Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
Survey of 2020 Senate campaign websites
 (Click for external website)
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Lauren Witzke: Life begins at conception; constitutional change necessary.
Mark Ronchetti: Unborn babies just happen to be living inside their mother.
Abby Broyles: Women are capable of making their own health care decisions.
Ben Ray Lujan: Ensure that abortion remains safe and legal.
Jason Lewis: Pro-life; endorsed by Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life.
Jon Ossoff: Will only vote to confirm judges who will uphold Roe v. Wade.
Charles Booker: Women have the right to choose; Roe v. Wade must be upheld.
Jo Rae Perkins: Strong pro-life from womb to tomb.
Roger Marshall: Believes life begins at conception and should be protected.
Hirsh Singh: New Jersey should promote a philosophy of life, not death.
Cal Cunningham: Politicians have no place between woman and her doctor.
Sara Gideon: Protect & expand access to women's reproductive care.
Matt Lieberman: A woman's body is not the property of the state.
John Merrill: In Alabama legislature worked on laws protecting the unborn.
Theresa Greenfield: Women should have access to safe affordable health care.
Dave Lindstrom: Led local fight against funding Planned Parenthood.
Barbara Bollier: Protect women's privacy in their medical decisions.
Michael Franken: Codify Roe v. Wade; fully fund Planned Parenthood.
Raphael Warnock: Supports Roe and a woman's right to choose.
Steve Carlson: Abortion is population control, not healthcare.
Rik Mehta: Protect unborn children from the moment of conception.
Eddie Mauro: Fundamental right to make one's own health care decisions.
Gloria Bromell Tinubu: Protect reproductive rights.
Antoine Pierce: Protect women's rights & autonomy.
MJ Hegar: Politicians shouldn't legislate a woman's intimate decisions.
Mark Kelly: Supports every woman's right to choose.
Kimberly Graham: Defend Roe v. Wade.
Manny Sethi: A strong supporter of the Heartbeat Bill.
Sema Hernandez: Support Supreme Court nominees who will uphold Roe v. Wade.
Teresa Tomlinson: A woman is the sole fiduciary of her body and any pregnancy.
Tommy Tuberville: Current wave of infanticide is this generation's holocaust.
Chris Janicek: I believe it is the woman's right to choose.
Dave Lindstrom: Committed to culture of life; opposes late-term abortions.
Bill Hagerty: Vehemently opposes taxpayer funds for abortion.
Paul Romero: Defund Planned Parenthood.
Bill O`Brien: I will support a culture of life.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Women, not politicians, should decide reproductive rights.
Royce West: A woman has the right to make decisions about her body.
Jessica Scarane: Protect and expand abortion rights.
Jessica Scarane: Protect and expand abortion rights.
Al Gross: Will defend right to choose & reproductive healthcare.
Doug Collins: Has cosponsored numerous bills to champion life.
Matt Lieberman: Opposes Georgia abortion law; supports Roe v. Wade.
James Mackler: Woman's medical decisions should be between her & her doctor.
Jake LaTurner: Innocent unborn children are among our most vulnerable.
John Walsh: Fight against laws banning nearly all abortions.
Bill Cassidy: Religion plays vital role; this includes protecting unborn.
Budget & Economy
Mark Ronchetti: COVID: Responsibly re-open economy, help small businesses.
Marquita Bradshaw: Raise minimum wage to $15/hr; end "Right to Work".
James DeMartino: Stalwart for cost effective modernization of infrastructure.
Jo Rae Perkins: End out of control spending, cut bloated federal agencies.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Modernize roadways, bridges, water systems; expand broadband.
Jon Ossoff: Upgraded infrastructure foundation for decades of prosperity.
Jon Ossoff: Investment in infrastructure is overdue.
Paulette Jordan: Invest in infrastructure while interest rates are low.
Mike Espy: Congress must help local governments with revenue shortfalls.
Mike Espy: Support small business especially minority/LGBTQ/women owned.
Shiva Ayyadurai: Budgetary transparency will lead to infrastructure spending.
Roger Marshall: Lower taxes & decreased regulation for American greatness.
Kelly Loeffler: Proud to champion President Trump's economic agenda.
Kelly Loeffler: Reduce the Democrats' reckless spending agenda.
Scyller Borglum: Not a revenue problem; a spending problem.
Dave Lindstrom: Growth in regulations affects ability to create jobs.
Barbara Bollier: Infrastructure key to rural Kansas, including broadband.
Barbara Bollier: Work to increase transparency in budgeting process.
Michael Franken: Invest in infrastructure on scale of building of interstates.
Rik Mehta: Supports a balanced budget amendment.
Don Bolduc: Federal government should not pick winners and losers.
Mark Kelly: End tax breaks for super wealthy; invest in infrastructure.
Teresa Tomlinson: Invest in infrastructure for rural farmers.
Bill Hagerty: Work to get government out of the way of business.
Bill Hagerty: Won't raise taxes; committed to cutting spending.
Royce West: End predatory lending practices.
Jaime Harrison: Push for aggressive infrastructure investment.
Doug Collins: Requiring balanced budget necessary, commonsense step.
Civil Rights
Chris Van Hollen: Remove Confederate names from military bases.
Marquita Bradshaw: Against overturning rights, especially of LGBTQ+.
Ben Ray Lujan: Voted for Equality Act, expanded Violence Against Women Act.
Ben Ray Lujan: Create true partnerships with Tribal communities.
Jason Lewis: Prohibiting worship during lockdown restricts freedom.
Jon Ossoff: For Equality Act, opposes any military ban.
Mike Espy: Make it easier for qualified voters to vote during pandemic.
Hirsh Singh: People free to be themselves; don't force it upon us.
Cal Cunningham: Restore Voting Rights Act; for automatic voter registration.
Matt Lieberman: Supports Stacey Abrams' plan for secure and fair elections.
Theresa Greenfield: Supports Equality Act prohibiting discrimination.
Barbara Bollier: Pass Equality Act; end ban on trans service members.
Michael Franken: Ignored "Don't Ask Don't Tell" as admiral; protected sailors.
Raphael Warnock: No such thing as equal rights for some; yes to Equality Act.
Eddie Mauro: Pass a 21st century Equal Rights Amendment.
