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State of New Hampshire secondary Archives: on Families & Children

Chris Sununu: More home-care funding ultimately lowers the cost of care

Q: What would you do to improve access to respite care so that more family caregivers can take a break from their caregiving duties & continue their caregiving responsibilities?

Chris Sununu: I believe increases in home-care funding ultimately lowers the cost of care. We need to recruit & retain caregivers so that we have the resources necessary to support the care that's required. I'll work to retain skilled nurses & caregivers in NH after graduation, ensuring we have the resources to provide family caregivers breaks from their duties. Incentivizing recent graduates to enter the field of respite care will improve access, increase competition & lower costs. Family caregivers should have access to funding, which provides a familiar level of comfort for seniors who may prefer a family member's caregiving.

Colin Van Ostern: I support New Hampshire's policy of including respite care as a covered benefit under Medicaid and would oppose any attempts by the legislature to eliminate funding.

Source: AARP Voter Guide on 2016 New Hampshire Gubernatorial race Oct 31, 2016

Chris Sununu: Focus on kids in foster care, instead of paperwork

I also believe we must reform our foster care system. We must ensure that our system is one that attracts and retains those caring families who extend their homes and hearts to foster children. And once we retain them, let's get governmental bureaucracy out of their way so they can focus their attention on the children and not waste their time dealing with paperwork.
Source: 2019 State of the State address to New Hampshire legislature Jan 3, 2019

Chris Sununu: Paid medical leave can be done without an income tax

Paid family medical leave: it can and must be done without an income tax. This pandemic has highlighted how vital a program like this can be. And this budget introduces legislation for a voluntary paid family medical leave plan that expands access, benefiting all State Employees, which will lower premiums for private companies and individuals, if they want to buy into this incredibly important program.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address: New Hampshire legislature Feb 11, 2021

Colin Van Ostern: Include respite care for family caregivers

Q: What would you do to improve access to respite care so that more family caregivers can take a break from their caregiving duties and continue their caregiving responsibilities?

Colin Van Ostern: I understand how important it is for a family member who is providing care to be able to take a break and be confident that their loved one is properly being cared for. It's essential for enabling seniors to stay in their homes and out of nursing homes. I support New Hampshire's policy of including respite care as a covered benefit under Medicaid and would oppose any attempts by the legislature to eliminate funding for respite care. We must also look at potential opportunities for tax relief and deductions for those serving as caregivers.

Chris Sununu: I believe increases in home-care funding ultimately lowers the cost of care. Family caregivers should have access to funding, for seniors who may prefer a family member's caregiving.

Source: AARP Voter Guide on 2016 New Hampshire Gubernatorial race Oct 31, 2016

Dan Feltes: Public-private partnership for paid family and medical leave

Feltes said Senate Democrats [in the N.H. state Senate] will instead be prioritizing the opioid epidemic, mental health, child protection, infrastructure, affordable child care, affordable and workforce housing and education. "Senate Democrats know it shouldn't be so expensive to live and raise a family in New Hampshire," Feltes said. "Our economy should work for working families--not just the wealthy. We're all better off when every Granite Stater has the tools to build a good life, including a living wage, affordable education and job training, and paid family and medical leave."

He said this year's paid family and medical leave proposal is a public-private partnership. Moreover, Soucy will continue her fight to establish and raise a New Hampshire minimum wage by submitting legislation for the seventh year in a row.

Source: Nashua Telegraph on 2020 New Hampshire Gubernatorial race Jan 3, 2019

Dan Feltes: Hire more DCYF caseworkers for family services

Feltes said the Division for Children, Youth & Families needs more employees because, he said, caseworkers are overwhelmed.

"The average caseload of a DCYF caseworker is supposed to be around 12 cases," Feltes said. "Currently, caseworkers in New Hampshire are handling caseloads of up to 40 or more."

Source: Nashua Telegraph on 2020 New Hampshire Gubernatorial race Jan 3, 2019

Dan Feltes: Stop any effort to backslide on marriage equality

Dan will work to stop any effort to backslide on marriage equality. The government should not deny the personal marriage relationship between two loving adults. The simple fact is this: New Hampshire is a better place for having marriage equality.
Source: 2020 New Hampshire governor campaign website Jan 1, 2014

Jilletta Jarvis: Family & medical leave is insolvent even when mandatory

In all the states that have tried to pass Family & Medical Leave, it has been insolvent. Those states all have mandatory participation and they still cannot fund this effort. In the over 5 years since Washington passed the bill they have yet to make it pay for itself. I have not yet seen a program that works except the voluntary programs run by businesses.
Source: WMUR Manchester on 2018 New Hampshire gubernatorial race Aug 20, 2018

Maggie Hassan: Fought for right to education for son with cerebral palsy

A dozen years before running for governor, Maggie Hassan got her start in public service at the invitation of then-Gov. Jeanne Shaheen, the woman she now hopes to serve alongside in the US Senate. A lawyer at the time, Hassan caught Shaheen's eye for her advocacy work on behalf of children with disabilities, including her son Ben. Now 27, Ben was born with cerebral palsy and cannot walk or speak. Hassan believed he and children like him should have the same access as any child to a good education--and she fought for it.

