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Bill Sponsorships by Presidential Contenders:
Rep. Bob Barr (L)
Sen. Joe Biden (D, VP)
Sen. John McCain (R)
Rep. Cynthia McKinney (G)
Sen. Barack Obama (D)
Gov. Sarah Palin (R, VP)
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Sen. Mike Gravel
Sen. Hillary Clinton
Rep. Ron Paul
Gov. Mark Sanford

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John McCain
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Hillary Clinton
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Ron Paul

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House Votes on 2006-108
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Policy Reports
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Court Rulings

Bill Sponsorships by Presidential Contenders:
Rep. Bob Barr
Sen. Hillary Clinton
Sen. Mike Gravel
Sen. John McCain
Rep. Cynthia McKinney
Sen. Barack Obama
Rep. Ron Paul
Gov. Mark Sanford

Candidate Grids
John McCain
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton
Mike Huckabee
Ron Paul

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Vote number 2006-108 continuing intelligence gathering without civil oversight
on Apr 26, 2006 regarding bill HR 5020 resolution H RES 774 Intelligence Authorization Act
Results: Bill passed: 327-96

A resolution providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 5020) to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2007 for intelligence and intelligence-related activities. Voting YES indicates support of the current methods for intelligence-gathering used by the CIA and other agencies. The resolution's opponents say:
  • This bill could have and should have required a dedicated funding line for the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board. The 9/11 Commission recommended this board to serve as a civil liberties watchdog on the potential erosion of the basic constitutional rights. Now, 15 months later, we find our concerns about basic civil rights to have been well founded, but the oversight board is barely up and running [and is not funded].
  • Many of us believe that when the President authorized the NSA surveillance of Americans, he broke the law, plain and simple.
  • We are talking about the most basic fundamental civil liberties that protect the American people, and the Republican leadership will not even let us debate it. What are they afraid of?
  • If you believe that this President should have the ability to spy on Americans without a warrant and without going to the FISA court, then they should write that bill and bring it to the floor, then have a debate and a vote.
    The resolution's proponents say:
  • We have had the good fortune in this country for the last 4 1/2 years to have not had another terrorist attack on our soil, and it is not because they haven't tried. The reason for that success boils down to two things: the courage of our soldiers and the quality of our intelligence. Exceptional intelligence is the first line of defense for America in the long war on terrorism.
  • I think as a responsible body we have to start out by getting the facts. That means hard work that is done largely in secret. Oversight is under way, and, for the most part, the National Security Agency has been very forthcoming.

Categorized under Homeland Security

Voting NO counts for 2 points on VoteMatch question 14:
Patriot Act harms civil liberties;
Voting YES counts for -2 points on VoteMatch question 14.

