Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election |
What Happened , by Hillary Clinton (2017) |
Higher Loyalty , by James Comey (2018) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Hard Choices, by Hillary Clinton (2014) |
Becoming , by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
Survey of 2012 House campaign websites
 (Click for external website)
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Alan Lowenthal: A woman's right to choose--no exceptions.
Ami Bera: Invest in diligent stem cell research.
Ann Wagner: March to support of the sanctity of life.
Brad Schneider: Woman's fundamental right to make decisions about her body.
Brad Wenstrup: Proud supporter of Family First and Right to Life.
Cheri Bustos: Support access to family planning and reproductive freedom.
Cheri Bustos: Expand stem cell research.
Dan Kildee: Maintain women's right to reproductive healthcare.
Dave Curson: Women have sole right on contraception & abortion.
Donald Payne Jr.: Never compromise on a woman's right to choose.
Elizabeth Esty: Long record of advocacy for pro-choice causes.
Eric Swalwell: Full access to contraception & reproductive health services.
George Holding: Supports right to life.
Grace Meng: Provide women with access to reproductive health care.
Jackie Walorski: Protect the most vulnerable in our society.
Jared Huffman: Firmly pro-choice; firmly pro-NARAL.
Jim Bridenstine: Life is sacred and begins at conception.
Joe Garcia: A woman should have the final say over her medical affairs.
Joe Kennedy III: Fight any efforts to limit reproductive health services.
Keith Rothfus: Embryonic stem cell research violates the conscience.
Keith Rothfus: Inalienable right to life from moment of conception.
Kerry Bentivolio: Disallow federal government subsidizing abortion.
Kevin Cramer: Life begins at conception.
Lois Frankel: Life-long supporter of women's reproductive rights.
Luke Messer: Fight for traditional Hoosier pro-life values.
Marc Veasey: No requirement for invasive ultrasound exams.
Mark Meadows: End the tragedy of abortion.
Mark Pocan: No test before being allowed birth control.
Markwayne Mullin: Life is sacred from conception until natural death.
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: Oppose any limit on woman's right to choose.
Patrick Murphy: Defend a woman's right to choose.
Paul Cook: I will always be pro-life.
Richard Hudson: Protect life from conception until natural death.
Robert Pittenger: Stand for the unborn.
Roger Williams: All life is sacred and a gift from God.
Scott Perry: Life--born and unborn--is sacred.
Sean Maloney: Strong supporter of a woman's right to choose.
Steve Daines: Defend the rights of the preborn.
Susan Brooks: Supports the Hyde Amendment & informed consent.
Suzan DelBene: Fight for access to birth control & reproductive services.
Tammy Duckworth: Right to privacy to control women's own bodies.
Ted Yoho: Life begins at conception.
Thomas Massie: Life begins at conception.
Tom Cotton: Re-establish a culture of life.
Tom Cotton: Oppose stem-cell research and human cloning.
Tom Rice: Fight for right to life.
Tony Cardenas: Protect a woman's right to choose.
Amy Stephens: Long history of working for pro-Life causes.
Ron DeSantis: Endorsed as pro-life "authentic conservative".
Ron Barber: Women have right to make choices about contraception.
Suzanne Bonamici: Politicians should not be making health decisions for women.
Janice Hahn: Supports a woman's right to choose.
Kathy Hochul: Endorsed by NARAL Pro-Choice New York.
Cory Gardner: Protect life at all stages.
Budget & Economy
Thom Tillis: Eliminate the Legislature's spending spree mind set.
Chris Collins: Keep spending increases to practically zero.
Mark Meadows: Promote job creation by reducing regulation & lowering taxes.
Rodney Davis: Oppose any future increase in the debt ceiling.
Steve Daines: Exploding debt is generational theft.
David Alameel: Capitalism has become feudalistic and oppressive.
Civil Rights
Alan Lowenthal: Marriage equality--no exceptions.
Ami Bera: Supports Paycheck Fairness Act for equal women's pay.
Brad Schneider: Repeal DOMA; let any two people marry.
Cheri Bustos: Fight to ensure that women have equal opportunities.
Dan Kildee: Unequal pay for women is unfair and unacceptable.
Elizabeth Esty: Enforce equal pay for equal work via Lilly Ledbetter Act.
Elizabeth Esty: Full marriage equality and benefits for gay couples.
Eric Swalwell: Full LGBT equality, including freedom to marry.
Grace Meng: Pass legislation like the Paycheck Fairness Act.
Grace Meng: Fight for basic civil rights for the LGBT community.
Jared Huffman: Represented women in gender discrimination cases.
Jared Huffman: Recognize out-of-state same sex marriages.
Jim Bridenstine: The institution of marriage should be protected by law.
Joe Garcia: Supports fair pay legislation.
Joe Garcia: Supports equal marriage rights.
Joe Kennedy III: Right to love and marry whom you choose.
Joe Kennedy III: Pay equity for women.
Keith Rothfus: Protect the institution of marriage.
Mark Meadows: Protect the institution of marriage.
Mark Pocan: Pass the Equal Right Amendment.
