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Appointed by Gov. Charlie Crist to replace Sen. Mel Martinez Minutes after he was sworn in Thursday, new Florida Sen. George LeMieux got an earful of advice from Vice President Joe Biden, cast his first vote -- against an Obama administration appointee -- and threatened to block passage of an energy bill that would put oil drilling rigs near the Florida shore. The Republican also sought to tamp down speculation that he would consider taking on Florida's senior senator, Democrat Bill Nelson, in 2012. ``I'm not focused on running for any political position in 2010 or 2012,'' he told reporters after his first press conference, fielding questions on immigration, oil drilling, President Barack Obama's healthcare speech and committee posts he might seek. Appointed by Gov. Charlie Crist to fill the remainder of retired Sen. Mel Martinez's term, LeMieux scarcely mentioned the man considered his political twin, illustrating the delicate balance he is likely to seek as he promises to be his ``own man'' in Washington. ``There are tremendous issues facing this nation, and although my time in Washington will be brief, I intend to work hard every day to address these critical challenges and serve the people of this unique, diverse and wonderful state,'' said LeMieux, who has described himself as a ``Charlie Crist Republican.'' Crist, who is running for the Senate seat in 2010, didn't attend the swearing-in. LeMieux, who orchestrated Crist's 2006 gubernatorial win, was flanked by Nelson and former Sen. Connie Mack at the ceremony. ``I've got a lot of work to do here in Florida,'' Crist said in St. Petersburg. ``I certainly wish Sen. LeMieux all the best. I'm sure he'll do great for the people of Florida.'' LeMieux's first order of the day after a staff briefing and tour of his office: a speedy oath of office administered by Biden, who, as vice president, is president of the Senate. Click for complete records of Mel Martinez's and Charlie Crist's issue stances & voting record.
Special election set for Jan. 19, 2010 Amid fevered speculation about possible contenders for Senator Edward M. Kennedys seat, Gov. Deval Patrick scheduled a special election for Jan. 19 and said he would keep pushing the state legislature to change the law so he could name an interim successor. Shortly before his death last week, Mr. Kennedy wrote legislative leaders asking them to revise the law so his seat would not stay vacant for months. The legislature indicated Monday that it would decide quickly whether to grant his request, scheduling a public hearing on the proposal for Sept. 9. Many lawmakers criticized the proposal in the days before Mr. Kennedys death, but legislative leaders, at least, have since hinted they would support it. Massachusetts has not had an open Senate seat since 1984, and excitement is running high about two possible candidates in particular: Victoria Reggie Kennedy, Mr. Kennedys widow, and Joseph P. Kennedy II, his nephew. Ms. Kennedy reiterated on Monday that she was not interested in the seat, people close to the family said. Joseph Kennedy, 56, a former congressman from Massachusetts, has $2 million in leftover campaign money. At a memorial service for his uncle last week, he spoke of the importance of public service and of chasing the same goals and ideals that Senator Ted Kennedy lived his life for. Friends say he is still considering whether to run. Other possible contenders include Attorney General Martha Coakley, Representatives Michael E. Capuano, Stephen F. Lynch and Edward J. Markey; and former Representative Martin T. Meehan, who retired in 2007 to become chancellor of the University of Massachusetts, Lowell. Mr. Patrick ruled himself out as a candidate on Monday, saying he was focused on winning re-election next year. Although the seat will almost certainly go to a Democrat, several Republicans are also said to be interested in running, including Kerry Healey, who was lieutenant governor under Gov. Mitt Romney, and Michael J. Sullivan, until recently the United States attorney in Massachusetts.
Click for complete records of Ted Kennedy's or Deval Patrick's issue stances & voting record.
Asked MA Legislature to change rules prior to his death on Aug. 25 Senator Edward M. Kennedy, in a poignant acknowledgment of his mortality at a critical time in the national health care debate, has privately asked the governor and legislative leaders to change the succession law to guarantee that Massachusetts will not lack a Senate vote when his seat becomes vacant. In a personal, sometimes wistful letter sent Tuesday to Governor Deval Patrick [and legislative leaders], Kennedy asks that Patrick be given authority to appoint someone to the seat temporarily before voters choose a new senator in a special election. Although Kennedy, who is battling brain cancer, does not specifically mention his illness or the health care debate raging in Washington, the implication of his letter is clear: He is trying to make sure that the leading cause in his life, better health coverage for all, advances in the event of his death. In his letter, which was obtained by the Globe, Kennedy said that he backs the current succession law, enacted in 2004, which gives voters the power to fill a US Senate vacancy. But he said the state and country need two Massachusetts senators. I strongly support that law and the principle that the people should elect their senator, Kennedy wrote. I also believe it is vital for this Commonwealth to have two voices speaking for the needs of its citizens and two votes in the Senate during the approximately five months between a vacancy and an election. Under the 2004 law, if Kennedy were to die or step down, voters would select his successor in a special election to be held within five months of the vacancy. But the law makes no provisions for Massachusetts to be represented in the Senate in the interim. In the meantime, President Obamas plan to overhaul the nations health care system, the fate of which may hinge on one or two votes, could come before Congress. I am now writing to you about an issue that concerns me deeply, the continuity of representation for Massachusetts, should a vacancy occur, Kennedy wrote. To ensure that the special election is fair, the senator also urged that the governor obtain an explicit personal commitment from his appointee not to seek the office on a permanent basis. {Note: Sen. Kennedy passed away five days after the letter was made public.] Click for complete records of Ted Kennedy's or Deval Patrick's issue stances & voting record.
New Jersey and Virginia debates New Jersey and Virginia are the only states with gubernatorial races in 2009. OnTheIssues coverage of their debates have begun:
Click for details of other Governors.
Gov. Charlie Crist (R, FL) to appoint successor, perhaps himself Sen. Mel Martinez told friends and supporters Friday in an e-mail that he'll step down from the Senate as soon as a replacement is appointed to fill out his term. ``My priorities have always been my faith, my family and my country and at this stage in my life, and after nearly 12 years of public service in Florida and Washington, it's time I return to Florida and my family,'' said Martinez, who had already ruled out a run for reelection in 2010. In an extraordinary turn of events, Gov. Charlie Crist, the leading Republican to replace Martinez in the U.S. Senate, will have the power to appoint someone to fill the remainder of Martinez's term. Crist has denied that he'd appoint himself. He's expected to make an announcement on a fill-in before the end of the August recess when the Senate returns to Washington. Some names already surfacing: former Sen. Connie Mack, former Gov. Bob Martinez and former Secretary of State Jim Smith. Some speculate that Crist might step down as governor, thereby elevating Lt. Gov. Jeff Kottkamp, who could then appoint Crist to the Senate. Click for complete records of Charlie Crist's or Mel Martinez' issue stances & voting record.
