Kathleen Sebelius on TechnologyDemocratic KS Governor |
High-tech industries represent the fastest growing sector of our economy. Children will need a strong math and science education to prepare them to enter the workforce. My budget includes funding for the Kansas Academy of Math and Science. Opening in 2009 at Fort Hays State University, the academy will ensure that talented young Kansans have the opportunity to be the next generation of world-class innovators.
We have incredible assets that promise future opportunity, whether its our thriving aircraft industry, our emerging plant, animal and life sciences sector, or the barely-tapped potential of bio-fuels. I am issuing an Executive Order creating the Kansas Innovation Consortium charged with overseeing the continued vibrant growth of Kansas. Key business leaders will join educators and agency heads to continue expanding and diversifying our economy.
Performance-Based Government
The strong anti-government sentiments of the early 1990s have subsided, but most Americans still think government is too bureaucratic, too centralized, and too inefficient.
In Washington and around the country, a second round of reinventing government initiatives should be launched to transform public agencies into performance-based organizations focused on bottom-line results. Many public services can be delivered on a competitive basis among public and private entities with accountability for results. Public-private partnerships should become the rule, not the exception, in delivering services. Civic and voluntary groups, including faith-based organizations, should play a larger role in addressing Americas social problems.
When the federal government provides grants to states and localities to perform public services, it should give the broadest possible administrative flexibility while demanding and rewarding specific results. Government information and services at every level should be thoroughly digitized, enabling citizens to conduct business with public agencies online.