Gloria Bromell Tinubu: Supports ERA & reparations for Jim Crow/slavery.
Antoine Pierce: End voter suppression policies & Citizens United.
Kimberly Graham: End the sub-minimum wage for individuals with disabilities.
Kimberly Graham: Expand tribal jurisdiction over sexual assault cases.
Kimberly Graham: Support federal anti-discrimination law for LGBTQ.
Sema Hernandez: End discrimination for sexual orientation & gender identity.
Sema Hernandez: End the exploitation of Native Americans.
Teresa Tomlinson: Expand Voting Rights Act; end voter suppression.
Wilmot Collins: Go further than Overturning Citizens United decision.
Daniel Gade: Right to live in accordance with our religious principles.
Paul Romero: American, Veteran, father, Oregonian and Christian.
Paul Romero: Against "extra equality for groups".
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Defend LGBTQ+ Rights, supports protective laws.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Combat White Supremacy and hate crimes.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Pass Voting Rights Advancement Act, make elections a holiday.
Royce West: Every person should have access to the voting booth.
Royce West: Pass Equality Act; end trans-phobic policies.
Jessica Scarane: Reparations for slavery & genocide of indigenous peoples.
Doug Collins: Military chaplains should be deemed "essential" workers.
Cindy Hyde-Smith: Worked to get Medgar Evers home declared national monument.
Jon Ossoff: Reinstate Glass-Steagall; end speculative trading.
Kelly Loeffler: Low taxes empower innovators and business owners.
Cal Cunningham: Encourage investment in minority businesses.
Gloria Bromell Tinubu: Issue isn't capitalism, but monopoly capitalism.
Gloria Bromell Tinubu: Break up monopolies, enact new antitrust laws.
Bill Hagerty: Stop the socialist agenda; cut corporate tax rate.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Increase funding for Small Business Administration.
Dan Whitfield: Close loopholes so corporations pay more than zero in taxes.
Jessica Scarane: Increase corporate taxes; raise capital gains taxes.
Kevin O`Connor: Horrified by Floyd murder, but do not defund police.
Mark Ronchetti: Strongly opposes efforts to defund the police.
Mark Ronchetti: Federal laws have teeth; we will go after criminals.
Marquita Bradshaw: We need restorative justice & overhaul of justice system.
Abby Broyles: Reduce sentences for low-level drug crimes.
Ben Ray Lujan: End for-profit prisons, cash bail, mandatory minimums.
Jason Lewis: Public order is not a privilege, it is a right.
Jason Lewis: Without public order, the mob will control the neighborhood.
Jon Ossoff: Reverse militarization of police; ban private prisons.
Bill Hagerty: Uphold the rule of law; stop ANTIFA.
Bill Hagerty: Supports death penalty for human trafficking.
Bill Hagerty: Use Insurrection Act against domestic terrorism.
Amy McGrath: Police reform: ban chokeholds, guarantee body cameras.
Charles Booker: Supports criminal justice reform to address racial bias.
Kelly Loeffler: Completely eradicate human trafficking in state & country.
Cal Cunningham: End mandatory minimum sentences for non-violent offenders.
Dan Whitfield: End the corruption of private prisons.
Raphael Warnock: Prison system discriminates against people of color.
Raphael Warnock: Let independent prosecutors handle police-involved shootings.
Rik Mehta: Lock up violent offenders and throw away the key.
Antoine Pierce: Pass criminal justice reform.
Kimberly Graham: Ban private prisons; eliminate mandatory minimums.
Sema Hernandez: End the militarization of law enforcement.
Teresa Tomlinson: End abuse of cash bail bonds & for-profit prisons.
Teresa Tomlinson: Fund reentry programs and restore voting rights to ex-felons.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Abolish mandatory minimums & private for-profit prisons.
Royce West: Total reform needed at all levels of the judiciary.
Royce West: Reexamine the use of deadly force by police.
Jessica Scarane: End mass incarceration in favor of rehabilitation.
Doug Collins: Supports conservative criminal justice reform.
John Walsh: Worked as prosecutor since 1987, as U.S. Attorney.
David Perdue: Supported First Step Act with restrictions.
Gary Peters: Co-wrote bill for data-driven cooperation to fight crime.
John Cornyn: Co-wrote bill for data-driven cooperation to fight crime.
Shane Hazel: Marijuana is a right.
Marquita Bradshaw: Support the full legalization of recreational marijuana.
Abby Broyles: Decriminalize marijuana, introduce federal regulation.
Ben Ray Lujan: Change approach to minor non-violent marijuana arrests.
Ben Ray Lujan: Hold opioid manufacturers accountable for role in epidemic.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Hemp & cannabis can be cash crops for West Virginia.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Hold pharmaceutical companies accountable for opioid crisis.
Amy McGrath: Will work for real investments in tackling opioid crisis.
Amy McGrath: For medical cannabis; research full legalization.
Charles Booker: Legalize cannabis and expunge records related to it.
Kelly Loeffler: Provide resources and care for those with opioid addiction.
Dan Whitfield: Let voters in each state determine how to treat marijuana.
Sara Gideon: Treatment for opioid addiction; hold big pharma accountable.
Richard Ojeda: Supports medical marijuana, co-founded CBD oil company.
Rik Mehta: Eliminate aid to socialist governments run on trafficking.
Richard Ojeda: An advocate for medical marijuana.
Richard Ojeda: Marijuana can be used for clinical, medical purposes.
Antoine Pierce: Favors recreational & medical marijuana legalization.
Kimberly Graham: Legalize medical marijuana.
Manny Sethi: Let local officials have more authority on opioid crisis.
Sema Hernandez: Legalize marijuana; would bring in tax revenue.
Teresa Tomlinson: Remove marijuana from Controlled Substance Act schedule.
Teresa Tomlinson: End sentencing disparities between crack and powder cocaine.
Bill O`Brien: Step one on opioids is to control Southern border.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Supports the legalization of marijuana.
Dan Whitfield: Marijuana should be federally decriminalized.
James Mackler: Legalize medical marijuana for PTSD and chronic pain.
Shane Hazel: Eliminate the U.S. Department of Education.
Merav Ben-David: Use federal law to support education, reduce student debt.
Mark Ronchetti: Give parents opportunity to choose the right public school.