Democrats voting on 2006-108

Neil Abercrombie NOHawaii Democrat (Resigned 2010)
Gary Ackerman NONew York Dem./Ind./Lib./Working-Fam.
Tom Allen YESMaine Democrat (Retiring 2008)
Rob Andrews NONew Jersey Democrat
Joe Baca YESCalifornia Democrat
Brian Baird YESWashington Democrat (until 2010)
Tammy Baldwin NOWisconsin Democrat
John Barrow YESGeorgia Democrat
Melissa Bean YESIllinois Democrat (Unseated 2010)
Xavier Becerra NOCalifornia Democrat
Shelley Berkley YESNevada Democrat (Senate run 2012)
Howard Berman YESCalifornia Democrat
Sanford Bishop YESGeorgia Democrat
Timothy Bishop YESNew York Democrat
Earl Blumenauer NOOregon Democrat
Dan Boren YESOklahoma Democrat (Retiring 2012)
Leonard Boswell YESIowa Democrat
Rick Boucher YESVirginia Democrat (until 2010)
Robert Brady NOPennsylvania Democrat
Corrine Brown YESFlorida Democrat
Sherrod Brown YESOhio Democrat
G.K. Butterfield YESNorth Carolina Democrat
Lois Capps YESCalifornia Democrat
Michael Capuano NOMassachusetts Democrat
Benjamin Cardin YESMaryland Democrat
Dennis Cardoza YESCalifornia Democrat
Russ Carnahan YESMissouri Democrat
Julia Carson YESIndiana Democrat (Deceased 2008)
Ed Case YESHawaii Democrat
Ben Chandler YESKentucky Democrat
William Lacy Clay YESMissouri Democrat
Emmanuel Cleaver YESMissouri Democrat
James Clyburn YESSouth Carolina Democrat
John Conyers NOMichigan Democrat
Jim Cooper YESTennessee Democrat
Jim Costa YESCalifornia Democrat
Bud Cramer YESAlabama Democrat (Retiring 2008)
Joseph Crowley YESNew York Democrat
Henry Cuellar YESTexas Democrat
Elijah Cummings YESMaryland Democrat
Danny Davis NOIllinois Democrat
Jim Davis NOFlorida Democrat
Lincoln Davis YESTennessee Democrat (until 2010)
Susan Davis NOCalifornia Democrat
Peter Defazio NOOregon Democrat
Diana DeGette NOColorado Democrat
Bill Delahunt NOMassachusetts Democrat (until 2010)
Rosa DeLauro NOConnecticut Democrat
Norm Dicks YESWashington Democrat
John Dingell YESMichigan Democrat
Lloyd Doggett NOTexas Democrat
Mike Doyle YESPennsylvania Democrat
Chet Edwards YESTexas Democrat (until 2010)
Eliot Engel YESNew York Democrat/Liberal
Anna Eshoo NOCalifornia Democrat
Bob Etheridge YESNorth Carolina Democrat (Unseated 2010)
Sam Farr NOCalifornia Democrat
Chaka Fattah NOPennsylvania Democrat
Bob Filner NOCalifornia Democrat (Mayoral run 2011)
Barney Frank NOMassachusetts Democrat
Bart Gordon YESTennessee Democrat (until 2010)
Al Green YESTexas Democrat
Gene Green YESTexas Democrat
Raul Grijalva NOArizona Democrat
Luis Gutierrez NOIllinois Democrat
Jane Harman NOCalifornia Democrat (Resigned 2011)
Stephanie Herseth YESSouth Dakota Democratic (until 2010)
Brian Higgins YESNew York Democrat
Maurice Hinchey NONew York Dem./Ind./Lib./Working-Fam.
Ruben Hinojosa YESTexas Democrat
Tim Holden YESPennsylvania Democrat
Rush Holt NONew Jersey Democrat
Mike Honda NOCalifornia Democrat
Darlene Hooley YESOregon Democrat (Retiring 2008)
Steny Hoyer YESMaryland Democrat
Jay Inslee NOWashington Democrat
Steve Israel YESNew York Democrat
Jesse Louis Jackson NOIllinois Democrat
Sheila Jackson Lee NOTexas Democrat
William Jefferson YESLouisiana Democrat
Eddie Bernice Johnson NOTexas Democrat
Stephanie Tubbs Jones NOOhio Democrat (Deceased, 2008)
Paul Kanjorski YESPennsylvania Democrat (until 2010)
Marcy Kaptur NOOhio Democrat
Patrick Kennedy YESRhode Island Democrat (until 2010)
Dale Kildee YESMichigan Democrat
Carolyn Kilpatrick NOMichigan Democrat (until 2010)
Ron Kind NOWisconsin Democrat
Dennis Kucinich NOOhio Democrat
James Langevin YESRhode Island Democrat