Mark Pocan: Repeal the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act.
Markwayne Mullin: Traditional marriage is a sacred institution.
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: Legal equality regardless of sexual orientation.
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: Advocate for elder rights and women's rights.
Patrick Murphy: Equal rights regardless of sexual orientation.
Randy Weber: Fight to preserve traditional marriage.
Raul Ruiz: No discrimination on the basis of who you love.
Richard Hudson: Constitutional Amendment to Protect Traditional Marriage.
Rick Nolan: Pass the Equal Rights Amendment.
Roger Williams: Marriage is between one man and one woman, period.
Suzan DelBene: Repeal DOMA; marriage equality for all.
Tammy Duckworth: Equal pay for equal work.
Tammy Duckworth: Push for total equality for the LGBT community.
Tom Cotton: Support DOMA and traditional marriage.
Brenda Lawrence: Supports Lily Ledbetter law and pay equity for women.
Amy Stephens: Traditional marriage without Civil Unions.
Ron DeSantis: Core values that have made America great.
Sam Rankin: Phase out affirmative action over 5-year period.
Janice Hahn: Fair pay for women.
Janice Hahn: Fighter for the LGBTQ community.
Thom Tillis: Reduce the corporate income tax, to attract businesses to NC.
Ann Wagner: Fight for job creators, including large corporations.
Brad Wenstrup: Stop strangling job creators with over-regulation.
Jackie Walorski: Lower taxes on our small businesses and job creators.
Keith Rothfus: Our high tax rates drive out business.
Patrick Murphy: End tax loophole to hide profit overseas.
Steven Horsford: Send bank criminals to jail.
Susan Brooks: Reduce taxes to create globally competitive tax environment.
Tom Rice: Empower entrepreneurs by lower taxes & less regulation.
Tulsi Gabbard: Small businesses are true job creators, not big corporations.
Paul Ryan: Lower corporate tax rate to improve global competitiveness.
Ron Barber: Cut red tape, regulations and anti-business tax policies.
David Alameel: Abandon Washington dependence on big money from Wall Street.
Thom Tillis: Expand prisons so convicted felons serve full sentences.
Ami Bera: Public deserves to know if child predators are nearby.
Dave Joyce: Helped put some of the most dangerous criminals behind bars.
Gloria Negrete McLeod: Keep gangs out of our neighborhoods; help the police.
Hakeem Jeffries: Investigate systematic abuses of NYPD's stop-and-frisk.
Juan Vargas: Life sentences for violent sex crimes against children.
Kyrsten Sinema: Stand up against the smuggling cartels.
Ron DeSantis: Prosecuted wide range of military & federal cases.
Scott Peters: 8% pay increase for police officers.
Tony Cardenas: 15-year battle against gang violence.
Brenda Lawrence: Support local police & strong public safety policies.
Paul Ryan: Fight identity theft with New Employee Verification Act.
Kathy Hochul: Created transitional home for victims of domestic violence.
Hakeem Jeffries: Repeal the draconian Rockefeller Drug Laws.
Jim Bridenstine: Legalizing aligns government revenue with drug addiction.
Alan Lowenthal: Champion our public college system.
Beto O`Rourke: More pre-school; more science teachers.
Brad Schneider: Help states transform their most challenged schools.
Cheri Bustos: Well-equipped schools with well-paid teachers.
Dan Kildee: Fully funding our schools must be a priority.
David Valadao: Reject "one-size-fits-all": DC out of local schools.
Denny Heck: Oppose efforts to control our schools from Washington.
Derek Kilmer: Strengthen public schools.
Donald Payne Jr.: Too many schools are struggling; fight for schools.
Doug Collins: Let parents choose safe and effective schools.
Elizabeth Esty: Our schools and teachers need our full support.
Eric Swalwell: Abolish NCLB and teaching to the test.
Gloria Negrete McLeod: Invest upstream in kids and get tremendous benefits later.
Grace Meng: Fight for funding to keep public schools open.
Jared Huffman: Every American should receive a quality public education.
Joaquin Castro: Proud product of the public school system.
Joe Garcia: Give all an opportunity to receive quality public education.
John Delaney: D.C. Opportunity Scholarship gives parents more options.
Joyce Beatty: Help put quality teachers in the classroom.
Julia Brownley: Pushed state plan for excellence in education.
Kyrsten Sinema: Fight "back door" voucher programs.
Lois Frankel: Provide schools & teachers the resources that they need.
Luke Messer: Education decisions are best made by families at local level.
Marc Veasey: Fought $5.4 billion cut from public education.
Mark Meadows: Parental right to choose charter schools & private schools.
Mark Takano: Worked on the front lines of public education.
Markwayne Mullin: Parents should decide education, not Washington.
Matt Cartwright: Public education is the ladder to escape poverty.
Patrick Murphy: We claim to be pro-teacher; so provide resources.
Pete Gallego: Fought to stop $5.4 billion in cuts to public education.
Raul Ruiz: Invest in preschool & fully fund after-school.
Richard Hudson: Strong supporter of school choice, charters, & homeschooling.