Marquita Bradshaw: Relieve current student debt, provide quality childcare.
James DeMartino: A proponent of home schooling, private and charter schools.
Ben Ray Lujan: Dismantle skyrocketing costs of higher education.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Free state colleges, community colleges, trade schools.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Supports federal subsidies in childcare.
Jon Ossoff: Make trade school, vocational training, public colleges free.
Amy McGrath: We need a well-funded public education system.
Amy McGrath: National service program practical solution for college debt.
Mike Espy: Public dollars should go toward public schools--period.
Mike Espy: Increase teacher pay; fund teacher training programs.
Mike Espy: Expand apprenticeship/job training programs.
Allen Waters: Taxpayer dollars should fund all educational options.
Allen Waters: Phase out government student loans, leave it to free market.
Hirsh Singh: Empower public, private, home school environments.
Hirsh Singh: School violence due to political indoctrination, propaganda.
Cal Cunningham: Public education should be an engine of opportunity for all.
Cal Cunningham: Lower cost of college; expand access; reduce burden of debt.
Dan Whitfield: Free college for 2-year degrees; lower interest rates.
Dan Whitfield: Promote vocational training for those not going to college.
Dan Whitfield: Raise teacher's minimum salary to $40,000.
Sara Gideon: Access to high quality K-12 education for every family.
Sara Gideon: Tackle student debt crisis; expand trade, technical training.
Wilmot Collins: Child's education should be determined by where they grew up.
Theresa Greenfield: Expand pre-K, invest in higher education, apprenticeships.
Dave Lindstrom: Get federal government out of the student loan business.
Barbara Bollier: Ensure every student a high quality K-12 education.
Barbara Bollier: Opposes making college free for everyone.
Michael Franken: Free community college; decrease interest on student loans.
Michael Franken: Increase teacher pay; improve rural education; expand pre-K.
Amanda Chase: Believes in school choice and options for parents.
Rik Mehta: Backs school choice for those locked in failing schools.
Don Bolduc: Reduced tuition benefits through public service.
Gloria Bromell Tinubu: Lower college costs, support student loan forgiveness.
Antoine Pierce: Support universal pre-K.
MJ Hegar: Investment in public school is investment in nation's future.
MJ Hegar: Lower interest rates on student debt, ensure affordability.
Mark Kelly: Expand access to early education; pay teachers a decent wage.
Mark Kelly: Support post-secondary training; ease student debt.
Kimberly Graham: Raise teacher pay; end unequal school funding.
Sema Hernandez: Opposes government funding of charter schools.
Sema Hernandez: Trade schools & public colleges should be tuition-free.
Tommy Tuberville: School choice, charters, public schools are part of the mix.
Chris Janicek: Free education not the answer; affordable education is.
Daniel Ahlers: Must invest in schools, teachers and our children.
Bill Hagerty: Shift education spending to block grants to states.
Paul Romero: END Common Core.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Make Universal Childcare and Pre-K a guaranteed right.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Cancel student debt; make public universities tuition free.
Royce West: Offer debt relief & free tuition for low income students.
Royce West: Investing in public schools a top priority.
Jaime Harrison: Invest in public schools; end student loan crisis.
Dan Whitfield: Cap the interest rate on Federal Student Loans at 1-2%.
Dan Whitfield: Raise teachers' salaries from $33K to $40K.
Jessica Scarane: Free public education from pre-K to higher education.
Al Gross: Make college more affordable & accessible.
Doug Collins: Remove "rigid" federal requirements for schools.
John Walsh: Fight for well-funded high quality public education.
Energy & Oil
Merav Ben-David: Green energy can fuel Wyoming's future with good jobs.
Kevin O`Connor: The Green New Deal will wreck U.S. economy.
Mark Ronchetti: Green New Deal would destroy New Mexico's energy economy.
Mark Ronchetti: All-of-the-above approach to developing energy resources.
Marquita Bradshaw: First Senate candidate in TN to sign Green New Deal Pledge.
Abby Broyles: Reverse climate change while protecting jobs & way of life.
Ben Ray Lujan: Invest in and expand renewable energy projects.
Ben Ray Lujan: Highest-ranking co-sponsor of the Green New Deal.
Paula Jean Swearengin: We must transition from coal, move to clean energy.
Amy McGrath: Climate change: wars will fought over water, resources.
Paulette Jordan: Respect our land, combat corporate greed on climate change.
Charles Booker: Kentucky should lead the way to a green new deal.
Hirsh Singh: Against switch over to high-risk energy systems.
Cal Cunningham: Invest in clean energy economy for jobs & reducing pollution.
Dan Whitfield: Climate change is real; make Arkansas leader in clean energy.
Sara Gideon: Passed aggressive goals reducing carbon emissions in Maine.
Sara Gideon: Rejoin Paris Agreement; invest in clean energy.
Matt Lieberman: Rejoin Paris Accords; invest in clean energy.
Theresa Greenfield: Fight for clean energy jobs; strengthen environmental laws.
Barbara Bollier: Invest in green energy opportunities to create jobs.
Michael Franken: Addressing climate change is a national security imperative.
Michael Franken: Expand public transportation & electric charging stations.
Eddie Mauro: Net-zero US CO2 emissions by 2045.
Gloria Bromell Tinubu: Aggressively address global warming.
Antoine Pierce: Subsidize renewable energy sources.
MJ Hegar: Texas can lead country on wind and solar energy.
Mark Kelly: Support massive investment developing renewable technologies.
Kimberly Graham: Supports Green New Deal.
Sema Hernandez: Green New Deal ends environmental racism.
Teresa Tomlinson: Clean economy will create jobs, lower energy costs.
Wilmot Collins: Believe in science; save planet from climate catastrophe.
Chris Janicek: We need to admit climate change is real.
Chris Janicek: End reliance on fossil fuel, develop solar energy.
Daniel Ahlers: Promote conservation, sustainability, and coal.
Bill Hagerty: Fight socialist fracking bans, repeal fuel standards.
Bill O`Brien: Will not support socialist Green New Deal.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Rejoin Paris Climate Accord.
Royce West: Reengage in Paris Climate Accords.
Jessica Scarane: Depend on green energy and end use of fossil fuels.
