OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Rob Arlett: Protect life from natural conception to natural death.
Mike Braun: Life starts with conception.
John James: 100% pro-life; always have been; always will be.
Danny Tarkanian: Life starts at conception.
Rich Pezzullo: Opposes using tax dollars for abortions, wants regulations.
Deedra Abboud: Keep government out of reproductive decisions.
Luther Strange: Permanently cut off funding for Planned Parenthood.
Roy Moore: Opposes abortion & funding Planned Parenthood.
Albert Olszewski: All human life needs to be protected.
Deedra Abboud: Woman's right to choose including funding.
Budget & Economy
Bernie Sanders: Restructure debt so Puerto Rico can rebuild.
Lawrence Zupan: Build an opportunity economy, with growth for generations.
Susan Hutchison: Tax cuts led the way to economic growth & more jobs.
Ron Curtis: Balanced budget achievable: stop waste and reduce spending.
Mike Braun: Don't pay politicians if they can't pass a budget.
Gene Truono: Government spending must have accountability & transparency.
Beth Lindstrom: Helped reduce needless business regulations to increase jobs.
Nick Freitas: Budgets must come from a place of transparency and frugality.
John James: Focus on cutting waste and getting to a balanced budget.
Bobby Nardolillo: Rationalize onerous federal regulations.
Danny Tarkanian: Cut entitlements to reduce trillions of debt.
Beto O`Rourke: Promote antitrust & regulations that promote competition.
Rich Pezzullo: Balance your budget and provide affordable services.
Arvin Vohra: Remove legal tender laws & stimulate the economy.
Matthew Corey: Washington's unbalanced budget affects all states.
Matthew Corey: Wasteful spending and regulations crippling jobs.
Roy Moore: Cut taxes and spending to stimulate economy.
Leah Vukmir: Congress is addicted to spending our money.
Deedra Abboud: Economy should work for everyone.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Create investment banks that will create jobs.
Civil Rights
Susan Hutchison: History of fighting for equal rights for women in workplace.
Ron Curtis: Americans are equally entitled to Constitutional rights.
David Baria: Strong backer of women's rights; equal pay for equal work.
Zak Ringelstein: Supports women's rights and equal pay for equal work.
Jennifer Ferguson: We need drastic measures to protect our civil rights.
Arvin Vohra: Abolish Patriot Act and redundant spy agencies.
Deedra Abboud: All government levels should protect human rights.
Shiva Ayyadurai: Only a real Indian can defeat a fake Indian.
John Melendez: Ensure equal rights regardless of sexual orientation.
Deedra Abboud: Protect LGBTQ community to ensure equality.
Steve Carlson: Endorses Trump's efforts to reform elections.
Michael Eisen: Study gender bias in scientific publications.
Bob Flanders: Enhance federal programs to help small business grow.
Bob Flanders: Our economy is strong due to tax cuts and regulatory relief.
Rob Arlett: Remove job-killing regulations to boost the economy.
Brooke Paige: Streamline regulations to make Vermont "business friendly".
Scott Noren: Real way to build economy is by making SBA loans available.
Bob Hugin: As a job creator he'll employ new policies to spur growth.
Mike Braun: Lowering taxes is a good start to empowering job creators.
Gene Truono: Decrease regulatory burden on small businesses.
Bobby Nardolillo: Trump corporate tax cuts are just what the doctor ordered.
Jennifer Ferguson: Small businesses are a pillar to economic success.
Jennifer Ferguson: Government is now being run by the corporations.
Jensen Bohren: Small businesses need same subsidy that big businesses get.
Jensen Bohren: Wall Street needs regulations to stop manipulating prices.
Rich Pezzullo: Government shouldn't bail out businesses that can't succeed.
Deedra Abboud: Corporations great on taking, not giving back.
Deedra Abboud: Keep banks out of stock market; no more gambling.
Roy Moore: Against same sex marriage; against civil unions.
Albert Olszewski: Federal regulations get in the way of small business.
Brooke Paige: Establish uniform sentencing and incarceration guidelines.
Scott Noren: Incarcerate criminals but sentences should reflect the crime.
Jennifer Ferguson: Prisoners' basic civil rights are being violated and denied.
Jensen Bohren: Reformed felons need their voting rights reinstated.
Jensen Bohren: Private prisons being encouraged to fill up to capacity.
Kevin de Leon: Gang violence plagues our neighborhoods.
Deedra Abboud: Community policing will decrease crime & tensions.
Leah Vukmir: Law and order is a critical issue.
Paula Jean Swearengin: End mandatory minimum sentencing.
Joe Arpaio: Chain gangs and tents for inmates, and no smoking nor porn.
