Now is the time to implement a managed care system
Now is the time to put this effort in place, including a managed care system similar to the ones 25 other states are using to integrate care across the entire spectrum to make it easier for families to navigate and drive outcomes in a transparent and
accountable way. And for our eligible Hoosiers, we're fortunate that our Healthy Indiana Plan recently received a 10-year federal waiver to cover the 600,000 Hoosiers who are active participants in improving their health outcomes.
[OnTheIssues editor's note: a "managed care system" means partial privatization via MCOs; definition from]: "Managed Care is a health care delivery system organized to manage cost, utilization, and quality. Medicaid managed care provides
for the delivery of Medicaid health benefits and additional services through contracted arrangements between state Medicaid agencies and managed care organizations (MCOs) that accept a set per member per month (capitation) payment for these services."
Indiana regularly ranks among the worst states in the nation for infant mortality, lagging behind the national average and that of our Midwestern neighbors. Six hundred twenty-three babies didn't live past the age of one in Indiana in 2016: 623.
We'll take an important step this year by working with you to implement a Levels of Care program to assure that the highest-risk babies are delivered at hospitals with the facilities to meet the needs of the mother and the baby.
Source: 2018 Indiana State of the State address
, Jan 9, 2018
New Medicaid waiver for Structured Family Caregiving
Q: How will you help expand Indiana seniors' access to quality services provided at home in the community (HCBS)?
Eric J. Holcomb: Hoosiers are entering their retirement years in record numbers, and they are expected to live longer than ever before.
As has always been the case, many will turn to family or others to provide them with care. These unpaid caregivers face emotional, financial, and physical challenges unappreciated by most of us. Under my administration, I will instruct the Indiana
Division of Aging to continue a new Medicaid waiver service called Structured Family Caregiving (SFC). The caregivers in this model, frequently family members, are paid and supported by a Medicaid certified SFC provider.
John R. Gregg: As Governor
I will protect the CHOICE program and work to increase matching funds to utilize more Medicaid Aged and Disabled Waivers so more folks can stay in their homes and independent.
ObamaCare was the wrong answer to a national problem
Holcomb said, "Those of us who feel that the Affordable Care Act was the wrong answer to a national problem just can't continue talking about what we're against; we now have to present what we're for.
We need the federal government--the Congress and the president--to give states the flexibility to offer alternative solutions. That's what I will fight for in order to make America safer, stronger and freer for generations to come."
Source: Journal-Gazette on 2016 Indiana governor race
, Aug 16, 2015