OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Cathy McMorris-Rodgers: Ban abortion with exceptions for rape, incest, or threat.
Gil Cisneros: Trust women to make their own reproductive decisions.
Harley Rouda: Don't tell a woman what to do with her body.
Mark Harris: Pro-life; no exceptions for rape or incest.
Young Kim: Voted against women's right to reproductive decisions.
Budget & Economy
Cathy McMorris-Rodgers: Cut spending; balance budget; stop burdensome regulations.
Civil Rights
Gil Cisneros: Committed to important fight for LGBT equality.
Harley Rouda: Too many LGBTQ Americans lack basic legal protections.
Mark Harris: Homosexuality is a sin, and a choice.
Young Kim: Opposes gay marriage.
Mark Harris: Lowering corporate taxes will produce more growth.
Cathy McMorris-Rodgers: Marijuana contributes to drug addiction & abuse.
Greg Gianforte: Medical marijuana yes; recreational marijuana no.
Dana Rohrabacher: Legalize marijuana.
Gil Cisneros: Legalize recreational marijuana; expunge criminal records.
Harley Rouda: Legalize marijuana.
Young Kim: Don't legalize recreational marijuana.
Cathy McMorris-Rodgers: Opposed student loan refinancing; cut Pell Grant funding.
Greg Gianforte: Private donations to colleges to address student debt.
Gil Cisneros: Don't divert funds from public schools to vouchers.
Gil Cisneros: Yes on interest-free college loans & free community college.
Harley Rouda: Allow college students to refinance loans at lower rates.
Mark Harris: Supports funding private schools with public money.
Young Kim: Vouchers instead of top-down, one-size-fits-all policies.
Young Kim: Supports student loan forgiveness for college debt.
Energy & Oil
Ted Budd: No clear evidence that man contributes to climate change.
Cathy McMorris-Rodgers: A number of variables drive the Earth's cooling & warming.
Greg Gianforte: The climate is always changing.
Dana Rohrabacher: Global warming theory means global government.
Gil Cisneros: Combat climate change before it's too late.
Harley Rouda: Prioritize green energy over fossil fuels of the past.
Mark Harris: Government should not pick winners & losers in green energy.
Young Kim: Humans contribute to climate change, but no spending on it.
Young Kim: Opposed renewable energy production targets.
Ted Budd: Cut EPA enforcement funding by $1.9 billion.
Cathy McMorris-Rodgers: Restrict funding for EPA's water quality standards.
Mark Harris: Eliminate regulatory red tape on states' resources.
Families & Children
Dana Rohrabacher: No funds for Planned Parenthood for any purpose.
Free Trade
Ted Budd: Support imposition of tariffs on China.
Cathy McMorris-Rodgers: Opposes tariffs.
Mark Harris: Not a fan of tarrifs, but ok as negotiating tool.
Government Reform
Ted Budd: Leave redistricting to states; no independent commissions.
Cathy McMorris-Rodgers: Support Citizens United; unregulated campaign contributions.
Cathy McMorris-Rodgers: Stricter voter restrictions, including photo IDs.
Greg Gianforte: Donated to groups opposing MT Disclose Act.
Gil Cisneros: More financial disclosure for political spending.
Gil Cisneros: Yes to automatic voter registration & same-day registration.
Harley Rouda: Reverse Citizens United; limit corporate political donations.
Harley Rouda: Fair elections without barriers to vote.
Mark Harris: Supports regulating indirect campaign contributions.
Young Kim: Didn't sponsor CA Proposition 59 to overturn Citizens United.
Young Kim: Opposes automatic voter registration & student enrollment.
Gun Control
Cathy McMorris-Rodgers: Supports bump stock ban & some background checks.
Greg Gianforte: Gun rights are absolute; opposes any infringement.
Gil Cisneros: Support background checks and assault weapon ban.
Harley Rouda: Mandatory background checks; ban assault rifles.
Mark Harris: More gun laws are not the answer.
Young Kim: No background checks; don't expand assault weapon ban.
Health Care
Gil Cisneros: US is too rich to struggle without affordable health care.
Harley Rouda: Basic healthcare is fundamental right in developed countries.
Mark Harris: Replace ObamaCare with market-based patient-driven reform.
Young Kim: ObamaCare gave us nothing but broken promises.
Homeland Security
Cathy McMorris-Rodgers: Partially privatize Veterans Affairs.
Ted Budd: End diversity visa lottery & chain migration.
Cathy McMorris-Rodgers: Supported path to citizenship for DACA recipients.
Gil Cisneros: Supports pathway to citizenship for DACA recipients.
Harley Rouda: Comprehensive immigration reform with pathway to citizenship.
Mark Harris: Pathway to citizenship rewards lawbreaking.
Young Kim: Supports pathway to citizenship for DACA recipients.
Ted Budd: Prohibit prevailing wage mandate.
Gil Cisneros: Increase minimum wage; ensure a living wage.
Mark Harris: Opposes minimum wage increase, and spending to create jobs.
Young Kim: Don't raise California minimum wage.
Principles & Values
Dana Rohrabacher: Trump campaign did not collude with the Russians.
Social Security
Greg Gianforte: Supports privatization; retirement isn't biblical.
Mark Harris: Supports gradual privatization of Social Security.
Tax Reform
Cathy McMorris-Rodgers: Tax cuts make companies invest in America again.
Greg Gianforte: Oppose any or all tax increases to raise revenue.
Gil Cisneros: Stop tax handouts to big corporations & special interests.
Harley Rouda: Trump tax cuts help wealthy families, not working families.
Young Kim: Signed pledge to not raise taxes.
Ted Budd: Don't require that internet provides equal access to all.
Cathy McMorris-Rodgers: Regulations hamper investment & reduce consumer choice.
Dana Rohrabacher: Prohibit FCC from regulating rates for broadband internet.
Harley Rouda: Supports rebuilding infrastructure.
Harley Rouda: Strong net neutrality supporter.
Mark Harris: Opposes net neutrality.
War & Peace
Greg Gianforte: Keep economic sanctions on Iran.
Harley Rouda: Keep nuclear treaty with Iran.