Rick Larsen YESWashington Democrat
John Larson NOConnecticut Democrat
Barbara Lee NOCalifornia Democrat
Sander Levin YESMichigan Democrat
John Lewis NOGeorgia Democrat
Dan Lipinski YESIllinois Democrat
Zoe Lofgren NOCalifornia Democrat
Nita Lowey YESNew York Democrat
Steve Lynch NOMassachusetts Democrat
Carolyn Maloney YESNew York Democrat/Liberal
Ed Markey NOMassachusetts Democrat
Jim Matheson YESUtah Democrat
Doris Matsui NOCalifornia Democrat
Carolyn McCarthy YESNew York Dem./Ind./Working-Families
Betty McCollum NOMinnesota Democrat
Jim McDermott NOWashington Democrat
Jim McGovern NOMassachusetts Democrat
Mike McIntyre YESNorth Carolina Democrat
Cynthia McKinney NOGeorgia Democrat
Michael McNulty YESNew York Dem./Cons. (Retiring 2008)
Marty Meehan NOMassachusetts Democrat (Retired 2007)
Gregory Meeks NONew York Dem./Working-Families
Michael Michaud YESMaine Democrat
Brad Miller YESNorth Carolina Democrat
Alan Mollohan YESWest Virginia Democrat
Dennis Moore YESKansas Democrat (until 2010)
James Moran NOVirginia Democrat
John Murtha YESPennsylvania Democrat (Deceased Feb. 2010)
Jerrold Nadler YESNew York Dem./Lib./Working-Families
Grace Napolitano NOCalifornia Democrat
Richard Neal NOMassachusetts Democrat
James Oberstar NOMinnesota Dem./Farmer/Labor (until 2010)
David Obey NOWisconsin Democrat (until 2010)
John Olver NOMassachusetts Democrat
Solomon Ortiz YESTexas Democrat (Unseated 2010)
Major Owens NONew York Democrat (until 2007)
Frank Pallone NONew Jersey Democrat
Bill Pascrell YESNew Jersey Democrat
Ed Pastor NOArizona Democrat
Donald Payne NONew Jersey Democrat
Nancy Pelosi NOCalifornia Democrat
Collin Peterson YESMinnesota Democrat/Farmer/Labor
Earl Pomeroy YESNorth Dakota Democrat (until 2010)
David Eugene Price NONorth Carolina Democrat
Nick Rahall YESWest Virginia Democrat
Silvestre Reyes NOTexas Democrat
Steven Rothman NONew Jersey Democrat
Lucille Roybal-Allard NOCalifornia Democrat
Dutch Ruppersberger YESMaryland Democrat
Tim Ryan YESOhio Democrat
Martin Sabo NOMinnesota Democrat/Farmer/Labor
John Salazar YESColorado Democrat (Unseated 2010)
Linda Sanchez NOCalifornia Democrat
Loretta Sanchez NOCalifornia Democrat
Jan Schakowsky NOIllinois Democrat
Adam Schiff YESCalifornia Democrat
Allyson Schwartz YESPennsylvania Democrat
Bobby Scott NOVirginia Democrat
David Scott YESGeorgia Democrat
Jose Serrano NONew York Democrat/Liberal
Brad Sherman NOCalifornia Democrat
Ike Skelton YESMissouri Democrat (until 2010)
Louise Slaughter NONew York Democrat
John Spratt YESSouth Carolina Democrat (until 2010)
Pete Stark NOCalifornia Democrat
Ted Strickland YESOhio Democrat
Bart Stupak YESMichigan Democrat (until 2010)
John Tanner YESTennessee Democrat (until 2010)
Gene Taylor YESMississippi Democrat (until 2010)
Bennie Thompson YESMississippi Democrat
Mike Thompson NOCalifornia Democrat
John Tierney NOMassachusetts Democrat
Ed Towns NONew York Democrat/Liberal
Mark Udall YESColorado Democrat (Senate 2008)
Tom Udall YESNew Mexico Democrat (Senate 2008)
Chris Van Hollen YESMaryland Democrat
Nydia Velazquez NONew York Democrat/Working-Families
Peter Visclosky NOIndiana Democrat
Debbie Wasserman Schultz YESFlorida Democrat
Maxine Waters NOCalifornia Democrat
Mel Watt NONorth Carolina Democrat
Henry Waxman NOCalifornia Democrat
Anthony Weiner NONew York Democrat (Resigned 2011)
Robert Wexler NOFlorida Democrat (resigned Jan. 2010)
Lynn Woolsey NOCalifornia Democrat (Retiring 2012)
David Wu YESOregon Democrat
Albert Wynn NOMaryland Democrat (Unseated 2008)