Jessica Scarane: Depend on green energy and end use of fossil fuels.
Jaime Harrison: Reduce dependency on fossil fuels; oppose offshore drilling.
Dan Whitfield: Climate change exists even if we pretend it doesn't.
Jessica Scarane: Transform energy system to end dependence on fossil fuels.
Al Gross: Climate change a threat: Alaska literally losing villages.
John Walsh: Colorado's large permanent snowfields are gone by mid-summer.
Kevin O`Connor: Need strong federal policy to protect clean air and water.
James DeMartino: Balance between protection and economic development.
Jo Rae Perkins: Change Federal Land Management, let state be in charge.
Jon Ossoff: Aggressive protection of endangered species and habitats.
Shiva Ayyadurai: Real problem is not climate change but pollution.
Jo Rae Perkins: State management of lands, not feds.
Roger Marshall: Overturn EPA rules surrounding Waters of the US.
Mary Ann Tobin: Keep Kentucky beautiful; protect wildlife.
Mark Kelly: Protect Grand Canyon from uranium mining.
Kimberly Graham: Incentivize farmers with clean water initiatives.
Bill Hagerty: Eliminate senseless EPA interference on farmers.
Families & Children
James DeMartino: I will incentivize multi-generational households.
Jo Rae Perkins: Supports parents' right not to vaccinate children.
Amy McGrath: Help working class families with checks during pandemic.
Cal Cunningham: Supports Equality Act, and overdue Equal Rights Amendment.
Dave Lindstrom: Raise cap for tax free accounts for dependent care.
Gloria Bromell Tinubu: Families are the real economic engines.
Gloria Bromell Tinubu: Support paid family leave.
Mark Kelly: Everyone deserves decent paid family leave policy.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Paid Parental Leave keeps families healthy and happy.
Jaime Harrison: Champion paid family & sick leave & child care tax credits.
Ellen Burnes: Worked with youth organizations such as 4-H and FFA.
Foreign Policy
Merav Ben-David: Climate change connected to fate of Middle East.
John Hickenlooper: Realign foreign policy to reflect American leadership.
Ben Ray Lujan: Congress should reassert authority over foreign policy.
Jason Lewis: China is responsible for this pandemic.
Amy McGrath: We need strong military, but also strong diplomatic corps.
Kelly Loeffler: Supports strong foreign policy that puts America first.
Cal Cunningham: Protect US with smart diplomacy & working with allies.
Dave Lindstrom: Focus of wars & alliances should be American interests.
Dave Lindstrom: Support of Israel benefits US strategically & economically.
Barbara Bollier: Diplomacy is our first line of defense in national security.
Eddie Mauro: Rejoin Paris Climate Accord.
Mark Kelly: Supports strong military, but must rebuild alliances.
Teresa Tomlinson: My support for Israel is unshakable.
Teresa Tomlinson: Restore and support our traditional alliances.
Bill Hagerty: Ensure our allies support us and enemies fear us.
Bill Hagerty: US has moral obligation to protect Israel.
Bill O`Brien: Opposes the failed Iran Nuclear Deal.
Jaime Harrison: Re-engage with allies; pursue diplomatic solutions.
Doug Collins: Israel is a critical ally, strong friend.
Doug Collins: Favors targeted sanctions on Russia.
Mike Johnston: US must lead & collaborate with allies.
Mark Kelly: Committed to rebuilding alliances & restoring US leadership.
Free Trade
Kevin O`Connor: America first means robust free trade.
Abby Broyles: Trade war with China disastrous for farmers.
Ben Ray Lujan: Reckless trade wars have raised prices on everyday items.
Jason Lewis: Punish China, bring our supply chains home.
Jon Ossoff: Attack unfair practices by overseas competitors.
Amy McGrath: Pulling out of Trans-Pacific Partnership cost us influence.
Paulette Jordan: Farmers want trade, not government bailouts.
Mike Espy: Experience in negotiating multilateral trade treaties.
Roger Marshall: Supported USMCA trade deal replacing NAFTA.
Kelly Loeffler: Against "ill-advised trade deals," supported USMCA.
Wilmot Collins: Fight to keep markets open for family farmers.
Theresa Greenfield: Supports USMCA, expanding export opportunities.
Theresa Greenfield: Reckless trade policies have kept markets closed to farmers.
Dave Lindstrom: Supports "fair trade" benefiting Americans over "free trade".
Barbara Bollier: Farmers don't want aid: want to sell crops and livestock.
Michael Franken: Farmers want markets not bailouts; end foolish trade war.
Rik Mehta: For trade, but ensure other nations don't take advantage.
Sema Hernandez: Move from free trade to fair trade.
Teresa Tomlinson: Reject policies that put our farmers at disadvantage.
Chris Janicek: Ask farmers, ranchers which tariffs make sense.
Daniel Gade: Promote free market taxation, regulation, & unfettered trade.
Bill O`Brien: Protect our technology & intellectual property.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Smart trade policy protects workers, not just businesses.
Government Reform
David Perdue: Republican Secretary of State should resign over election.
Kelly Loeffler: Republican Secretary of State should resign over election.
Kevin O`Connor: Every vote must count; make ballots more accessible.
Marquita Bradshaw: Overturn Citizens United; outlaw gerrymandering.
James DeMartino: Business regulations must be streamlined.
Jo Rae Perkins: Don't allow tolling on Federal Roads.
John Hickenlooper: Pass the electoral reforms of the For the People Act.
John Hickenlooper: End partisan gerrymandering, support Fair Maps Act.
Jason Lewis: Abolish FISA court which violates civil liberties.
Amy McGrath: Implement term limits, require release of tax returns.
Amy McGrath: We must protect election process from foreign interference.
Shiva Ayyadurai: Pledges to serve one term, not focus on re-election.
Allen Waters: Supports amendment to set limits on campaign finance.
Cal Cunningham: For campaign finance reform & independent redistricting.
Dan Whitfield: Elected officials should give up financial privacy.
Dan Whitfield: All elected officials should liquidate their portfolios.
Dan Whitfield: Corporate spending is not speech; end Citizens United.
Sara Gideon: Worked in Maine to pass automatic voter registration.
Sara Gideon: End influence of big money on our elections and officials.
John Merrill: Supported tough voter ID law, made it easier to vote.
