OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Ben Jealous: Supports Planned Parenthood and barrier-free services.
Brian Kemp: Supports "Heartbeat Bill" and tough abortion laws.
Bruce Rauner: Personally pro-choice, but respects religious objections.
Fred Hubbell: Work to reverse IA's abortion ban.
J.B. Pritzker: Unwavering supporter of women's right.
Kim Reynolds: De-fund Planned Parenthood.
Larry Hogan: Signed expansive birth control insurance bill.
Shawn Moody: 2010: private choice; 2018: ban with exceptions.
Stacey Abrams: Don't jeopardize access to birth control.
Adam Laxalt: Look into repealing NV abortion rights law.
Andrew Gillum: Decision should be made by women & their doctors.
Bill Lee: Ban abortion, even for rape and incest.
Bill Schuette: Enforce prohibitions on abortion; de-fund Planned Parenthood.
David Garcia: I'll veto anti-abortion bills.
David Garcia: Public funding for Planned Parenthood.
Doug Ducey: Employer-denied contraceptives: a win for religious freedom.
Gretchen Whitmer: End 24-hour waiting period; fund Planned Parenthood.
Jared Polis: Fund Planned Parenthood; require insurers' contraception.
Jeff Johnson: Heartbeat bill: ban abortions at about 6 weeks of pregnancy.
Karl Dean: Politicians shouldn't insert themselves in abortion decision.
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: Support Planned Parenthood; support employer contraceptives.
Mike DeWine: Supports heartbeat bill (no abortion after 6 weeks).
Richard Cordray: Women's right to make their own personal decisions.
Ron DeSantis: Ban abortions after fetal heartbeat detected.
Steve Pearce: Ban abortion after 20 weeks; de-fund Planned Parenthood.
Steve Sisolak: Fund Planned Parenthood; leave decision to women.
Tim Walz: Maintain funding for Planned Parenthood.
Tony Evers: Government out of women's personal health decisions.
Walker Stapleton: Ban abortion with exceptions for rape & incest.
Budget & Economy
Mike DeWine: Make Ohio a low tax, low regulation state.
Civil Rights
Ben Jealous: At NAACP, supported same-sex marriage.
Brian Kemp: Allow rejecting gay customers on religious grounds.
Janet Mills: Proud that Maine was first to vote for gay marriage.
Shawn Moody: Marriage is one man & one woman, but respect will of voters.
Adam Laxalt: Religious right of no business with gay couples.
Bill Schuette: Gay marriage ban was simply recognition that biology matters.
David Garcia: No discrimination based on sexual orientation.
Gretchen Whitmer: 2013: repeal Michigan's same-sex marriage ban.
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: Supports marriage equality.
Mike DeWine: Opposes sexual identity in anti-discrimination laws.
Richard Cordray: Long-term supporter of gay marriage.
Scott Walker: Legalizing same-sex marriage was a grave mistake.
Steve Pearce: Opposes gay marriage but accepts it as settled law.
Steve Sisolak: Strong gay rights supporter.
Matt Bevin: Signed $106 million tax cut for banks & other institutions.
Ben Jealous: New taxes on out-of-state retailers & hedge fund income.
Fred Hubbell: Opposes corporate subsidies to big companies to create jobs.
Kim Reynolds: $2B tax cuts provide relief to taxpayers & small businesses.
Andrew Gillum: Trump tax cuts gave billions to our richest corporations.
Bill Lee: Reduce the tax & regulatory burden for everyone.
Richard Cordray: Ran Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Steve Pearce: Trump tax cuts are a shot in the arm to manufacturers.
Ben Jealous: Diversion to shrink prison population 30%.
Ralph Abraham: Violent committed new crimes after release.
Bill Schuette: Prosecute 17-year-olds as adults.
Gretchen Whitmer: Prioritize rehabilitation efforts for first-time offenders.
Ron DeSantis: Don't restore voting rights to former felons.
Steve Sisolak: Ease cash bail requirements to reduce incarceration.
Ben Jealous: Fully legalize marijuana & collect license fees & taxes.
Brian Kemp: Unequivocally opposes recreational use of marijuana.
Bruce Rauner: Decriminalize marijuana; but no to legalization.
Fred Hubbell: Yes to expanding medical marijuana use.
Janet Mills: Legalize recreational marijuana and bring in millions.
John Bel Edwards: Expand medical marijuana, but no recreational usage.