Replaces David Souter on the Supreme Court Judge Sonia Sotomayor, who rose from the housing projects of the Bronx to the top of the legal profession, made history Thursday when the Senate confirmed her to become the nation's first Hispanic Supreme Court justice. Sotomayor was easily confirmed in a 68-31 vote. Nine Republicans joined a unanimous Democratic caucus in supporting her nomination. Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Massachusetts, supported Sotomayor but was not present for the vote because of illness. Sotomayor, a 55-year-old federal appeals court judge, will be the 111th person to sit on the high court and the third female justice. She will be sworn in at the Supreme Court by Chief Justice John Roberts on Saturday. Sotomayor was confirmed after senators spent a final day of debate rehashing arguments for and against her. Democrats continued to praised Sotomayor as a fair and impartial jurist with an extraordinary life story. Many Republicans portrayed her as a judicial activist intent on reinterpreting the law to conform with her own liberal political beliefs. Among other things, Republican opponents emphasized concerns over her statements and rulings on hot-button issues such as gun control, affirmative action and property rights. They also raised questions about some of her most controversial speeches and statements, including her hope that a "wise Latina woman, with the richness of her experiences" would reach a better conclusion than a white man "who hasn't lived that life." Click for complete records of David Souter's or Sonia Sotomayor's issue stances & voting record.
Sean Parnell sworn in as Governor As thousands of cheering supporters vowed to keep her feisty, down-home political legacy alive, Sarah Palin stepped down as Alaska governor Sunday, pledging to continue fighting for independence from Washington and for Americans' personal freedoms "as that grizzly guards her cubs." The hand-over to Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell at a family-style picnic marked an unexpected end to a brief but remarkable governorship in which the 45-year-old hockey mom turned the Republican Party on its head and propelled Alaska's frontier-style, moose-meat-picnic politics into the national dialogue. "Let's not start believing that government is the answer," she told the largely affectionate crowd of about 5,000 at Pioneer Park. "It can't help make you healthy or wealthy or wise. What can? It is the wisdom of the people. . . . It is God's grace, helping those who help themselves." Betraying no sadness or second thoughts, she chastised those who question why she stepped down 18 months before the end of her term. "It should be so obvious to you," she said. "It is because I love Alaska this much, sir, that I feel that it is my duty to avoid the unproductive, typical politics-as-usual lame-duck session in one's last year in office. . . . I will be able to fight even harder for you, for what is right. And I have never felt that you need a title to do that." Palin has declined to say what she plans to do next -- other than write a book and make public appearances, beginning Aug. 8 at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library near Simi Valley. She has not ruled out a bid for the presidency in 2012. At Sunday's picnic, few supporters appeared to believe that she would stay out of the limelight for long. Click for complete records of Sarah Palin's issue stances & voting record.
Norm Coleman concedes election after more than 7 months of controversy He will be the "un-Al." He will be Minnesota's myth-busting senator. As much as he'll tilt toward the left, he might sway toward Minnesota-style boredom, at least at the start. As the pivotal Sixtieth Democrat, Al will be on the very fault line of American politics. He will have to show the same remarkable discipline and control that he mustered in defeating Republican Sen. Norm Coleman In an ironic twist, a man who got famous for his out-of-bounds, deliberately over-the-top humor must once again be a model of decorum and close-to-the-vest style as he enters the Senate. Franken threw his hat into the Minnesota Senate race on Valentine's Day, 2007. He was thin-skinned then. He could be a bit surly. He was still often in a radio-talk-show mode, seemingly searching for Ann Coulter or Bill O'Reilly in every corner as they were for him. Then he donned his dress suit and entered the marathon of getting the DFL nomination, running against Norm Coleman and surviving the recount. During the campaign, Franken spoke of an "Apollo Project" for renewable energy (focused on job creation), easing the middle class squeeze (with a series of tax credits and a new retirement plan) and getting to an American model of universal health care. During his victory speech Tuesday, he echoed those priorities, saying he wants to make quality health care accessible and affordable to all Minnesotans, to educate the state's children to prepare them for a "21st century economy," to make Minnesota "the epicenter of a new renewable energy economy," to restore "our standing in the world and put people to work here at home." Thus we heard the Franken priorities and a map to chart over the next five-and-half years. When Coleman was asked Tuesday what kind of senator he thought Franken would be, he said, "I hope he'll be a senator in the Minnesota tradition. We've had great senators." Coleman said he wanted to be careful about offering advice, but added: "So often, we think of the job of the U.S. senator as standing on the floor debating the great issues of the day A lot of what I thought was important was the customer service aspect, the citizen service aspect There are great debates to be had, but helping that mom get a kid in Haiti . . . is a pretty big deal. My hope would be that he understands, as I understood in my public career, that the public service part is really fundamental." Franken's local office is already revved up to begin such constituent services and has been planning for that "customer service" mode throughout the election contest. Click for complete records of Al Franken's or Norm Coleman's issue stances & voting record.
Special election to fill McHugh's seat is now underway The gradual but unmistakable Democratic trend in New Yorks 23rd District has Republicans worried about their ability to keep it in GOP hands when Rep. John McHugh (R-N.Y.) officially steps down later this year to become secretary of the Army. Since first winning the seat in 1992, McHugh has never seriously been threatened in the historically Republican seat. But over the past four years, theres been a pronounced shift to the left in the North Country-area seat. The GOP registration edge in the district has dwindled from about 63,000 to less than 47,000. In 2006, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Eliot Spitzer and then-Sen. Hillary Clinton won lopsided victories in the district. Then, in 2008, Barack Obama won the district over John McCain, 52 percent to 47 percent a notable turnaround in a district that George W. Bush carried twice. Now, Democrats are eyeing McHughs district, which, if lost, would leave Republicans with just two of New Yorks 29 House seats. Under New York election rules, the 10 other Democratic county chairmen in the district like their Republican counterparts will select a party nominee for the special election, which will take place after McHugh resigns, possibly later this summer. The most widely mentioned potential Democratic candidate is state Sen. Darrel Aubertine, who won a historically Republican seat last year. On the GOP side, the most frequently mentioned names are New York state Reps. Will Barclay and Dede Scozzafava. [On June 11], one candidate officially entered the race for the 23rd Congressional District in New York. Republican Legislator Paul Maroun of Tupper Lake will run for the seat being vacated by Congressman John McHugh. Click for complete records of John McHugh's issue stances & voting record.
Creigh Deeds to face Bob McDonnell in November State Sen. R. Creigh Deeds won the three-way Democratic primary for governor of Virginia, an impressive showing for the candidate who was the least-well funded in the race. And while the momentum was clearly heading in his direction, his capturing of nearly 50 percent of the vote was the big headline of the night. Trailing well behind were former DNC chair Terry McAuliffe and former state Delegate Brian Moran.
Click for complete records of Tim Kaine's issue stances & voting record.
Chris Christie to face Jon Corzine in November Chris Christie won the Republican primary this evening, defeating challenger Steve Lonegan and earning a chance to unseat Democratic Gov. Jon Corzine in this fall's election. Turnout was light across the state, despite the hotly contested battle between front-runner Christie, a former U.S. prosecutor, and challenger Lonegan, the former mayor of Bogota. The Associated Press declared Christie the winner around 10 p.m., about two hours after the polls closed. GOP Assemblyman Rick Merkt was also in the race, though he ran a distant third. Corzine, who was expected to win easily in the Democratic primary, kicked off his campaign with a rally at the Codey Arena in West Orange. Vice President Joe Biden headlined the event. Click for complete records of Jon Corzine's issue stances & voting record.
