to keep "Net Neutrality" in place.
John Barrasso: America's Water Infrastructure Act :good for entire nation.
Liz Cheney: Internet sales tax is just another way to tax people more.
Mark Gordon: Support Blockchain technology: uptick in trust companies.
Mark Gordon: Improve broadband internet for rural tele-health & more.
Matt Mead: Additional $52 M in highway funding.
Matt Mead: Recruit mega data centers: we have the weather & the land.
Matt Mead: Diversify Wyoming economy with petaflop supercomputer.
Matt Mead: Expand state teleconferencing & state cloud computing.
War & Peace
Cynthia Lummis: Keep sanctions on Iran; no nuke deal.
Liz Cheney: Liberate nations that have been havens for terror.
Liz Cheney: Iran & North Korea understand nothing but power & strength.
Liz Cheney: ISIS: Rarely has a president been so wrong.
Welfare & Poverty
Charlie Hardy: 30,000 children in Wyoming won't eat three meals today.
Charlie Hardy: Minimum wage increase will help lift people out of poverty.
Jim Geringer: Work First: move families to self-sufficiency.
Tim Chesnut: Training, transport, & subsidies for welfare recipients.