Rick Nolan: Architect of "Minnesota Miracle" progressive school finance.
Roger Williams: Advocate for school choice, charter schools & home schooling.
Steven Horsford: Don't gut education; get best teachers in the classrooms.
Susan Brooks: Local control, transparency, and parental choice.
Suzan DelBene: Strengthen quality of our education system.
Tammy Duckworth: Vouchers undermine long-term public school improvement.
Thomas Massie: Let parents choose public school, private school, homeschool.
Tom Cotton: Choice, competition, and freedom for our public schools.
Tony Cardenas: $1 billion for new textbooks and classroom materials.
Trey Radel: Allow local communities to make decisions.
Brenda Lawrence: Community's job is to ensure children's education.
Paul Ryan: No Child Left Behind spends more money, but without results.
Paul Ryan: Stop pushing God from the public realm & public schools.
Paul Ryan: A-PLUS: Local decisions, not one-size-fits-all mandates.
Suzanne Bonamici: Public education rebuilds our communities and our economy.
Janice Hahn: Empower local teachers, not politicians and bureaucrats.
Cory Gardner: Focus on accountability, parental involvement and choice.
Energy & Oil
Thom Tillis: Roll back gas tax increases.
Ami Bera: Current energy policy is skewed to the interests of big oil.
Andy Barr: Stop the EPA's war on coal.
Ann Wagner: All-of-the-above including clean coal & exploration drilling.
Annie Kuster: Encourage more local clean and renewable energy.
Beto O`Rourke: Tackle climate change: reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Brad Schneider: Promote solar, wind, geothermal, and nuclear.
Cheri Bustos: Keep energy affordable & move toward energy independence.
Chris Collins: Expand drilling and lower gas prices.
Chris Stewart: Allow drilling on public lands, under state control.
David Valadao: Expand domestic oil production.
Doug Collins: Support domestic on- and offshore drilling.
Doug LaMalfa: Wise use of domestic resources, to lower prices at the pump.
Elizabeth Esty: Incentives for energy efficiency instead of $41B to Big Oil.
Eric Swalwell: R&D--but also manufacturing--for clean energy technology.
Filemon Vela: Explore for new oil & gas wells throughout South Texas.
Gloria Negrete McLeod: Incentivize solar energy installation.
Jackie Walorski: Energy independence via more domestic oil & gas exploration.
Jared Huffman: Opposes ANWR, offshore drilling & tar sands pipeline.
Jim Bridenstine: Lift restrictions on clean drilling in our own territory.
Joe Garcia: Opposes offshore drilling; protect the Keys & the workers.
Joe Kennedy III: Invest in renewable and energy-efficiency technologies.
John Delaney: Institute a revenue-neutral national carbon tax.
Juan Vargas: Solar and green power to boost economic growth.
Julia Brownley: Move away from dirty fossil fuels and foreign oil.
Keith Rothfus: Fight the EPA and drill for oil in ANWR and OCS.
Kerry Bentivolio: Affordable energy by encouraging choice & competition.
Kevin Cramer: Supports $23 billion invested in coal mining.
Kyrsten Sinema: Invest in our solar future.
Luke Messer: Create clean coal & increase domestic oil production.
Mark Meadows: Tap into our national gas reserves.
Mark Takano: Train students for renewable energy jobs.
Markwayne Mullin: Domestic energy production is a matter of national security.
Matt Cartwright: Global warming is not a hoax; support cap-and-trade.
Patrick Murphy: Tax credits for manufacturing windmills & solar panels.
Patrick Murphy: Create new industries via green technologies.
Pete Gallego: Make the most of our domestic fossil fuel resources.
Randy Weber: Move towards energy independence.
Robert Pittenger: Open closed areas for exploration and development.
Roger Williams: Explore & produce our own American energy supplies.
Scott Perry: Nurture jobs in America through our own energy production.
Scott Peters: Approved city's plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Steve Daines: Remove barriers on developing coal, oil, and natural gas.
Steven Horsford: In Nevada House, authored the Green Jobs Initiative.
Suzan DelBene: Transform to economy based on clean renewable energy.
Tammy Duckworth: Support light rail and low-carbon modes of transportation.
Ted Yoho: Drill here, drill now, and drill responsibly.
Thomas Massie: Support all free market domestic sources of energy.
Tom Cotton: More oil & gas exploration & production.
Tony Cardenas: Pushed Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard.
Trey Radel: Utilize the natural resources we have in this country.
Tulsi Gabbard: Tax incentives for wind, solar, biomass and wave energy.
Rodney Davis: Oppose EPA attempts to ban coal-fired power plants.
Paul Ryan: Build new refineries; drill for our own oil.
Paul Ryan: Drill ANWR & use its $200B in revenue for alternative energy.
Paul Ryan: Support renewable portfolio standard for electric suppliers.
Ron Barber: Make AZ a home for solar R&D and energy generation.
Suzanne Bonamici: Climate change is a real threat.
Mark Amodei: More drilling & more oil refineries.
Janice Hahn: Create 25,000 green jobs via clean energy market.