Would replace David Souter omce confirmed by Senate Sonia Sotomayor - who rose from the broken-glass streets of a city housing project to become the Supreme Court's first Latina nominee - says she's just a "kid from the Bronx." "It is a daunting feeling to be here," Sotomayor, 54, said minutes after President Obama nominated her to replace Associate Justice David Souter. The daughter of the Bronx recalled getting a tour of the White House after she was named an appeals court judge 11 years ago. "It was an overwhelming experience for a kid from the South Bronx. Yet never in my wildest childhood imaginings did I ever envision that moment, let alone ... this moment," she said. "I hope that as the Senate and American people learn more about me, they will see that I am an ordinary person who has been blessed with extraordinary opportunities and experiences." If confirmed by the Senate, she will be the first Hispanic justice on the nation's highest court.
Click for complete records of David Souter's issue stances & voting record.
Special election (CA-10) to be scheduled in summer President Barack Obama on Tuesday formally nominated Ellen Tauscher, a seven-term member of Congress who is considered an expert on defense, as his top arms control official. Tauscher, who represents a California district, has a record of introducing arms control and counter proliferation legislation and has campaigned for greater oversight of the US Missile Defense Agency. She said in a statement that she decided to take the job of under secretary of state for arms control and international security after a period of "soul searching." "Keeping nuclear weapons out of the hands of terrorists, making sure other countries do not obtain them and, one day, I hope, ridding the world of these terrible weapons, has become my passion and, I hope, my life's work," she said. * * *
Click for complete records of Ellen Tauscher's issue stances & voting record.
Obama's first Supreme Court nomination to come With one judge aged 89, another aged 76 and receiving chemotherapy and three others in their seventies, the odds were that a Supreme Court vacancy would come up during Barack Obama's four-year term. The surprise is that it was David Souter, a relative spring chicken at 69, who decided to leave the nine-member court This seems to have been a rare occasion where someone had genuine "personal reasons" for leaving a high profile job. It was well known that Mr Souter, only the sixth bachelor to sit on the illustrious bench, has long yearned for a life outside Washington. He once told acquaintances that he had "the world's best job in the world's worst city". He maintained a sparsely furnished apartment in the capital and led a decidedly low-tech lifestyle, with no mobile phone, email, television or even answering machine. When the court finished its work every summer, he quickly departed for his beloved New Hampshire - always driving himself the 500 miles home - where he climbed and walked. Friends said on Friday that he wanted to enjoy the outdoors in his waning years, rather than spending October to July in the nation's capital. Mr Souter has been on the court since 1990, when President George Bush plucked him the federal appeals court circuit. He was heavily touted by John Sununu, the Bush White House aide and former conservative governor of New Hampshire, who hailed his choice as a "home run". Early in his time in Washington, Mr Souter was called a moderate conservative. But he soon joined in a ruling reaffirming a woman's right to an abortion, a decision from 1992 that remains perhaps his most noted work on the court. He gradually became a mostly reliable liberal vote on the court and was one of the four dissenters in the 2000 decision in Bush v. Gore that sealed the presidential election for George W. Bush. Click for complete records of David Souter's issue stances & voting record.
Switched from GOP to Dem. in 1966; now comes full circle Arlen Specter, who has represented Pennsylvania in the upper chamber since 1980, said he was "anxious" to stay in the Senate -- and he did not want to face a Republican primary in order to keep his seat next year. "I was unwilling to subject my 29-year record in the U.S. Senate to the Pennsylvania Republican primary electorate," he said. "But I am pleased to run in the primary on the Democratic ticket and am ready, willing and anxious to take on all comers in the general election." Polls suggested Specter would face a stiff primary challenge from Rep. Pat Toomey, who falls to his right on the political spectrum. Toomey nearly defeated Specter in the Pennsylvania GOP Senate primary in 2004. Specter's move puts the Democrats one shy of a rare filibuster-proof Senate majority of 60 seats. Senate Democrats can now reach the 60-seat mark if Al Franken holds his current lead in the disputed Minnesota Senate race. "As the Republican Party has moved farther and farther to the right, I have found myself increasingly at odds with the Republican philosophy and more in line with the philosophy of the Democratic Party," Specter said in announcing his decision Tuesday. He said he made the final decision to switch parties and end a 44-year affiliation with the GOP after consulting with his campaign advisers and family over the weekend. Click for complete records of Arlen Specter's or Pat Toomey's issue stances & voting record.
Results finalized after long recount from March 31 special election Murphy's opponent, Republican Jim Tedisco, conceded after what had been an extremely close race. Weeks after the special election on March 31, ballots were opened, counted, and contested.. On Friday, with Murphy ahead by almost 400 votes, Tedisco conceded. Scott Murphy will replace Kirsten Gillibrand in the 20th congressional district (who was appointed to fill Hillary Clinton's Senate seat). Murphy talked about the strong voter turnout and he spoke of working with people of different parties for economic development. "For the last 15 years I've been starting small businesses. I've been working with companies all across upstate New York to create over 1,000 jobs," said Congressman-Elect Murphy in his address to the crowd. "That's what I've done in the private sector. People said it couldn't be done there. Well we did it. People said we couldn't win this election. Well we did. People don't believe we can get the economy moving here in the 20th district and I tell you, we can!" Murphy expects to be sworn in as member of Congress on Wednesday in Washington.
Click for complete records of Kirsten Gillibrand's and Hillary Clinton's issue stances & voting record.
No, Rick Perry did not call for secession! Governor Rick Perry didn't actually endorse secession when he spoke at an antitax tea party at Austin city hall. But you could forgive people for misunderstanding, since he's been railing against an overreaching Federal Government, rejected stimulus spending and quoted Sam Houston's declaration that "Texas has yet to learn submission to any oppression." Perry, who faces a tight re-election campaign against that notorious Washington insider "Kay Bailout Hutchison," observed that he thought the U.S. was still a "great union," but "if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that?" (See pictures of tea-party tax protests across the country.) A Zogby poll last summer found that 1 in 5 Americans thinks states and regions should have the right to leave, which means that the revolutionary DNA of 234 years ago still persists in our bloodstream. Maybe every couple of hundred years, the country should have the debate, just to keep our muscles warm. The secessionist movements alive today in Vermont, Hawaii and California are not really battles between left and right: they include libertarian Marxists and tribal-rights activists and anarchists and greens and every other ideology, all stirred up by their opposition to big national government. While we work all this out, I have an idea for Governor Perry. The 1845 Joint Resolution for Annexing Texas omits the right to secede but affirms Texas' right to divide itself into five states if it chooses. Click for complete records of Kay Bailey Hutchison's and Gov. Rick Perry's's issue stances & voting record.
Echoing Boston Tea party of 1773 Whipped up by conservative commentators and bloggers, tens of thousands of protesters staged "tea parties" around the country yesterday to tap into the collective angst stirred up by a bad economy, government spending, and bailouts. The rallies were directed at President Obama's administration on a symbolic day: the deadline to file income taxes. Protesters even threw what appeared to be a box of tea bags toward the White House, causing a brief lockdown at the compound. Shouts rang out from Kentucky, which just passed tax increases on cigarettes and alcohol, to Salt Lake City, where many in the crowd booed Governor Jon Huntsman, a Republican, for accepting about $1.5 billion in stimulus money. Even in Alaska, where there is no statewide income tax or sales tax, hundreds of people held signs and chanted "No more spending." In Boston, a few hundred protesters gathered on the Common - a short distance from the original Tea Party protest in 1773 - some dressed in Revolutionary garb and carrying signs that said "Barney Frank, Bernie Madoff: And the Difference Is?" and "D.C.: District of Communism." The tea parties were promoted by FreedomWorks, a conservative nonprofit advocacy group based in Washington and led by Dick Armey of Texas, a former Republican House Majority Leader who is now a lobbyist. While FreedomWorks insisted the rallies were nonpartisan, they have been seized on by many prominent Republicans who view them as a promising way for the party to reclaim its momentum. Click for complete records of Barney Frank's and Jon Huntsman's issue stances & voting record.
