Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election |
What Happened , by Hillary Clinton (2017) |
Higher Loyalty , by James Comey (2018) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Hard Choices, by Hillary Clinton (2014) |
Becoming , by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
Congressional 2010 Political Courage Test, by Project Vote Smart

Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations from Congressional 2010 Political Courage Test (number of quotes indicated):
- Alexander Snitker (9) Florida Libertarian Lt. Governor Challenger
- Alvin Greene (11) 2010 Democratic Challenger South Carolina
- Bill McChesney (12) Montana Democratic 2016 Gubernatorial candidate
- Chris Coons (6) Democratic Jr Senator Delaware
- Eric Deaton (8) 2010 Constitution Party challenger Ohio
- Gloria La Riva (12) California Party for Socialism and Liberation
- Joe Bellis (10) 2010 Reform Party Challenger Kansas
- Joe Kyrillos (9) Republican Challenger New Jersey
- Joe Miller (16) Challenger and previous Republican Nominee Alaska
- Julia Brownley (11) Democrat U.S. Rep California-26
- Mark Zaccaria (4) Republican Senate Challenger Rhode Island
- Michael Pryce (11) Republican Challenger (lost 2012 primary) Ohio
- Randy Weber (7) Republican U.S. Rep Texas-14
- Tom Sullivan (9) 2010 Democrat Challenger Idaho
OR click on an issue category below for a subset. |
The "Political Courage Test", according to Project Vote-Smart, "measures each candidates willingness to provide citizens with their positions on key issues. Most candidates, fearing their opponents might use their positions in attack ads, refuse or only respond to a few questions that their consultants stamp as safe. Each candidate is repeatedly confronted with these issue questions by Vote Smart, national media and political leaders of both major parties."
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Joe Kyrillos: Pro-life except rape & incest.
Joe Kyrillos: No funding for stem cell research, embryonic or not.
Bill McChesney: Abortion very last option, but make that choice without fear.
Bill McChesney: Supports stem cell research.
Gloria La Riva: Right to abortion regardless of ability to pay.
Gloria La Riva: Supports embryonic stem cell research.
Michael Pryce: Completely against abortion as a form of birth control.
Michael Pryce: No funding for embryonic stem cell research.
Randy Weber: Require parental notification and parental consent.
Randy Weber: No embryonic stem cell research.
Julia Brownley: Supports embryonic stem cell research.
Alvin Greene: Pro-choice; but no federal subsidies.
Alvin Greene: Federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.
Chris Coons: Pro-choice, but no federal subsidies.
Chris Coons: Support embryonic stem cell research.
Joe Bellis: Pro-life with no exceptions.
Joe Bellis: Supports federal embryonic stem cell research.
Joe Miller: No federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.
Tom Sullivan: Decision by an individual based upon their faith.
Alexander Snitker: Government must define when life begins & then protect it.
Alexander Snitker: No federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.
Civil Rights
Joe Kyrillos: No same-sex marriage; no orientation discrimination laws.
Joe Kyrillos: Affirmative action ok, but not with quotas.
Bill McChesney: Civil unions ok; but not same-sex marriage.
Bill McChesney: Supports affirmative action.
Mark Zaccaria: Marriage only between one man and one woman.
Michael Pryce: End affirmative action programs.
Michael Pryce: Marriage only between one man and one woman.
Randy Weber: No affirmative action; no "gender identity".
Julia Brownley: Supports affirmative action.
Julia Brownley: Supports same-sex domestic partnerships & marriage.
Alvin Greene: End affirmative action programs.
Alvin Greene: Marriage for one-man-one-woman; no gays in military.
Joe Bellis: No definition of marriage; but no gays in military.
Joe Bellis: End affirmative action, and most other, federal programs.
Joe Miller: No openly gay members in the military.
Joe Miller: End affirmative action programs.
Alexander Snitker: Open gays ok in military; don't define marriage.
Alexander Snitker: End affirmative action programs.
Joe Kyrillos: Support capital punishment.
Joe Kyrillos: Don't prosecute minors as adults; consider alternatives.
Bill McChesney: No to capital punishment; yes to prosecuting minors.
Gloria La Riva: Opposes capital punishment; shut down most prisons.
Michael Pryce: Supports capital punishment.
Michael Pryce: No reduced prison sentences for non-violent offenders.
Randy Weber: Supports the death penalty.
Randy Weber: Alternative sentencing ok; trying minors sometimes ok.
Julia Brownley: Opposes capital punishment.
Julia Brownley: Alternative sentencing and separate juvenile courts.
Alvin Greene: Supports capital punishment.
Joe Bellis: No capital punishment.
Joe Miller: Supports capital punishment.
Joe Miller: Mandatory prison for drugs; reduced prison for non-violence.
Tom Sullivan: Supports capital punishment.
Tom Sullivan: No mandatory prison for drugs; reduced for non-violence.
Alexander Snitker: Supports capital punishment.
Alexander Snitker: Job-training, substance-abuse, & early-release for prisoners.
Eric Deaton: Being pro-life, I believe in very limited capital punishment.
Bill McChesney: Medical marijuana ok; but wait on decriminalization.
Michael Pryce: Mandatory prison sentences for selling illegal drugs.
Randy Weber: Keep marijuana possession criminalized.
Julia Brownley: Decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana.
Alvin Greene: No mandatory drug sentences.
Joe Bellis: No mandatory prison sentences for selling drugs.
Joe Miller: Mandatory prison for drugs, with substance-abuse treatment.
Tom Sullivan: No mandatory prison for drugs, yes substance-abuse treatment.