Janice Hahn: Take responsibility for climate change.
Thom Tillis: Continuous improvement but without costly regulations.
Alan Lowenthal: Recognized by the Sierra Club and LCV.
David Valadao: Improve our aging water infrastructure with more reservoirs.
David Valadao: Opposes high speed rail system.
Derek Kilmer: Balance economic growth and environmental protection.
Tony Cardenas: Created Animal Cruelty Task Force.
Brenda Lawrence: Protect the Great Lakes, and clean air.
Paul Ryan: End farm subsidies to corporate agribusiness & millionaires.
Paul Ryan: Strong conservation programs important for avid sportsmen.
Paul Ryan: No policies that might benefit environment but harm economy.
Paul Ryan: Prevent pollution and invasive species in the Great Lakes.
Sam Rankin: We live in cycles with all other systems.
Families & Children
Sam Rankin: Family is one pillar of society.
Foreign Policy
Doug LaMalfa: Don't fund those who oppose freedom and our way of life.
Joe Garcia: Advocate for release of all political prisoners in Cuba.
Juan Vargas: Took in Kosovar family during 1999 Kosovo war.
Brenda Lawrence: Develop realistic working relationships with other countries.
Brenda Lawrence: Support the DREAM Act & a pathway to citizenship.
Travis Allen: Unified Israel with Judea & Samaria; Jerusalem as capital.
Sam Rankin: Actively engage and assist European nations through NATO.
Bob Turner: Don't pressure Israel for indefensible pre-1967 borders.
Free Trade
Beto O`Rourke: Make our international ports modern, efficient and safe.
Dave Curson: Stop exporting good jobs overseas.
Gloria Negrete McLeod: Promote fair market practices.
Jim Bridenstine: Fair trade & less spending return US to economic greatness.
Joe Garcia: Campaigned for the Colombian Free Trade Agreement.
Mark Meadows: Demand a free trade policy, to create jobs.
Mark Pocan: Oppose trade deals that hurt US jobs or environment.
Pete Gallego: Tax credits for buying US-job creating products.
Richard Hudson: Fight trade deal that are bad deals for our workers.
Rick Nolan: Expand port of Duluth to make MN a leading export state.
Paul Ryan: Level the playing field instead of pushing jobs overseas.
Paul Ryan: End farm subsidies and open up agricultural export markets.
Government Reform
Ami Bera: End absurd Congressional perks, like flying first class.
Ann Wagner: Term limits for members of Congress.
Annie Kuster: Citizens United gives outsized role to corporate interests.
Beto O`Rourke: Members of Congress use our tax dollars to get re-elected.
Dan Kildee: Citizens United opens elections to the highest bidder.
Eric Swalwell: Super PACS buy influence & game our political system.
Jim Bridenstine: Cut Congressional pay & time in session.
John Delaney: Extend lobbying ban to 5 years; pass STOCK Act too.
Julia Brownley: Shift political influence away from the special interests.
Luke Messer: Ethics reforms including protecting whistle blowers.
Mark Pocan: 100% public financing for political campaigns.
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: Thanks to Citizens United, our electoral system is broken.
Richard Hudson: No earmarks; they invite corruption.
Scott Peters: Created city's first Ethics Commission, in 2000.
Susan Brooks: Standards of conduct for House members, to restore trust.
Thomas Massie: All earmarks should be transparent to public scrutiny.
Tom Rice: Fight for Term Limits.
Paul Ryan: Budget Boondoggle Award: expose worst wasteful spending.
Paul Ryan: Limited government has evolved into centralized solutions.
Paul Ryan: Pledges no new earmarks; and Line Item Veto against them.
Gun Control
Ann Wagner: Supports striking down various gun bans.
Brad Schneider: Reinstate federal Assault Weapons Ban.
Brad Wenstrup: Don't let Congress encroach upon our gun rights.
Cheri Bustos: Protect access to public lands for hunting & shooting.
Doug Collins: Founding Fathers got it right on the Second Amendment.
Doug LaMalfa: Fight any attempt to water down Second Amendment.
George Holding: Supports right to keep and bear arms.
Grace Meng: Require microstamping & more background checks.
Jackie Walorski: Co-authored the Castle Doctrine, a life-time handgun permit.
Jim Bridenstine: Gun ownership is a constitutional right.
Keith Rothfus: Strong supporter of the Second Amendment.
Kerry Bentivolio: 2nd Amendment is a vital amendment.
Kevin Cramer: National right-to-carry reciprocity.
Luke Messer: 100% rating from the NRA.
Mark Meadows: No national gun registry.
Markwayne Mullin: 2nd Amendment is crucial to ensuring our freedom.
Paul Cook: Fight any attempt to curtail right to bear arms.
Randy Weber: Fight to uphold the 2nd Amendment.
Richard Hudson: Second Amendment is America's First Freedom.
Robert Pittenger: Defend Second Amendment Rights.
Roger Williams: I don't want anyone messing with my 2nd Amendment rights.
Scott Perry: Defend the 2nd Amendment.
Steve Daines: Ensure we protect our 2nd Amendment rights.