Vote result from Tuesday April 7 still undetermined [In the race to replace Kirstin Gillibrand, who was appointed to fill Hillary Clinton's Senate seat], in New York's 20th Congressional District special election, all counties have now completed the canvassing, or recanvassing, of machine votes. The final vote tally excluding the absentee and military ballots was 76,992 for Democrat Scott Murphy (D-NY) to 77,060 for Republican James "Jim" Tedisco (R-NY). Including a partial count of absentee ballots, Murphy leads Tedisco by 77,804 to 77,769. It is likely that the vote from Saratoga County, which represents almost one-third of the voting population, will determine the outcome of the race. Tedisco received 4607 more votes cast on election day in Saratoga County. If the absentee ballots from the district reflected the voting population on election day, Tedisco will likely emerge as the winner. Some have begun discussing the possibility that no one will be declared the winner. The situation, known under state election law as a "failure to elect," would recreate the vacancy which already exists for the position. Governor David A. Paterson (D-NY) could then call for another special election, or leave the position vacant until November when county elections are scheduled. Click for complete records of Kirsten Gillibrand's and Hillary Clinton's issue stances & voting record.
Wins IL-5 race to replace Rahm Emanuel Democrat Mike Quigley's presumptive status as congressman became official Tuesday as he won 69 percent of the vote in a record-low turnout general election. The tax-fighting Cook County commissioner and part-time amateur hockey player says he is ready to hit the ground voting when he is sworn in April 24. Only one in 10 voters came out in this generally Democratic district that stretches from Lincoln Park to the DuPage County line. Republican Rosanna Pulido won 24 percent of the vote and Green Party candidate Matt Reichel took 7 percent. Rahm Emanuel left this seat to become President Obama's chief of staff. In Iraq with the president Tuesday, Emanuel was asked by a Marine if he voted absentee for Quigley. [He said he did not.] Click for complete records of Rahm Emanuel's issue stances & voting record.
Race against Al Franken will likely extend until May Five months after Minnesota voters thought they elected a U.S. senator, perhaps they will soon get one. And perhaps not. A legal ruling last week strongly suggests that Democrat Franken, the comedian-turned-politician, will eke out a narrow victory over Republican Coleman, the incumbent. A state appeals court panel will meet Tuesday to oversee the counting of up to 400 absentee ballots, a potentially pivotal sliver of the 2.9 million votes cast last fall, and eventually rule on the disputed election that has Franken up by 225 votes. The outcome hinges, though, on when the court battles end. The painstaking re-examination of the November election has tried the patience of Minnesota voters, who have watched as lawyers, judges and out-of-town politicians and bloggers weigh in on the Senate race that doesn't seem to want to end. Franken has been ahead, based on a recount completed in early January, but continued legal challenges have prevented the election from being certified by Minnesota's secretary of state, Democrat Mark Ritchie, and Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty. Until they certify the election result, Franken cannot take a seat in the Senate, meaning Democrats effectively have 58 seats instead of 59 and Minnesota has only one senator. Coleman promised last week that he would appeal the upcoming appeals court ruling to the Minnesota Supreme Court, which would almost certainly delay any resolution into May. Another possible scenario is going to the U.S. Supreme Court, which would drag things out further, or filing a lawsuit challenging the legitimacy of the November election. Despite all the resources spent in the fightnearly $40 million in the election aloneneither candidate is wildly popular with voters. Each collected 42 percent of the vote, with thinly financed Independent candidate Dean Barkley getting 15 percent. The winnernow it looks like Frankenwill not go to Washington with the warm wishes of the majority. Click for complete records of Norm Coleman's or Al Franken's issue stances & voting record.
Rep. Tauscher (D, CA-10) to resign; see Tauscher's issue stances Democratic Rep. Ellen O. Tauscher confirmed just Wednesday that she has been offered a high-level State Department post in the Obama administration and prospective candidates already are stepping in or taking themselves out of contention to succeed her in Californias 10th District seat. Two well-known regional Democratic officeholders, state Sen. Mark DeSaulnier and state Assemblywoman Joan Buchanan, have expressed interest in the seat. Many state lawmakers are likely to consider running, given the term limits placed on them by state election law. Any candidate activity is just positioning for now, as the seat will not become vacant unless and until Tauscher elected last November to a seventh House term is confirmed by the Senate to be undersecretary of State for arms control and international security. Should Tauscher vacate her House seat, Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger would call a special election in which candidates of all parties would run on a single ballot. If one candidate receives a majority in the primary, he or she would be declared the outright winner. In the absence of a majority winner in the primary, the top vote-getter in each party would advance to a special general election. Republicans dont have a deep bench of elected officials in this district. One whose name has been floated as a possible House candidate is San Ramon Mayor H. Abram Wilson, who lost a bid for state Assembly last fall. Click for complete records of Rep. Ellen Tauscher's issue stances & voting record.
Gov. Schwarzenegger announces special election for July 14 SPECIAL ELECTION PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA "I, ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Governor of the State of California, do hereby proclaim and order that a special election shall be held on the 14th day of July, 2009 within the 32nd Congressional District of the State to fill the vacancy in the office of the Member of Congress from said district resulting from the resignation of Hilda Solis." Candidates of all parties run on a single ballot. If one candidate receives a majority in the primary, he or she would be declared the outright winner. In the absence of a majority winner in the primary, the top vote-getter in each party would advance to a special general election. Likely contenders include:
Click for complete records of Rep. Hilda Solis's or Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's issue stances & voting record.
Excerpts and analysis of Pres. Obama's speech Barack Obama continues to enjoy the support of most Americans, and his speech on Tuesday evening to both houses of Congress a State of the Union address in all but name did nothing to erode it. The president spoke to the country, not even pretending to address the audience before him. In a relaxed performance, Mr Obama sounded winning themes familiar from his election campaign and by popular demand mixed a bit more optimism and a bit less gloom than of late into the blend. This is the United States, he said: we are not quitters. No indeed. Fine, although one wonders how much longer Mr Obama will be able to give this speech. He said nothing new. He offered no real information to explain what will become of the banks, or how the budget deficit will eventually be brought back under control, or how his expensive and increasingly confident promises to reform education and healthcare will be paid for. In every case, it was details to follow. Click for complete excerpts and analysis of Pres. Obama's speech.