Theresa Greenfield: Ban corporate PAC money, overturn Citizens United.
Dave Lindstrom: Term limits: no more than 12 years House/Senate combined.
Dave Lindstrom: Eliminate Congressional pensions, let them save up.
Dave Lindstrom: Confirm constitutionalist judges who respect Rule of Law.
Barbara Bollier: Lobbying ban for ex-officials; overturn Citizens United.
Barbara Bollier: Prevent foreign election interference in bipartisan way.
Mary Ann Tobin: Bring back the power of state government.
Michael Franken: Post office must be fully funded & protected from politics.
Raphael Warnock: Restore Voting Rights Act to ensure elections are fair.
Amanda Chase: Champion of small, limited government.
Daniel Gade: Make Congress members put investments in blind trust.
Eddie Mauro: Protect the right to vote for everyone.
Eddie Mauro: Overturn Citizens United; stop leadership PACs.
MJ Hegar: Refuses corporate PAC money, endorsed by End Citizens United.
MJ Hegar: Overturn gerrymandering, fight voter suppression.
Kimberly Graham: Undo Citizens United; end Electoral College.
Kimberly Graham: End voter ID laws & voter suppression.
Sema Hernandez: Create uniform requirements for voting.
Shannon Liss-Riordan: Activist to register new voters.
Daniel Gade: Government overreach is tyranny.
Bill Hagerty: Constitutionalist judges who won't legislate from the bench.
Bill Hagerty: Protect Constitution; support Congressional term limits.
Paul Romero: Supports term limits & budget transparency.
Paul Romero: Protect ranchers & farmers, and manage timber land.
Bill O`Brien: Help job creators by cutting red tape, streamlining agencies.
Dan Whitfield: Elected officials should give up rights to financial privacy.
Al Gross: End Citizens United; get dark money out of politics.
Doug Collins: Rein in government overreach to stay competitive.
Doug Collins: Check executive agencies trying to write laws.
Ben Sasse: Eliminate burdensome rules; unleash America's potential.
Gun Control
Kevin O`Connor: Supports right to bear arms and background checks.
Don Bolduc: Endorsed by eight NH gun shop owners.
Mark Ronchetti: Gun owner and a strong supporter of the Second Amendment.
Marquita Bradshaw: For background checks, red flag laws, CDC research on guns.
Jo Rae Perkins: I support the 2nd Amendment as it is written.
Abby Broyles: Supports universal background checks; against confiscation.
Jon Ossoff: Background checks; red flag laws; assault weapon ban.
Amy McGrath: Supports background checks, honest conversation about guns.
Charles Booker: Supports gun control; background checks; no assault weapons.
Roger Marshall: Never encroach on citizens' right to defend themselves.
Kelly Loeffler: Firmly oppose every effort to undermine our rights.
Hirsh Singh: If they take AR-15 rifles, will cell phones be next?
Cal Cunningham: Supports background checks & ban on high capacity magazines.
Dan Whitfield: Disarming citizens unconstitutional, but check backgrounds.
Matt Lieberman: Time for talk has long since passed; gun legislation now.
Theresa Greenfield: Supports background checks & gun violence research.
Dave Lindstrom: An assault rifle ban would have no effect on crime.
Michael Franken: Background check; assault weapon ban; restrict magazine size.
Rik Mehta: Never back down from defending the 2nd Amendment.
Don Bolduc: Key to reducing violence isn't legislation, but communities.
Eddie Mauro: Close gun show loophole; require gun owner insurance.
Eddie Mauro: Refuses donations from NRA & gun manufacturers.
Gloria Bromell Tinubu: Pass common sense gun reform.
MJ Hegar: For background checks, red flag laws; end open carry.
Mark Kelly: Gun rights & safety from gun violence not incompatible.
Manny Sethi: Red-flag laws are unconstitutional.
Sema Hernandez: Use Commerce Clause to regulate gun sales & manufacturing.
Teresa Tomlinson: Universal background checks; assault weapon ban.
Tommy Tuberville: Will always protect, preserve our Second Amendment rights.
Chris Janicek: Gun owners should show they are responsible.
Daniel Gade: Right to protect ourselves by keeping and bearing arms.
Bill Hagerty: The threat to gun rights is real.
Bill O`Brien: Stand up for 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Advocates for gun legislation majority of Americans support.
Royce West: We must regulate deadly weapons.
Dan Whitfield: Disarming citizens against everything America stands for.
Doug Collins: Concealed carry permits should work across state lines.
Matt Lieberman: Ban sale of weapons of war.
Jake LaTurner: A+ rating from NRA for passage of Constitutional Carry.
Health Care
Merav Ben-David: Strongly supports expanded Medicaid, universal health care.
Kevin O`Connor: Competitive marketplace will reduce health care costs.
Mark Ronchetti: Opposes government-run Medicare for All, socialist ideas.
Marquita Bradshaw: Medicare for All is a good place to start.
James DeMartino: Government bureaucracy cannot control healthcare.
Raphael Warnock: Will focus on expanding quality, affordable health care.
Abby Broyles: Expand Medicaid, support rural access to health care.
Abby Broyles: Failure to cover pre-existing conditions is downright cruel.
Ben Ray Lujan: Supports $100 million to expand children's healthcare.
Ben Ray Lujan: Increased funding for birth control and related services.
Ben Ray Lujan: Co-sponsor of Medicare for All.
Jason Lewis: Enhanced medically screening of all international travelers.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Health care is a human right, decouple health care from jobs.
Jon Ossoff: Ensure all Americans have insurance, for public option.
Bill Hagerty: Trump administration did a great job on COVID-19.
Amy McGrath: For bipartisan plan to fix ObamaCare's problems.
Paulette Jordan: Healthcare should be patient-centered, not profit-centered.
Mike Espy: Shore up rural hospitals; expand Medicaid.
Mike Espy: Number one priority will be to expand Medicaid.
Charles Booker: More expensive to do nothing than implement Medicare for all.
Jo Rae Perkins: Parents have the right to choose not to vaccinate kids.
Roger Marshall: Government interferes with doctor-patient relationship.
Kelly Loeffler: We need accessible, affordable healthcare.
Chris Janicek: For single payer system: affordable, accessible healthcare.