Kim Reynolds: No for recreational; limited medical marijuana.
Larry Hogan: Expand medical marijuana; wait on recreational marijuana.
Ralph Abraham: Medical marijuana OK as-is, but no recreational usage.
Shawn Moody: Opposes legalizing recreational marijuana despite 2016 vote.
Adam Laxalt: Did not seek to allow marijuana business banking.
Andrew Gillum: legalize marijuana, and tax it.
Bill Lee: Opposes recreational marijuana; wait on medical marijuana.
Bill Schuette: Led campaign against medical marijuana in 2008.
David Garcia: Decriminalize marijuana use & possession.
Gretchen Whitmer: Supports marijuana legalization for adult recreational use.
Jared Polis: Treat marijuana like alcohol; end Drug War on states.
Jeff Johnson: Medical marijuana ok but not recreational.
Karl Dean: No recreational marijuana; decriminalize light medical use.
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: Supports medical marijuana and recreational legalization.
Mike DeWine: Opposes recreational marijuana; opposes Ballot issue 1.
Richard Cordray: Can't arrest way out of opioid crisis.
Ron DeSantis: No recreational marijuana; let voters decide medical usage.
Scott Wagner: Supports legal medical marijuana but not recreational.
Scott Walker: Opposes legalization of both medical & recreational use.
Steve Pearce: Opposes recreational marijuana.
Steve Sisolak: Fight federal intrusion into state marijuana industry.
Tim Walz: Full legalization of medical and recreational marijuana.
Tom Wolf: Legal medical marijuana, but not recreational, yet.
Tony Evers: Legalize medical use; referendum on recreational use.
Walker Stapleton: Concerned about unintended consequences of legalizing pot.
Ben Jealous: Criticized proposals vouchers proposals.
Ben Jealous: Make community college free; make 4-year college debt-free.
Brian Kemp: Fully fund public school education.
Brian Kemp: Supports vouchers to attend private schools.
Bruce Rauner: Vetoed higher education bill as irresponsible funding.
Fred Hubbell: We've been cutting, cutting, cutting college funding.
John Bel Edwards: $47 million increase for higher education.
Kim Reynolds: Major cuts to college funding to address budget shortfall.
Larry Hogan: Expand scholarships for community college tuition.
Ralph Abraham: Invest in distance learning.
Stacey Abrams: Needs-based college tuition for low-income students.
Adam Laxalt: Supported voucher-style Education Savings Accounts.
Andrew Gillum: $1 billion Fair Share investment in public schools.
Andrew Gillum: Make college debt-free for nurses & teachers.
Bill Lee: Supports charter schools & vouchers.
Bill Schuette: Grade schools A-F, with performance-based grants.
Bill Schuette: Support more trade & vocational offerings.
David Garcia: Make community college tuition-free for in-state students.
David Garcia: Expand Prop 301: sales tax for $500M for public schools.
David Garcia: Vouchers are unaccountable & discriminatory.
Doug Ducey: Cut college funding by $99 million in 2015.
Gretchen Whitmer: Opposes vouchers: Stop the dismantling of public education.
Gretchen Whitmer: 2 years of debt-free post-secondary education.
Jared Polis: Increased across-the-board funding and preschool for all.
Karl Dean: Opposes vouchers & for-profit charter schools.
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: Supports universal pre-K; opposes school vouchers.
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: Expand Pell Grants; lower student loan interest.
Mike DeWine: Supports charter schools; supports vouchers.
Mike DeWine: Improve college affordability; new STEM funding.
Richard Cordray: More funding for universal pre-K; no funding charters.
Richard Cordray: Free community college for all Ohioans.
Ron DeSantis: Expand both charters & vouchers.
Ron DeSantis: Fund training for high schoolers who enter workforce.
Scott Wagner: Support vouchers; we spend enough on public schools.
Scott Wagner: All 14 state colleges die by 2022 unless we revamp pensions.
Scott Walker: Expand charters & vouchers; straight per-pupil support.
Scott Walker: Froze UW tuition; cut $500 million from higher ed.
Steve Pearce: Vouchers break link of low-income & low-quality schools.
Steve Pearce: Cut Pell Grants; no more tax money for colleges.
Steve Sisolak: Don't divert funds from public schools to private schools.
Tim Walz: 2 years tuition-free education at MN state institutions.