First Chinese-American governor (D, WA) Former Gov. Gary Locke is President Barack Obama's likely pick for commerce secretary, a senior administration official said Monday. Obama's expected choice of Locke arose less than two weeks after his most recent pick, Republican Sen. Judd Gregg of New Hampshire, backed out, citing "irresolvable conflicts" with the policies of the Democratic president. Obama originally gave the post, which requires Senate confirmation, to New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, a Democrat and a former 2008 presidential candidate. Richardson withdrew in January, before Obama took office, after the disclosure that a grand jury is investigating allegations of wrongdoing in the awarding of contracts in his state. Locke, a Democrat, was the nation's first Chinese-American governor. He served two terms, ending in 2005. The Commerce Department post is typically not one of the more high-profile jobs in an administration. The head of the department oversees agencies responsible for the once-a-decade census, for oceans policy and for many aspects of international trade, among other things. Click for complete records of Gary Locke's issue stances.
Would have been Republican in a Democrat's Cabinet A day after U.S. Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H., announced that he was withdrawing his nomination as commerce secretary, political observers said the gap between Republicans and Democrats is as wide as ever. "It would have been difficult for me, after having presented my opinions and having said my two cents worth, and then had it go a different way," Gregg said. "Then, it would have been difficult for me to be out 100 percent behind the president, where I should be." On Capitol Hill, Republicans called Gregg's move a principled decision. Gregg said he believes Obama wanted him to be commerce secretary because of his ideas. "I think the president wanted me in his Cabinet because he thought I'd bring a different voice and be a constructive person at the table," Gregg said. Few would argue the senator's qualifications for the job, having served on the Budget Committee for years and being a major force behind the TARP stimulus plan. Click for complete records of Judd Gregg's issue stances & voting record.
Governors' speeches all this week This week and next week, all governors will report on the State of the State to their respective legislatures. We cover as many as possible -- check out our coverage as it grows for this year, and check out previous years: Click for details of other Governors.
Appointed by Governor David Paterson to replace Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
"The next junior Senator from New York will have big shoes to fill. This seat has been held by icons of New York State: Robert Francis Kennedy, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Hillary Rodham Clinton. Hillary Clintons confirmation as Secretary of State was a bittersweet moment for all New Yorkers. On one hand, we were thrilled that someone of her caliber would be representing America to the world. But on the other hand, at a time of grave economic and fiscal challenges, we were losing one of our strongest voices and most powerful advocates. Click for complete records of Kirsten Gillibrand's and Hillary Clinton's issue stances & voting record.
Follow our developing coverage of Roland Burris's issue stances A week ago, he was left standing in the cold rain outside the Capitol. Thursday, all was different and all was forgiven. And Roland Burris was a member of the United States Senate. His wild political ride came to an end after he was sworn in as Illinois' junior senator, surrounded and glad-handed by the very Democrats who earlier vowed to keep him from office, saying then that his appointment by Gov. Rod Blagojevich was tainted by scandal. One of the figures instrumental in attempting to keep Burris from his seat, Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), escorted him to the front of the Senate chamber shortly after 2 p.m. local time. Burris, carrying a large Bible, was given the oath of office by Vice President Dick Cheney. A few hours later, he cast his first vote, against a resolution that would block hundreds of billions of dollars in funds the incoming Obama administration wants to use for propping up the financial markets. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid walked Burris to the center of the chamber and showed him how to record his vote. Click for complete records of Roland Burris's and Barack Obama's issue stances & voting record.
Al Franken's request for certification denied The Al Franken campaign today asked Gov. Tim Pawlenty to step into the U.S. Senate recount-cum-election challenge. Indeed, Frankens side said it is Pawlentys duty to do so as early as today. According to the Canvassing Board, Franken won the 2008 U.S. Senate race by 225 votes. Norm Coleman filed last week an election challenge petition [requiring a court decision]. Pawlenty issued a statement saying he won't sign the certificate of election: "I have a duty to follow state law, and our statutes are clear on this issue. I am prohibited from issuing a certificate of election until the election contest in the courts has been resolved." Indeed, Sen. John Cornyn, chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, wrote an opinion piece in Roll Call, the Washington publication, saying Franken shouldnt be seated until the courts decide in Minnesota. Click for complete records of Al Franken's issue stances or and Norm Coleman's issue stances & voting record.
Nine new members in U.S. Senate; 4 seats still pending While most attention is on the two US Senate seats that remain vacant, it's a big day for the 98 senators who are there. Nine new senators are taking the oath of office today:
Click for details of each Senate race.
Books from Obama's designated Cabinet members
Click for details of Bush & Obama Cabinet.
Gov. Rod Blagojevich faces corruption charges for offering to sell Pres.-Elect Obama's senate seat
Click for issue stances of Gov. Rod Blagojevich.
Governor's races in 2008-2009
Click for details of each Governor's race.
The freshman class of the U.S. House
29 new House Democrats 20 new House Republicans Click for details of each House race.
The freshman class of the U.S. Senate
Click for details of each Senate race.
Pres.Elect Obama appoints Chief of Staff: Rep. Rahm Emanuel Pres.-Elect Obama has selected Rahm Emanuel as his White House Chief of Staff. Emanuel will assist in selecting the president's Cabinet.
Click for details of Bush Cabinet.
Obama over McCain, 365 to 173 Our presidential prediction was correct in 42 states and incorrect in 8 states. Map below; click for larger version. We are most proud of our accurate prediction of a Nebraska electoral vote split, which most media organizations are still reporting incorrectly as of Nov. 19.
Click for John McCain's and Barack Obama's issue stances & voting record.
We predict a net gain of 6 Senate seats for the Democrats We have a scary prediction for Halloween: Democrats will control the US House, the US Senate, and the US Presidency. We at OnTheIssues believe that hurts the "balance of powers", one of the core principles of the Constitution. But we believe this outcome will come about because the Republican Party did not learn the lesson of their 2006 election loss: the GOP continued pushing the same economic policy, and the same Iraq war policy, as before 2006, with the same predictable results in 2008. We believe that will be seen as an historical mistake; we only hope that the Republican Party will learn the lesson this time around, so that they can undo the gross imbalance of power in 2010.
Click for details of each Senate race.
We predict Obama over McCain, 351 to 187 Before you read this, you should know that OnTheIssues has predicted wrong in every presidential election since we were founded in 1999. With that in mind, we predict a small landslide for Barack Obama next Tuesday. Our detailed state-by-state prediction appears below (click for larger image). We predict that Obama will gain "blue states" over Kerry's 2004 results in the following categories:
Click for John McCain's and Barack Obama's issue stances & voting record.
We predict a net gain of 15 to 27 House seats for the Democrats 2008 appears destined to be as bad a year for the Republican Party in the US House as 1994 was for the Democratic Party. In 1994, Newt Gingrich oversaw a massive turnover of House seats based on the Contract With America. In 2008, the paired woes of the economy and the Iraq War will oust dozens of Republican House members, we predict. In 1994, the Republicans enjoyed a net gain of 54 House seats, capturing the majority by a 26-seat margin. In 2008, the Democrats may enjoy nearly as large a victory, expanding upon their existing 235-199 majority, a 36-seat margin. The lists below indicate the vulnerable House seats for each party. (All challengers are detailed on our main House page). In summary, Republican incumbents have 58 vulnerable seats, while the Democrats have only 25 vulnerable seats. We categorize them as follows:
Click for details of each House race.