Cal Cunningham: Strengthen Affordable Care Act; create public option.
Dan Whitfield: Medicare for All--human misery should never be monetized.
Scyller Borglum: Against Medicare for all & other socialist plans.
Sara Gideon: Complete the work started under Affordable Care Act.
Matt Lieberman: Everyone in US deserves affordable, quality healthcare.
Theresa Greenfield: Strengthen ObamaCare; create public option.
Dave Lindstrom: Transparency in price and services provided helps consumers.
Dave Lindstrom: Let Medicare have power to negotiate drug prices.
Barbara Bollier: Supports Medicaid expansion & public option.
Michael Franken: Improve ObamaCare; add Medicare public option.
Raphael Warnock: Expand Medicaid; keep children's health care.
Steve Carlson: Repeal and replace ObamaCare.
Rik Mehta: Against Medicare for All, end excessive regulation.
Don Bolduc: Replace ACA with free market principle.
Eddie Mauro: Medicare for all (under age 55) who want it.
Antoine Pierce: Supports Medicare for All.
Shiva Ayyadurai: Patients & doctors determine vaccinations, not government.
MJ Hegar: Make high-quality care available to all Americans.
Mark Kelly: Health care is a right; supports public option.
Manny Sethi: We need less government involvement in healthcare, not more.
Sema Hernandez: Supports Medicare for All; will re-introduce bill if needed.
Teresa Tomlinson: Lower Medicare eligibility to 55, offer public option.
Tommy Tuberville: ObamaCare must go; return to free-market.
Wilmot Collins: Heathcare is a right for all, not a luxury for a few.
Daniel Ahlers: System should be affordable, innovative, free enterprise.
Bill Hagerty: Return health care to patient choice in free market.
Paul Romero: END and DEFUND Obamacare.
Bill O`Brien: Protect people with pre-existing conditions, lower costs.
Bill O`Brien: Opposes Medicare for All.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Supports Medicare for All.
Royce West: Fought to expand Medicaid.
Royce West: Imperative that mental health services be included.
Jessica Scarane: Medicare for All and single payer system.
Jaime Harrison: Improve access to health care for poor, rural communities.
Jaime Harrison: Opposes work requirements for Medicaid recipients.
Dan Whitfield: Universal healthcare, like every other industrialized nation.
Jessica Scarane: Healthcare is a right, not a place for profits.
Al Gross: System is broken; start with Medicare and public option.
Al Gross: Take on big pharma on prices & opioid epidemic.
Doug Collins: Repeal ACA; focus on reducing drug prices.
Doug Collins: Supported increased accountability for VA.
Cindy Hyde-Smith: Repeal ObamaCare; common-sense healthcare instead.
John Walsh: Access for all to high-quality, affordable health care.
Homeland Security
Chris Van Hollen: Defense Authorization Act strengthens national defenses.
Lauren Witzke: America's military should be strong for our defense.
Mark Ronchetti: Increased defense spending brings jobs to state.
Mark Ronchetti: Protect veterans benefits, wider array of services.
James DeMartino: Maintain the strongest, best equipped and trained military.
Jo Rae Perkins: Veterans earned right to choose their medical care.
Abby Broyles: Invest in service members, fully fund military bases.
Ben Ray Lujan: Key mission to fight for veterans access to health care.
Ben Ray Lujan: Reverse past & present LGBTQ discrimination in military.
Amy McGrath: Fully fund the VA so veterans get quality health care.
Roger Marshall: Proudly supported a 20% increase in military funding.
Kelly Loeffler: We must fully support America's true heroes.
Cal Cunningham: Fight for military project funding in NC; support veterans.
Sara Gideon: Make sure that services vets have earned remain available.
Wilmot Collins: Make sure service members & first responders are funded.
Theresa Greenfield: Take care of veterans with healthcare & jobs.
Dave Lindstrom: Military funding should be untouchable priority.
Barbara Bollier: Increase accountability of Veterans Administration.
MJ Hegar: We must mobilize against epidemic of domestic terrorism.
MJ Hegar: Will stand against efforts to privatize the VA.
Wilmot Collins: Vets should never spend one second sleeping in the streets.
Daniel Ahlers: Expand VA benefits to include assisted living.
Bill Hagerty: Give military tools to complete their missions; repair VA.
Paul Romero: Support strong military & vets.
Jaime Harrison: Improve quality of care for veterans, including job programs.
Cindy Hyde-Smith: Must rebuild military; Mississippi makes major contribution.
Andrew Romanoff: Secure and expand services for veterans.
Lauren Witzke: Limit immigration to match emigration, except for marriage.
Kevin O`Connor: Against sanctuary cities, enforce immigration laws.
Mark Ronchetti: Against amnesty, close the asylum loophole.
Mark Ronchetti: Eliminate sanctuary city laws around the country.
Marquita Bradshaw: Support DACA, pathway to citizenship for undocumented.
James DeMartino: The law must be enforced! Must not allow open borders.
Jo Rae Perkins: For border wall, against "sanctuary status".
Jo Rae Perkins: Give Dreamers opportunity to become citizens, no Federal aid.
Ben Ray Lujan: Comprehensive immigration reform must be fair and just.
Ben Ray Lujan: Pathway to citizenship for DREAMers.
Jason Lewis: Opposes open borders, abolishing ICE, sanctuary cities.
Jon Ossoff: Strengthen borders, path for undocumented immigrants.
Amy McGrath: For secure borders & meaningful immigration reform.
Shiva Ayyadurai: Borders need to be strong, laws need to be enforced.
Charles Booker: Supports path to citizenship for undocumented.
Jo Rae Perkins: Yes to wall; no to illegal aliens.
Roger Marshall: Turn off magnets for migrants to enter under false pretenses.
Kelly Loeffler: Deport gang members; reform legal immigration system.
Hirsh Singh: End undermining the sanctity of American citizenship.
Cal Cunningham: Comprehensive immigration reform, protect DREAMers.
Dan Whitfield: End migrant child detention facilities: use foster care.
Scyller Borglum: Strong borders and safe, legal procedures.
John Merrill: We need to build wall and stop illegals who cheat the system.
Theresa Greenfield: Fix immigration system; support DREAMers and border security.
Dave Lindstrom: No discussion of immigration reform until border secured.
