State of Minnesota Archives: on Families & Children
Mike Murphy:
Government should support and strengthen the family unit
Family is the foundation of our American society. Parents--not governments--have the most direct and immediate impact on a child's health, education, and welfare.
Our communities, schools, government, and society will never succeed if we do not have healthy and vibrant families. Mike believes government policies should support and strengthen the family unit.
Source: 2022 Minnesota governor campaign website
Feb 16, 2021
Jeff Johnson:
Gay "contractual unions" for hospital visits & inheritance
Q: Support gay marriage?Jeff Johnson (R): No. But supports "contractual unions" for hospital visitation,
inheritance or end-of-life decisions.
Tim Walz (D): Yes. Has campaigned for "full marriage equality" since 2005.
Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Minnesota Governor race
Oct 9, 2018
Tim Walz:
Full marriage equality for same-sex couples
Q: Support gay marriage?Jeff Johnson (R): No. But supports "contractual unions" for hospital visitation,
inheritance or end-of-life decisions.
Tim Walz (D): Yes. Has campaigned for "full marriage equality" since 2005.
Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Minnesota Governor race
Oct 9, 2018
Lori Swanson:
Find options to make childcare affordable
There are at least 600K Minnesota families with a child age 12 or younger, many of whom rely on child care providers. But the average annual cost of childcare at a center can be up to $16,000 per year. Many middle-class and low-income families simply
cannot afford childcare. We need to do better: We should consider common-sense licensure reforms to make it easier to start a childcare business and cheaper to operate one, while making sure to adequately protect children in the care of others.
Source: 2018 Minnesota governor campaign website
Jul 4, 2018
Karin Housley:
If women are empowered and independent they don't need laws
"I think sometimes when we legislate to help women, we actually aren't helping them," Housley said. "I think it's more what I like to do with women, is just really empower them to be strong and independent and not do it through laws." She said that
education is also key,given that Minnesota has "a lot of different cultures.""And just being a strong independent woman is much more important than legislating anything to help women out," she said.
Source: Huffington Post on 2017-8 Minnesota special election
Apr 27, 2018
Tina Liebling:
High quality child care is essential for work
Every Minnesota child--without exception--deserves the best possible start in life. High quality child care is essential for many Minnesota families. Parents can't focus on work or school unless they know their children are in a safe and supportive
place, but high quality child care is in short supply and too often unaffordable.We must support many models of child care--from home day care to Head Start--so families have convenient and high quality options.
Minnesota has a Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) to help more working parents afford the cost, but it is underfunded and leaves many struggling families without help.
Building an excellent, affordable system of day care and support for our youngest kids is one of the most important things Minnesota can do for our future.
Source: 2018 Minnesota governor campaign website
May 2, 2017
Heather Johnson:
Politics is not my passion; it's my God, my kids & family
Seeing that our nation's founding principles of liberty and freedom from oppression are far from the reality in today's political landscape, I answered the call. I am not a career politician. It is not my primary goal in life nor my greatest passion.
My passion is my God, my kids and family, writing, friendship and my boyfriend, music, art, science, learning, dancing, and living every moment I have the way that I want to live, enjoying the fruits of my mind and labor the way I see fit.
Source: 2014 Minnesota Senate campaign website, "Platform"
Jul 31, 2014
Michelle Fischbach:
Define marriage as one-man-one-woman
Legislative Summary:Constitutional amendment to recognize marriage solely between one man and one womanA section shall be added to the Minnesota Constitution article XIII, to read:- Only a union of one man and one woman shall be
valid or recognized as a marriage in Minnesota.
- The proposed amendment must be submitted to the people at the 2012 general election as: "Shall the Minnesota Constitution be amended to provide that only a union of one man and one woman shall be valid
or recognized as a marriage in Minnesota?"
Legislative Outcome:Passed House 70-62-2 on May 21, 2011; passed Senate 38-27-2 on May 11, 2011; State Sen. Michelle Fischbach voted YEA;
Gov. Dayton spoke at "Vote No" rallies; "Amendment 1" failed to pass in general election on Nov. 6, 2012, by a vote of 52% to 48%.
Source: BillTrack50 on Minnesota legislative voting records
May 21, 2011
Page last updated: Oct 13, 2021