Tim Walz: Fully fund pre-K-to-12; make Minnesota the education state.
Tom Wolf: Opposes diverting state funding away from public schools.
Tom Wolf: Increase state funding for higher education.
Tony Evers: Increase school funding $1.4B; freeze charters.
Tony Evers: Increase investments in our technical schools & UW system.
Walker Stapleton: Supports school choice: $10,000 to follow student anywhere.
Energy & Oil
Andy Beshear: Climate change is real; develop renewables.
Matt Bevin: Don't subsidize renewables; we didn't cause climate change.
Bill Schuette: Opposed 25% electricity from renewables by 2025.
Bruce Rauner: Relax emission limits to save coal-fired power plants.
Fred Hubbell: Avoid the pending disaster of climate change.
J.B. Pritzker: Climate change is a real threat.
Kim Reynolds: Cut funding for home retrofits & energy efficient appliances.
Ralph Abraham: End the war on our oil and gas industry.
Shawn Moody: Doesn't believe human activity contributes to climate change.
Adam Laxalt: End costly and burdensome mandates on energy providers.
Andrew Gillum: Withdrawal from Paris Climate accord is reckless.
David Garcia: Climate change is a real & urgent threat.
Gretchen Whitmer: Oppose withdrawal from Paris Climate Accord.
Jared Polis: Increase regulatory incentives for renewables.
Jeff Johnson: Climate is changing naturally; human involvement debatable.
Karl Dean: Pledged to work toward reducing greenhouse gases.
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: Limit greenhouse gases, lead on renewable energy.
Mike DeWine: Challenged Obama's Clean Power Plan.
Richard Cordray: Climate change threatens Great Lakes & Ohio farms.
Ron DeSantis: No carbon tax; no wind energy subsidy.
Scott Wagner: Planet moving closer to sun is cause of global warming.
Scott Wagner: Let market decide renewables & clean energy.
Scott Walker: No measurable global warming in the last 15 or 20 years.
Steve Pearce: No one believes the crap about climate change.
Steve Sisolak: Climate change poses a direct threat to our communities.
Tim Walz: Climate change is real and urgent.
Tom Wolf: PA is on target to exceed the Paris Accord on GHGs.
Tom Wolf: Supports loans & grants for solar energy.
Tony Evers: Global warming is a real, serious threat.
Walker Stapleton: Full-throated defense of oil-and-gas deregulation.
Ben Jealous: Protecting our planet is not just a moral imperative.
Eddie Rispone: Environmental lawsuit abuse is killing thousands of jobs.
Andrew Gillum: Redirect freshwater flow, with pollution standards.
Bill Schuette: Opposes burdensome EPA regulations.
Ron DeSantis: Deal with Red Tide: clean the water; build a reservoir.
Families & Children
Ben Jealous: Require 5 days of paid sick leave; invest in employee health.
Brian Kemp: Religious freedom: allow withholding contraceptive coverage.
Adam Laxalt: Opposed Obama's stricter overtime rules.
Andrew Gillum: Invited same-sex couples to get married in Tallahassee.
Bill Lee: Marriage is between a man & a woman.
Doug Ducey: I support traditional marriage, but let gay couples adopt.
Jared Polis: Supports same-sex marriage.
Jeff Johnson: Gay "contractual unions" for hospital visits & inheritance.
Karl Dean: Supports gay marriage.
Mike DeWine: Religious employers may exclude contraception from insurance.
Richard Cordray: Require contraception as part of all employer health plans.
Ron DeSantis: Protect faith-based noncooperation with gay marriage.
Scott Wagner: Supports gay marriage.
Steve Sisolak: Require companies to provide paid sick time.
Tim Walz: Full marriage equality for same-sex couples.
Tom Wolf: Supports gay marriage.
Tony Evers: All Wisconsinites should be able to marry who they love.
Free Trade
Brian Kemp: Supports tariffs on China as part of trade negotiations.
John Bel Edwards: China tariffs hurt local economy.
Ralph Abraham: Long-term benefit of China tariffs outweigh short-term pain.
Stacey Abrams: Tariffs on Chinese steel are a terrible idea.
Andrew Gillum: Trump's tariffs threaten Florida's workers, farmers.
Bill Lee: Opposes Trump's tariffs on China.
Bill Schuette: Supports tariffs on China, to get a better deal.