Alexander Snitker: No mandatory prison sentences for selling illegal drugs.
Eric Deaton: Rehabilitate drug sellers rather than just locking them up.
Joe Kyrillos: Supports teacher merit pay; supports charter schools.
Bill McChesney: No state funding for charter schools.
Gloria La Riva: Guaranteed free education from pre-K through college.
Michael Pryce: Federal funding for K-12 school vouchers.
Julia Brownley: Supports charter schools.
Joe Bellis: No vouchers; no charters; no federal involvement.
Joe Miller: Federal funding is unconstitutional.
Energy & Oil
Bill McChesney: Develop alternative energy AND non-renewables.
Gloria La Riva: International and domestic rules to reduce climate change.
Mark Zaccaria: No climate change laws; no cap-&-trade; more oil exploration.
Julia Brownley: Switch from traditional energy to alternatives.
Alvin Greene: National & international regulations for climate change.
Alvin Greene: Domestic oil exploration, nuclear power, & alternatives.
Eric Deaton: Produce oil from the easy state-side locations.
Bill McChesney: Manage wolf hunting; preserve open spaces.
Gloria La Riva: Increase fuel efficiency standards; and don't build nukes.
Foreign Policy
Gloria La Riva: Close all US bases abroad; and exit all war zones.
Free Trade
Joe Miller: Supports US involvement in free trade agreements.
Alexander Snitker: No free trade agreements; free trade with all nations.
Eric Deaton: Free trade agreements have destroyed our economy.
Government Reform
Joe Kyrillos: Term limits; campaign donation limits; full disclosure.
Bill McChesney: Limit all types of state campaign contributions.
Gloria La Riva: Eliminate corporate campaign contributions.
Michael Pryce: Remove all contribution & spending limits on campaigns.
Randy Weber: No limits on campaign contributions nor campaign spending.
Julia Brownley: Limit campaign contributions and campaign spending.
Julia Brownley: Lengthen term limits for state legislators.
Alvin Greene: Keep campaign donation limits; no voluntary spending limits.
Chris Coons: Campaign spending is not a form of speech.
Joe Miller: Increase campaign limits; deregulate corporate donations.
Tom Sullivan: Keep limits on political donations; restrict corporations.
Eric Deaton: Limit & regulate campaign contributions.
Eric Deaton: No line item veto; limit "signing statements".
Gun Control
Joe Kyrillos: Restrict gun purchases; no concealed carry.
Bill McChesney: No restrictions; no licenses; even for concealed carry.
Gloria La Riva: Second Amendment guarantees individual gun ownership.
Mark Zaccaria: Second Amendment guarantees individual right to own guns.
Chris Coons: Respect 2nd Amendment with common sense limitations.
Joe Bellis: Armed citizenry is only obstacle to oppressive governmen.
Joe Miller: Yes, concealed carry; no assault rifle ban.
Health Care
Bill McChesney: Mandated insurance ok; tort reform not.
Gloria La Riva: Healthcare is a right; create single-payer system.
Homeland Security
Gloria La Riva: Eliminate military hardware &missile defense programs.
Joe Bellis: More spending to develop new weapons.
Joe Miller: Increase only missile defense & intel spending.
Tom Sullivan: Slightly increase military spending.
Eric Deaton: More spending on military R&D and hardware.
Mark Zaccaria: No pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants.
Julia Brownley: In-state tuition OK for illegal immigrants.
Alvin Greene: Pathway to citizenship, with official English.
Chris Coons: Supports comprehensive federal immigration reform.
Tom Sullivan: Pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants.
Alexander Snitker: Legal immigrants ok; no pathway for illegal immigrants.
Social Security
Alvin Greene: Privatize elements of Social Security.
Chris Coons: Against privatizing Social Security.
Tom Sullivan: Against privatizing; but reduce regulations.
Joe Miller: Privatize elements of Social Security.
Tax Reform
Gloria La Riva: Increase tax rate for high incomes; no tax below $50,000.
Joe Miller: Eliminate income tax; support the FairTax.
War & Peace
Michael Pryce: No military nor development funding for Afghanistan.
Michael Pryce: Withdraw from Iraq; but sanctions on Iran.
Joe Bellis: Withdraw US troops from Iraq & Afghanistan.
Joe Miller: Focus on Afghan terrorism, not on nation-building.
Joe Miller: Keep forces in Iraq like we have in South Korea.
Tom Sullivan: Withdraw from Iraq; carry on in Pakistan.
Eric Deaton: Withdraw from Iraq; increase sanctions on Iran.
Welfare & Poverty
Joe Miller: Eliminate federal welfare; implement federal hiring freeze.
The above quotations are from Congressional 2010 Political Courage Test, by Project Vote Smart.
- 2020 Political Courage Test: House and Senate
- 2018 State legislation: House, Senate, and Governor
- 2016 State legislation: Presidential, Gubernatorial, and State
- 2013-2014 Political Courage Test: Gubernatorial & Senate, plus legislative records
- 2011-12 State legislation: House and Senate plus legislative records
- 2009-10 Political Courage Tests: Senatorial, Gubernatorial, and State legislation
- 2008 Political Courage Tests: Presidential, Gubernatorial, and Senatorial
- 2006 Political Awareness Tests: Gubernatorial and Senatorial
- 2004 Political Awareness Tests: Presidential, Gubernatorial, and Senatorial
- 2002 Political Awareness Tests: Gubernatorial and Senatorial
- 2000 Political Awareness Tests: Presidential and Congress
- 1996-1998 Political Awareness Tests: House, Senate, and State
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