Bob Flanders: Enhance treatment & recovery services; and public engagement.
Rob Arlett: Tougher enforcement via Opioid Crisis Response Act.
Brooke Paige: Legalize and commercialize marijuana, but not "hard drugs".
Susan Hutchison: Strengthen federal prosecution in opioid drug crisis.
Zak Ringelstein: Fighting Opioid epidemic begins with pharmaceutical reform.
Scott Noren: Opioid solutions are not working; start with prescriptions.
Jacky Rosen: Legalize medical marijuana and recreational marijuana.
Jensen Bohren: Marijuana should be treated like alcohol and tobacco.
Arvin Vohra: Stop the war on drugs; end black market profits.
Deedra Abboud: Let states make their own cannabis decisions.
Jenny Wilson: More funding for opioid treatment for victims.
Deedra Abboud: Leave legalization to the voter.
Paula Jean Swearengin: End the wasteful, harmful, war on drugs.
Joe Arpaio: Fight drug trafficking around the world.
Martha McSally: Authored bill increasing penalties for drug spotters.
Bob Flanders: Parental school choice: federal funds follow students.
Bob Flanders: Simplify aid; subsidize students who can't afford college.
Rob Arlett: Answers to education should come from teachers and parents.
Brooke Paige: Reject Common Core; protect local control.
Susan Hutchison: Good education is the surest way out of poverty.
Ron Curtis: We can better serve students teaching them the "how" skills.
David Baria: Must invest in programs & tools needed by all students.
Tony Campbell: Wants federal government out of education decisions.
Zak Ringelstein: Do away with school privatization; invest in public schools.
Scott Noren: National school voucher system for community college.
Gene Truono: Prepare students with the education and skills they'll need.
Nick Freitas: Wants Common Core out of the educational system.
John James: Every high school student should be career- or college-ready.
Larry Crim: Children should have quality education minus crushing debt.
Larry Crim: Children should have quality education minus crushing debt.
Danny Tarkanian: Real choice, not just choice between government schools.
Danny Tarkanian: I support vouchers for private school tuition.
Jennifer Ferguson: Income less $150K year should get free state college tuition.
Arvin Vohra: Stop the one-size-fits-none education programs.
Deedra Abboud: Voucher programs are weakening public schools.
Matthew Corey: Wants vouchers for school choice, empower states.
Shiva Ayyadurai: Educational-industrial complex not yielding skilled students.
Roy Moore: Feds out of education; encourage vouchers.
John Melendez: Lower college tuition, equal access.
Allen Waters: No free college, no government loans.
Allen Waters: More choice, more charter schools.
Deedra Abboud: Vouchers dismantle public schools for private schools.
Deedra Abboud: Strong public schools lead to healthy future.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Free college or trade school to all qualified students.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Ensure adequate funding; encourage best practices.
Jacky Rosen: $50K for STEM curriculum grant for UNLV.
Joe Arpaio: Hard Knocks High: only accredited high school in jail.
Cindy Hyde-Smith: Sees agri-tourism as a great tool in educating the youth.
Energy & Oil
Bob Flanders: Balance a bipartisan & diverse energy supply.
Brooke Paige: Develop alternative energy if affordable and reliable.
Ron Curtis: Manage renewable electric power with smaller community farms.
Bob Hugin: Energy independence: solar & wind, plus domestic oil & gas.
Bobby Nardolillo: Understanding Gap: do no economic harm without certainty.
Danny Tarkanian: Energy independence by drawing from all energy sources.
Beto O`Rourke: Incentivize renewable energy.
Jensen Bohren: Total shift to green energy sources and transportation.
Rich Pezzullo: Keep energy costs low by opposing radical Green agenda.
Roy Moore: Encourage coal mining and oil drilling.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Need to invest in renewable energy now.
Cindy Hyde-Smith: Supports alternative energy for its new business potential.
Bob Flanders: Overburdensome regulation and red tape costs $2T annually.
Brooke Paige: Fund program for fertilizer runoff to reduce water pollution.
Susan Hutchison: States should manage their own natural resources, not feds.
Ron Curtis: Protect environment with common sense daily routine changes.
Zak Ringelstein: Believes in climate change and protecting our environment.
Scott Noren: Ban fracking; scrap nonsense regulations.
John James: Protect the national treasure of the Great Lakes.
Jim Newberger: Get government & extreme environmental Left off our backs.
Shiva Ayyadurai: GMOs are destroying our health; establish safety standards.
Dean Heller: $230M for Public Land Management around Las Vegas.
Bobby Nardolillo: Fishing industry suffers under needless catch limits.
