OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Al Pisano: Abortion is not a woman's unrestricted right.
Andrew Straw: No abortion for characteristics selection; that's eugenics.
Bob Walsh: Supports a woman's unrestricted right.
Joan Farr: Oppose abortion as a woman's unrestricted right.
Sandy Smith: The right to life is the most important right.
Valencia Stovall: Abortion is a woman's unrestricted right.
Brian Moore: Abortion is a woman's unrestricted right.
Budget & Economy
Al Pisano: Market-led recovery better than stimulus.
Andrew Straw: I'm a Keynesian; control the money supply.
Bob Walsh: Market-led recovery better than stimulus.
Joan Farr: Market-led recovery better than stimulus.
Sandy Smith: We're $22 trillion in debt with no end in sight.
Valencia Stovall: Market-led recovery better than stimulus.
Brian Moore: Stimulus better than market-led recovery.
Civil Rights
Joan Farr: Oppose same-sex marriage.
Joan Farr: Don'tegally require hiring more women/minorities.
Andrew Straw: Make corporations easier and cheaper to create and use.
Al Pisano: No opinion on crime & punishment.
Bob Walsh: Stricter punishment doesn't reduce crime.
Donald Trump: FactCheck: No, not endorsed by Portland's Sheriff.
Donald Trump: FactCheck: Yes, Trump aide said rioting & chaos helps Trump.
Donald Trump: FactCheck: falsely claims Biden wants to defund the police.
Joan Farr: Stricter punishment reduces crime.
Joe Biden: FactCheck: Endorsed by 175 law enforcement officials.
Sandy Smith: Maximum penalty for horrible crimes like murder and rape.
Valencia Stovall: Stricter punishment reduces crime.
Brian Moore: Stricter punishment doesn't reduce crime.
Al Pisano: Marijuana is a gateway drug.
Andrew Straw: Complete legalization of marijuana at federal & state level.
Bob Walsh: Marijuana isn't a gateway drug.
Joan Farr: Marijuana is not a gateway drug.
Sandy Smith: Let doctors prescribe marijuana, at state level.
Valencia Stovall: Marijuana is not a gateway drug.
Brian Moore: Treat drug addiction and mental health on a massive scale.
Al Pisano: Vouchers for school choice.
Bob Walsh: Supports vouchers for school choice.
Joe Biden: FactCheck: Attended U.Delaware, not Delaware State HBCU.
Sandy Smith: Vouchers for school choice, at state level.
Valencia Stovall: Vouchers for school choice.
Brian Moore: Opposes vouchers for school choice.
Joan Farr: Oppose vouchers for school choice.
Energy & Oil
Al Pisano: Don't prioritize green energy.
Bob Walsh: Don't prioritize green energy.
Brian Moore: Prioritize green energy.
Donald Trump: FactCheck: falsely blames windmills for Texas power outage.
Joan Farr: Don't prioritize green energy.
Sandy Smith: Let the free market work on green energy.
Valencia Stovall: Prioritize green energy.
Al Pisano: Fight EPA regulatory over-reach.
Bob Walsh: Fight EPA regulatory over-reach.
Joan Farr: Fight EPA regulatory over-reach.
Sandy Smith: Fight EPA regulatory over-reach.
Valencia Stovall: Fight EPA regulatory over-reach.
Brian Moore: Support the EPA.
Families & Children
Al Pisano: Opposes same-sex marriage.
Andrew Straw: Make divorce as easy to get as marriage.
Bob Walsh: Supports same-sex marriage.
Brian Moore: Comfortable with same-sex marriage.
Sandy Smith: Supreme Court overstepped by redefining marriage.
Valencia Stovall: Comfortable with same-sex marriage and polygamy.
Foreign Policy
Al Pisano: No opinion on American Exceptionalism.
Bob Walsh: Opposes American Exceptionalism.
Joan Farr: Support American Exceptionalism.
Sandy Smith: Support American Exceptionalism.
Brian Moore: Oppose this false notion of American exceptionalism.
Free Trade
Al Pisano: No opinion on free trade.
Andrew Straw: If unions oppose a trade deal, I do too.
Bob Walsh: Support & expand free trade.
Brian Moore: Free trade causes global inequalities & job loss.
Joan Farr: Support & expand free trade.
Joe Biden: FactCheck: Yes, US has tried "Buy American" for 100 years.
Sandy Smith: Expand free trade, but treat U.S. fairly.
Valencia Stovall: Strongly support & expand free trade.
Government Reform
Al Pisano: Opposes making voter registration easier.
Bill Cassidy: FactCheck: Yes, giving water to voters is criminalized.
Bob Walsh: Make voter registration easier.
Jim Risch: Opposed independent commission to investigate Jan. 6th.
Joan Farr: Don't make voter registration easier.
Joe Biden: 30 years ago, I proposed campaign finance reform.
Jon Ossoff: AdWatch: Fighting corruption is my job; no PAC donations.