Shaheen appointed Hassan to a state commission on education funding. Hassan's advocacy work prompted Democrats to encourage her to run for state Senate, winning a seat in 2004.

In the journey from parent advocate to US Senate candidate, Hassan's home life has helped shape her political philosophy. "I really began to realize it was families like ours, and advocates for those families and elected leaders, public servants, who really made change happen," Hassan said.

Source: ABC News on 2016 New Hampshire Senate race Oct 6, 2015

Maggie Hassan: Joshua's Law:easier to prosecute domestic violence attackers

Source: on 2014 New Hampshire Gubernatorial incumbents Oct 30, 2014

Maggie Hassan: Hassan bill preventing child abuse passes Senate

The U.S. Senate has passed a new bipartisan bill from Sen. Maggie Hassan that focuses on preventing child abuse. In a statement, Hassan said, in part: "This bipartisan bill will help ensure that adults working with children can spot the signs of abuse--and act to address it--and help young people know what to do if they are experiencing abuse or hear that a friend is in trouble. Our bill will help to save children's lives, and I urge the House to quickly pass this bill."
Source: WCAX on 2022 New Hampshire Senate race Aug 5, 2022

Molly Kelly: Supports and will sign for paid family and medical leave

As governor, I will: Sign paid family and medical leave that will allow everyone to be with their loved ones in times of need, such as new parents or when family members experience a medical crisis; Pass legislation requiring businesses to give adequate notice to employees on schedule changes so that families can plan for child care.
Source: 2018 New Hampshire Governor campaign website Oct 9, 2018

Rick Santorum: Gay adoption is a state issue; no federal ban

Q: We're in a state where it is legal for same-sex couples to marry. Your position on same-sex adoption?

SANTORUM: Well, this isn't a federal issue. It's a state issue, number one. The states can make that determination. I believe the issue of marriage itself is a federal issue. If we don't have a federal law [on marriage], I'm certainly not going to have a federal law that bans adoption for gay couples when there are only gay couples in certain states. So this is a state issue, not a federal issue.

Source: WMUR 2012 GOP New Hampshire debate Jan 7, 2012

Rick Santorum: Address breakdown of American family from bully pulpit

Q: The presidency is often called the bully pulpit. How would you use the bully pulpit to try to shape American culture?

SANTORUM: I haven't written a lot of books, I've written one: in response to a book written by Hillary Clinton called, "It Takes a Village." I didn't agree with that. I believe it takes a family, and that's what I wrote. And I believe that there's one thing that is undermining this country, and it is the breakdown of the American family. It's undermining our economy, and you see the higher rates of poverty among single parent families. We know there's certain things that work in America. If you graduate from high school, and if you work, and if you marry before you have children, you have a 2% chance of being in poverty in America. And to be above the median income, if you do those three things, 77% chance of being above the median income. Why isn't the president talking about that and trying to formulate policy to help people do those things?

Source: Meet the Press 2012 GOP New Hampshire debate Jan 8, 2012

Steve Marchand: Make NH the best state to start a family & start a business

Q: What challenges for New Hampshirites will your campaign address?

Marchand: Our mission is to be the best state in America to start a family and to start a business. I think our two biggest challenges to thrive in the next few years is we need to get younger, and we need to get more entrepreneurial and nimble as an economy. I don't believe the policies that our current governor pursued would move us toward a younger and more entrepreneurial economy. I want to get us in the right direction.

Source: N.H. Journal on 2018 New Hampshire gubernatorial race Apr 24, 2017

  • The above quotations are from State of New Hampshire Politicians: secondary Archives.
  • Click here for definitions & background information on Families & Children.
  • Click here for other issues (main summary page).
2016 Presidential contenders on Families & Children:
Gov.Jeb Bush(FL)
Dr.Ben Carson(MD)
Gov.Chris Christie(NJ)
Sen.Ted Cruz(TX)
Carly Fiorina(CA)
Gov.Jim Gilmore(VA)
Sen.Lindsey Graham(SC)
Gov.Mike Huckabee(AR)
Gov.Bobby Jindal(LA)
Gov.John Kasich(OH)
Gov.Sarah Palin(AK)
Gov.George Pataki(NY)
Sen.Rand Paul(KY)
Gov.Rick Perry(TX)
Sen.Rob Portman(OH)
Sen.Marco Rubio(FL)
Sen.Rick Santorum(PA)
Donald Trump(NY)
Gov.Scott Walker(WI)
Gov.Lincoln Chafee(RI)
Secy.Hillary Clinton(NY)
V.P.Joe Biden(DE)
Gov.Martin O`Malley(MD)
Sen.Bernie Sanders(VT)
Sen.Elizabeth Warren(MA)
Sen.Jim Webb(VA)

2016 Third Party Candidates:
Gov.Gary Johnson(L-NM)
Roseanne Barr(PF-HI)
Robert Steele(L-NY)
Dr.Jill Stein(G,MA)
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