John Kingston: Oppose subsidies of uneconomic green technologies.
Dave Webber: We need 100% world consensus or EPA is a wasteful burden.
Jennifer Ferguson: Work for investments in green infrastructure.
Arvin Vohra: Our biggest polluter is the American Government.
Deedra Abboud: Environment needs protection from corporations.
Luther Strange: Don't hamstring economy to get clean air & water.
John Melendez: Promoting hemp will protect our amazing planet.
Deedra Abboud: Government protection needed to preserve nature.
Martha McSally: EPA rule costs jobs and hurts poor.
Cindy Hyde-Smith: Values and respects land and farmers; sees growth potential.
Families & Children
Zak Ringelstein: Commit to fully funding disability programs.
Zak Ringelstein: Families are the backbones to society and need full support.
Nick Freitas: Families start before birth and everyone has worth.
Allen Waters: Believes in traditional American values.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Make 6 months of family leave available to all parents.
Foreign Policy
Bernie Sanders: Binding referendum on Guam's political status.
Bernie Sanders: Binding referendum on Puerto Rico statehood vs. independence.
Bob Flanders: U.S. global leadership via stronger strategic alliances.
Susan Hutchison: Supports moving U.S. Embassy to Israel's capital Jerusalem.
Zak Ringelstein: America is best when working for global peace & partnerships.
Bob Hugin: Supports Israel and recognizes Jerusalem as its capital.
Rich Pezzullo: As our ally, we must support Israel's right to defend itself.
Rich Pezzullo: Oppose all UN treaties that weaken our sovereignty.
Deedra Abboud: Two-state solution for Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Roy Moore: U.S. shouldn't be restricted by U.N. treaties.
Allen Waters: Supports Israel and settler movement.
Free Trade
Rob Arlett: Supports free & fair trade; fight for security at ports.
Susan Hutchison: Free and fair trade must start with an even playing field.
Zak Ringelstein: Protect economy from harmful international trade agreements.
John James: Free but fair trade, to keep jobs in Michigan.
Luther Strange: Kill foreign trade deals.
Roy Moore: Rescind free trade pacts.
Government Reform
Bernie Sanders: Sovereign rights & voting rights for Native Americans.
Brooke Paige: Implement ethics and transparency rues for state government.
Susan Hutchison: Term limits on elected officials, to stop the corruption.
Ron Curtis: Take back our elections from lobbyists & special interests.
David Baria: Government should be a straight shooter & disclose actions.
Zak Ringelstein: Ultra rich are buying our elected leaders & control policy.
Mike Braun: Replace the swamp with citizen legislators and term limits.
Nick Freitas: Use originalism to faithfully interpret Constitutional text.
Tommy Battle: Create regional councils to see and hear the people.
John Kingston: Washington is broken: term limits for members of Congress.
Danny Tarkanian: Drain the swamp by imposing term limits on Congress.
Jennifer Ferguson: The government needs to be given back to the people.
Jensen Bohren: Prohibit all campaign donations from corporations.
Matt Rosendale: Get Feds out of the way of the states.
John Melendez: Electoral College broken, voters unheard.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Cut regulations favoring big businesses.
Gun Control
Bob Flanders: Security measures & dedicated first responder at schools.
Rob Arlett: Pro-2nd Amendment; Americans have right to defend themselves.
Susan Hutchison: Supports 2nd Amendment; existing laws need to be enforced.
Mike Braun: A hunter himself, he's a proud backer of the 2nd Amendment.
Gene Truono: He's pro 2nd Amendment but with common sense conditions.
Nick Freitas: Unapologetic firm supporter of 2nd Amendment rights.
John James: 2nd Amendment is enough said.
Danny Tarkanian: Self-defense is a constitutional right & a God-given right.
Danny Tarkanian: What good is a handgun if a bad guy has an assault rifle?
Rich Pezzullo: Opposes new federal gun laws; high marks from NRA.
Rich Pezzullo: More conservative justices on federal bench.
Arvin Vohra: Remove all gun ownership restrictions.
Deedra Abboud: Pro-2nd Amendment with education and restrictions.
Luther Strange: Defends God-given 2nd Amendment rights.
Allen Waters: Opposes strengthening gun laws.
Deedra Abboud: Favors responsible, educated gun owners.
Eric Brakey: Bipartisan Republican leads the charge to less gun control.
Health Care
Bob Flanders: Supports HSAs, cross-state insurance, and tort reform.
Bob Flanders: Drugs Affordability Act: negotiate Medicare drug prices.
Rob Arlett: Repeal ObamaCare; get market-based insurance across states.
Brooke Paige: Reject single-payer healthcare and Vermont Health Connect.