Sandy Smith: Protect against fraud, waste, & abuse of our voting system.
Valencia Stovall: Make voter registration easier.
Joan Farr: January 6th investigation is a witch hunt; Trump won.
Pat Toomey: Bipartisan independent commission to investigate Jan. 6th.
Brian Moore: Make voter registration easier.
Jim Risch: Bipartisan independent commission to investigate Jan. 6th.
Gun Control
Al Pisano: Absolute right to gun ownership.
Bob Walsh: Absolute right to gun ownership.
Joan Farr: Absolute right to gun ownership.
Sandy Smith: Absolute right to gun ownership.
Valencia Stovall: Right to gun ownership, with background checks.
Brian Moore: No absolute right to gun ownership.
Health Care
Al Pisano: Oppose ObamaCare.
Bob Walsh: Opposes ObamaCare.
David Perdue: Coronavirus numbers projected were supposed to be much worse.
Donald Trump: FactCheck: No, America has tested less than Europe combined.
Joan Farr: Expand ObamaCare but not income-based.
Joan Farr: Lawsuits would end pandemic; it's about population control.
Jon Ossoff: AdWatch: We were left unprepared for the pandemic.
Sandy Smith: Strongly oppose ObamaCare.
Valencia Stovall: Expand ObamaCare with more state & local regulation.
Brian Moore: Opposes ObamaCare because it allows private sector.
Homeland Security
Al Pisano: No opinion on expanding the military.
Andrew Straw: Minimum income and benefits for those who served in military.
Bob Walsh: Don't expand the military.
Joan Farr: Don't expand the military.
Sandy Smith: Obama drastically weakened our great military.
Valencia Stovall: Don't expand the military.
Brian Moore: Oppose expanding the military.
Al Pisano: No opinion on pathway to citizenship.
Bob Walsh: Pathway to citizenship; there are no illegal aliens.
Joan Farr: Oppose pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens.
Sandy Smith: Merit-based immigration; protect American workers first.
Valencia Stovall: Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens.
Brian Moore: Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens.
Al Pisano: Don't legally require hiring more women/minorities.
Bob Walsh: Opposes affirmative action hiring.
Brian Moore: Legally require hiring more women/minorities.
Sandy Smith: Free-market capitalism instead of affirmative action.
Valencia Stovall: Legally require hiring more women/minorities.
Principles & Values
Al Pisano: Keep God in the public sphere.
Andrew Straw: Religious freedom is individual right, not government power.
Bob Walsh: Separate religion from public sphere.
Donald Trump: FactCheck: "We have the best testing in the world"? Not!
Donald Trump: FactCheck: Claims GOP is growing as 30,000+ left.
Jim Risch: Supported certifying the AZ electoral college results.
Joan Farr: Keep God in the public sphere.
Joe Biden: FactCheck: No, only 50% of recent presidents were Ivy league.
Sandy Smith: Keep God in the public sphere.
Valencia Stovall: Keep God in the public sphere.
Donald Trump: The Big Lie was the Election itself.
Donald Trump: January 6 commemoration political theater, a distraction.
Jim Risch: Opposed second impeachment of President Trump.
Brian Moore: Keep God out of the public sphere.
Social Security
Rick Scott: FactCheck: Yes, sunsetting could abolish entitlements .
Al Pisano: No opinion on Social Security privatization.
Bob Walsh: Privatize but Ponzi scheme will fail.
Joan Farr: Don't privatize Social Security.
Sandy Smith: Privatize Social Security, with protections.
Valencia Stovall: Privatizing Social Security creates problems & uncertainty.
Brian Moore: Don't privatize Social Security.
Tax Reform
Al Pisano: Oppose higher taxes on the wealthy.
Bob Walsh: Lower taxes for the middle class.
Brian Moore: Higher taxes on the wealthy.
Donald Trump: Fact Check: Claims falsely that Biden would raise all taxes.
Joan Farr: Higher taxes on the wealthy.
Joe Biden: Return top rate to 39.6% from 37%; cap itemized deductions.
Sandy Smith: Tax all Americans fairly at the same rate.
Valencia Stovall: Higher taxes on the wealthy.
Justin Olson: Censorship of conservative voices is unconstitutional(?).
Joan Farr: Lawsuits against Big Tech for denying freedom of speech.
War & Peace
Al Pisano: Avoid foreign entanglements.
Bob Walsh: Avoid foreign entanglements.
Joan Farr: Avoid foreign entanglements.
Sandy Smith: Avoid foreign entanglements; peace through strength.
Seth Moulton: AdWatch: Don't send troops back to Iraq.
Valencia Stovall: Avoid foreign entanglements; find peace when necessary.
Brian Moore: Avoid foreign entanglements & regime change abroad.
Welfare & Poverty
Andrew Straw: National public housing system is broken.
Valencia Stovall: Apply American Exceptionalism to slavery & current inequity.