Gretchen Whitmer: Renegotiate trade deals, but no tariffs on China.
Jeff Johnson: Tariffs on China negatively affect Minnesota farmers.
Karl Dean: Opposes Trump's tariffs on China.
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: Opposes tariffs & short-sighted trade war.
Ron DeSantis: Trump's tariffs will get concessions from China.
Scott Walker: Trump's tariffs on China harm Wisconsin companies.
Steve Pearce: Opposes tariffs because they hurt our businesses.
Tim Walz: Rash tariffs on China against interests of America's farmers.
Tony Evers: Opposes Trump's tariffs on China.
Walker Stapleton: Tariffs on China escalate trade war & hurt businesses.
Government Reform
Ben Jealous: Dual attack: disenfranchisement & Citizens United.
Ben Jealous: Require federal nonpartisan redistricting.
J.B. Pritzker: Overturn Citizens United; strengthen campaign finance laws.
J.B. Pritzker: Expand voting rights of prisoners until convicted.
Janet Mills: Undisclosed political money is corrosive to democracy.
John Bel Edwards: Require voter ID; require proof of citizenship.
Bill Schuette: Opposes ballot initative 2 (gerrymandered districts ok).
Bill Schuette: Oppose disclosure for who paid for political ads.
David Garcia: Takes no money from lobbyists or corporate PACs.
David Garcia: Supports automatic voter registration.
Gretchen Whitmer: Opposes gerrymandering; opposes voter ID.
Gretchen Whitmer: Disclose political donors; reverse Citizens United.
Jared Polis: More limits on campaign donations; more donor disclosure.
Jared Polis: Investigate voter suppression; prohibit gerrymandering.
Karl Dean: Nonpartisan redistricting; no voter ID.
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: Reveal political donors; reverse Citizens United.
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: No voter ID laws; no purging of voter rolls.
Mike DeWine: Opposed McCain-Feingold bill limiting political donations.
Mike DeWine: Supports purging voter rolls.
Richard Cordray: Limit political donations from corporations & unions.
Richard Cordray: The right to vote is vital to our democracy.
Scott Walker: Avoid witch hunts: limit political corruption investigations.
Scott Walker: Supported redistricting, but struck down as unconstitutional.
Steve Pearce: Supports Citizens United.
Steve Pearce: Supports voter ID laws.
Tim Walz: Limit corporate campaign donations, and disclose all.
Tim Walz: Remove barriers to voting.
Tom Wolf: Same-day voter registration; automatic voter registration.
Tom Wolf: Limit campaign contributions.
Tony Evers: Overturn Citizens United: limit political donations.
Tony Evers: Close the chapter of voter suppression in Wisconsin.
Gun Control
Ben Jealous: Universal background checks & gun courts.
Brian Kemp: Constitutional carry without permit.
Bruce Rauner: Restrict access for criminals/mentally ill; ban bump stocks.
Janet Mills: Ban bump stocks and high-capacity magazine.
Kim Reynolds: Supports "stand your ground" provisions.
Shawn Moody: Right to bear arms "shall never be questioned.
Adam Laxalt: Firearm restrictions not effective in reducing gun violence.
Andrew Gillum: Universal background checks & assault weapon ban.
Andrew Gillum: Voting rights to former felons: they deserve a second chance.
Bill Lee: Oppose any attempt to ban an entire class of weapons.
Bill Schuette: Repeal restrictions on guns, including semi-automatics.
David Garcia: Universal background checks; ban assault weapons.
Doug Ducey: Revoke firearm permits if convicted of violent offense.
Gretchen Whitmer: Universal background checks; ban assault-style weapons.
Jared Polis: Ban bump stocks; end black market gun sales.
Jeff Johnson: Arm trained professionals in schools.
Karl Dean: Strong background checks; ban bump stocks.
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: Strengthen background checks; ban assault weapons.
Mike DeWine: Supports stand-your-ground; opposes bump stock ban.
Richard Cordray: Universal background checks & bump stock ban.
Ron DeSantis: Concealed carry statewide; open-carry on campuses.
Scott Wagner: Opposes gun restrictions.
Scott Walker: Supports conceal carry and stand-your-ground laws.
Steve Pearce: I don't think Gun Control legislation works.
Steve Sisolak: Ban silencers, bump stocks, and assault weapons.
Tim Walz: Expand background checks; ban assault-style weapons.