Susan Hutchison: ObamaCare will lead to socialized medicine.
Ron Curtis: Affordable health care for all calls for effective planning.
David Baria: ObamaCare should be expanded to reach everyone.
Zak Ringelstein: ObamaCare helped; but supports Medicare single payer.
Mike Braun: Common sense solutions can offset ObamaCare shortfalls.
Gene Truono: Competition and full price disclosure in health care.
Danny Tarkanian: ObamaCare MUST be repealed; I guarantee I'll vote to do so.
Rick Saccone: Free-market principles instead of ObamaCare.
Dave Webber: ObamaCare drastically increased insurance rates.
Jensen Bohren: Cut out middleman and use the taxes for Medicare-For-All.
Kevin de Leon: For health care to be accessible, it must be affordable.
Rich Pezzullo: Repeal ObamaCare; it's a dangerous proposal.
Arvin Vohra: Wants to eliminate the FDA and Medicare part D.
Deedra Abboud: Healthcare for all is obtainable goal.
Matthew Corey: Let health care be governed by the free market.
Luther Strange: Repeal the total failure of ObamaCare.
Roy Moore: Repeal Obamacare; allow competition.
Albert Olszewski: Repeal and replace Obamacare with bipartisan approach.
Chuck Boyce: Replace parts of ObamaCare with catastrophic insurance.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Medicare for all as part of insurance free market.
Homeland Security
Bob Flanders: Commit the resources needed for military preparedness.
Rob Arlett: Keep Homeland Security and Defense Depts. properly funded.
Rob Arlett: Strong military lineage; will fight to have their needs met.
Susan Hutchison: Expand depleted military to increase readiness.
Zak Ringelstein: Veterans need homes and proper health care; they earned it.
Bob Hugin: Syrian airstrikes no "kabuki show" to our brave military.
Scott Noren: Proactive, not reactive, actions taken to aid military.
Mike Braun: We need increased military to protect our interests abroad.
Allen Waters: Congress needs to act on the shameful treatment of veterans.
Gene Truono: Put country first: support strong national defense.
Gene Truono: Honor the military by taking care of them.
Tommy Battle: Flying the flag both honors it and salutes the veterans.
John James: Help prepare our veterans for re-entry into society.
Jim Newberger: Part of what makes our nation great is our military.
Shiva Ayyadurai: Deliver services that our vets need and have been denied.
Danny Tarkanian: Rebuild our military; it was severely weakened under Obama.
Mike Braun: North Korea & Russian dangers require strong US military.
Patrick Morrisey: Strong national defense preserves American freedom.
Dave Webber: 20 Vets commit suicide every day--we must do better by them.
Jennifer Ferguson: Fan of strong military defense but war must be last resort.
Rich Pezzullo: Spying on citizens not needed against criminals & terrorists.
Deedra Abboud: Veterans are ignored, forgotten, and deserve more.
Evan Jenkins: Increase military spending & upgrade equipment.
Matthew Corey: Veterans cannot be ignored or forgotten.
Roy Moore: No gays in the military.
Roy Moore: More money for modern weapons.
Leah Vukmir: Address disgraceful neglect at Veterans Affairs.
Albert Olszewski: Champion a veterans' healthcare system.
Albert Olszewski: Give our military the resources they need.
Bob Flanders: Control our borders & prevent visa overstays, as first step.
Rob Arlett: For immigration reform: keep illegals out & welcome legals.
Susan Hutchison: Build border wall and block illegal entry.
Ron Curtis: Base immigration policy on meeting job market needs.
Zak Ringelstein: Welcomes immigrants as assets to both society and economy.
Mike Braun: Hard line approach to illegal immigrants: build the wall.
Gene Truono: New policy for legal immigration: more border security.
Nick Freitas: Supports stronger borders and a merit-based entry policy.
John James: Proponent of Kate's Law; defund sanctuary cities.
John James: No nonsense view of illegal immigration--has to stop now.
Danny Tarkanian: Reform legal immigration; but BLOCK illegal immigration.
Danny Tarkanian: Oppose sanctuary cities; support official English.
Rick Saccone: Intense vetting of immigrants from terror-training countries.
Dave Webber: Pathway to citizenship needed for law abiding immigrants.
Jennifer Ferguson: Immigration must be fair and humane in its practices.
Rich Pezzullo: Opposes pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants.
Arvin Vohra: End restrictions on immigration; open our borders.
Deedra Abboud: Rejects governments heartless immigration tactics.
Luther Strange: Build border wall; defund sanctuary cities.
Luther Strange: Supports Muslim ban.
Roy Moore: Open borders a threat to national security.