Susan Brooks: Proud supporter of the 2nd Amendment.
Ted Yoho: The right to bear arms is a birthright.
Thomas Massie: Right to bear arms is a God-given right.
Tom Cotton: Defend our Second Amendment rights.
Tom Rice: Defend Second Amendment rights.
Trey Radel: Protect the Second Amendment.
Rodney Davis: Unabashed supporter of our Second Amendment rights.
Amy Stephens: Co-sponsors every pro-2nd Amendment bill in Legislature.
Ron Barber: Protect all Constitutional rights, including 2nd Amendment.
Janice Hahn: Focus on youth intervention & keeping guns from criminals.
Kathy Hochul: Streamlined the Pistol Permit process.
Cory Gardner: Sportsmen are our nation's foremost conservationists.
Health Care
Ami Bera: Put patients ahead of profits; ObamaCare is only first step.
Andy Barr: ObamaCare is a 2,700-page job destroyer.
Ann Wagner: Forced competition drives costs down & improves quality.
Beto O`Rourke: ObamaCare addresses some problems, but needs El Paso focus.
Brad Schneider: Make health care more affordable and easier to access.
Brad Wenstrup: ObamaCare hurts patients: repeal it.
Cheri Bustos: Keep the promise of Medicare.
Chris Collins: ObamaCare is a failure; repeal it.
Dan Kildee: Fight any plan to eliminate or privatize Medicare.
Dave Curson: ObamaCare was timely and necessary.
Denny Heck: Common-sense solutions to extend the solvency of Medicare.
Donald Payne Jr.: Defend all parts of ObamaCare.
Doug Collins: Full repeal of ObamaCare; move to free market.
Elizabeth Esty: ObamaCare is far from perfect; but a mistake to repeal it.
Eric Swalwell: Work on preventative health care within ObamaCare.
Grace Meng: Oppose the right-wing assault on healthcare.
Jackie Walorski: Replace ObamaCare with reforms that actually lower costs.
Jared Huffman: Defend and expand ObamaCare.
Jim Bridenstine: Replace ObamaCare with a more competitive system.
Joaquin Castro: Restore funding to critical health care programs.
Joe Garcia: Supports ObamaCare & an affordable healthcare system.
Joe Kennedy III: Defend the progress we've made with ObamaCare.
John Delaney: ObamaCare ensures access to affordable quality health care.
Joyce Beatty: Access to health care is essential; stand up for ObamaCare.
Julia Brownley: Improve on ObamaCare to reduce costs & improve quality.
Keith Rothfus: Oppose ObamaCare & Independent Payment Advisory Board.
Kerry Bentivolio: ObamaCare is massive intrusion on our freedom.
Kevin Cramer: ObamaCare mandates are inherently objectionable.
Kyrsten Sinema: ObamaCare isn't perfect; let's work to amend it.
Lois Frankel: ObamaCare helps crack down on monumental Medicare fraud.
Marc Veasey: Fight fiercely to not privatize Medicare.
Mark Meadows: Replace ObamaCare with patient choice & lower cost.
Mark Takano: Don't allow roll back of ObamaCare.
Markwayne Mullin: ObamaCare must be repealed.
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: ObamaCare is good first step toward comprehensive approach.
Patrick Murphy: Fight repeal to keep ObamaCare's tangible benefits.
Pete Gallego: Protect Medicare from extremist voucher program.
Randy Weber: Repeal and replace ObamaCare.
Raul Ruiz: Root out waste, fraud and abuse; but protect Medicare.
Richard Hudson: No government takeover of our healthcare system.
Rick Nolan: No voucher system for Medicare.
Robert Pittenger: Replace ObamaCare with market-driven healthcare.
Rodney Davis: Fight to repeal and replace the flawed ObamaCare.
Roger Williams: Repeal ObamaCare; replace it with free market alternatives.
Ron DeSantis: Repeal ObamaCare to protect Medicare.
Scott Perry: Render ObamaCare unenforceable in Pennsylvania.
Sean Maloney: Protect Medicare by asking wealthy to pay their fair share.
Steve Daines: ObamaCare does not move the country forward.
Susan Brooks: ObamaCare costs $1.5 trillion and 800,000 jobs.
Suzan DelBene: Ensure quality, affordable health care for everyone.
Tammy Duckworth: Roll up my sleeves to fix the problems with ObamaCare.
Tom Cotton: Fight against unconstitutional laws like ObamaCare.
Trey Radel: Repeal all parts of ObamaCare, regardless of Supreme Court.
Paul Ryan: Choice of Medicare or certified plan, starting in 2022.
Paul Ryan: Replace ObamaCare with patient-centered reforms.
Paul Ryan: Patients' Choice Act: untie health coverage from employment.
Ron Barber: No massive cuts to Medicare; no private Medicare insurance.
Suzanne Bonamici: Affordable health care for all.
Bob Turner: ObamaCare places an enormous burden on private businesses.
Mark Amodei: Repeal ObamaCare; end lawsuit abuse.
Kathy Hochul: Don't replace Medicare with vouchers.