See full coverage of Colin Powell's issue stances Colin Powell, the latest big figure to back Mr Obama, might have had a few kind words for his old friend and party colleague - but he's still voting for the Democrat. It is a decision which will come as a particular blow to John McCain. Mr Powell is, after all, a Republican, a lion of the party and a former general with impeccable national security credentials. Powell served as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the first Gulf War in 1991 and was then Secretary of State during George W Bush's first term in office. He is a big player in Washington and a contemporary of Mr McCain. His view that America needs the generational change which Mr Obama is in a position to offer will undermine his old friend's credibility. The endorsement was offered during a thoughtful TV interview rather than on stage at an Obama rally. It is particularly damaging for the Republicans that Mr Powell suggested Sarah Palin's inclusion on the ticket and the negative tone of the campaign were major factors in his decision. The implication is clear - that his own party could have won his support, but failed to do so. Mr Powell's views probably carry quite a bit of weight with the type of military veterans who are natural McCain voters and who distrust Obama - in part at least - because of his lack of international experience.
Click for complete records of Gen. Colin Powell's and Barack Obama's issue stances & voting record.
McCain vs. Obama at Hofstra University
Click for Excerpts from the third debate.
Excerpts from Change We Can Believe In: Posted Oct. 13, 2008 |
Budget & Economy Clinton left behind a surplus; Bush squandered it. |
Civil Rights Legalized discrimination meant blacks could not amass wealth. |
Crime Reformed death penalty by listening & compromising. We need more cops; but we also need more families. |
Education $10 billion to guarantee early childhood education for all. Pay for college education for those who commit to teaching. |
Energy & Oil Harness homegrown, alternative fuels like ethanol. $150B over 10 years to establish a green energy sector. |
Families & Children I know what it means to have an absent father. Reward fathers who pay child support with larger EITC. |
Foreign Policy In Berlin: proud citizen of US; fellow citizen of the world. In Cold War, we won hearts & minds; now do same to world. |
Free Trade Impossible to turn back globalization; we'd be worse off. Global trade is unsustainable if it favors only the few. |
Government Reform Use technology to shine a light on spending. |
Health Care Universal health care by of first term. |
Homeland Security Wrote law to secure & destroy world's deadliest weapons. Seek the peace of a world without nuclear weapons. |
Principles & Values We are choosing hope over fear. We've never really worked through complexities of race. |
Tax Reform Middle class tax cut helps offset rising cost of gas & food. |
Technology Broadband in heart of inner cities and rural towns. National Infrastructure Reinvestment Bank: $60B in 10 years. |
Welfare & Poverty Welfare policies contributed to erosion of black families. |
Second presidential debate: Oct. 7th, 2008 |
Second of three debates, at Belmont University, in a "Town Forum" format. | |
Budget & Economy Barack Obama: I sought re-regulation; McCain boasts he's a deregulator. John McCain: We've laid a $10 trillion debt on our young people. John McCain: Buy up bad mortgages so people can stay in homes. John McCain: I suspended my campaign to help resolve financial crisis. | |
Energy & Oil Barack Obama: $15B to free us from foreign oil in 10 years. Barack Obama: Nuclear power ok, as one component of energy mix. John McCain: All of the above: nuclear, wind, tide, solar, gas, coal. John McCain: Nuclear power is the best way to fix climate change. | |
Government Reform John McCain: We need a reformer because system in Washington is broken. John McCain: I fought earmarks even in defense spending. | |
Health Care Barack Obama: No exclusions for pre-existing conditions. | |
Homeland Security Barack Obama: Serving America doesn't mean going out shopping. | |
Social Security John McCain: Future retirees cannot get what current ones get. John McCain: It's not that tough to fix Social Security, if bipartisan. | |
Tax Reform Barack Obama: My plan cuts taxes for most small businesses & 95% of people. John McCain: Keep tax rates the same; let's not raise anybody's taxes. |
Vice presidential debate: Oct. 2th, 2008 |
First and only V.P. debate, between Gov. Sarah Palin (R, AK) and Sen. Joe Biden (D, DE) | |
Civil Rights Joe Biden: No on gay marriage; yes on equal treatment. Sarah Palin: Non-support of anything but traditional marriage. | |
Energy & Oil Joe Biden: I have supported clean coal for 25 years. Joe Biden: Cause of global warming is clearly Man-made. Sarah Palin: I do support capping carbon emissions. Sarah Palin: Exxon & Conoco are not my biggest fan. Sarah Palin: Nonsensical to leave domestic supply untapped. Sarah Palin: Cyclical temperature changes affect climate change. | |
Families & Children Joe Biden: I've been a single parent; I know the difficulties. | |
Foreign Policy Joe Biden: Time to sit down and talk, talk, talk to enemies. Sarah Palin: Some dictators hate America & what we stand for. | |
Government Reform Joe Biden: Led fight against Bork based on ideology. Sarah Palin: Agrees with Cheney that VP as executive is flexible. | |
Health Care Joe Biden: McCain health plan is ultimate Bridge to Nowhere. Sarah Palin: $5,000 tax credit for families to buy their own coverage. | |
Homeland Security Joe Biden: We spend same in 3 weeks in Iraq as 7 years in Afghanistan. Sarah Palin: Economic sanctions on North Korea for nukes. | |
Principles & Values Joe Biden: As VP, I'll be point person in Congress. Joe Biden: Cheney has been most dangerous VP in history. Sarah Palin: By working with all parties, never had to compromise. | |
War & Peace Joe Biden: We will end Iraq War; McCain has no end in sight. Joe Biden: My push for Bosnian intervention saved 1000s of lives. Sarah Palin: No white flag of surrender on Iraq. Sarah Palin: Divest from Sudan; enforce no-fly zone in Darfur. |
First presidential debate: Sept. 26th, 2008 |
First of three debates, at the University of Mississippi, took place three days after Sen. McCain suspended his campaign due to the financial crisis. | |
Budget & Economy Barack Obama: The lax regulation that Bush favored got us in this disaster. John McCain: Have no doubt about the magnitude of financial crisis. | |
Corporations Barack Obama: We need Wall Street responsibility BEFORE financial crises. John McCain: Warned about corporate greed & excess; supports bailout. | |
Government Reform Barack Obama: Eliminating earmarks isn't enough; but I'll ceck every line. John McCain: Get earmarks under control to deal with the financial crisis. | |
Health Care Barack Obama: Health tax credit is bad idea; it will cost taxpayers more. John McCain: $5,000 refundable tax credit for every family. | |
Jobs Barack Obama: End incentives that move jobs overseas. John McCain: Cut business taxes so companies will keep jobs in US. | |
Tax Reform Barack Obama: Yes, earmarks are abused, but small compared to tax cuts. John McCain: Worst thing in bad economic climate is to raise taxes. |
Senate candidate bill sponsorships: Posted Sept. 19th, 2008 |
Signature issues by Senate candidates, as indicated by bill sponsorships. | |
AK | Stevens on VOIP: 08-S2919 |
AL |
Sessions on energy security: 08-S3240
Sessions on border prosecution: 08-S2709 |
AR | Pryor on lead toy ban: 08-S2663 |
CO |
Schaffer on conserving grassland: 01-H1689