Tom Wolf: Expand background checks; ban bump stocks.
Tony Evers: Universal background checks; ban bump stocks.
Walker Stapleton: Repeal existing gun control laws & oppose new efforts.
Health Care
Brian Kemp: Require people to work to receive Medicaid.
Bruce Rauner: Move more Medicaid recipients to managed care programs.
Adam Laxalt: ObamaCare is most flawed piece of legislation ever endured.
Andrew Gillum: Expand Medicaid in Florida; work toward Medicare-for-All.
Bill Lee: ObamaCare will not expand in Tennessee under my watch.
Bill Schuette: Replace ObamaCare with private insurance.
David Garcia: Support ACA; move toward Medicare-for-All.
Doug Ducey: Medicaid only for destitute & disabled; not middle-class.
Gretchen Whitmer: No work requirements for Medicaid; expand it instead.
Jared Polis: Improve ObamaCare; work toward universal single-payer system.
Jeff Johnson: ObamaCare was sold as reform & there was no reform in it.
Karl Dean: Support ObamaCare; expand Medicaid.
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: Support ObamaCare; keep Medicaid without work requirement.
Mike DeWine: Repeal ObamaCare; add work requirements to Medicare.
Richard Cordray: Expand Medicaid and ObamaCare.
Ron DeSantis: Repeal ObamaCare; health care isn't a right.
Scott Wagner: Repeal ObamaCare; add work requirement for Medicaid.
Scott Walker: Sue to repeal ObamaCare; reject Medicaid expansion.
Steve Pearce: Repeal & replace ObamaCare; no Medicaid without work.
Steve Sisolak: Do everything we can to maintain healthcare coverage.
Tim Walz: Single-payer system is on Minnesota's horizon.
Tom Wolf: Expand ObamaCare; no work requirement for Medicaid.
Tony Evers: Support ObamaCare; support Medicaid expansion.
Walker Stapleton: End Colorado's ObamaCare exchange; undo Medicaid expansion.
Ben Jealous: Defend DREAMers & champion a pathway to citizenship.
Brian Kemp: End DACA; round up criminal illegals.
Stacey Abrams: Advocates a clean DREAM Act.
Adam Laxalt: Don't expand DACA to cover parents of DREAMer kids.
Andrew Gillum: DACA is unconstitutional; opposes any path to citizenship.
Bill Lee: Benefits for illegal immigrants is the wrong strategy.
Bill Schuette: Joined 2016 lawsuit to block DACA expansion.
David Garcia: In-state tuition and driver's licenses for DREAMers.
Gretchen Whitmer: Protect DREAMers from deportation; offer path to citizenship.
Jared Polis: Restore DACA: Don't cast 1M aspiring Americans into shadows.
Karl Dean: Earned path to citizenship; they are Tennesseans.
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: Supports earned path to citizenship for DREAMers and others.
Mike DeWine: Supports DREAMers; but let President decide.
Richard Cordray: Pathways to citizenship for all immigrants who love America.
Ron DeSantis: DACA is unconstitutional; opposes any path to citizenship.
Scott Walker: Stripped in-state tuition from DREAMer students.
Steve Pearce: Supports earned path to citizenship over a 10-year period.
Steve Sisolak: Workable pathway to citizenship for law-abiding immigrants.
Tim Walz: Give DREAMers a path to citizenship.
Tom Wolf: Supports having a Pennsylvania DREAM Act.
Tony Evers: Protect DREAMers brought to US illegally as kids.
Walker Stapleton: Deport anyone in the country illegally.
Fred Hubbell: Raise minimum wage at state level; allow cities to raise too.
Janet Mills: Raise minimum wage to $12 by 2020.
Kim Reynolds: Keep minimum wage at $7.25; don't allow cities to raise it.
Ralph Abraham: Increasing minimum wage hurts US economy.
Shawn Moody: Roll back minimum wage increase.
Adam Laxalt: Do not raise minimum wage; that hurts workers.
Andrew Gillum: Supports state $15 minimum wage.
Bill Schuette: Supports right-to-work law as a great victory.
Bill Schuette: Opposes prevailing wage law.
David Garcia: Raise the minimum wage.
Doug Ducey: Raising local minimum wage brings California-style chaos.
Gretchen Whitmer: Repeal "right-ro-work" law (support union organizing).
Gretchen Whitmer: Increase minimum wage to $15/hour over three years.