Republicans voting on 2006-108

Robert Aderholt YESAlabama Republican
Todd Akin YESMissouri Republican (Senate run 2012)
Rodney Alexander YESLouisiana Republican
Spencer Bachus YESAlabama Republican
Richard Hugh Baker YESLouisiana Republican (Resigned 2008)
Gresham Barrett YESSouth Carolina Republican (until 2010)
Roscoe Bartlett YESMaryland Republican
Joe Linus Barton YESTexas Republican
Charlie Bass YESNew Hampshire Republican
Bob Beauprez YESColorado Republican
Judy Biggert YESIllinois Republican
Gus Bilirakis YESFlorida Republican
Rob Bishop YESUtah Republican
Marsha Blackburn YESTennessee Republican
Roy Blunt YESMissouri Republican (until 2010)
Sherry Boehlert YESNew York Republican/Independence
John Boehner YESOhio Republican
Henry Bonilla YESTexas Republican
Jo Bonner YESAlabama Republican
Mary Bono YESCalifornia Republican
Charles Boustany YESLouisiana Republican
Jeb Bradley YESNew Hampshire Republican
Kevin Brady YESTexas Republican
Henry Brown YESSouth Carolina Republican (until 2010)
Michael Burgess YESTexas Republican
Dan Burton YESIndiana Republican
Steve Buyer YESIndiana Republican (until 2010)
Ken Calvert YESCalifornia Republican
Dave Camp YESMichigan Republican
John Campbell YESCalifornia Republican
Chris Cannon YESUtah Republican
Eric Cantor YESVirginia Republican
Shelley Moore Capito YESWest Virginia Republican
John Carter YESTexas Republican
Steve Chabot YESOhio Republican
Chris Chocola YESIndiana Republican
John Howard Coble YESNorth Carolina Republican
Tom Cole YESOklahoma Republican
Mike Conaway YESTexas Republican
Ander Crenshaw YESFlorida Republican
Barbara Cubin YESWyoming Republican (Retiring 2008)
John Culberson YESTexas Republican
Geoff Davis YESKentucky Republican
Jo Ann Davis YESVirginia Republican
Nathan Deal YESGeorgia Republican (Resigned 2010)
Tom DeLay YESTexas Republican
Mario Diaz-Balart YESFlorida Republican
John Doolittle YESCalifornia Republican (Retiring 2008)
Thelma Drake YESVirginia Republican (Unseated 2008)
David Dreier YESCalifornia Republican
Jimmy Duncan NOTennessee Republican
Vernon Ehlers YESMichigan Republican (until 2010)
Jo Ann Emerson YESMissouri Republican
Phil English YESPennsylvania Republican (Unseated 2008)
Terry Everett YESAlabama Republican (Retiring 2008)
Mike Ferguson YESNew Jersey Republican (Retiring 2008)
Mike Fitzpatrick YESPennsylvania Republican
Jeff Flake YESArizona Republican (Senate run 2012)
Mark Foley YESFlorida Republican
Randy Forbes YESVirginia Republican
Jeff Fortenberry YESNebraska Republican
Vito Fossella YESNew York Rep./Cons. (Unseated 2008)
Virginia Foxx YESNorth Carolina Republican
Trent Franks YESArizona Republican
Rodney Frelinghuysen YESNew Jersey Republican
Elton Gallegly YESCalifornia Republican
Scott Garrett YESNew Jersey Republican
Jim Gerlach YESPennsylvania Republican
Jim Gibbons YESNevada Republican
Wayne Gilchrest YESMaryland Republican (Unseated 2008)
Paul Gillmor YESOhio Republican (Deceased 2007)
Phil Gingrey YESGeorgia Republican
Louie Gohmert YESTexas Republican
Virgil Goode YESVirginia Republican (Unseated 2008)
Bob Goodlatte YESVirginia Republican
Kay Granger YESTexas Republican
Samuel Graves YESMissouri Republican
Mark Green YESWisconsin Republican
Gil Gutknecht YESMinnesota Republican
Katherine Harris YESFlorida Republican (until 2007)
Melissa Hart YESPennsylvania Republican
Doc Hastings YESWashington Republican
Robin Hayes YESNorth Carolina Republican (Unseated 2008)
J.D. Hayworth YESArizona Republican (until 2007)
Joel Hefley YESColorado Republican
Jeb Hensarling YESTexas Republican
Wally Herger YESCalifornia Republican
Dave Hobson YESOhio Republican (Retiring 2008)
Peter Hoekstra YESMichigan Republican (until 2010)
John Hostettler YESIndiana Republican
Kenny Hulshof YESMissouri Republican (Governor 2008)
Duncan Hunter YESCalifornia Republican (Retiring 2008)
Henry Hyde YESIllinois Republican
Bob Inglis YESSouth Carolina Republican (until 2010)
Darrell Issa YESCalifornia Republican
Ernest Istook YESOklahoma Republican
Bill Jenkins YESTennessee Republican (Retired 2006)
Bobby Jindal YESLouisiana Republican (Governor 2008)
Nancy Lee Johnson YESConnecticut Republican
Sam Johnson YESTexas Republican
Timothy Johnson YESIllinois Republican
Walter Beaman Jones NONorth Carolina Republican
Ric Keller YESFlorida Republican (Unseated 2008)
Sue Kelly YESNew York Republican (until 2007)
Mark Kennedy YESMinnesota Republican