Leah Vukmir: Construct a wall on the southern border.
John Melendez: Find path for immigrants here illegally.
Deedra Abboud: Protect immigrants through commonsense government reform.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Create swift, secure path to citizenship.
Zak Ringelstein: Create jobs by investment in land grants and infrastructure.
Dave Webber: Increasing minimum wage will result in less jobs.
Jennifer Ferguson: Protect the unions for they are protecting the workers.
Arvin Vohra: Eliminate the minimum wage entirely.
Deedra Abboud: Supports measures to increase federal minimum wage.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Raise minimum wage; tie rate to inflation.
Principles & Values
Rob Arlett: Proud Christian man: fight for free practice of religion.
Ron Curtis: Principles of campaign are liberty and limited government.
Gene Truono: Seek common ground solutions using dignity and respect.
Nick Freitas: First and foremost a Christian, for liberty and equality.
John James: Fight for the Constitution's principles, as written.
Luther Strange: Let clergy endorse candidates.
Roy Moore: Must act as one nation under God.
Leah Vukmir: Our rights come from God, not man.
John Melendez: Equal opportunity instead of catering to 1%.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Part of "Brand New Congress" to fight special interests.
Joe Arpaio: America's Toughest Sheriff in nation's third largest Office.
Social Security
Ron Curtis: Make Social Security sustainable long into the future.
Zak Ringelstein: Social Security needs expansion; seniors need more benefits.
Jim Newberger: Social Security must be protected.
Dave Webber: Maximum limit for pay into social security needs increase.
Jennifer Ferguson: Non negotiable position against privatizing social security.
Arvin Vohra: Wants to shut down the Social Security system.
Deedra Abboud: Stop Congress from borrowing from Social Security.
Matthew Corey: Social Security isn't an entitlement but a benefit.
Deedra Abboud: Hands off Social Security.
Tax Reform
Rob Arlett: For Trump's 2017 Tax Reform: make taxpayer cuts permanent.
Brooke Paige: Vermont should not be the "Land of Endless Taxes".
Susan Hutchison: Simple & fair tax code instead of head tax and carbon tax.
Ron Curtis: Make tax cuts for individuals permanent; no expiration.
David Baria: Fight for real tax relief that won't benefit the rich.
Zak Ringelstein: GOP tax bill did little for those that needed it the most.
Allen Waters: Advocate of FairTax system, pay taxes only on what you buy.
Jim Newberger: Simplify our tax code; the IRS has become too powerful.
Dave Webber: Keep tax rate higher on wealthy for now, & slowly lower it.
Roy Moore: Replace income tax with tax on goods and services.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Cut taxes for middle/working class.
Bob Flanders: invest in crumbling roads & bridges with Infrastructure Bank.
Rob Arlett: Our strategic highways are in disrepair.
Susan Hutchison: Wants federal infrastructure dollars for 21st century needs.
Ron Curtis: Personal background in managing evolving technologies.
David Baria: Day one he will focus on repairing national infrastructure.
Tommy Battle: Investment in education can lead to landmark technology.
John James: Repair of infrastructure is stepping stone to the future.
Larry Crim: Our interstates and highways need our tax dollars now.
Larry Crim: Our interstates and highways need our tax dollars now.
Jensen Bohren: Net Neutrality is fair to all, keeps manipulators at bay.
Deedra Abboud: Defends equal access from public to websites.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Invest $4.6 trillion in infrastructure.
Cindy Hyde-Smith: Emerging technology has need and value in the marketplace.
War & Peace
Bob Flanders: Chinese expansion in the Far East must be constrained.
Tony Campbell: Our country's national security must be our first priority.
Danny Tarkanian: Stronger response to ISIS, North Korea, and Russia.
Mike Braun: Defeat ISIS terrorists where they live.
Dave Webber: Need diplomatic dialogue to keep Middle East under control.
Matthew Corey: ISIS must be eliminated at all costs.
Roy Moore: Congress should have a say in foreign wars.
Leah Vukmir: Confront ISIS & Islamic jihadists who want to kill us.
Albert Olszewski: When possible, we need to keep our troops out of harm's way.
Paula Jean Swearengin: End wars of choice; protect human rights when needed.
Welfare & Poverty
Rob Arlett: Best economic program is the dignity of work and a paycheck.
John James: Eliminate poverty instead of just making it more comfortable.
Dave Webber: False unemployment rate means rise in welfare & food stamps.
Jennifer Ferguson: Rich get richer and the poor are paying the price for it.
Rich Pezzullo: Make major cuts in welfare "giveaway" programs.
Roy Moore: Let churches & charities help the needy.