Udall on veteran mental health: 08-H6268 |
DE | See Biden's V.P. list |
GA | Chambliss on Reserve pay: 07-S2836 |
IA | Harkin on veterans suicide: 08-S2899 |
ID | LaRocco on forest emergency: 93-HR229 |
IL |
Durbin on Juneteenth: 08-SR584
Durbin on Darfur Peace: 08-SR455 |
KS |
Roberts on Reserve feeding: 08-S3337
Slattery on water contaminants: 93-H3392 Slattery on TV advisories: 93-SR122 Slattery on super collider: 93-H1009 |
KY |
McConnell on offshore drilling: 08-S3202
McConnell on Burma trade ban: 07-SJR16 |
LA |
Landrieu on Charter Schools: 07-SR556
Landrieu on Youth Conference: S2771 |
MA | Kerry on ANC terrorism: 08-S2979 |
ME |
Collins on Seeds of Peace: 08-SR536
Collins on H-1B visas: 08-S2839 Allen on veterans' PTSD: 08-H5448 Allen on automatic IRAs: 08-S1288 |
MI | Levin on Great Lakes compact: 08-SJR45 |
MN | Coleman on army chiropractors: 08-SCR75 |
MS |
Wicker on fetus protection: 08-S3111
Wicker on traditional marriage: 08-SJR43 Cochran on Diabetes: 08-S2742 |
MT | Baucus on mental health: 08-S3101 |
NC | Dole on English-only: 08-S2719 |
NH | Sununu on Internet tax ban: 07-S2128 |
NJ |
Zimmer on Megan's Law: 95-H2137
Zimmer on luxurious prisons: 95-HR663 Lautenberg on beach pollution: 08-S2844 |
NM |
Pearce on solar energy: 08-H5805
Pearce on child slavery: 08-H5652 Udall on rare canids: 07-H1464 |
OR | Smith on condemning Iran: 08-SR449 |
RI | Reed on childhood cancer: 07-S911 |
SC | Graham on veterans education: 08-S2938 |
SD | Johnson on Argentine meat ban: 08-S3238 |
TN | Alexander on bald eagles: 08-SR583 |
TX |
Cornyn on troop voting: 08-S3073
Cornyn on estriol access: 08-SCR88 Cornyn on Syria sanctions: 08-S2917 |
WY |
Barrasso on CO2 sequestration: 08-S2614
Enzi on insurance pooling: 08-S2818 |
Sarah Palin's record: Sep. 12, 2008 |
Interested in reading where Sarah Palin stands on the issues? The mainstream media does a great job telling all about Palin's high school nickname and details about her lipstick. In contrast, OnTheIssues.org has excerpted a complete record of Gov. Palin's issue stances from the following sources:
Joe Biden's Senate record: Sept. 5, 2008 |
Vice-presidential nominee Joe Biden has been in the U.S. Senate for 35 years. To understand Sen. Biden's priorities, one should look at his bill sponsorships. These bills are the issues that Biden cares most about, and on which he spends most of his legislative time and energy.
Domestic policy:
Foreign policy:
McCain chooses Gov. Sarah Palin (R, AK) for vice president: Aug. 29, 2008 |
I am honored to announce that I have chosen Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska as my choice for the Republican nominee for Vice President. As a father with three daughters, I can't express how proud I am to choose the first female Republican Vice-Presidential nominee.
Sarah Palin is a trailblazer and a reformer. As the first female governor of Alaska, she challenged a corrupt system and has been a tireless advocate for reform - passing a landmark bill on ethics reform. She has taken on the old politics in Alaska and reformed the state's energy industry. She rejects wasteful pork barrel spending. She's fearless - exactly the type of leader I want at my side and the type of leadership we will bring to Washington.
My friends, together Sarah Palin and I make the strongest presidential ticket and I know that she joins me in asking for your support as we head into our Convention week in Minnesota. We're shaking things up in this campaign - and Governor Palin and I are ready to bring real reform to Washington.
Speeches at Democratic Convention: Aug. 26-28, 2008 |
Speeches at Denver convention: | ||
Civil Rights Barack Obama: Keep the promise of equal pay for an equal day's work. | ||
Education Barack Obama: Invest in early childhood education and higher education. | ||
Energy & Oil Barack Obama: Drilling is a stop-gap measure, not a long-term solution. | ||
Families & Children Barack Obama: Help families with paid sick days and better family leave. | ||
Foreign Policy Joe Biden: The US is less secure and more isolated in recent history. Joe Biden: Even Bush recognizes we should talk to Iran. | ||
Government Reform Barack Obama: Eliminate government programs that no longer work. | ||
Health Care Barack Obama: Ban insurance companies from discriminating against the sick. | ||
Principles & Values Barack Obama: The Ownership Society really means "you're on your own". Barack Obama: Measure progress by observing how ordinary people are doing. Barack Obama: The destiny of all Americans is inextricably linked. Hillary Clinton: Confidence and optimism enable us to meet our challenges. Hillary Clinton: McCain and Bush are awfully hard to tell apart these days. Hillary Clinton: Have faith in God, in our country, and in each other. Joe Biden: Failure is at times inevitable but giving up is unforgivable. Joe Biden: Everyone is your equal, and everyone is equal to you. Joe Biden: We should embrace change just like the previous generations. | ||
Tax Reform Barack Obama: Tax cut for 95% of all working families, not corporations. | ||
War & Peace Barack Obama: You don't defeat a terrorist network by occupying Iraq. Barack Obama: I will only send our troops into harm's way when necessary. Joe Biden: Al-Qaeda & the Taliban have regrouped due to Bush's neglect. |
Obama chooses Sen. Joe Biden (D, DE) for vice president: Aug. 23, 2008 |
Barack Obama announced his vice presidential pick by text message (automated phone calls) at 3 AM -- harkening back to the "3 AM phone call" ads run by Obama and Hillary Clinton back in the February primaries. Clinton's ad implied Obama was not ready for the inevitable 3 AM phone call on some international emergency. Obama's new reply implies, "We are ready for anything, and we work at full-tilt, even at 3 AM."
Joe Biden ran for president in 1988, and also in 2008, dropping out on January 4th, after the Iowa caucuses. He has been in the Senate since 1972. He chairs the Foreign Policy Committee and serves on the Judiciary Committee.
As usual, OnTheIssues.org recommends that voters ignore the mainstream media's coverage of Biden. After a week of the mainstream media breathlessly speculating about Obama's vice presidential pick, the mainstream media this week will breathlessly speculate about how Biden affects Obama's and McCain's campaign. We remind voters that breathless speculation does not vote -- only you do.
Our coverage of Joe Biden includes a full Senate voting record; a set of excerpts from his biography; and excerpts from all his major debate appearances. If you want to get to know Joe Biden, read our book excerpts and our issue coverage -- then you'll know more relevant information than anything you'd learn from the breathless pundits. Following is our book review of Biden's book:
Biden focuses on what he considers his key achievements (which will likely be news to most voters!). Biden considers his lead accomplishment in his Senate career to be passage of the Violence Against Women Act in the 1990s. His other signal accomplishments include: successfully pushing Pres. Bill Clinton to bomb Serbia to free Kosovo; successfully urging Pres. Bush to return to Washington on 9/11; and successfully opposing the nomination of Robert Bork to the Supreme Court.Biden spends substantial ink in this book on the Iraq War, which he now describes as a "neocon fantasy." While Biden sounds legitimately against the war in Iraq now, his current analysis has some level of self-justification to it -- because he voted for the war in 2002. He justifies that vote now as a means for avoiding the war in Iraq, and blames the neoconservatives and Bush for going to war and for turning the war to negative results.
