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Fred Upton on Principles & Values

Republican Representative (MI-6)


AdWatch: "Vote him out" Trump PAC disendorsement

Trump is amping up his battle against those who voted in favor of the Democrats' $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, calling on other Republicans to challenge them in primaries. "Saving America starts by saving the GOP from RINOs, sellouts, and known losers!" Trump said in a statement to followers of the Save America PAC. OTI Ad transcript:[Music and text without voiceover]:[images and links]: Three already quit. Save America from RINOs. Save America, President Donald J. Trump.
Source: Fox News AdWatch 2022: Trump disendorsement of "RINOs" , Nov 15, 2021

Religious affiliation: Protestant.

Upton : religious affiliation:

The website is an independent project and is not supported by or affiliated with any organization (academic, religious, or otherwise).

What�s an adherent?

The most common definition used in broad compilations of statistical data is somebody who claims to belong to or worship in a religion. This is the self-identification method of determining who is an adherent of what religion, and it is the method used in most national surveys and polls.

Such factors as religious service attendance, belief, practice, familiarity with doctrine, belief in certain creeds, etc., may be important to sociologists, religious leaders, and others. But these are measures of religiosity and are usually not used academically to define a person�s membership in a particular religion. It is important to recognize there are various levels of adherence, or membership within religious traditions or religious bodies. There�s no single definition, and sources of adherent statistics do not always make it clear what definition they are using.

Source: web site 00-ADH10 on Nov 7, 2000

Endorsed Endorsed by Log Cabin Republicans; supports gay rights.

Upton is endorsed by by the Log Cabin Republicans:

Log Cabin Republicans is the nation�s largest gay and lesbian Republican organization. Log Cabin was founded to battle the nation�s first anti-gay ballot measure -- California�s Proposition 6 in 1978. We enlisted Ronald Reagan to publicly oppose the measure, which was then defeated. Since then, Log Cabin Republicans has grown and expanded to become a leading voice on the national stage on behalf of the mainstream concerns of the gay and lesbian community.

We care deeply about equality and we hold Republican views on crime, fiscal responsibility, and foreign policy. We believe in individual rights rather than group rights. We believe in limited government rather than big government. We believe that free markets lead to free people and that all Americans should be able to participate fully in the political process.

We represent the next generation for the gay and lesbian community. No longer will we be told where we must live, how we must dress, and how we must vote. Now there is a political alternative. We know that we will move ahead only when gay people are honest about who they really are. And as the far right continues its drive to dominate our Party, Log Cabin Republicans joins other mainstream Republicans on the front lines of the battle for the Republican Party�s future.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Log Cabin Republicans is to work within the Republican Party for the equal rights of all Americans, including gay men and women. The mission of the Log Cabin Republicans derives from our firm belief in the principles of limited government, individual liberty, individual responsibility, free markets and a strong national defense. We emphasize that these principles and the moral values that underlie them are consistent with the pursuit of equal treatment under the law for gay men and women. We believe these same core principles also best serve the best interests of the gay community.
Source: Log Cabin Republicans web site 00-LCR0 on Nov 7, 2000

Member of the Republican Leadership Council.

Upton is a member the Republican Leadership Council:

Dedicated to building a stronger Republican majority by promoting the fundamental conservative ideals of lower taxes, less government and more personal freedom....

The Republican Leadership Council was formed in 1997 by leading Republicans throughout the country concerned that the Republican Party is being increasingly defined by the actions of an intolerant vocal minority that divides the GOP.

The Republican Party is at a crossroads. We now face a situation similar to that of the Democrats of the 1980`s who were dominated by a vocal minority from the far-left liberal wing of their Party. Our challenge now is to unite all Republicans behind a common agenda that helps us expand our majority.

The RLC believes that we must articulate a vision, and a message, based upon the Reagan legacy of limited government and expanded personal freedom. The GOP must unite around the core Republican principles of less government, lower taxes, substantive education reform, anti-crime initiatives and a strong national defense.