Cory Gardner: System is broke and broken; go back to free market.
Homeland Security
Ami Bera: Stop terrorism before it starts.
Ami Bera: Engage all levels of government to fight terrorism.
Andy Barr: Guard against deep cuts in weapons systems.
Andy Barr: Be vigilant and proactive in the war on terror.
Ann Wagner: Strong national security leads to economic prosperity.
Brad Schneider: 21st Century GI Bill & world-class healthcare for vets.
Brad Wenstrup: Still too many havens for terrorists: more Special Forces.
Cheri Bustos: Make our troops best-trained, best-equipped & best-prepared.
Chris Stewart: We must keep our military strong, but with some reductions.
Dave Curson: Veterans deserve more than a cheer when they come home.
Derek Kilmer: Oppose privatization of veterans healthcare.
Doug Collins: Ensure America never bows down to her enemies.
Doug LaMalfa: Fight for veterans' care and proper equipment on front lines.
Eric Swalwell: Continue the hunt for Al-Qaeda leaders.
Eric Swalwell: More benefits for veterans' valiant sacrifices.
George Holding: No reasonable man can argue against a strong military.
Gloria Negrete McLeod: I won't stand stripping military families of their benefits.
Grace Meng: Help returning veterans transition to construction jobs.
Jackie Walorski: Ensure our military has resources to fulfill missions.
Jim Bridenstine: Develop missile intercept capability to counter Russians.
Julia Brownley: Protect the Naval Base Ventura County, and veterans.
Kerry Bentivolio: Address homelessness and suicide among vets.
Kyrsten Sinema: Veterans deserve a simple, easy, and fast benefits system.
Lois Frankel: Keep promises to returning veterans.
Luke Messer: Make sure our military has all of the tools it needs.
Mark Meadows: Never support harmful cuts to military spending.
Mark Pocan: Reduce the size of the defense budget.
Mark Pocan: Close the Guantanamo Bay Prison.
Mark Takano: Support veterans' benefits & Tricare.
Paul Cook: Give the military all tools necessary to face threats.
Pete Gallego: Increase job funding for wounded veterans.
Raul Ruiz: Support the VOW to Hire Heroes Act.
Richard Hudson: Defeat Islamic extremists who would destroy our way of life.
Richard Hudson: Ensure that every veteran is treated with dignity & respect.
Robert Pittenger: Don't cut defense to fund welfare state.
Ron DeSantis: Gave legal support to Gitmo terrorist detention center.
Scott Perry: Remain vigilant by maintaining a strong military.
Sean Maloney: Put veterans' needs first.
Susan Brooks: No clearer federal role than common defense.
Ted Yoho: Every single legislator needs to support our military.
Tom Cotton: Monitor our enemies through terrorist-surveillance programs.
Tom Cotton: Well-funded military with world's most advanced weapons.
Tom Rice: #1 priority: strengthen our Military.
Paul Ryan: More funding for veterans.
Ron Barber: Advocate for Southern Arizona's military installations.
Bob Turner: Don't try foreign terrorists in a civilian court.
Janice Hahn: Green investment instead of spending on wars abroad.
Mark Amodei: Focus defense spending on 21st Century warfare.
Janice Hahn: Reinvest at home instead of spending on wars abroad.
Kathy Hochul: Served as counsel to a homeland security corporation.
Beto O`Rourke: Support the DREAM Act and comprehensive reform.
Brad Schneider: Secure the border and pass the DREAM Act.
Chris Stewart: No pathway to citizenship; E-Verify & enforce.
Dave Curson: Illegal aliens are NOT criminals even if breaking the law.
Doug Collins: Secure the border and disallow amnesty.
Doug LaMalfa: Stop rewarding illegal immigration; no amnesty.
Eric Swalwell: Support DREAM Act; but deport convicted criminals.
Filemon Vela: Give those educated here a reasonable path to citizenship.
Jackie Walorski: Zero-tolerance deportation policy.
Jared Huffman: DREAM Act is a common-sense investment.
Jim Bridenstine: Secure the border; open border brings illegal girls & drugs.
Joaquin Castro: Vanguard of a new class of Latino leaders.
John Delaney: Enact the DREAM Act's conditional path to citizenship.
John Delaney: Support DREAM Act and more H1B1 visas.
Juan Vargas: Son of chicken rancher immigrants from Mexico.
Julia Brownley: Create an earned pathway to citizenship.
Kerry Bentivolio: Amnesty amounts to condoning illegality.
Kyrsten Sinema: Mass deportations are not an option; support the DREAM Act.
Marc Veasey: We need a pathway to legalization.
Mark Pocan: In-state tuition & drivers licensing for foreign-born.
Markwayne Mullin: Amnesty proposals should be rejected.
Patrick Murphy: Fair path to citizenship while securing our borders.
Paul Cook: Opposed to illegal immigration; secure our borders.
Pete Gallego: Earned path to legalization, plus DREAM Act.
Randy Weber: Secure the borders before addressing illegal immigration.
Raul Ruiz: Pass the DREAM Act immediately.
Richard Hudson: Fence the entire Southern Border as necessary first step.