Michael Franken: Pathway to citizenship; expand worker visa program.
Rik Mehta: For the wall; against healthcare for illegal immigrants.
Don Bolduc: Citizenship off the table for those entering illegally.
MJ Hegar: Asylum seekers should not be treated as criminals.
Mark Kelly: Strong, effective border security; protect DREAMers.
Kimberly Graham: Citizenship for DACA & families.
Manny Sethi: We're giving away our nation.
Sema Hernandez: Remain in Mexico Policy unlawful in US and international law.
Teresa Tomlinson: End family separation & citizenship for DREAMers.
Tommy Tuberville: Need to fight the scourge of illegal immigration.
Chris Janicek: We are a nation of immigrants; we need reform.
Dave Lindstrom: National security starts with wall on southern border.
Bill Hagerty: Opposes amnesty, DACA, and sanctuary cities.
Paul Romero: END sanctuary cities; protect our borders.
Bill O`Brien: On immigration: I simply believe Illegal is Illegal.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Legalize status of DREAMers, other hardworking immigrants.
Royce West: Must address humanitarian crisis at the border.
Jessica Scarane: Reform immigration services to cater to DREAMers needs.
Jessica Scarane: Reform immigration services to cater to "dreamers" needs.
Jessica Scarane: End mass deportations and close the border camps.
Doug Collins: Enhance security, no tax dollars to sanctuary cities.
Doug Collins: Crack down on sanctuary cities & criminal aliens.
Ben Ray Lujan: Supports Comprehensive Immigration Reform.
Ben Ray Lujan: Opposes the Muslim and Refugee Ban.
Jake LaTurner: Protect our country; build the wall.
John Walsh: Comprehensive immigration reform for welcoming migrants.
Merav Ben-David: Implement Federal Job Guarantee program for unemployed.
Mark Ronchetti: Lowering taxes for small business will create jobs.
Abby Broyles: For Paycheck Fairness Act letting workers discuss salaries.
Ben Ray Lujan: Unions built the middle class in our country.
Ben Ray Lujan: Raise the minimum wage, lower taxes for working families.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Supports protections for unions, ending "right to work" laws.
Mike Espy: Protections for essential workers, paid family/medical leave.
Chris Janicek: Fight power of anti-union groups.
Chris Janicek: Invest in education, open tech markets, overhaul tax code.
Cal Cunningham: Raise the minimum wage; support equal pay for equal work.
Steven Cox: Stop misuse of work visas to protect American workers.
Dan Whitfield: Large corporations required to pay $15 minimum wage.
Dan Whitfield: Regain workers' rights and protections through Unionism.
Al Gross: Raise the minimum wage; defend collective bargaining rights.
Sara Gideon: Prioritize needs of small businesses; raise minimum wage.
Wilmot Collins: Fight to increase minimum wage to $15.
Theresa Greenfield: Strengthen unions, they built the middle class.
Theresa Greenfield: Supports a living wage; equal pay for equal work.
Richard Ojeda: Strongly against right to work laws.
Dave Lindstrom: Bring American manufacturing back from China.
Michael Franken: Endorses a federal ban on right to work laws.
Richard Ojeda: Against right to work laws, active union participant.
Eddie Mauro: Workers have right to unionize; update Labor Relations Act.
Gloria Bromell Tinubu: Workers are the creators of wealth.
Gloria Bromell Tinubu: Raise minimum wage; support union organizing.
Antoine Pierce: Raise the minimum wage.
Antoine Pierce: Repeal Right to Work.
MJ Hegar: Supports rights of workers to unionize, collectively bargain.
Kimberly Graham: Equal pay for equal work.
Teresa Tomlinson: Support right to organize & protect benefits.
Teresa Tomlinson: Raise minimum wage to $15 with cost of living adjustments.
Wilmot Collins: End misclassifying employees as independent contractors.
Chris Janicek: Campaign is firmly behind organized labor.
Shannon Liss-Riordan: Protect tipped workers' wages.
Daniel Ahlers: Invest in higher ed so workers can get degrees, skills.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Raise minimum wage to $15 and tie it to inflation.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Get equal pay for women through Paycheck Fairness Act.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Expand right to unionize; fully fund Labor agencies.
Royce West: Fully supports $15 minimum wage.
Jaime Harrison: Fight for jobs with living wage, expand childcare tax credit.
Al Gross: Raise the minimum wage; defend collective bargaining.
Principles & Values
Kevin O`Connor: Promises to serve no more than two terms.
Mark Ronchetti: Senator should put the people of New Mexico first.
James DeMartino: Our government exists to protect our God given rights.
Adrian Perkins: Family taught me faith and hard work leads to accomplishment.
Adrian Perkins: Bring Louisiana values of service, honesty, courage to DC.
Raphael Warnock: Youngest pastor to lead Atlanta's Ebenezer Baptist Church.
Jo Rae Perkins: I'm hard-working & hard-hitting with Heartland Values.
Jason Lewis: Appoint Constitutional conservatives to the courts.
Jon Ossoff: Dedicated my career to fighting corruption.
Paulette Jordan: We need a complete shift to people-first policymaking.
Paulette Jordan: Youngest person elected to the Coeur d'Alene Tribal Council.
Shiva Ayyadurai: Rational scientific approach for real solutions.
Chris Janicek: Supports Rural Nebraska Bill of Rights.
Chris Janicek: Fight against social injustice with every bone in my body.
Hirsh Singh: I take absolute pride in being morally consistent.
John Merrill: Reduce spending; stand up to the socialists.
Richard Ojeda: Democrats becoming more a party of elites.
Dave Lindstrom: A vocal advocate for capitalism; socialism is a cancer.
Dave Lindstrom: America must repent & pray for an awakening and revival.
Mary Ann Tobin: Unite both sides behind common issues.
Daniel Ahlers: I dream of an America where we're not marginalized by labels.
Paulette Jordan: Will stay awake and work on country's business.
Don Bolduc: Leadership mantra: People, Family, Mission.
Manny Sethi: Work to fight for our Christian values.
Tommy Tuberville: First duty of government is to protect individual liberty.
Ricky Dale Harrington: Libertarian for those unhappy with Democrats AND Republicans.
Jaime Harrison: Good citizens make good communities.