The RLC seeks to promote these core issues that unite Republicans, and as Ronald Reagan successfully accomplished, attract conservative Democrats and Independents to forge a winning electoral coalition in congressional and presidential elections. This is the RLC`s vision for the 21st century.

The Republican Leadership Council is committed to playing a key role in electing common-sense conservatives and promoting the core issues of the Republican Party.

Source: RLC web site 01-RLC0 on Jan 1, 2001

Member of the Republican Main Street Partnership .

Upton is a member the Republican Main Street Partnership:

The Republican Main Street Partnership was founded in 1998 to promote thoughtful leadership in the Republican Party, to serve as a voice for centrist Republicans and to partner with individuals, organizations and institutions that share centrist values.

The Partnership pursues public policies that reflect a limited, but responsible role for government and that are designed to achieve fiscal responsibility, economic growth, improvements in the human condition and a nation that is globally competitive and secure. Partnership members include individuals who are interested in moderate Republican policies, focusing on governance and on finding common sense solutions to national problems.

The Republican Main Street Partnership is an organization of party members and public officials committed to building America's principled but pragmatic center within the Republican Party and throughout the nation. The Partnership contributes to the nation's governance through developing and promoting creative public policies for implementation at appropriate levels of government.
Source: RMSP web site 01-RMSP0 on Jan 1, 2001

Paperback: Mitt Romney
vs. Barack Obama
On The Issues

Member of the House Republican Young Guns.

Upton is a member House Republican Young Guns

The new generation of pro-market, small government leaders filled such a need that in October 2007, Fred Barnes of The Weekly Standard profiled Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan, and Kevin McCarthy and christened them the "young guns."

Kevin approached Eric & Paul about the idea of traveling together, as "Young Guns", to visit Republican candidates interested in a new approach for the party.

What began as an informal way to support like-minded candidates became a more formal structure. Once the three Representatives had studied the candidate and given their support to become a Young Gun, they committed to providing financial support through their campaign committees.

Existing House Republicans were approached with a simple pitch: Are we willing to help ourselves by being proactive and going on the offense to change this House? Dozens of our House Republican colleagues joined the Young Gun effort as one of the many signs that the Republican Party had shifted.

Source: Young Guns 10-HRYG on Sep 14, 2010

Chair of moderate GOP caucus, the Tuesday Group.

Upton is the chair of the Tuesday Group:

The Tuesday Group is an informal caucus of approximately 50 moderate Republican members of the House of Representatives in the 114th Congress (2015-2017). It was originally founded in 1994 in the wake of the Republican takeover of the House. The Republican House caucus was dominated by conservative Republicans and the Tuesday Group was founded to counterbalance that conservative trend. There were approximately 40 members when it was founded. In 2007 the Tuesday Group founded its own political action committee (PAC).

One co-chair describes the Tuesday Group as "thoughtful and pragmatic-minded Republicans in the House of Representatives who are focused on problem solving. The group wields significant influence to advance bipartisan solutions to some of our nation's most pressing issues. The members of Tuesday Group understand that compromise is not a dirty word and are committed to putting people ahead of politics."

Source: Tuesday Group press release from Rep. Charlie Dent 2015_Tues on Dec 31, 2015

Certify 2020 Presidential election as fully & fairly counted.

Upton voted NAY blocking certification of the Electoral vote

Explanation of 1/6/21 Electoral Certification, by Emily Brooks, Washington Examiner:Sen. Ted Cruz and Rep. Paul Gosar led an objection to counting Electoral College votes from the state of Arizona, the first formal objection to state results in a series of moves that will delay the certification of Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 presidential election over President Trump. Cruz is advocating for an `emergency 10-day audit` of election returns in disputed states. The usually ceremonial joint session of Congress that convenes to count and accept Electoral College votes will be put on hold as the House and Senate separately debate the objection.