Robert Pittenger: Protect our borders and enforce rule of law.
Roger Williams: Make English the official language of the United States.
Scott Perry: Secure our borders and curtail the flood.
Tammy Duckworth: Pathway to citizenship as well as DREAM Act.
Ted Yoho: Secure the border by harnessing technology.
Tom Cotton: No so-called "earned path to citizenship".
Tom Rice: Make English the official language.
Trey Radel: Opposes amnesty for illegal immigrants.
Tulsi Gabbard: Relax onerous visa requirements for Indian & Chinese tourism.
Amy Stephens: Opposes misguided programs that promote illegal immigration.
Paul Ryan: Demand enforcement of immigration laws, without amnesty.
Paul Ryan: Make border fence construction a top priority.
Paul Ryan: More employer penalties but no "big brother" database.
Ron DeSantis: Get tough on illegal immigration.
Ron Barber: More agents; more high-tech & aerial assets; smarter fences.
Mark Amodei: Secure our borders as a matter of national security.
Janice Hahn: System is broken; enact common-sense immigration laws.
Dave Joyce: Job creation is vital to our region's economy.
Derek Kilmer: New jobs by helping our nation's small businesses.
Donald Payne Jr.: Green industry/clean industry: next post-industrial chapter.
Filemon Vela: Incentives for business hiring, plus government hiring.
Trey Radel: Jobs here, jobs now, via less taxes.
Paul Ryan: Vibrant manufacturing sector needed for economy & security.
Principles & Values
George Holding: Freedom to pray is essential to our moral fiber.
Joaquin Castro: Identical twin Julian Castro is Mayor of San Antonio.
Kevin Cramer: Vigorously defend right to practice religion of one's choice.
Mark Meadows: Defend public expression of faith.
Paul Ryan: Pursue three goals: Freedom; Growth; and Renewal.
Social Security
Alan Lowenthal: I will protect the promise of Social Security.
Ami Bera: Fight all efforts to privatize this program.
Brad Schneider: Work tirelessly to prevent privatization of Social Security.
Cheri Bustos: Strongly oppose any attempt to privatize Social Security.
Chris Stewart: Personal Savings Plans for workers under 55.
Denny Heck: Fix program without privatizing Social Security.
Donald Payne Jr.: No privatized options for Social Security or Medicare.
Doug LaMalfa: Let future generations control their eventual retirements.
Elizabeth Esty: Oppose any attempt to privatize or cut Social Security.
Eric Swalwell: Ensure our successful government programs for long-term.
Filemon Vela: Keep system sound but don't privatize Social Security.
Grace Meng: Protect long-term solvency through increased tax fairness.
Hakeem Jeffries: Fight right-wing efforts to destroy critical programs.
Jared Huffman: Increase wage cap, without privatization.
Joe Garcia: Opposes any effort to privatize Social Security.
Joe Kennedy III: No means testing; no age changes; no privatization.
John Delaney: Don't cut or privatize program that has been so successful.
Joyce Beatty: Advocate for full funding of Social Security.
Juan Vargas: Protect Medicare and Social Security.
Kevin Cramer: Doing nothing is not an option; more private sector options.
Kyrsten Sinema: Privatization is gambling in the roller-coaster stock market.
Lois Frankel: Focus on waste, fraud and abuse to protect Social Security.
Mark Pocan: Lift the cap on earnings subject to payroll tax.
Mark Takano: Fight to protect Social Security from privatizations plans.
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: Oppose any effort to privatize Social Security and Medicare.
Patrick Murphy: Keep promise & maintain program's long-term solvency.
Paul Cook: Keep promises to our seniors.
Pete Gallego: Oppose efforts to raise retirement age or privatize.
Raul Ruiz: Protect entitlements from slashing guaranteed benefits.
Rick Nolan: Don't turn Social Security over to Wall Street.
Scott Perry: Keep promise to seniors & develop common sense solutions.
Scott Peters: No diversion of assets from retiree Trust Fund.
Steven Horsford: Say no to privatizing Social Security and ending Medicare.
Suzan DelBene: The truth is, it's a good system; don't privatize.
Tammy Duckworth: Oppose efforts to undermine Social Security.
Trey Radel: Guarantee the commitments made to seniors.
Tulsi Gabbard: No budget cuts to Medicare and Social Security.
Brenda Lawrence: No more scare tactics on Social Security.
Paul Ryan: Give millions a chance to prosper in investor class.
Ron Barber: System needs modest adjustments, not privatization.
Bob Turner: Oppose efforts to privatize or bankrupt the system.
Janice Hahn: Moral responsibility to honor our obligations to seniors.
Kathy Hochul: Endorsed by National Committee to Preserve Social Security.
Tax Reform
Andy Barr: Decrease marginal rates, death tax, and capital gains tax.
Ann Wagner: Lower both individual and corporate taxes.
Chris Stewart: Just three rates: 10%, 15% and 25%.
Dave Curson: Wealthiest Americans should pay their fair share.
David Valadao: Super-majority to raise taxes.
Doug LaMalfa: Increasing taxes harms our fragile economy.