Peter King YESNew York Rep./Ind./Cons./Right-To-Life
Steve King YESIowa Republican
Jack Kingston YESGeorgia Republican
Mark Kirk YESIllinois Republican (until 2010)
John Kline YESMinnesota Republican
Joe Knollenberg YESMichigan Republican (Unseated 2008)
Jim Kolbe YESArizona Republican
Randy Kuhl YESNew York Republican (Unseated 2008)
Ray LaHood YESIllinois Republican (Retiring 2008)
Tom Latham YESIowa Republican
Steven LaTourette YESOhio Republican
Jim Leach YESIowa Republican
Jerry Lewis YESCalifornia Republican
Ron Lewis YESKentucky Republican (Retiring 2008)
Frank LoBiondo YESNew Jersey Republican
Frank Dean Lucas YESOklahoma Republican
Dan Lungren YESCalifornia Republican
Connie Mack IV YESFlorida Republican
Donald Manzullo YESIllinois Republican
Kenny Marchant YESTexas Republican
Michael McCaul YESTexas Republican
Thad McCotter YESMichigan Republican
Jim McCrery YESLouisiana Republican (Retiring 2008)
Patrick McHenry YESNorth Carolina Republican
John McHugh YESNew York Republican/Conservative
Buck McKeon YESCalifornia Republican
John Mica YESFlorida Republican
Candice Miller YESMichigan Republican
Gary Miller YESCalifornia Republican
Jeff Miller YESFlorida Republican
Jerry Moran YESKansas Republican (until 2010)
Tim Murphy YESPennsylvania Republican
Marilyn Musgrave YESColorado Republican (Unseated 2008)
Sue Myrick YESNorth Carolina Republican
Randy Neugebauer YESTexas Republican
Bob Ney YESOhio Republican
Anne Meagher Northup YESKentucky Republican
Charlie Norwood YESGeorgia Republican
Devin Nunes YESCalifornia Republican
Jim Nussle YESIowa Republican
Tom Osborne YESNebraska Republican
Butch Otter YESIdaho Republican
Michael Oxley YESOhio Republican
Ron Paul NOTexas Republican
Steve Pearce YESNew Mexico Republican
Mike Pence YESIndiana Republican (Gov. run 2012)
John Peterson YESPennsylvania Republican (Retired 2008)
Tom Petri YESWisconsin Republican
Joseph Pitts YESPennsylvania Republican
Todd Platts YESPennsylvania Republican
Ted Poe YESTexas Republican
Richard Pombo YESCalifornia Republican
Jon Porter YESNevada Republican (Unseated 2008)
Tom Price YESGeorgia Republican
Deborah Pryce YESOhio Republican
Jim Ramstad YESMinnesota Republican (Retiring 2008)
Ralph Regula YESOhio Republican (Retiring 2008)
Dennis Rehberg YESMontana Republican (Senate run 2012)
Dave Reichert YESWashington Republican (Governor run 2012)
Rick Renzi YESArizona Republican (Retiring 2008)
Thomas Reynolds YESNew York Republican (Retiring 2008)
Hal Rogers YESKentucky Republican
Michael Rogers YESAlabama Republican
Mike Rogers YESMichigan Republican
Dana Rohrabacher YESCalifornia Republican
Ed Royce YESCalifornia Republican
Paul Ryan YESWisconsin Republican
Jim Ryun YESKansas Republican
Jim Saxton YESNew Jersey Republican (Retiring 2008)
Jean Schmidt YESOhio Republican
Joe Schwarz YESMichigan Republican
James Sensenbrenner YESWisconsin Republican
Pete Sessions YESTexas Republican
John Shadegg YESArizona Republican
Clay Shaw YESFlorida Republican
Christopher Shays YESConnecticut Republican (Unseated 2008)
Don Sherwood YESPennsylvania Republican
John Shimkus YESIllinois Republican
Bill Shuster YESPennsylvania Republican
Rob Simmons YESConnecticut Republican
Mike Simpson YESIdaho Republican
Christopher Smith YESNew Jersey Republican
Lamar Smith YESTexas Republican
Linda Smith YESWashington Republican Former (1994-)
Mike Sodrel YESIndiana Republican
Mark Souder YESIndiana Republican (until 2010)
Cliff Stearns YESFlorida Republican
John Sullivan YESOklahoma Republican
John Sweeney YESNew York Republican/Conservative
Tom Tancredo YESColorado Republican
Charles Taylor YESNorth Carolina Republican
Lee Terry YESNebraska Republican
Bill Thomas YESCalifornia Republican
Mac Thornberry YESTexas Republican
Todd Tiahrt YESKansas Republican (until 2010)
Pat Tiberi YESOhio Republican
Fred Upton YESMichigan Republican
Greg Walden YESOregon Republican
Jim Walsh YESNew York Rep./Ind. (Retiring 2008)
Zach Wamp YESTennessee Republican (until 2010)
Curt Weldon YESPennsylvania Republican
Dave Weldon YESFlorida Republican (Retiring 2008)
Jerry Weller YESIllinois Republican (Retiring 2008)
Lynn Westmoreland YESGeorgia Republican
Ed Whitfield YESKentucky Republican
Roger Wicker YESMississippi Republican (Senate 2008)
Heather Wilson YESNew Mexico Republican (Senate 2008)
Joe Wilson YESSouth Carolina Republican
Bill Young YESFlorida Republican
Don Young YESAlaska Republican