Garland Tucker: Letter announcing decision not to run for Senate.
Al Gross: I fought grizzly bears, so I'm ready for Washington.
Ellen Burnes: We need leaders who don't just dispense red tape.
Social Security
John Hickenlooper: Protect and bolster Social Security, Medicare.
Sara Gideon: Protect Social Security, Medicare from cuts & privatization.
Theresa Greenfield: Opposes privatization of Social Security & Medicare.
Barbara Bollier: Committed to protecting Social Security & Medicare.
Michael Franken: Reform tax cap; raise benefits; no privatization.
Matt Rosendale: Protect Social Security & Medicare for Montana seniors.
Eddie Mauro: Protect Social Security & Medicare.
MJ Hegar: Medicare & Social Security not entitlements, but promises.
Mark Kelly: Social Security & Medicare are promises to seniors.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Supports Social Security 2100 Act.
Jaime Harrison: Protect & expand Social Security and Medicare.
Doug Collins: Social Security fund exhausted by 2037 without reform.
Tina Smith: No privatization nor cuts to benefits.
Mark Kelly: Don't weaken Social Security; nor gamble retirement funds.
Tax Reform
Shane Hazel: Taxation is theft.
Jon Ossoff: Lower taxes for all but the wealthiest Americans.
Paulette Jordan: Trump tax cut only benefitted rich, increased deficit.
Allen Waters: Replace income tax with national sales tax, close the IRS.
Hirsh Singh: Higher tax burdens are counterproductive.
Cal Cunningham: Tax cuts for wealthy & corporations fuel income inequality .
Dan Whitfield: Close loopholes for wealthy; lower taxes for working class.
Sara Gideon: Roll back Trump tax cuts; breaks for hardworking families.
Dave Lindstrom: Draconian taxation robs the economy of incentives.
Barbara Bollier: Instead of corporate tax breaks, provide middle class relief.
Michael Franken: Eliminate loopholes used by wealthy & corporations.
Antoine Pierce: Tax cuts for poor & middle class.
MJ Hegar: Use tax credits, incentives to support small business.
MJ Hegar: Opposed 2017 tax cuts for corporations, extremely wealthy.
Tommy Tuberville: Trump tax cuts & economic policies have been a success.
Bill Hagerty: Trump's tax cuts are working; for balanced budget amendment.
Paul Romero: Downsize government and balance budget.
Bill O`Brien: Will fight tax increases & reduce fees wherever possible.
Doug Collins: Prohibit Earned Income Tax Credit for "illegal aliens".
Mike Rounds: Tax code too complex; broaden base and lower rates.
Jake LaTurner: Balance the budget; no tax Increases.
Bill Cassidy: Co-sponsored tax simplification for Gold Star families.
John Hickenlooper: Bolster cybersecurity defense of our voting systems.
Ben Ray Lujan: LIFT America Act: $17 billion for energy infrastructure.
Amy McGrath: Invest in infrastructure, broadband, electricity grid.
Mike Espy: Ensure quality broadband access for every Mississippian.
Kelly Loeffler: Supports high-speed internet access for rural areas.
Hirsh Singh: Potholes have become a de facto tax on citizens.
Dan Whitfield: Internet info should be personal property, not providers'.
Dave Lindstrom: Rural broadband must be a top priority.
Dave Lindstrom: Revisit libel laws & media protections.
Dave Lindstrom: Make critical infrastructure a priority.
Michael Franken: High speed internet access for rural and depressed areas.
Shiva Ayyadurai: Make data from taxpayer funded research accessible.
Bill Hagerty: Work with both parties to close digital divide in Tennessee.
Doug Collins: Work to expand broadband access in rural areas.
Ellen Burnes: Navigate billions in infrastructure updates.
War & Peace
Shane Hazel: Forever wars are killing us; #EndTheWars.
Lauren Witzke: America should not meddle in the affairs of other nations.
John Hickenlooper: Veterans deserve priority in help to re-enter civilian life.
Amy McGrath: Support NATO alliance; support two-state Israel solution.
Amy McGrath: No nukes in North Korea; nuke deal with Iran.
Amy McGrath: All major military actions must be approved by Congress.
Allen Waters: Clean up the poorly managed Veterans Affairs department.
Dan Whitfield: Bring troops home; stop destabilizing foreign governments.
Dave Lindstrom: Iran is the leading state sponsor of terrorism in the world.
Dave Lindstrom: Measure military success with clearly articulable goals.
Rik Mehta: Bring our troops home when it's not our war.
Don Bolduc: New Hampshire needs a full-service VA hospital.
MJ Hegar: Reserve deployment of American troops as a last resort.
Mark Kelly: Services must work for changing veteran population.
Kimberly Graham: Increase service member pay & veteran's benefits.
Manny Sethi: Improve VA hospitals; provide quality mental health care.
Sema Hernandez: Overdue for plan to end the wars & bring troops home.
Teresa Tomlinson: Congress should vote on war actions, including Afghanistan.
Teresa Tomlinson: Sanctions against Iran, but diplomacy as well.
Tommy Tuberville: Provide vets with high quality care, job training.
Tommy Tuberville: Support a strong and robust military.
Daniel Gade: Opposed to open-ended commitment of troops.
Bill O`Brien: Support innovation at VA; ensure military has needed tools.
Dan Whitfield: America has been in the business of war for far too long.
Jessica Scarane: Cease our endless wars, except in Syria.
Doug Collins: Continued sanctions against Iran are crucial to security.
Doug Collins: Advocated for sanctions against North Korea.
Welfare & Poverty
Ben Ray Lujan: End "lunch shaming" for students who can't afford lunch.
Jason Lewis: Supports end of "fair housing rule" promoting affordability.
Charles Booker: A universal basic income will address racism and poverty.
Roger Marshall: Work requirement for able-bodied adults on food stamps.
Dan Whitfield: Require all homeless shelters to be handicap accessible.
John Mues: Daines gutting social net to favor wealthy.
Daniel Ahlers: Don't penalize poor people trying to improve their situation.
Jaime Harrison: Strong social safety net, increase earned income tax credit.
Jake LaTurner: Work requirements and drug testing for welfare recipients.
The above quotations are from Survey of 2020 Senate campaign websites.