Elizabeth Esty: End special Bush tax cuts for millionaires.
Eric Swalwell: Fairer tax system with tax increase on wealthiest Americans.
George Holding: Help families by cutting taxes, not launching new programs.
Grace Meng: Require wealthy individuals & corporations to pay fair share.
Jared Huffman: Let Bush tax cuts expire; tax Wall Street.
Joe Kennedy III: Tax system where everyone pays fair share.
John Delaney: Allow the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy to expire.
Kerry Bentivolio: Cut taxes to reduce high unemployment.
Kevin Cramer: Flat tax to give investors certainty.
Luke Messer: Commonsense Hoosier approach: can't borrow out of debt.
Mark Pocan: Millionaires and billionaires should pay their fair share.
Markwayne Mullin: We are taxed enough.
Matt Cartwright: Criticizes tax policies that give upper class tax breaks.
Michelle Lujan-Grisham: End the Bush tax cuts for millionaires & Big Oil.
Paul Cook: I will oppose any new tax.
Raul Ruiz: Minimum tax rate of 30% for millionaires.
Richard Hudson: Pledge to never increase taxes.
Robert Pittenger: Simplify and lower taxes.
Rodney Davis: Simpler, fairer tax system, to create jobs.
Roger Williams: Lower taxes and then reform the tax code.
Scott Perry: Lower taxes; simplify tax code; broaden the base.
Sean Maloney: Stop giving massive tax cuts to millionaires & corporations.
Steve Daines: Problem is not that taxes too low, but spending too high.
Steven Horsford: Tax cuts for the middle class & working families.
Susan Brooks: Simplified tax code with lower marginal tax rates.
Suzan DelBene: Support the Buffett rule; millionaires pay higher taxes.
Tammy Duckworth: Divide burden fairly; let Bush tax cuts expire for wealthy.
Ted Yoho: Replace estate and gift tax with FairTax.
Thomas Massie: Current tax system punishes achievement.
Tom Cotton: Support pro-growth policies with simple & low tax rates.
Tom Rice: Fairer, flatter and simpler taxes.
Paul Ryan: Eliminate double taxes like the death tax and AMT.
Ron Barber: National debt resulted from tax cuts for the richest.
Annie Kuster: High earners should pay fair share to reduce deficit.
Suzanne Bonamici: End the Bush tax cuts for millionaires.
Bob Turner: Cut taxes & spending to end economic crisis.
Mark Amodei: Americans don't pay too little in taxes.
Kathy Hochul: Remove Thruway tolls & new license plate mandate.
Alan Lowenthal: Champion of infrastructure investment.
Hakeem Jeffries: Bridge the digital divide in our schools.
Kerry Bentivolio: No regulation of Internet service nor political speech.
Rick Nolan: Rebuild infrastructure by ending Bush tax cuts.
Paul Ryan: Bring FISA up to 21st century communications standards.
War & Peace
Ami Bera: Make sure al Qaeda does not get its hands on nuclear weapons.
Chris Stewart: American Exceptionalism stands at crossroads of history.
Elizabeth Esty: Speed up the drawdown of troops in Afghanistan.
Elizabeth Esty: A nuclear-armed Iran poses a major threat.
Eric Swalwell: Speedier withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan.
Eric Swalwell: Don't let Iran get one step closer to nukes.
Grace Meng: Remain on offensive against terrorism, including Iran.
Joe Kennedy III: Stay vigilant with Iran as we leave Afghanistan.
Mark Pocan: Iraq War was "Not in Our Name".
Mark Takano: Reducie the number of nuclear weapons worldwide.
Markwayne Mullin: No US troops under UN control.
Patrick Murphy: Pursue Al Qaeda, but get troops out of Afghanistan.
Patrick Murphy: Immediate military action if Iran attacks Israel.
Rick Nolan: Conclude the wars and bring the troops home.
Ron DeSantis: Defend American sovereignty.
Tammy Duckworth: Iraq was a distraction from the real threat of terrorism.
Tom Cotton: Iraq and Afghanistan wars were just and necessary.
Tulsi Gabbard: End our involvement in Afghanistan.
Paul Ryan: Supported the Iraqi Surge; opposed call for sudden retreat.
Paul Ryan: Don't let Afghanistan return to a terrorist training camp.
Paul Ryan: No artificial surrender dates in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Paul Ryan: Remain vigilant in global War on Terrorism.
Suzanne Bonamici: End war in Afghanistan; watch spending in Iraq.
Janice Hahn: Responsibly bring home troops from Afghanistan & Iraq.
Welfare & Poverty
Gloria Negrete McLeod: Work with churches to build secure communities.
Hakeem Jeffries: Aggressive federal program to prevent foreclosures.
Juan Vargas: Worked as Jesuit in disadvantaged communities.
Luke Messer: Co-founded Childshare, a faith-based not-for-profit.
Paul Ryan: Cold social programs have displaced civility and charity.
Paul Ryan: Subsidize and deregulate our wealth of faith based charities.
The above quotations are from Survey of 2012 House campaign websites.