Independents voting on 2006-108

Marion Berry YESArkansas Former Democrat (until 2010)
John Boozman YESArkansas Former GOP (until 2010)
Allen Boyd NOFlorida Former Democrat (until 2010)
Ginny Brown-Waite YESFlorida Former GOP (until 2010)
Michael Castle YESDelaware Former GOP (until 2010)
Artur Davis YESAlabama Former Democrat (until 2010)
Lincoln Diaz-Balart YESFlorida Former GOP (until 2010)
Rahm Emanuel YESIllinois Former Democrat (until 2009)
Tom Feeney YESFlorida Former GOP
Tom Lantos YESCalifornia Former Democrat (until 2008)
John Linder YESGeorgia Former GOP (until 2010)
Jim Marshall YESGeorgia Former Democrat (until 2010)
Kendrick Meek YESFlorida Former Democrat (until 2010)
Adam Putnam YESFlorida Former GOP (until 2010)
Bernie Sanders YESVermont Independent
Vic Snyder YESArkansas Former Democrat (until 2010)
Hilda Solis NOCalifornia Former Democrat (until 2009)
Ellen Tauscher NOCalifornia Former Democrat (until 2009)
Diane Watson NOCalifornia Former Democrat (until 2010)

Total votes recorded by OnTheIssues:

Лучший частный хостинг
Democrats: YES 91; NO 86
Republicans: YES 212; NO 3
Independents: YES 15; NO 4