More than Biden informing the voters about his issue stances, this book informs voters about Biden's personal history. That personal history is likely even less known to voters than his issue stances -- and certainly makes Sen. Biden seem a more intriguing character to this analyst. Many people know Biden's history with plagiarism, from his 1988 presidential race -- he explains that as media over-hyping here. And those people more familiar with Senate history know that Biden's wife and daughter were killed in a car crash days after his election to the Senate in 1972. Clearly those two events were formative in Biden's current presidential race. But this book explores several other less-known formative events: from overcoming childhood stuttering; to his 1988 brain surgery.
Biden's book explores his lesser-known issue stances in some detail too, including their connection to his personal history. If every candidate wrote a book like this, the voters would be well-served.
Joint appearance by McCain & Obama:Aug. 16th, 2008 |
Back-to-back speeches by John McCain and Barack Obama at the Saddleback Civil Forum, hosted by Pastor Rick Warren's Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, Calif. | ||
Abortion Barack Obama: FactCheck: Abortions HAVE gone down under Pres. Bush. | ||
Government Reform Barack Obama: FactCheck: Worked with McCain on ethics, but bill fell apart. | ||
Health Care John McCain: FactCheck: McCain's $5,000 health tax credit would be taxed. | ||
Tax Reform John McCain: FactCheck: $7,000-per-child tax EXEMPTION, not tax CREDIT. |
OnTheIssues third party coverage: Aug. 1st, 2008 |
| ||
OnTheIssues Senate voting records posted: July 25th, 2008 |
OnTheIssues Senate voting records posted: July 18th, 2008 |
Joint appearance by McCain & Obama: July 12th, 2008 |
Back-to-back speeches by John McCain and Barack Obama at the 99th annual convention of the NAACP. | ||
Budget & Economy John McCain: Can't pass trillions of dollars of debt to our children. | ||
Corporations Barack Obama: We still need corporate ethics & vigilant government. | ||
Crime Barack Obama: Job training for ex-offenders, to avoid return to crime. | ||
Education Barack Obama: Fight for social & economic justice begins in the classroom. John McCain: Vouchers and school choice for all. | ||
Families & Children Barack Obama: Parents provide guidance by turning off TV & video games. | ||
Health Care Barack Obama: Give more help to those denied a life of dignity & respect. John McCain: Large tax credit for families to buy their health care. | ||
Jobs John McCain: Raising taxes eliminates jobs. | ||
Principles & Values Barack Obama: We have to demand more from ourselves. | ||
Tax Reform Barack Obama: Expand the Earned Income Tax Credit. John McCain: Double the personal tax exemption for every dependent. | ||
War & Peace Barack Obama: $10 billion a month spent in Iraq should be spent in the US. | ||
Welfare & Poverty Barack Obama: Still denying decent wages, good benefits, & fair treatment. |
OnTheIssues bill sponsorships posted: July 11th, 2008 |
Barack Obama books excerpted by OnTheIssues: July 4, 2008 |
John McCain books excerpted by OnTheIssues: July 4, 2008 |
Hillary Clinton books excerpted by OnTheIssues: July 2, 2008 |
Joint appearance by McCain & Obama: June 28th, 2008 |
Back-to-back speeches by John McCain and Barack Obama at the 25th annual conference of the National Association of Latino Elected & Appointed Officials. | ||
Budget & Economy Barack Obama: Latinos & blacks are hardest hit by housing & gas crises. | ||
Civil Rights Barack Obama: Has stood together with Latino leaders for last 20 years. | ||
Corporations John McCain: Government should be on businesses' side, not in their way. | ||
Education John McCain: Shake up failed school bureaucracies with competition. | ||
Energy & Oil John McCain: Address both the supply and demand sides of imported oil. John McCain: Lexington Project: invest to achieve energy security. | ||
Free Trade John McCain: When have Americans ever been afraid of foreign competition?. | ||
Immigration Barack Obama: America has nothing to fear from today's immigrants. Barack Obama: We need comprehensive reform, like McCain used to support. Barack Obama: Recognize the humanity of immigrants: Todos somos Americanos. John McCain: Restart comprehensive reform only after securing borders. | ||
Principles & Values Barack Obama: ¡Sí se puede! Yes, we can!. | ||
Tax Reform John McCain: Terrible mistake to raise taxes during an economic downturn. |
SenateMatch quizzes posted: June 20th, 2008 |
Our coverage of 35 Senate races in 33 states begins officially today. Click here to match your issue stances against the Senate candidates, or click below to see how each one answers the VoteMatch quiz individually. | ||
AK:Stevens v.Begich v.Cuddy v.Sikma AL:Sessions v.Figures AR:Pryor v.Kennedy CO:Schaffer v.Udall DE:Biden v.O`Donnell GA:Chambliss v.Cardwell v.Jones v.Buckley IA:Harkin v.Reed ID:Risch v.LaRocco IL:Durbin v.Sauerberg v.Stafford KS:Roberts v.Jones v.Slattery KY:McConnell v.Lunsford LA:Landrieu v.Kennedy MA:Kerry v.O`Reilly v.Beatty ME:Collins v.Allen MI:Levin v.Hoogendyk MN:Coleman v.Franken v.Ventura v.Cavlan v.Pallmeyer MS4:Wicker v.Musgrove MS6:Cochran v.Fleming |
MT:Baucus v.Kelleher NC:Dole v.Hagan NE:Johanns v.Kleeb v.Raimondo NH:Sununu v.Shaheen NJ:Lautenberg v.Zimmer NM:Wilson v.Pearce v.Udall OR:Smith v.Merkley v.Frohnmayer OK:Inhofe v.Rice RI:Reed SC:Graham v.Cone SD:Johnson v.Dykstra TN:Alexander v.Padgett v.Tuke v.Lugo TX:Cornyn v.Noriega v.Jameson VA:Gilmore v.Warner v.Marshall WV:Rockefeller v.Wolfe WY4:Barrasso v.Carter WY6:Enzi v.Rothfuss |
Hillary Clinton withdraws: June 7, 2008 |
18 million of you from all walks of life women and men, young and old, Latino and Asian, African-American and Caucasian, rich, poor and middle class, gay and straight you have stood strong with me. And I will continue to stand strong with you, every time, every place, and every way that I can. The dreams we share are worth fighting for.
I entered this race because I have an old-fashioned conviction: that public service is about helping people solve their problems and live their dreams. Ive had every opportunity and blessing in my own life and I want the same for all Americans. Until that day comes, you will always find me on the front lines of democracy fighting for the future.
The way to continue our fight now to accomplish the goals for which we stand is to take our energy, our passion, our strength and do all we can to help elect Barack Obama the next President of the United States.
Today, as I suspend my campaign, I congratulate him on the victory he has won and the extraordinary race he has run. I endorse him, and throw my full support behind him. And I ask all of you to join me in working as hard for Barack Obama as you have for me.
Although we werent able to shatter that highest, hardest glass ceiling this time, thanks to you, its got about 18 million cracks in it. And the light is shining through like never before, filling us all with the hope and the sure knowledge that the path will be a little easier next time. That has always been the history of progress in America.