Jared Polis: Expand collective bargaining, instead of "right-to-work".
Jared Polis: Let municipalities raise local minimum wage.
Jeff Johnson: Minimum wage increase lessens options for young.
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: Opposes right-to-work law (supports unions).
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: Raise minimum wage to $10 now & $12 later.
Mike DeWine: Let states decide on minimum wage.
Richard Cordray: No right-to-work law (keep mandated union dues).
Richard Cordray: Raise minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2025.
Scott Wagner: Supports "right-to-work"; allow opt-out from unionization.
Scott Wagner: Raise minimum wage from $7.25 to $9.50/hr, but not higher.
Scott Walker: Supports right-to-work law; ended prevailing wage law.
Scott Walker: Artificially raising wage won't help create jobs.
Steve Pearce: Enact right-to-work law (no automatic union dues).
Steve Pearce: Raising minimum wage hurts small businesses.
Steve Sisolak: Raise minimum wage to $10, but $15 is too much.
Tim Walz: Push back against right-to-work legislation.
Tim Walz: Supports $15 minimum wage for Minnesota.
Tom Wolf: No "right-to-work"; unionization decided by majority rule.
Tom Wolf: Raise minimum wage from $7.25 to $12/hr.
Tony Evers: Repeal right-to-work law; reinstate collective bargaining.
Tony Evers: Raise minimum wage to $15/hr; index for inflation.
Tax Reform
Andy Beshear: Add new revenue sources like casino gambling.
Andrew Gillum: Trump tax cuts put billions into richest coffers.
Eddie Rispone: Yes on historic federal tax cuts; no on raising state taxes.
Larry Hogan: Protect Marylanders negative effects of Trump tax cut.
Ron DeSantis: Tax cuts help US companies compete with foreign businesses.
Adam Laxalt: Committed to not raising taxes on anybody.
Bill Schuette: Cut taxes and make Michigan a growth state.
David Garcia: Arizona has one of the most regressive tax systems.
Gretchen Whitmer: Trump tax cuts help only millionaires & billionaires.
Jared Polis: Repeal Trump's tax cuts.
Jeff Johnson: Trump tax cuts lower Minnesota taxes.
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: Trump tax cuts reward the wealthy & special interests.
Mike DeWine: Supports Trump tax cuts; exempt capital gains taxes.
Richard Cordray: Trump tax cuts were a terrible deal that helps the wealthy.
Ron DeSantis: Keep Florida a low-tax state; super-majority to raise taxes.
Scott Walker: Cut $8 billion in taxes, mostly for higher earners.
Steve Sisolak: Supported commerce tax; supports property tax increase.
Tim Walz: Trump tax cuts go mostly to top 1%.
Tony Evers: Raise taxes on wealthy to pay for public services.
Walker Stapleton: I had the courage to support Donald Trump's tax cuts.
Fred Hubbell: Expand affordable rural internet access.
J.B. Pritzker: Net neutrality is vital to free expression.
Janet Mills: Loss of net neutrality is a giveaway to huge corporations.
Kim Reynolds: Internet grew & thrived before net neutrality.
Ron DeSantis: Net neutrality was an FEC massive power grab.
Andrew Gillum: Net neutrality protected FL communities & residents.
David Garcia: Repeal of net neutrality jeopardizes economic growth.
Gretchen Whitmer: Expand broadband with net neutrality.
Jared Polis: Support net neutrality: free exchange of ideas on internet.
Karl Dean: Increase gas tax to fund local transportation infrastructure.
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: Supports Net Neutrality: equal access to Internet.
Mike DeWine: Preserve Net Neutrality (tiered access to Internet).
Richard Cordray: Supports Net Neutrality (equal access to Internet).
Ron DeSantis: FCC requirement for net neutrality was a massive power grab.
Scott Walker: Opposes Net Neutrality: principle of Internet is freedom.
Steve Pearce: Net Neutrality rules undermine the free market.
Steve Sisolak: Preserve Net Neutrality (equal access to internet).
Tim Walz: Supports Net Neutrality (equal access to Internet).
Tom Wolf: Supports Net Neutrality: keep the internet free & open.
Tony Evers: Support Net Neutrality: treat internet like a utility.
Welfare & Poverty
Adam Laxalt: Develop new affordable housing without tax funding.
Steve Sisolak: Expedited permitting for affordable housing.